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Everything posted by NLbear

  1. Great clip, number 2 of 2 as well. Jake Deckard is fucking hot (this is from Dirty Director according to one of the commenters). Too bad about the condom.
  2. I just saw a vid with Cayden Clark. Never saw him before. Talking about hot muscle beef!!! This one was with a condom. Don't know if he barebacks.
  3. Same here, if someone left something behind I'll keep it but I wouldn't intentionally steal it. Would also limit the chance of a repeat when he realizes I stole something from him. And hey, may he realizes he is missing something and wants to come back to pick it up ;-)
  4. I also would love to see a vid of Arpad loading up a guy. Not sure if he ever did bareback in gay porn. He was one of my favs as well. What a hunk of a man. So sad what happened to him.
  5. Only had one verbal top so far. Most just breathe heavily and grunt until they cum. The one verbal top thought he'd throw in some "porn talk". Now, this sounds very silly in Dutch (All I know is American and French porn with a little Spanish here and there). He kept talking about my "poesje (pussy)" and "kutje (cunt)". Turned me off completely. I am not a woman! So I just layed there and prayed he'd cum quickly so I could leave. Fortunately he already came after a few minutes. I dressed, thanked him and practically bolted out of the door.
  6. I would agree to keep work and play separate. It sounds good to have a big raise and travel around but, as you said yourself, he expects the sex to continue. If anything happens in that area (either he becomes tired of you or you are no longer comfortable with this side of the job) then you're out. Would you be free to roam around or does he expect you to have sex with him only? If you are satisfied with your current job and it feels secure stay where you are even if it pays less. Of course, when you feel your current job is not secure or you don't like it anymore you may give it a shot. But my gut feeling is you would be looking for a new job in a few months time.
  7. Normally I go commando but I like wearing a jock during play. Don't really care what the top wears as long as it comes off soon. Want to have my hands on his naked butt. I have one jock that says "bottom" on the waist band and sometimes I wear that when going out making sure the waist band is exposed.
  8. trio a pelo / bareback threesome With an old friend who took part in some other videos we decided to add another guy: a hot muscular bottom, xtube admirer, who asked for a double cum fill. It was a hot, long and sweaty fuck... we were too distracted at times to pay attention to the camera. The tall guy cums inside his ass but there's no recording of that... altough you can see the creampie at the end and my cock full of the guy's cum before I shoot my own. Superb ending! http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=O6HaN-G692-#.U-Aib3kcTIU
  9. Although I have been to Playa del Ingles/Gran Canaria many times and even lived there for a while I have never been to sauna Heroes in the Yumbo. Has anyone been there? Care to share experiences? What type of guests? Younger or older? Or does that differ per day? Bare or strict control on safe only? Is there even an opportunity to have sex there or is it just a "regular" sauna without playground (I saw they have free cabins, but no mention of anything else)? I can find some snippets of info on internet (only two negative guest responses - one about the rude Irish host and one about "fat old people" being there), but not really any further inside information. Next time I am going to be there I will be staying only be 50m away, so thought it would be an alternative on a cloudy afternoon :-)
  10. 4 way orgy with bikerbearcub Bikerbearcub was visiting Florida from San Francisco and invited a group of black guys (Quincy, Dirk and dpx505) over to tag team and breed his furry ass. He got a total 4 loads in his ass! Quincy got a load in his ass as well. It was a really fun night at his hotel room. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=QRX8G-G488-#.U93gr3kcTIU
  11. I think it is very wise Tiger to keep them totally separate. But what if your daughter gets curious and googles Tiger Milner now that she knows your "artistic" name? Some things are bound to pop up you rather don't want her to see?
  12. This is a bit off-topic to Saturn1's question, but a more a question in relation to seaguy's reply. I am not really following what's happening in the world of gay porn in blogs etc. But with apparently new laws coming into effect in CA to ban BB is the expectation that major studios who do bareback porn now and are located in CA are preparing to relocate to a different state to avoid that law? If so, here would they go?
  13. NLbear


    Oh....and the darkroom upstairs at Drake's shop on Damrak (if the darkroom is still there). Don't know how it is at night, but a lot of horny businessmen during lunchtime :-) Beware of pickpockets though (but you have to look out for those everywhere). You pay once and can walk in and out of Drake's all day until closing time. May be fun during daytime. As for Anco Hotel: https://www.ancohotel.nl/ (Click the English button top right)
  14. NLbear


    I stayed at the ANCO Hotel years ago, when it was still run down. They have cleaned up their act I believe and renovated the place. Different type of rooms and also a dorm for the single traveller with 3-4 beds (€45.00 pp). Reputation is that there is a lot going at night and not just in the dorm. Just leave your door open. Guests stay there because of this sleazy reputation. If it is indeed still true I don't know. Maybe someone here knows more. Then again if you're really tired after a long night out and just want to sleep then maybe the dorm may not such a good idea when two guys next to you are fucking like bunnies.
  15. I always wondered if porn stars who retire to pursue a career outside porn (like Blue pursueing a legal career) aren't haunted by it in a professional life/career later on. After all, their face is splattered all over internet with pics/vids from when they did porn. You can only so much to change your appearance?
  16. Here (NL) we have something similar like Judge Judy (which I have seen) called "De Rijdende Rechter". Best translated as "The Mobile Judge". I always wonder if shows like this are scripted or not. Who would like to see his/her face for all to see on TV when you know you were in the wrong? To Barebackfaggot: isn't there some sort of legal institution that can help you getting your money back? Of course you would have to have proof you actually lent the money to them, and proof you didn't get it back. This being a family issue there probably is no paperwork except maybe bank transfer details.
  17. Thanks for that. We DO have an universal Healthcare system. Insurance is mandatory or you will be fined. You can pick and chose between Healthcare companies but you have to have one.
  18. Difficult to say yes or no. I love getting rimmed. Turns me on. But actually rimming myself? I am more into guys my own age and those turn out to be 40/50s guys and the more bear top types. I do no like to bury my tongue in a fat bear ass however. More interested in their cocks and bodies. However....the occasions I had with 20-somethings with juicy clean firm bubble butts I just couldn't get enough of rimming their asses. Got me all horned up. Them too because I could see their cocks getting harder. Perfect to get a good pounding afterwards.
  19. I agree the costs would be less to provide PrEP (if it would be 100% effective in prevention of contracting HIV) than providing drugs to keep a HIV+ patient alive, for the rest of their lives. But insurance companies are rats. At least in Holland they are not state controlled anymore, but private companies whose ultimate goal is to make a profit for the stakeholders. There is some government role in that government can order the sector to have a cap in premiums, but the whole privatization of health care in NL has been a total disaster. Where years ago, when we had a different system (state provided for low income for low cost or private for those who could afford it) people now are furious about the selling out and privitization of services by the government that used to be state owned. Everything had to be privatized because that would improve competition and drive prices down, they said. The opposite has happened. This is not just health care, but in a lot of other areas. The Dutch fear they are going the "American way", where you can only have a good service as long as you have money. And the low paid people are left to rot in the streets because they cannot afford it (at least that is what I see on news sites comments. We had a very good health care system but recent governments are breaking it down with the motto "competition will decrease the costs". Costs have only gone up since then. And politicians are doing the exact opposite of what they promised before the election as soon as they have a seat in parliament or government. I am totally disgusted. What worries me is that the majority still votes for those vultures. Sorry for ranting.........
  20. I am sure there will be many takers! The place caters to vanilla guys to outright filth :-) Try to get a Spanish guy (or more) from Las Palmas coming south for the weekend. They usually don't bother with condoms.
  21. This went straight to my favs on Xtube:-) Thanks for posting this
  22. The Dutch Aids Foundation has stated in 2012 that there were still too many questions about Truvada to release it on the market as medication to prevent HIV infection. They said Truvada could reduce the risk of getting infected "only" by 44 to 73%. They also stated then that the tight regime of taking medication every single day in combination with regular medical checks had proven to be difficult to keep up by (test) users. Six days ago (July 17th 2014) they released a statement saying they support further investigation into the feasability of using PrEP for a specific target audience (men who have unprotected sex with multiple men or neg men with HIV+ partners) and will start a study on that later this year together with the Amsterdam Health Services (GGD) and other parties. And yes, the EU is slow in making decisions. That's because there are 28 different countries in the EU, all with different social, cultural and religious backgrounds who all have to have their say. It's not a country. And I believe (but am not sure) that approving a certain type of medication to the EU market is an EU decision, not an invidual country decision (otherwise people would go shop around across the border). What is covered by health insurance though is a country decision, or even health insurance companies in that country. In Holland it wouldn't be the government that would have to carry the costs but insurance companies. But it differs per country depending of what their health care system is. I would assume (but Bearbandit knows this better than I) in the UK the NHS would have to pick up the costs. In Holland I am sure there will be companies who will refuse to cover the costs as they will regard it as giving somone a free ticket (at their and premium payer's expense) to have unprotected sex. They will say that there is a cheaper alternative: condoms. Which are also not covered by the way, but less expensive than the $5k+ the ECDC expects the costs to be for PrEP per person. They will also argue that it is unfair that other premium payers would have to pay for a gay guy's "free ticket" to have unprotected sex while there is an alternative (condoms). Which of course will be odd because my premium now also pays for stuff my fellow premium payers use but I don't and never will: contraceptive pills, abortions, fertility treatments and so on.
  23. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=veAvX-G190-#.U8uLPHmKDIU furry chaser fucks a latino cubbear
  24. I grew up with Cadinot even though it was hard to get into a sex theatre as a teen to see them. That's the only place they were shown. Now I don't watch them anymore as I am not really into twinks (unless it's a sexy muscled teen with a bubble butt fucking the hell out of a guy!). I was a twink myself then of course. I do remember some scenes though that made me cum alsmost instantly. Like Tiger I like Eric Videos now. Bit of a story setting at the beginning (mostly in Paris) and then these sexy thugs pounding away. Favorites being Darko, Keiran and Peto Coast. I do speak a little bit of French (not enough to hold a conversation) but not the street language these guys use. But I do understand "putain", "bite" and "baise" ("whore" "cock" and "fuck") :-)
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