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Everything posted by Pell

  1. Pell

    Fuck Trophy

    I've accidentally gotten some underwear from good fuckers, never on purpose though. I wonder if they left it like trophies.
  2. I love steamworks in Berkeley. Especially the sake factory right across the street first then a nice hot steamy time. I've only sucked on a few guys in the steam room there. I tend to get a bit shy with people enjoying the steam. I have a fantasy of getting grabbed and face-fucked in the steam room there. Most of the time I go with someone and fuck around in a private room first, but cruising is pretty fun as well.
  3. Not anymore! Online porn ruined the industry. I used to like MeatMen Comic Anthology.
  4. I like to be direct. Sometimes in bars I don't know the etiquette so I can get shy. But with sex I'm always happy to be there.
  5. I really like lusty Mechanic stories. Also lifeguard stories are good too. I don't recall the last good steamroom story I read though. Hmmm
  6. My ex in Santa Barbara's parents had a nice hot tub. I fucked him in there one time. It was really hot, him holding onto the wooden side and moaning and writhing. All that hot water rushing around and into him. Mmmmmm... I've sucked a bit in a steam room and a sauna a few times, never up to the hot tub fucking level of sexy hotness though.
  7. Ah! Nice, good to see some dudes are getting lucky.
  8. Woof that sounds hot! Where do you like getting bred?
  9. Any stories, or tips on how to meet up? It seems more difficult than it should be
  10. That was a great story. I really liked the buildup and the tender ending.
  11. Tell him what you want. Or let him tell you, but talk about it first.
  12. I like an electric razor for the longer hairs first. Using clippers in that area is a bit worrysome.
  13. Some nights there's more action than others. If you got a dom to do that, you should get some takers there.
  14. As a bottom, I like coming hands free. But if that doesn't happen, I prefer for the top to shoot all up inside, then I'll wank it after he's gone. Or at a bear party, then I'll fuck a guy and cream in his hole instead.
  15. As a bottom, I've only come hands free a few times. Once I wasn't even hard, he just forced the cream out with his dick. That was a good time. I can still take a hot dick for a while after coming, especially if I don't stroke it. As a top I don't mind if my bottom shoots, In fact I like it a lot. The only problem is when his hole squeezes my junks too much, any pain in the shaft and I gotta stop.
  16. I have had sex on cam with my kinky ex. It was a lot of fun.
  17. I never have gotten edged, if I'm pleasuring myself, I just come. Anyone want to edge a big dog?
  18. Probably three or four dudes all using my rear. Multiple times. I don't wanna be so fucked that I pass out or anything.
  19. My kinky ex really liked it. But the pulses make you come pretty quick. Wouldn't be great for porns. But I always wanted to try it.
  20. Probably not, no. But maybe someday.
  21. I haven't been to Lazy Bear in years. The times I did go though, it was a lot of fun.
  22. I'll be in NY the first week of June.
  23. I like cops as well as any guy, but Military guys get pref treatment. Something makes them hotter.
  24. I took it with a condom twice that night. He was a huge guy too. With enough lube it seems slicker with a rubber.
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