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Pig Bottom

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Everything posted by Pig Bottom

  1. while you are bent over do you feel something hard towards the top, the opposite direction of the prostate. So if you stick your finger in while bent over curled up do you feel something hard and is that the end of your tailbone? I am just wondering because I was at a talk where they discussed a male pap smear and a hard mass is a warning sign. oops this should be in the health issues sorry, didn't see it until after I posted
  2. Don't get mad. Can you sticky the where did you get your last load thread to the general discussion forum? I'm sure I'm not the only one who wondered what happened to it.
  3. Can someone move this back to General Discussion. I had a heck of a time finding it. I'm not going to post in this thread if it takes me 10 minutes to find the sub forum, and I am not going to keep several tabs of this site opened. This is the best thread here, and as much as I hate sticky threads, this should be stickied on the General discussion forum.
  4. I saw a yucky incident this weekend. A guy was getting fucked, and after the older top pulled out the bottom went to suck his dick and started gagging and heaving apparently from shit smell. So clean yourself well. Plus you don't know if the shit was on their dick from someone else before they fucked you.
  5. That's a good idea. I might do that. I was thinking of doing the same with jeans, but I wouldn't know where to get such a large zipper.
  6. I've been doing it lately, I have a plastic shot glass I cum into and then drink it. I'm surprised that it's much warmer than I expected. When I've drank loads from a dick my mouth is already warm so it doesn't feel much warmer. Also I think it's making my arm muscles stronger.
  7. It's not true slavery in the sense that they volunteer and agree to it. But to each his own, and whatever floats your boat.
  8. I've seen 2 dicks in real life that are bigger than the pic I've seen of his. I bet there are others out there with bigger dicks that just want to remain private.
  9. I know of some stupid cunt that a friend of mine used to fuck around with. He's married, his wife had a stroke, he's poz now and to top it all off he's a preacher.
  10. If you do it hidden and never post it it's okay, but if it were me and I found out I would be pissed because I don't know you and can't trust a stranger not to post it. I would rather have them contact me and ask if he could film it, and leave a ski mask on the bed for me to wear and agree not to post it and offer me a copy of it. If anyone ever posts videos online of anyone else they should get their permission or if not blur out the face or shoot from behind. I made a night vision video with a fuck buddy, he knew I was taking I didn't show his face on it, he even held the camera most of the time. A few months later I showed it to him (and he said is that my dick) because I just played it without telling him what it was and next time he saw me he said it bothered him because he thought it was just to tape and later erase. Fuck that, I won't post it, but I will keep it.
  11. I would tell him to mind his own business and to fuck himself raw.
  12. Not at all. A lot goes into being a man. Sexual position doesn't have anything to do with it.
  13. http://www.jafrum.com/s.nl?search=chaps&sort1desc=F&sort1=Item_ONLINECUSTOMERPRICE I got my leather stuff here. It's not a gay or fetish site, but they sell chaps starting at under $50.
  14. Yes your system changes as you get older. In my 20s I could clean out a few times with a fleet enema by just refilling it with water and go into NYC and stay at the porn theaters for hours looking for dick.
  15. I find that if you have at least one salad a day as a meal it helps. I usually don't unless I am trying to diet. that video is good for a quick session so I will keep it in mind. if you will use that little bit of water it's better to do a plastic fleet type enema. I like to clean out deep so I can go out and play and be somewhere for 5 hours or more and be clean. Sometimes it's very hard to get clean. If I am going out at 7pm I start cleaning out at 4pm and do a deep enema in the tub every 45 minutes to an hour. Sometimes the 2nd or 3rd time won't release any shit, but they 45 minutes later it will. Sometimes if I can't get clean and I'm not in a huge mood to go out I just stay home. I also try not to eat after around 12:30 and the time I leave. Also try to stay hydrated and drink a lot of water, the enemas will take out a lot of water from your system.
  16. Being gay is not about sex. It's about who you want to build a romantic partnership with.
  17. My new doctor said I can take Doxycycline as a preventative to some STD if taken 24 hours before you go out to play. I think it may help prevent syphilis and chlamydia.
  18. can you post a link where you can click and go right to the Groups area?
  19. I just shaved mine within the last hour because I am going out tonight slutting, it's not that hairy anyway, mostly by the crack and a little near the hole, but I did my buns too. Just with a disposable razor and it was fine. It makes things cleaner too for wiping my butt and my underwear. Too lazy to shave my balls. I mostly bottom anyway. I don't even need to get blown, I'd rather suck dick and get fucked. I don't think I'm gonna manscape my pubes anymore either. I always trim too much and have to shave it all off.
  20. If this were the case there would be another HIV epidemic happening and there is none. HIV is no longer a death sentence, it's like having diabetes and being able to control it with meds and new and better ones keep coming out with little or no side effects. If you take your medication and become undetectable chances are you won't be able to even transmit it to neg guys. The best thing about having HIV is not having to worry about getting it. Best for you to try to find other poz guys to have sex with, but don't worry about them getting your strain or you giving him yours. Just realize how lucky you are to be living now, if you were HIV poz in the early 80s chances are you would die.
  21. Find a gay infectious disease doctor if you can, or at least one that is gay friendly.
  22. I bet it was a wakeup call for him to be more careful from now on.
  23. I wonder if any father and son ever ended up on opposite sides of a glory hole and had sex without knowing.
  24. Last night was my first time going out in about 10 weeks, I had back problems and now they are much better. I got two loads in my ass. The first guy was fucking a guy next to me and felt my ass and went in. It was my first fuck of the night and in a long time. I had loosed myself up with my shower hose enema, but I was still tight. Then he went back to fucking the other guy. He had a nice thick long dick, bigger than average. He came back to my ass. He pulled out and ate my ass and went back to fucking me. I started gyrating on his dick and he eventually came. I licked his dick clean, but he left most of the cum in my ass, then I stuck his dick back in my ass for a little more fun. His cum was dry, like a dry wine, which I tasted off of my fingers when I stuck them in my hole. A little later a guy with a bigger dick came and started fucking me, luckily the first guy loosened my up, I gyrated on his dick too. He had a nice fat long dick too. He came and I licked him clean. Then when I tasted the cum from my ass it was a little bitter, but he had a big load and it ran down between my legs later on. Another memorable dick was a guy with a very long thick dick. It hurt, but I tried to do my best to take it. He didn't cum, but the fuck was great. It was fun to get back in the saddle again and be ridden by horses. One guy came and stuck his dick in my ass but didn't fuck for long, he got me horny and I was hard so I fucked the bottom that was next to me for a couple of minutes. It was my first time fucking with my new stretched 4G foreskin bent barbell. His ass was tight at first, but loosened up.
  25. How would you know you have it and it's not just food poisoning?
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