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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. I like how he's versatile too. Can give a load and take one too.
  2. Makes me want to go to Palm Springs even more so now that you said that! ;-)
  3. Works fine for me using Google Chrome you might want to try downloading a Codec packl? This ones free and fixed some issues I had with nastykink0vids not playing http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm
  4. I think it was done for a website it seems to professional with the soundtrack music and all to be true amateur but it is hot!
  5. Some people feel like it is thier duty to tell others how to live thier lives. They are usually Republicans in addition to being complete ass holes like your lecturer. Wonder if he felt like he was doing some sort of good thing getting in your personal business and trying to tell you how to have sex.
  6. He should try one of the other similar drugs like Fluoxetine or Wellbutrin my experience was when I switched the sexual side effects went away. But each drug seems to have it's own set of side effects for each person.
  7. Could also be that some blame porn because it is easier than admitting that they are really just slutty whores deep down who like bareback.
  8. People who send messages like the one above to someone they do not know attacking that person for the lifestyle they lead are usually pathetic individuals who hate themselves for partaking in the particular lifestyle choice they are so against. They also tend to not have anything else going on in their life. Because I don’t know of anyone in my life who has a hobby attacking strangers for barebadcking. I would just report that pathetic hater for hate speech to Grindr then block his punk ass. He’s so pathetic it’s not worth your time to dwell on it.
  9. We send our soldiers off to war to fight for our freedoms not for ass holes like him to try and put us under North Korea style laws. What a hypocrite idiot.
  10. He reaped what he sowed. 28 is not old, what a fucking cunt!
  11. He is not gay, it offends me as gay man that anyone would try and label a pedophile who anally raped young boys as being gay. Gay men have sex for pleasure, Sandusky was doing it out of some sickness that caused him to want to rape young boys. Hope they shank his ass in prison.
  12. He uses the fact that he is on meds to justify his meth use I bet.
  13. See I think them being a top means that they need to post a hard cock photo because I don't know of any bottom who likes to be dissappointed by hookinig up with a small dicked top. It's too easy for guys to say oph year I got a huge cock. Sure they can post a fake pic but eventually fakers like that get called out and thier reputations take a hit. If you have a big dick walk the talk post pics of it and be proud of it. And if a top has small dick that causes him to feel self concious then he need to learn to be a bottom. lol
  14. Personally I like one pic showing them liump so I can use it as a comparison to the pics they post of themselves hard. so when I am working on getting it hard I know when I can stop the sucking and we can commence with what I really want the ass fucking.
  15. Unfortunately in Seattle bottoms have to hunt cause the number of tops seems to be be about half the number of bottoms and then when you remove the bad tops if your a bottom that likes to get fucked goood and hard then you definitely better be on the hunt.
  16. The tops like this set up cause they get two for the price of one.
  17. cheating occurs just as often in the heterosexual community I think. They have a tv show dedicated to it. LOL
  18. Was the factory booth promoting any of thier bb videos? They have quite a bit of condom and oral stuff so they might have just left the bareback stuff out of the booth to get it. Treasure Island on the other hand couldn't do that really since most of thier videos if not all are BB and they don't cave in on things like that.
  19. Those sounds like the type of questions someone trying to figure out if they have met you before because they cannot recall might ask. Some people are not as good remembering meeting others so It could be that? But if you know for a fact he's a meth user then that also can cause people to forget previous meetings. Thought most tweakers I have met remember meeting people.
  20. When they banned bareback porn studios from IML I know that fans of BB porn got pissed and many pledged to stop attending so I'm not sure what effect that had on things.
  21. The manufactorers are going to be required to have information similar to when you get a prescription drug it tells you the rate of false positives they had in clinical trials so anyone who sues is just an idiot looking to blame someone else or hoping the company pays them a settlement to go away.
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