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Everything posted by buzztham

  1. I agree people need to learn to avoid parts of the site that they don't like instead of making everyone else's time on the site harder
  2. if we did have to make a payment how would that affect the viewing of the site as I am on a tight budget and I like the fact the site is free and don't want that to change
  3. on a lot of sites I see people like rom Jeremy advertise for a larger penis if these pills and stuff don't work how can all these people sell the pills and devises for a larger penis with out getting in trouble with the law for false advertising
  4. what is the difference between in call and out call
  5. if a top wants me to be in pain from fucking then I have to take it to make the top happy
  6. please post the next part
  7. i just love the feel of a cock in my ass and topping just makes me feel out of place
  8. they don't want the kids looking at online porn but it has to start with the parents knowing what there kids are doing on the internet
  9. are there any tricks for sucking dick or to make it easer that work I heard if you squeeze your left thump it makes it easer to deep throat is this true and are there any other tricks that work
  10. what is gonorrhea like I never had or any other std for that mater and was wondering what its like
  11. I never had this happen but I would never make the top stop fucking me
  12. for me it says I,m in Rochester but I live in Austin and it dose not give any user names it is just a pin on the map
  13. what are some of the pick up lines people used on you I just got this one. Do you have a bandage? I scraped my knee when I fell for you.
  14. you shouldn't let the small stuff get to you if they were arrested for something when they were younger it was because they did something stupid. but if you happen to find your self in a position where your partner was in prison for murder or something then you should do what is right for you
  15. what is the best way to get noticed on a site like bbrt and what are the chances of a hookup in small MN town
  16. this may have been asked before and if so I can't find it. 1. What is and average dick size? 2. Do blacks have bigger dicks than whites and are the sizes in porn real sizes for dicks
  17. every top is different so you may never get a strait answer
  18. how long dose it take to get a text massage to join the cum dump network
  19. please post the next chapter
  20. I just put a signature on my profile but its only putting it on my new posts is this normal
  21. is there anybody near me that wants to meet
  22. I can see both sides of this but if we start letting the government make choices for us we are going to slowly lose more of are rights
  23. damn that was one hot story
  24. I love to try this as a bottom
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