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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. a guy advertise a bareback party on BBRT that he was hostimg at his hotel room while he was visiting Seattle. His status was negative and he was going to be the load taking bottom at the party. He said he had some home HIV tests he got online and was going to require the party participants to take the test before they started to play. I never did find out if he was bullshitting or not though. to me the test would be one more tool to help keep me negative while taking risks barebacking. Sure the tests are not 100% and a guy could have pozzed recently and the test misses that, but then not much in ife is 100% for sure, even fucking with condoms is not a guarantee you will stay negative. Condoms slip off, break... But I hope these home tests lead those who have been afraid to go in an get tested, to test at home. Because knowing your status is better than not knowing because when yoru know your can take better care of yourself,and if you know your poz you can focus your efforts on finding other poz guys to play with guys you can be up front with and know going into thigns that the sex is going to be raw and nasty.
  2. I think it is good. It will cause more people to get tested and for neg guys it's an extra bit of prevention if they bareback.
  3. I used to think it was embarrassing or gross but I find it fucking hot now watching a dude push/fart l load from his ass after being bred all night long.
  4. Him and Brent were boyfriends for a few years and that is how Brent got into porn and why he did bareback.
  5. It's the sleazier bathouse of the two left open in Seattle. Less attitude, but you'll also find more tweakers at the Z too. But if your looking for nasty bareback sex Z is the place.
  6. I bet that was fucking hot taking his load the way he power fucks.
  7. Chase McKenzie changed his name to David Ocean and continued on in porn.
  8. You are welcome!

  9. Glad to hear your family was accepting. Your mom and family are always going to express concern for your safety when it comes to your life. Wear a condom when fucking, wear a helmet when riding a bike, wear your seat belt.....That is just how parents are. So I would not focus on that one statement and let it prevent you from doing what makes you happy.
  10. It has become easier for those who hold puritanical views to feel comfortable expressing them with the internet. In the past they might not have felt comfortable doing so because they would have been attacked and labeled a prude. But overall I don't think that the community has become more puritanical.
  11. When I first hooked up with my ex I fucked him hard and we woke up to a wet bed he pissed the bed and that was not usual so we figured it was due to the fucking i gave him. Once we started seeing each other I got him to top me and the reverse happened. He fucked me hard and we woke up to a wet bed. I don't pee the bed ever so it due to the hard fucking he gave me.
  12. I am @seaguy11 on Twitter follow me and then check out my public lists bareback and gay porn stars where I have many bareback porn starts listed.
  13. They likely study the local laws and health codes for a particular city and also have disucssions with the venues before they decide to add a location and city. What get's no mention in Seattle of SFO would be headline news in Tulsa (just an example) and likely get shut down by cops or health officials if not picketed by the bible thumpers.
  14. Both are busier since Tribe closed down.
  15. One of the hottest stories I have ever read, great job!
  16. Steamworks kicked a guy out for barebacking during the first Cumfest party. Z is not so militant.
  17. He's on Xtube regularly. Looks healthier now. Still a fucking hot stud!
  18. Derek Anthony posted this on his Facebook page earlier today: Derek Anthony I am officially retired from the adult films I am not sending out any more pics clips etc, please don't ask, thanks for understanding!
  19. Looks like he is coming back he posted this on his FB page earlier today: Sage Daniels its been about 6 months since i did a vid last and since then from my appendix and knee surgeries im back in the gym hopping i can improve my body so i can come back to doing film's again
  20. Lito is on twitter as @LitoCruzXXX
  21. position Probabilities Written by Robert Bolan; David Rosenberg | Tuesday, 01 November 2011 Tags: health, instinct, november 2011, hiv/aids, weight loss, cosmetic procedures Q: What is thought to be the risk—nowadays—for contracting HIV from topping? Ben in Maine A: I can’t give you an exact answer, but I can help you understand the relative risks involved in various exposures. There are three factors to consider, only one of which is affected by which position you’re in: Dose—How much virus is present in various locations in your HIV-positive partner during sex. A person not on treatment and with a very high serum viral load is going to have a lot of virus at different sites. We don’t actually measure viral load at different sites but use the serum viral load to tell us what the relative amount will be in, say, the rectal tissues. It will be higher in someone not on treatment (and maybe not even aware that they are positive), and it will be lower in someone on treatment. Exposure—This refers to how much surface area of mucous membranes (where the virus can enter the body) is exposed and to amount of time you are exposed. Since the opening of the urethra is relatively small, being a top entails less exposure than being a bottom. Resistance—This refers to your own resistance to HIV at the mucous membrane location of exposure. If you have an STD, for example (which you might not even realize), your body’s resistance to HIV is reduced. All other things being equal—the length of a sexual encounter, whether your immune system is compromised by another infection—your risk is considerably greater as a bottom than as a top. However, reduced risk is not the same thing as no risk. Unfortunately, we have seen many men test positive for HIV after unprotected sex; they often incorrectly assumed they did not need to use condoms if they only had sex as a top. I applaud you for wanting to be aware of risk factors in order to make educated decisions about your health. Please protect yourself, and get tested regularly, regardless of whether you are a top, a bottom or you switch it up. —RB
  22. I have never found anything that can be attributed to him on the record stating his status.
  23. Jared is returning to bareback porn according to Brad Bare a well written and authoritive bareback blog http://www.bradbare.com/2012/jarod-steel-to-return-to-bareback-porn-with-a-big-bang/#comment-1408
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