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Everything posted by jcklvrga

  1. I say go for it if you want to take it raw. Im sure you'll find some guys want to fuck you... age is not a big deal plus you've been careful for years and your health is good... enjoy!
  2. I live in atlanta and have read several reviews / comments about this place. I am a white guy for reference here. I think its crazy that in this day that such a club exists, but it is a private club so I respect that from a legal point of view. Still I would personally stay the hell away from a place that does not welcome me. All that said Atlanta has several other places where black and white men and all colors mix naturally and easily .. like the local bath house flex. I personally have played with many hot sexy friendly black men there. In fact for some reason that I have never yet figured out i seem to attract black men easily ... not complaining , its a good thing.
  3. I was in the mobile site of breedingzone on my android and somehow ended up in the full site.. but how do I get back to the the mobile site ?
  4. Just read all the posts, quite a lot of bitching... couple thoughts for getting fucked regularly ... 1. cultivate some good fuk buds and treat them well. 2. Try bath houses and adult video booths. Im not young and not super hot but frequently can go in those places and get stuff going right away. Be nice to tops, treat em like gods, because for a bottom a good top is a god. Service the top best you can and do not think just of your own needs. 3. Cut back on all the online hook up crap and try real , not virtual cruising. I know lots of times online I'm really just looking not serious. I think others are like that too. 4. As a bottom , I feel like if I get a good top man and what he most wants is a good blow job then give it to him. Don't get all bitchy that he did not fuck you on your schedule. It does not have to be all anal all the time , mix it up.
  5. Just means you're a good enthusiastic cock sucker... think of the soreness as a souvenir. Walking around myself right now after the throat fuk of my life from 2 days ago.
  6. Oh fuck yeah , can't wait for the rest....
  7. This is one fuked up story, hehe.... but you're not going to end it are you?
  8. Omg, 100 fucks in 6 months being a limiting factor? I bet i don't have a 100 in 2 years lol... hmm i must have a low sex drive.. am i the only one???
  9. Down where? Ft lauderdale? Probably won't. Always here in Atl though.
  10. Damn, thats sooo hot. Amazing you could take all that. What did your ass look like and feel like after that much fucking?
  11. what made me do it.... been wanting to for long, long time, but did not have the nerve to. Like I said in first message was always super safe sex. This web site , breedingzone, had something to do with it for sure though. Found this couple years ago. First time found this site, started reading stuff and got so hard instantly. Told myself I should totally stop looking at this. Told myself I would never of course take raw cock/loads. And yet something in me knew instantly thats where I was going. i could not stop reading the stuff on here. Anyway long story, short, couple years later, finally took a nice raw load at the bath house. I know I was ready too, because I was totally cool with getting his load. After he shot up my ass, I walked around the bath house for awhile with his load in me and felt really good and kinda proud if that makes sense to have that hot looking mans load up my ass. Did not want to push his load out or anything like that, wanted it up my ass!
  12. Was cleaning out / douching couple days ago, and when i pushed out the last load of water, a big old lump popped out on ass hole. Pretty sure its a hemorrhoid. Had one about 4 years ago. Any other bottoms have hemorrhoid problems? Frustrating things is in addition to discomfort, i sure do not feel like getting fucked til it goes down. Is there a better way to clean out to avoid this in the future? Any advice is appreciated.
  13. my Master just moved a couple states away and He released me from being His slave, missing Him. He taught me to drink His piss straight from the tap and I'm really missing that. Do you guys have any tips or ways to find guys at bath house or video booths that would let me drink their piss? I don't ever see anyone doing that there. Really want to take some piss, like i used to again.
  14. Took a load last Friday evening at the local bath house. My first time taking a load from a guy at the bath house! Was a fit black married guy, was sucking his cock in the hallway and he starts fingering my whole after awhile. Says he wants to get in there. Goes to his room and I follow. He's got condoms laying in there, but does not put one on at all. I did not say anything about condoms and did not ask anything about his hiv status. Just bent over and let him take my ass. Felt so good and smooth, especially as I had just been fucked by top that used a condom earlier that night. The bare cock felt so much better !!!. It was so hot, like I said have never taken a load from a stranger in bath house or book store before. Damn I may get hooked, just bend over and feels so good. I have definitely crossed the line to anon bb'ing now !
  15. Last friday had a real mile stone for me. Took my first raw load from an anonymous guy, at a bath house. Hot muscle black married dad, shot his load up in my ass. I did not even ask before hand whether he was neg and did not ask for a condom. It felt so easy and right at the time. In addition, I used to be soooo safe sex not that long ago.
  16. Married too, sub bottom here, just recently made decision to stop using condoms completely.
  17. Germanfucker, do not assume that you know what is inside another man's life .... "It matters when someone's sex life is a lie wrapped in a delusion inside a deception, when someone is pretending to be things he is not and aspects of his double life begin..." It's not your job to judge another. This so called man of deception that you portray, may have integrity that you do not see. There are bi men , who are married, who have integrity, who treat their children and wives more decently than you would ever imagine... I am one of those men, who by life circumstances, background, and god given desires, daily work out the delicate balance of responsibility and love for my family with desires to be with men too... You have no idea, whats in another mans life. Don't judge.
  18. Thanks for the recommendation. I just looked it up on mr s website. Wow, a metal butt plug. Hace never seen anytging like that before.
  19. I love to wear butt plugs for a long time, like all day at work Unfortunately my skin on the outside where the base of the plug is, gets superr sore and raw feeling. A hot bath helps, but it keeps me from wearing plug as much as i'd like. Inside my ass hole where the plug goes is fine and feels great its the skin on the outside gets sore. Anyone else have this problem, and any advice. Are certain types of plug material better or something to rub on the skin to help? Any advice appreciated.
  20. Sure, there are options..options which will minimize your risk that is. There is no 100% totally safe. But what in life is ever risk free? I'd suggest the main risk reducer is to bb very selectively with men you know well. And each additional man you bb with the risk goes up. I have been doing selective bb'ing for 5 years now, and so far am hiv- (Which is not to say I won't become +, or perhaps have already become + very recently.) I'm just saying barebacking does not have to be an all in or all out venture... You can do a limited amount of bb if you wish. Though I will also say that the longer you bareback and the more men you try it with the harder it gets to control it. That's where I am now, spent like 2 years or so bb with just one man. But now doing it with 2 regularly and one of the 2 is exposing me to situations where he encourages more bb. In the last month for the first time ever, I took an anonymous cock up my ass in an adult book store booth. Was hot as hell, but scared me too, and I have pulled back in the last month. It gets more and more tempting. But bottom line is you can take it raw selectively only if you wish and have a lot of self discipline. Not saying you should or should not, just saying it is a choice you have. Good luck and enjoy.
  21. My Master makes me go commando. Sometimes at work in light pants will get some wet spots.
  22. My Master taught me to take it straight from His Cock. Once i learned, He gets after me if i spill a drop. And if i take it all w no spills then He says good job slave. Love the first time i piss after drinking His cause its mine and his mixed together.
  23. i've been fucked by many men at the local bath house in atl (flex) and they have been absolutely OK with putting on a condom when asked. Of course easy to get it raw if you like. I love the baths every so often... always beautiful when men connect and share sex there.
  24. For a long time been edging closer and closer to going raw all the time. At lunch today was at a local video arcade. Almost let a guy fuk me raw there ... then backed off. I know for all you seasoned bb'ers and chasers that sounds minor. But big for me. Figure next time may not back off and will go ahead and take raw anon Cock. The guy was hot, hot.. muscular but very lean skinny where there weren't muscles.
  25. Been on the fence for along time about whether or not to be a raw cum dump. Any one like to give your thoughts or chat w me, would be appreciated.
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