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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Dirty and sweet in perfect proportion. Delightful!
  2. OK, I went back to the CDC site and looked some more. It appears that what the news agencies picked up was a telebriefing on Monday 23 May. The CDC site has a recording of it, but it's 53 minutes long and I'm not up for that today. They claim that a transcript will be posted, but it has not been as of now (afternoon EDT Wed 25 May). [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2022/a0523-monkeypox.html
  3. If you believe the CDC's risk numbers are accurate, the risk of transmission for non-HVL HIV+ partner topping an HIV- bottom without protection, when neither have another STD, is 138/100,000. If he did this 300 times, his total risk of acquiring HIV would be just over 34%, or just over 1 in 3.
  4. I could find no information on the CDC website that included the quoted statement above. I looked pretty extensively. Please provide a link!!
  5. Wow... I've been a member for something like 10 years, and I'm a moderator, and I had NEVER noticed the multiquote option. In fact, I had to search for quite a while before I found it. Learn something new every day! That said, while I was looking for it I did find that if I quote one post and write some text in the draft message, and then quote another post, it adds the second quote at the end of the draft, so that's another option, e.g. if you don't know in advance which posts you want to quote.
  6. I was fortunate to grow up in a time and place where I got a reasonably complete sex ed class in 8th grade, so I would have known what to do (though not probably how to find it) if I'd crossed paths with STIs as a minor. As things happened, I was way too shy at the time (yeah, I got over it) to have that be an issue. Though I had no issues whatsoever dealing with it when I hit that bump at 20 (the college clinic guy was convinced I couldn't possibly have that... and I proved him wrong by showing up to the appointment with a crab louse stuck inside a piece of scotch tape). On a slightly political note, this issue (and the related one of teen pregnancy) is exactly why left-wingers are always insisting that yes, we do need sex ed in middle school (if not earlier), whether the values of the parents bless teenage sex or not.
  7. Love your avatar pic. So sexy!

    1. Hairypiglet


      I'd agree. Also he and I have the same birthday. Never fucked a guy with the same birthday, but apparently it's a fetish because as soon as I read that I got a tingle in my groin.

    2. Hwlaster1978


      I’m a pig bttm

    3. Hairypiglet


      Go read and like some stories and comment on issues in the forum. You'll be able to send messages soon as long as you remain active in the forums.

  8. Patience and enthusiasm and lots of lube should get you there. Also, remember, "size doesn't matter"... well, OK, I'll admit it does, but skill matters more. And on the technical side of things: 1. It probably isn't actually that big (see this link) 2. There are a bunch of topics on the "second ring" with helpful info including anatomy and suggestions. Here's a link to one that has some more detailed descriptions further down (page 4 I think):
  9. To be clear, there is censorship on this site. It's a moderated forum; that's what moderation means. What will be censored is spelled out very clearly in a small number of posts by @rawTOP , the most important of which are pinned at the top of the General Discussion forum. He is the site owner and decides what things need to be censored here to protect the site and make it a pleasantly nasty place to share our lurid and piggy thoughts and desires, and discuss the real-life implications.
  10. It's usual to post self pics on your own Activities feed, or in the Gallery, and keep the discussion area for discussion topics. Let me know if you need help on how to do that.
  11. @CigarBear68 I want to know how you find 'em! I'm right near the intersection of two big interstates, so there's got to be some here...
  12. Thanks for the follow!

  13. LOVE your avatar pic, man! Gorgeous!

  14. Don't be. It's a whole lot easier for us to read and handle one report than to read every single post in the topic just to see if one of them happens to be bugchasing proselytizer crashing the thread.
  15. Read the CDC pages and you will find out that this is not generally the case. Monkeypox outbreaks are largely associated with transmission from animals exported from Africa or from people who traveled to Africa and contracted it there. The disease is not common in humans (even in Africa).
  16. Moderator: Re. Report of this issue to moderator: Person reporting is not a member so will have to give us (in the report) a way to contact them so that we can verify it.
  17. Monkeypox is not particularly similar to syphilis in any way. Before deciding what (if any) behavior changes you would make in the event of larger outbreaks or widespread appearance of it (neither of which appear likely at this time), you would be well-advised to read up on the actual facts about it. A reasonable starting point would be the CDC page on it: https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/index.html
  18. If ANYONE here is bothered by bugchasing, substance use, or other inappropriate replies to their posts OUTSIDE the Backroom, PLEASE do report them! The moderation staff is very limited and it's virtually impossible for us to read everything that gets posted.
  19. Thanks for the follow!

  20. Thanks for the follow

  21. Yeah... that one is hot: [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_jzNqQ8tQYe5y
  22. Love the new chest shot!

    1. ellentonboy


      Thank you, I appreciate that.

  23. Revisiting this to refresh my memory before reading the new part, and I have to say, your writing is always so delightful, @Tommy Tank
  24. Kind of like my (gay bear) friend, an English PhD, who had to give a job talk on his thesis research (19th century erotic literature) at a Catholic university. Complete with discussion of the clitoris. He got the job.
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