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RotzBBengel last won the day on July 30 2018

RotzBBengel had the most liked content!

About RotzBBengel

  • Birthday 08/29/1995

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    Neg, Recently Tested
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    Dominant tops, 40-65 y.o. , hairy, bearded, won't mind a fat uncut cock either :P
    Wanna get tied up & blindfolded. Like to lick hairy assholes and sweaty armpits and to have men pissing over my body & face. Never been fucked by a group, but really curious about that...

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  1. Lust auf ein Live Treffen? Wohne sehr nah an Köln

  2. This story definitely deserves a spin-off... 👍👍 👍
  3. 💖💋💋💋💋💋

  4. Fuck yeah, Lee Ryder was HOT! Man, what a beautiful cock! But what about his face?!? No idea if he was trying to look sexy, but in the end he always looked like he was bored out of his brains...
  5. Hey Rotz, just to say thank you.

    Also your avators are awesome.

  6. https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2019_11/...SWEET....jpg.6a0730907466b909fbed096dd7f3e23f.jpg


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RotzBBengel


      When your boy doesn't feel like sucking his daddy's cock... *LOL*

    3. DarkroomTaker


      Both for me then Rotz....

    4. RobDog


      I'd rather  taste  cum or piss straight  from a Man

  7. Thanks for the follow!

  8. Wow, my hole overflowing with your unmedicated poz cum sounds like a dream cum true...
  9. IMHO, that guy should be really grateful. Those condom nazis are like little children: Instead of always giving them what they want, you should give them what's good for them... And if that darkroom encounter with you really was his first cum-in-ass experience, I'm sure he'll be back for more soon - who wouldn't want a big throbbing bear cock squirting cum up his ass?!?
  10. You'll make a great stealther, dude. You've got all that it takes, you just don't seem to have realized yet...
  11. That's the spirit! Bending over for total strangers in a pitch black room, even if insisting on using a condom, you're practically begging to get stealthed. That stupid bitch just got what it deserved. If he was really serious about having safe sex, he shouldn't have gone to a dark room in the first place. Just my opinion...
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