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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. ... global climate change, pandemic disease, peak carbon ... The world is careening out of control. One has to be secure-minded indeed to face it every morning. It helps to remember that control - of anything other than oneself - is largely an illusion. And now, back to our regularly scheduled program...
  2. I consistently shoot larger loads when I have am aroused for a longer period (either foreplay or edging) before I ejaculate.
  3. Comparisons are odious. That said, for me personally, none of the features described would constitute a controlling factor in which person was more attractive. Except possibly being willing to participate in a particular role that suited my mood of the day (I'm 50+ versatile and sometimes really want to top, or bottom, though I'm almost always willing to do both). Factors that matter a lot more: Can they put more than two words together in communication and conversation? Are they passably good at indicating what they enjoy and understanding what I enjoy? Can they plan a connection and show up for it in anything less than geological time? Do they look like a man and not a prepubescent person? Etc...
  4. If it "wasn't really", they did rape you. You can choose what to do about that, but it is absolutely OK to call it what it is. You can get PEP for that if you do it promptly. I suggest that doing so might help you to feel more in control of the situation and give you time to make a considered assessment of your feelings about HIV risk.
  5. It would be unwise to rely on that... as someone said earlier in this topic,
  6. The only sure way to find that out would be experimentally... and the necessary experiment cannot ethically be done. In theory one could look for antibodies, but that wouldn't give an actual efficacy number.
  7. Those were removed because they included off-limits fetish material.
  8. Gee, do you think he'll recuse himself if they take up a reversal of Loving vs Virginia? 🤨
  9. I'll second this. My choice of words wouldn't be that I don't trust them, rather that I'm aware that they are just people, too, and have their limitations and make mistakes sometimes. Medicine, for all its progress, is in many ways still more a practice than a science. True. Having worked in that industry also (not in marketing, thankfully), I can say that while many of the people in the industry are in it because they believe in saving lives or improving quality of life, the companies are in it for the money. Because capitalism.
  10. Biggest - probably a friend of mine who's at least 9" (real measured inches, by comparison with mine which I know accurately) and medium thick. Alas, he's not an anal top, but I deepthroated him, which was delightful. Smallest - just this year, a local baby cub (legal, but barely) who's about 4" but the tip is super slender, only about 0.5 inch diameter (under 2" girth). It's a bit thicker at the base. He has fucked me once so far. I enjoyed it, but more for the load and the connection than for the physical sensation of being fucked.
  11. It's not my favorite word coinage, but I don't find it off-putting. My understanding, though, is that the etymology of that use of "taint" is that it refers to just the perineum, which is not really his crack/anus, nor his balls, but just the part in between: " 'taint " one thing or the other.
  12. That's a sad ending. And I suspect that in Italian culture a happier solution is out of the question. Very sorry for your loss.
  13. You might want to say "HIV phobia" or "poz phobia" rather than "AIDS phobia". Most poz men (at least in the US) don't actually have AIDS at this point. Also, don't forget that "safe sex" is not just about HIV - there are a heap of other STDs in various flavors of preventability, treatability, and permanence. Of course, condoms aren't a guarantee against some of those, either. Gosh, you'd think people would benefit from actually having a conversation about this, wouldn't you? 😉 But just this morning the (married, to a woman) guy who was plowing my ass raw said, "I hope you're clean." Bit late to be hoping that...
  14. Fair warning: The chart is somewhat inaccurate. It does not match the text, for starters...
  15. Thanks for the follow!

  16. Loving this! And what perfect attention to detail! 💓
  17. You've made a lot of assertions here, and not all of them are equally true. I'm going to discuss them separately to avoid people being misled: No it is not BS, a myth, or rare. True. Research (see below) shows superinfection rates of 0-7% worldwide. Getting other strains of HIV ... causes medication failure, Partly true. It can cause medication failure *only if* the new strain is resistant to the medications the infected person is taking. It certainly does not inevitably do so. ...or reinfected with the same original strain... Meaningless. You literally cannot get "reinfected" with a virus you are already actively infected with. Your body is already full of that virus. ...and the HIV patient progresses to AIDS much faster. Sometimes true. This is true *only if* the new strain is "more fit" than the one the infected person already has. Sometimes that is true, sometimes it is not. All of the facts I'm stating above are put forth in a 2013 research paper in Lancet Infectious Diseases (a reputable scientific journal). Here's the link: [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3752600/ The Pathogenesis section is of particular interest. Here's a link to the CDC page on HIV Superinfection (the technical term for this discussion topic): [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/hiv-transmission/hiv-superinfection.html
  18. To elaborate a little, the "disoproxil" and "alafenamide" parts of the tenofovir component are groups of atoms attached to the tenofovir molecule that help it get absorbed from the digestive system, protect it from destruction by the liver, and get it to the target cells it is protecting from HIV infection. The targeting is more effective with the alafenamide version, so they can use 25mg per day instead of 200mg per day. This helps reduce the side effects, which is particularly of concern for people whose kidney function is sensitive to the drug.
  19. @BootmanLA , thanks for your clear explanation. The above post also applies to vardenafil (Levitra) - and yes, if you're curious, its labeling information also specifically includes warnings against using it with alkyl nitrites (poppers). For those who want to know about the timing, you can use Levitra and Viagra up to 24 hours before poppers, and Cialis up to 48 hours before poppers, without worrying about the interaction (i.e. don't use them closer together than that). Here's the applicable research for Cialis: [think before following links] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14642699/ On the other hand, you can use poppers before any of these three drugs as close to them as half an hour without worrying - poppers are very volatile and clear the system rapidly. Here's the research paper for that: [think before following links] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10725305/
  20. Here's an actual link to the article, as I found that the Advocate web site didn't have a navigation option for their Health articles: [think before following links] https://www.advocate.com/health/2022/6/16/several-monkeypox-cases-linked-mr-leather-event-chicago
  21. Why not start one? Building web sites is insanely easy these days. You could put up samples to build your brand.
  22. "seem to be" is the operative phrase here. It is clearly faked. How isn't clear, because it's a well-done fake. One possibility is that he has a PA piercing (without a ring in) and has a small tube run through the hole from below, except in the last little bit where I suspect the tube is behind his dick (a couple of the spurts in that position look like they are coming from behind it).
  23. I suggest you read through some of the discussion topics in the General Discussion forum and see if you have an interesting personal response to them. That's a pretty easy thing to do, and revealing some of your personal character and experiences is often a good way to get other people to respond to what you say.
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