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Everything posted by DivertirMe

  1. Yes, I've had sexual experiences with several "men of the cloth"... one is a priest in the Anglican Church (CofE/ Episcopal Church), another was ordained but don't recall what denomination. A friend (and theologian who may will be ordained in the near future) and I had sex once... do I get to count him too? On a side note, my 4th boyfriend/ lover was the son of a Anglican priest/ bishop, and the 3rd bf was the son of a former Roman Catholic priest.
  2. It seems situational and maybe also depends on how "sloppy" the hole is. I had one fuck buddy a few months ago ask me to give him a fresh hole when I come over. He's not a prude and has been to sex parties. I asked him about it and it was more the fact of not knowing whose jizz was in me that was the issue. Which I understood and respect. I feel similarly if I meet a bottom who's been whoring around. If I know the guy or guys who fucked and bred him I'm way more into joining the cum fest and likely to eat his hole. If its an anon situation I don't mind breeding a used hole-jizz is awesome lube-but I will limit what I will do with a bottom in that case. Definitely won't eat his hole if its been used by strangers who I don't know and that might not be on meds and getting checked regularly for STIs. The other thought I had is that it also depends on how messy or sloppy the hole is. Several times last spring and fall I would make the rounds to some buddies, often having 2-3 trysts with different men during the evening. I would shower and freshen up between each man, but kept every load inside me to mix together. I think no one made it an issue because it wasn't obvious that I'd taken dick earlier from another man. I smelled fresh and when they went down on me they couldn't smell or taste another man's jizz. If they can't smell it, see it, or taste it, the jizz from the other man or two in my hole is just awesome lube for a smooth, wet ride for he next guy to enjoy. None of those guys-one of whom was the same guy from the prior paragraph-ever asked or made an issue about having sloppy second (or thirds). That one time when my friend made that comment was when I'd come to his place straight from a sex party... we fucked, but I would have smelled like lube, poppers, and the 5 or 7 guys who had a piece of my ass.
  3. I'm toned, tall and well-proportioned, decently groomed, big-ish cock, so for more or less conventional tastes I'd say I'm 7.5-8. Most of the guys I know and play with are similar, though not by any means all of one "type." Again, conventional taste wise I'd say most of them range from 6-9. But as with anything, if a man can convey the sense that he knows how to fuck and is into me I'll give him a taste... at the end of the day I most appreciate a man who eats my hole, gets it wet, and then leaves me wetter still with his jizz.
  4. I typically have to set aside playtime, so I only clean out when I've got a hook up planned or there's a strong possibility of one. On the rare occasion I have a block of time available to look for dick I will clean out in advance of making plans to meet anyone just in case I come across a guy who's wanting to go ASAP.
  5. Love your response! I enjoy looking at, fucking, and getting fucked by a conventionally hot guy, ie. muscular, well-groomed, classically proportioned body and face. BUT, a decent to handsome guy (say a 5-7.5 on the scale) with an air of self-confidence, good manners, and a virile persona gets me hot and in the mood to be mounted very consistently.
  6. I'm very much in the 20-30min and 30min+ grouping... I love to feel a cock slide in my hole and it generally takes a while for me to reach the point of satiation. As long as my hole is kept wet I can take it for an hour pretty easily... I will of course take it longer if the man topping me likes a long fuck. The longest I've done was an over-nighter where the top fucked me for 2-2.5 hours before we both went to sleep, then fucked me another 45 min to an hour in the morning before he came... so it was like a 3 hour fuck to get his load. At the other end I had one fella I saw pretty regularly, we usually played for 45min to an hour, and the time was almost evenly split between me sucking his cock, him eating my hole, and him fucking my hole. So it was a shorter fuck time, 15-20 minutes, but with 10-25 min of him eating my hole so I was always very wet and "ready" when he wanted to enter me. With fuckbuds I'm way more flexible... I'll spend the time prepping my hole for a 5-min quickie to get a friend off, because its kinda like fuck banking. If he knows there's a good hole when he needs to get off then he's more likely to give me some long fuck time when he's not in a rush.
  7. An intensely emotional connection is not needed for me to fuck (bb or safe), but I've found I feel less fulfilled when there is no sense of trust or camaraderie between me and the other person or people having sex. My anon experiences have been few and far in between, the vast majority have been boyfriends or guys with whom there's been varying levels of regularity in our get togethers. I kinda prefer to more commonly used term in Europe of "sex friends," because the relationship is between acquaintances but it is initially and primarily sexual, with some occasions of hanging out for social reasons.
  8. I would add also that I think it's become fetishized as a direct negation of the moralizing, and often puritanical, insistence upon condom use as a societal good. Heterosexuals in loving relationships are assumed to bareback once their relationship reaches a certain point of commitment and intimacy, but for gays since the late 80s and 90s sex the "old-fashioned way" has been denigrated as degenerate in our zeal to curtail HIV transmission.
  9. I started to have bare sex regularly when I was in a relationship with my first boyfriend, so for me it's primarily an expression of desire and intimacy. I do sometimes just crave the physical sensation of cum in my hole. And there is a very carnal pleasure from being very loaded and feeling different sizes and shapes of cock inside me, so I also certainly get how it can be seen as "sleazy/ dirty" when the focus is exclusively the accumulation of cock and cum from strangers and it is not an intimate sensual experience between lovers or friends.
  10. I'm of a similar mind. A great session to me is a celebration of life and creation. Every person, regardless of their physical sex or gender identity is a combination of varied "gender identified qualities," some that are more strongly associated with one gender more than the other. When I bottom and take another man's load/cum/ essence inside my body I feel more attuned and receptive when a top uses the word "pussy." I do not feel that way so much if a top says "cunt" because the connotations of the word are primarily negative. Pussy on the other hand does not have so many negative associations.
  11. I can't say that the person I'm thinking of is looking for Mr. Right-as in someone to live with in a long term relationship, but I met and had lunch with (and once got fucked bare by) a guy who is the foster/ adoptive parent for 2 or 3 kids.
  12. I've always found men in their 30s, 40s, and early 50s the hottest. Even as a kid and before losing my virginity that was the age range I found myself most attracted to. For most of my life then the guys I have liked have been older than me, now that I'm in my mid-30s, they're mostly my age or a few years older.
  13. I couldn't agree more... I enjoy sex more and more readily submit to a top's desires if I know and like him. Of course I enjoy meeting new men, but I am willing to be much piggier with a man (or group of guys) I know, and show him how deeply I want to please him and receive his cum.
  14. I am always aware of a top cumming-there is a certain focus and change of tempo most men get when they're close that clues me in... most guys pump harder as they near climax, but a few guys will slow and lengthen their stroke. I can sometimes feel the load itself, but that's usually only if the top shoots a very large load and then I can feel the additional mass of stuff in my hole. An average size load I will often feel because of the additional wetness, and cum just makes for a noticeably smoother ride than spit or lube.
  15. "a cruel, heavy cummer..." hmm, you sound like the kinda jizz blower I adore. I like dick. But I LOVE a cummy dick in my hole.
  16. Ha ha... I know what you mean.
  17. Just over 100 profiles in the buddy list... and of them I've had sex with a little over half the guys listed. The others are connections I want to make with guys I have chatted with at some point. My buddy links are much fewer, eight, and they're almost all guys I've having sex with on a semi-regular basis.
  18. One of fish out of water moments again... the first few times I barebacked was with a trick and they were an anomaly. My normal mode was safer sex pretty consistently... say 99% of the time. The real change came when I met the man who was to be my lover for nearly three years. We'd had something of an internet romance while both of us were on study abroad program in Japan-he in Tokyo, me up north in Hokkaido. The evening we met we fell into bed together and were fucking within minutes of getting to his tiny flat in Kawasaki-shi. When we came up for air we were drenched in sweat, he was crying slightly with his full weight upon my body, and we both realized around the same time that he didn't put on a condom and his load was inside me. So we had a chat after the fact. We were both Neg and decided that we could continue as we had for the remainder of my visit. At that point I was just planning to crash with him for 2 weeks before returning to university in LA. The two week fling turned into a nearly three year relationship, so for that entire time we had sex bareback. After getting used to bare sex with my bf I found it hard to go back entirely to condoms. I continued to have safe sex with tricks, but the moment I had something regular going with a guy and trusted him I'd see if he was into raw sex. So for many years after my first relationship and before becoming poz I tried to have one reliable fuck buddy to fuck bare with and everyone else I'd only do safe. Of course I preferred barebacking, so I'd always try to arrange something with my buddy knowing I could have his bare cock and load in my ass... getting fucked by a trick wearing a rubber was a distance second choice.
  19. Hmm... sucking cock is nice, but more a preview to the joy of feeling a cock in my ass. I find the taste of most guys unpleasant so I'd generally prefer to take a load in my ass versus my mouth. I do give pretty good head and can deepthroat most guys... and I will swallow a friend of lover's load... almost never with a stranger.
  20. I very deliberately lied about my age once a few years ago. I saw a post for a bbrt party called "dads and lads." The idea was that the dads in their 40s would fuck the boys in their 20s. I was 31 at the time so I changed my profile to show my age as 28 in order to qualify as one of the night's lads. I've since changed my profile back to reflect my real age (now 34). It's hard to know who's being honest in their appraisal versus just wanting to flatter and get in my pants, but guys regularly put my age anywhere from 5-10 years younger than I actually am.
  21. I personally have a very tender spot for divorcees and out bisexuals. Getting fucked by a guy who also clearly enjoys fucking pussy feels special... I think it's partly just knowing that his cum has made babies in a woman's pussy. I have not nor would I ever pursue a man who I know to be married, but I did consent to being a married guy's steady fuck for close to 10 years. When we first met and fucked I thought he was single. (We met on A4A and I'd not encountered married men on there before so I didn't think much of him having a female housemate, especially when I as a gay guy have had a couple female friends I've shared living space with.) Anyway I learned the housemate was actually his wife after he'd already fucked me two or three times over a months time and hung out several other times. I felt conflicted about the situation because the good boy in me knew I should cut my losses and let him go... But I'd already had his dick (safe) and liked it so I didn't wanna let it go. And as his confidant from the times we had hung out and not fucked I knew that he was a dog. In the month since we'd met he'd told me about the white bottom he'd dropped "because he got 'addickted,'" and a handful of of other boys he was fucking. All on the side and without his wife's clear knowledge of what was going on. So ultimately I did the selfish thing. Since his dick was gonna be in some boy's ass whenever the mood struck and he could get away with it, I figured as often as possible the ass he is fucking might as well be mine. We fucked safe for a long time, and then when he requested it I started giving him my bare ass. The load he shot into me the first night we barebacked was one of the biggest I've ever had.
  22. Hmm... I'm straddling two, "about my age" and "looks (is) older." I have always felt most attracted to men in their 30s and 40s so for most of my life I've been partial to dating or having sex with men older than me. Now that I am in my early 30s those guys are my age. I'd say my sexual age range is wider than my dating age range... I'll take a load from any man I find handsome who can get it up whether he's 23 or 56. If you were to ask instead about guys I'd consider dating it's really just guys in their early/ mid 30s.
  23. Love and Piggy Sex is a difficult road to walk, but it can be done. I'm doing it now... the meeting can be a challenge. I met my current bf about three years ago at a sex party he hosted, so in this case the sexual relationship started first and very openly, then we became regular fuck buds, and up until recently boyfriends in an open relationship. Our relationship is still "open," but for the month we've decided to only play together (1-1, 3way, orgy) whereas before we were both occasionally hooking-up individually. This is just the first week of our new arrangement, and so far its been better. We both still get some variety when we have a bud or two over for playtime, but as we're together every time there's much less jealousy/ envy/ FOMO (fear of missing out) to manage. We also decided at the outset to have a chat after one month to see how it went and then determine if we want to continue with this arrangement or try something else.
  24. Well Snufkin, I have been through something similar. For a period of about 18 months I moved back home with my mother and while there I had maybe four guys over-most times when I felt the itch I would say I wanted to go out and ask to borrow her car which was fine so long as I was back before she needed to leave for work. On one of those occasions when I invited someone over he flaked, but I forgot to collect the rubbers as I was cleaning up. My mom saw said rubber and let me know on no uncertain terms was I to bring some (random, unknown) guy to her house. I added the parenthetical because two of my past boyfriends met her and stayed with me at my mom's house for a week long visit, the issue was about the strangers in her house and not the fact that I was having sex. So while your family may or may not have issues with you being gay or your choices in sexual partners, bringing strangers to your brother's house is a serious transgression of respect for his space and privacy. You don't know these tricks, what's to stop them from coming back unannounced to see if you just "happen" to be around? Or worse, now that they've seen the inside of your brother's home, who's to know if neither of them might feel tempted to come back and steal something that they saw there and wanted? You don't have the right to impose on your brother in that way or compromise the safety and security of the home he's made for himself and his family.
  25. I was in a similar situation once before and I would have to say that GermanFucker's comments and thoughts are worth thinking over slowly. Years ago I had a long term fuck buddy who was married. I met him when I was 19 or just turned 20. We started fucking bare when I was about 21 and our sexual relationship continued off and on for almost 10 years. I knew when I tested poz and told him of my diagnosis that it would be the end of our sexual so I put off doing it because I didn't want to face that reality. Eventually there came a day when we were both online goofing off and he says that he's horny and wants some head. I've never turned him down when I had time on my hands, so I went over, but in the back of my head I was anxious and nervous because sucking a hard dick leads to fucking and... well I'd want his cock raw, but knew I shouldn't because I was poz and at that point not yet on meds. I went over, sucked his dick, and bent over when he said he wanted my ass, but that was the first and last time I desired a condom in my ass. I have never felt so relieved to have a guy wear a rubber. I'd have felt pushed to say something in the moment if he'd wanted to fuck raw that day, but fortunately he got a condom without prompting. I'm kinda glad it worked out the way it did because I got to feel his dick one last time, but it was not the best sex either because I was not relaxed. So I guess I'm back to what I wrote before, lay it all out with him so he knows your situation and how you feel.
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