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viking8x6 last won the day on May 22 2024

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About viking8x6

  • Birthday 06/06/1966

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  1. Moderator here. Your request was received and your account is marked for deletion. It will actually go away when the Administrator processes the pending deletions. More details in the topic above, to which I am merging your post.
  2. If Trump is even running in 2028 we have more than lots of problems, we have a Constitutional disaster.
  3. Please post individual video links from miscellaneous sites in this topic. Please DO NOT post links for sites that host pirated commercial porn! It is against the rules! Please DO NOT post links for sites that have malware on them!
  4. In this context, that suddenly reminds me of my (now deceased) ex-BF, who, back in his glory days, used to have a Christmas party every year with a real tree lit with real candles.
  5. Actually I was not demanding, nor even advocating, anything. I was clarifying the actual numbers with regard to US spending "on NATO," and that the numbers reported regarding NATO spending are not spending "on NATO," simply spending by NATO countries on their own defense forces. Given how the US and Europe use their respective military forces, I don't think it's inappropriate that (historically) the US would be spending more. If European countries choose to devote more resources to supporting Ukraine, I would expect them to spend more, and of course very likely they will.
  6. Here are a couple of links to relevant (or possibly relevant) information: https://www.them.us/story/rfk-jr-cracking-down-poppers-double-scorpio-fda https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15563650.2025.2455531#abstract (linked because the timing of publication seems not coincidental - though of course it may be)
  7. What was that about "less government" I heard all those people who voted for the current administration saying?
  8. I'm pretty sure I would be unhappy in a world without sex. That said, I'm not getting anywhere close to the amount that I think would be good for me. Volunteers to help me change that welcome! For extra credit, here's a movie quote: 'In Sweden we always say, "A meal without pie is like a meal without sex."'
  9. @ffoz - the site does not support video content.
  10. @COX2 - there's a limit on the total size of all the attachments on your forum posts. The way around this is to post your image in a Gallery, and then attach it to the post. This can be tricky; you can find more info here:
  11. I didn't realize it either, but your post got me curious so I looked it up. They were approved for use (for precocious puberty) in the mid-90s and were very quickly adopted for use in gender supportive therapy. The long term effects of the treatment haven't been studied much (as the article I read mentioned, manufacturers don't want to spend money on it because it's "a political hot potato"). Inasmuch as they have been (with the earliest patients now in their 40s), they do not appear to have frequent long-term negative effects [my paraphrase]. Personal sovereignty is a core value of mine for certain, and has been for as long as I can remember. I believe we need a constitutional amendment or three on the topic...
  12. True. But just a clarification here: as far as I know, no one is proposing that anyone take them until mid-life, or anything close to it! Young trans people are using them from just before the onset of puberty (say age 10-12) until they make a (hopefully final!) decision to transition, or not to do so (say age 16-18). If they don't transition, they just stop taking the blockers. If they do transition, they stop taking the blockers and start on gender-supportive hormone therapy. We do have three decades of data on this use, up to a duration of about six years. We don't have it on longer-term use, but, per above, why would you want to? TOTALLY agree with @PozBearWI that it should be the individual's decision with support from their medical providers and family as appropriate.
  13. I use whole psyllium husk (i.e. not ground to a powder) - Trader Joe's (and many other outlets) carries the NOW brand which works well for me. I find the whole husks stick together better on the way out than the powder does. It is 70% dietary fiber by weight (7g fiber per 10g serving size).
  14. OK people, don't get your knickers in a twist! @nanana's statement is not false per se, although it is somewhat misleading. If you combine the military spending of all NATO countries, US spending is approximately 70% of it (over the last 10 years). BUT (and this is why it's misleading) that's ALL military spending for the countries in question, including all operations everywhere, not just in Europe or on "Europe-relevant" theaters of engagement. If anyone wants to see the numbers, you can find them here: https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/2024/6/pdf/240617-def-exp-2024-en.pdf Personally, I think we (the US) spend too much. Of course, that's what the President says, too... Do I have to disinfect myself now?
  15. https://thisvid.com/videos/hot-pig-breeding-in-video-booth/ I think the top might be Montaz Morgan.
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