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About dirtydudedub

  • Birthday 07/25/1977

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    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. baby boom they will suck you off in the middle of the gogo this means pay up to get more
  2. 99% of them BB. The ladyboys probably 99.9% Soi 6/1 Soi Buakhao from Pook bar to LK metro Soi 13/1 They are good places to start.
  3. the same the world over except in dictatorships. Plenty of dumb laws passed outside the EU. The sultan of Brunei recently wanted gay people to be stoned to death in that country. Only a major international backlash stopped it.
  4. The law isnt the same globally. There is a surprising amount of talk about underage fucking. Even some artwork. Not every country allows this but this site targets many parts of the world. Im fairly sure its fully illegal in the uk. It will get you jail time in Oz and many other countries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_status_of_drawn_pornography_depicting_minors If there is underage fantasy or art then anyone outside America should realise they might end up on the sex offenders register by simply being on the site...
  5. anyone reading a newspaper WTF!
  6. dark room all barriers removed
  7. i got the shakes reading this good read
  8. nope and Im borderline gorilla
  9. any of the guys there sporting a bio-hazard tattoo? I would to get a tattoo after one of them without changing equipment
  10. liking them is irrelevant. This isn't marriage its like someone saying no in a sauna,,,i dont understand that either
  11. yup Brazilians are hung as fuck
  12. who knows saunas and drugs...
  13. if youre in a sauna naked and high you are giving physical consent
  14. thaifriendly is good for LBs
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