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Everything posted by blkoraltm

  1. On Sunday I decided to take off and I went over to Tokyo Valentino here in Atlanta Georgia. I arrived early the parking lot was empty so I didn't expect much however I discovered that that is not the case. Arriving early is a must to get those that are still looking to come but don't have much to choose from. I cruised for a little while before someone decided to feed me there load. After that it was on, 2 loads down my throat later i had a man who fucked me. It was a good ride, difficult as he was quite tall so on my tiptoes to make sure I got it all. Best part of it was 2 hours later I got home and discovered I got a surprise breeding when I needed to push out what i thought was just lube out.
  2. [think before following links] https://twitter.com/Thickmenlovers/status/1520081988300029954?t=J-tBuJU61uWbPSHZVgGQVA&s=19
  3. who knows what this gay dumpling video is....
  4. Over the years I discovered my unluckiness when it comes to group play and preparations. Many times it always seems like for me when I was ultra-prepped no food today, light meals the day douched within an inch of my colon.. Oral only for me. Then when I expect the same and do none of that hands and heads galore at my hole. So I do the mid-clean. No Lunch. No Dinner (also helps when you get your throat pounded) and a standard clean. If you're double digits we might have a problem or you jackrabbit fuck.... But if someone wants to slide up the backdoor and is just a little larger than average it's good.
  5. Depends those occasions where I am bottoming out of my league.... Relax. Breath. Don't Fight it. When it isn't out of my league. Make it last! Ensure he's loving it so he don't stop!
  6. Sniffies is great since it tells you how many people are at cruising locations. Most often its pre-planning. knowing the BB events or where sex is most often
  7. Most times I go to a Bathhouse, Sex Party or ABS. Use of the Apps don't always work in foreign countries with the language when meeting
  8. Whenever I travel alone I try to go somewhere for an LGBT event and for some popular sex heavy location. This over the years has included international trips. I went to Rio for Carnival and got plenty of Loads. Amsterdam and got some loads; went to Toronto for Pride and dropped in FukdTo and got a load or 2. And of course I go to NYC quite often for the Bear Party and DC for any party... Most recently I dropped by Velvet Video in Waikiki and swallowed some dick... On a family trip so I had to sneak off for that
  9. Consistent Sex. At least the belief that it could be Consistent
  10. Why am I so Horny to eat ass???? I need to munch on some hole

  11. I went from Atripla to Odefsey. Been on Odefsey since 2018 or 19 after my knee and hip joints started to deteriorate a known side effect of A-trip La
  12. During the Wedding of Harry and Meghan my family went to London, Paris and Amsterdam and I managed to sneak off and hit up a sex club in all 3 locations in between spending the day on the lawn for the procession after the wedding.
  13. Shoulda gone years ago. Knee replacement and Quarantine 30 got me too fat probably. SF Here I come
  14. Allergies and Asthmatic here. Never touch em after I got grown grown. Especially after it became super difficult to suck a dick when one overzealous top when I was in my 20s repeatedly shoved that bottle under my nose
  15. I'm sure he's straight but I'd pay watch him talk like that and spray a load or 200. Anyone's recognize British Daddy?
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