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Pig Bottom

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Everything posted by Pig Bottom

  1. Sounds like you can but he can't. So good luck, you both have to want it. Men are dogs, better to not be jealous and don't ask don't tell. If he wants someone better than you and he can find it there is nothing you can do to keep him.
  2. You can get HPV Human Papilloma Virus which is an STD that can lead to anal cancer. Everyone should be tested for anal cancer. It's just 2 tiny brushes that are inserted and collect a sample (you can't enema before it or have anal sex or use a dildo for 24 hours before) Mine was negative, sometimes you get a false positive and a further test has to be done. Sex does have good properties that relieve you of stress and make you feel better.
  3. 10 inch cocks are like 1 in 100,000 so I will take two please.
  4. most people think it's annoying to reply or receive a thank you or you're welcome online, don't take it as an insult.
  5. Prolly Chlamydia. I had it for a long time and didn't know, I had burning sometimes in my asshole and it was bad when I was sitting and driving, it was more uncomfortable than pain. It got to the point where a huge dick guy fucked me and I thought I had torn something inside. After antibiotics I was fine. Get tested for all of them just in case. Sometimes health departments in large cities with gay populations will have free STD testing.
  6. You might as well, I'm sure other horndogs with no other plans will also be there.
  7. Seems you are bi. Some guys just like guys for sex and don't see themselves in a loving relationship with another guy for whatever reason. Straight men don't want to have sex with men any more than gay men want to have sex with women. I'm thinking at least half of all men would do something with another guy if the situation was right.
  8. Become a hooker and get your own place, you can make twice as much and get your own place than giving it away for free as much as they want for a cheaper room.
  9. Increases your heart beat rate Gives you a euphoric high Makes anal less painful. I use it for sex and for jerking off.
  10. I never heard of Fetlife.
  11. Amazon I think it's the Healthy & Active store. search for "silicone enema" or "glass plugs" for the plugs. I bought the double one, I already have one glass dildo that i love, and 2 glass butt plugs, the round one is great. I bought a triangular one that's too big for me to get in right now.
  12. If you know who you are you can't sell your dignity but you sure can rent it out for a while. If you don't need or want the money don't do it. I did massage/escort when I was younger. Basically most of us are all hookers. We go someplace where we don't want to go for 8 hours and do things we don't want to do. Aint no shame in my game. If I was offered money now to have sex I would jump at the chance and I would top. Why work a job to earn in two days what you can make in an hour? I had always fantasized about being paid. Before the internet I even tried to hook up in Manhattan with older guys with money. They must have not liked me or I didn't know how to get money from them so it was a meeting without sex. The first time I was in a gay porn theater in Manhattan in a bathroom stall. An older heavy guy slid a $50 bill into the door and that was when I found him attractive.
  13. That place is too expensive. I just ordered a 10 inch silicone one and a glass butt plug for $29 somewhere else. I think more than 6 inches which is enough to get past the second spot is fine. I use a stainless steel normal size one and I can get past it by sticking part of the hose up my ass. I'm gonna have to buy some Metamucil to make cleaning easier. I don't think you are gonna be able to usually work everything out in one quick session if you want to go for 8 hours of fucking. The large intestine is about 5 feet long. Also keep him hydrated, the enema pulls out a lot of the moisture and water that is supposed to be there. also have him eat a banana before play to restore some potassium.
  14. Slammers last night. In the dark room, a guy came up behind me, to get him hard I started blowing him, got him hard, stuck his dick in my ass, he fucked me and then I turned around on the bench so he could fuck me missionary, he came and at the end I found out that it's this really hot guy who I see there all the time who I thought preferred to bottom. I didn't feel him cumming, but I guess when he was slowing down was when he did, but I tasted his load out of my ass and it tasted delish.
  15. Anyway at my favorite slutting hole, there is this guy who I never met before, but I'm really shy and don't really approach people to talk. A long while ago I thought he dissed me in the blowjob glory hole ramps. He was feeding a guy in one next to me and it seemed like when he was finished he looked into mine and moved on like he was not interested or found me unattractive, but I may have misread the signs. Then a few weeks ago I was in a dark room bent over, a guy comes next to me by the side of the bench. He lets me blow him but doesn't want to fuck, then a guy comes behind him and starts fucking him. So I reach under his balls to feel the dick that's fucking him. Then we are both bent over and while he was getting fucked he kind go touched my fingers in a soft way. I could smell his breath, you could smell that he smokes, and I don't like smoking, but it was still a little sexy. I didn't even realize it was the same guy because it's so dark in that room. I only guessed at the end because oh his haircut, buzzed with only hair on top like a military cut, and his leather armband. So last night I'm in the darkroom bent over. A guy comes up behind me and I feel for his dick. He's not hard yet. So I turn around and start blowing him. I get him pretty hard but not rock hard. So I bend over and try sticking his dick in my ass. After a few tries he gets it in. It was my first fuck of the night and he felt huge because I was tight, but he's a little bigger than average I would guess. So he's fucking me a couple of minutes and I take my chance by flipping over on my stomach so he can fuck me missionary. Some guys don't like that and leave as soon as you make that move. so he's fucking me really good, I have an abrasion on my head from where he was knocking me against the wooden board on the bench that acts like a headboard. So I have my poppers out and kind of put them near where his hands were holding up my legs. He did a hit of poppers and eventually came. I didn't really know he was cumming until later when I tasted his cum from my ass, which tasted good, I guess when he was slowing down was when he was cumming. I didn't even notice it was the same hot guy until we were like almost done. I smelled a little bit of cigarette on his breath, and I saw his leather armbands and that's when I realized it was him. When he was done I got up and said " wow, thank you" and kissed him on his neck. he said thank you and left. I see him in the bar area all the time, hopefully one day we will talk. He seems really sweet, he's great looking and he has a really funny laugh.
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  16. Best to just get over it. He won't be the first guy to lie. In fact him taking meds makes it probably hard for you to catch HIV. If you are that worried it's better to stop barebacking, the next guy might not know he's positive but have a huge viral load. The fact that you are a top makes it a lot harder for you to catch also.
  17. In a polite way... I do not think you are being truthful.
  18. Most people can't do that. You are genetically predisposed to gain weight a certain way, you can't will just your belly to get bigger. I know myself I am a stocky bear type but I am mostly top heavy and don't have much of a belly. Also belly fat is the most unhealthy fat to have.
  19. My father lives in NJ and he didn't have too much damage. He lost a few shingles on the roof, luckily he was able to fix it when the insurance company said they were too busy right now. I'm lucky he is healthy and active enough to climb a ladder (2 stories) in his 70s to do it. He also lost some of the siding but just a few pieces. They shut off his power as a preventative measure the evening the storm was passing and turned it back on 5pm the next day. He was lucky, a block south of him had the power out as well as a half mile north of him.
  20. I drove thru that area last night. From Las Olas all along Ft. Lauderdale beach north and didn't see any signs that anything happened from the storm. On TV they showed some flooding right afterwards, but Miami Beach had more flooding problems.
  21. So friends with benefits, which is what it's called can work if both people are adult about it. A fuck buddy sounds hotter, but it's just sex without the friendship. In the end the sex was hot but the friendship means more, but I think it would have ended anyway because he didn't value it. So it's great to have a friend to have dinner with and watch a movie at home and then fuck, it's just hard to find that perfect situation.
  22. Yes, sex wasn't the only reason, but it was one of them. He was cheating on his boyfriend and getting into drugs with him. We fucked before they got together and so I figured if he was gonna spread the dick around I wanted some too. His boyfriend caught him cheating in the bed with another guy and punched him in the face. He had been physically abused in a past relationship. We hadn't done anything the year his boyfriend and him were together, I then lost respect for his boyfriend and relationship. Then he got crazy and said he didn't want to see me for a while because I was falling in love with him after 3 times having sex om about a month. :rolleyesmilie: I was insulted and told him he was wrong. Then I stopped by his place to talk to him but he didn't want to. Then I started texting nasty things about all the negative things about him. I know I was wrong, but he shut me out. I think the real reason he pushed me away was that I was worried about his meth use and told him I would be there for him and to let me know who to contact if things go too far and he spins out of control. Someone else who knows him said he has changed his personality recently. And this former friend shut me out and won't speak to me anymore. I had to contact him because I got an STD (don't know if I got it, or from him fucking druggy dirtbags) that I had to get treatment for. I was kind of cold in the email and he kind of warmed up to me and sent me a hi email later telling me about something else. But then he shut me out again. He really is a cold, heartless bitch. A year and a half friendship meant nothing to him. We both fucked up but he won't even accept an apology or forgive me.
  23. Stop sticking pins in it, if it gets infected and gets into your bloodstream you can die. Even if it is an infection and you ignore it you can die, go get it checked. And stop calling it a dump. A dump is a huge shit.
  24. It's an endoscope camera on a wire with a light. You hook it up to your computer or a video camera. In some shots you can see the blue or black wire. all they had to do was turn the camera around once inside.
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