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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Thanks for the add, would love to play nasty with you *evil gin*

  2. Me too, though I'd happily give Daddy a go or two as well *evil grin*
  3. Toxxic


    Just. Fucking. ACE.
  4. You an' me too Peversatile, you an me too :-)
  5. I'm sure it's a great story, but the dark grey font on black ground makes it just too hard to read :-(
  6. Sorry bb1991 but for me your 'side note' is one step too far. For me it's great there are Bi & straight guys on here too & I love reading the posts - but as for poor delicate straight guys being repulsed by the gay images - well tough! As far as I'm concerned this is a gay site that's straight friendly. Almost all sites are the other way about it seems to me. I'm forever having titties & cunt shoved down my throat & not expected to complain & frankly if the straight guys are twisted enough to be on here they're quite able to cope with the sight of guys fucking! Leave well alone, it's fine as it is.
  7. Why can I never find serious Poz/AIDS guys like you in the UK? I'd be inside you in a New York minute *drool*

  8. Following on from dtguy_367 This is probably a more after fucking story, but you know when you read in porn how hot it is when the gang banged bottom feels the loads running down his legs? Well I can tell you it's not hot at all when that happens on a crowded night bus in London and (what they never mention) it's accompanied with huge wet farting and frankly a really strong & obvious cum smell! This happened to me after a night in a bareback fuck party/club, I'd stuck my cock in god knows how many blokes & been stuck in my turn. I think I had 4 or 5 loads in me. I had a gut full of air like someone had used a pump & spunk mix & sooner or later something has to give. Especially when you're arse muscles have taken a hammering & aren't up to the job. I can still feel how hot with embarrassment I suddenly felt I just didn't know where to look, I've never been so mortified. Maybe even worse as everyone around was being very polite & desperately trying to behave as if nothing was happening while trying to discretely step away.. Now of course I realise I should just have laughed out loud & just fronted it out but instead I got off as soon as I could, feeling every pair of eyes on me & scuttled into a little public garden to clean up under the trees. It ended up alright as there were a lot of cruisers there & this got their attention, I ended up sucking off a couple more & taking another load to make up for what I lost. I walked the rest of the way home though :-)
  9. Was thinking about this as while I identify as 100% gay, I've never had sex with a woman & don't intend to, I really get off on straight porn particularly at the nastier end of the market. Wonder if that makes me extra peverted? :-)
  10. I usually top, but if someone wants to top fine, not interested in size looks age or anything else as long as it's bare. *that* is the line I won't cross. I've honestly walked away from some great dicks because they wanted to bag up.
  11. Oh yeah! Oh man i wan it to be the pierced toxic skin first *slurp*
  12. When I lived in London had this regular session with this homeless guy in the little park behind John Lewis. The first time was was walking back from the Quebec, (pub) totally wasted. Early hours of the morning, summer & still very hot. He asked me for a light then asked me if I wanted to get fucked, even had a three pack of condoms. I told him yes but only if he lost the rubbers. He asked me if I was sure then just dropped his trousers so I could get him wet, he was surprisingly (disappointingly?) clean. Short fat cock which he just hammered me with till he spunked. Absolutely no technique & no thought - brilliant :-). Afterwards we talked & smoked for a bit sitting on the grass & he fucked me again. This time much slower, almost loving.. He said he was 38 though looked older, thin wiry & veiny with a LOT of track marks up his arms legs & groin. I gave him a £20 which was all I had on me though he said he didn't want it. After that I saw him more or less every Saturday night/Sunday morning for more then a year, no matter what the weather (!) he'd just call me & I'd find him either in the park or under the porch bit at the doors to the back of the store. He always did the exact same thing, one rough fuck over in a couple of minutes, one slow, even sensual. Although I lived just a few streets away he wouldn't come back to my place. I saw him sometimes about during the day doing pavement chalk drawings etc but he'd never acknowledge me in any way (admittedly he might have been too high:-) Then one day I didn't hear from him & while I looked never saw him again & that was that. Often wonder what did happen to him but no one ever seemed to know.
  13. She's a good girl right enough
  14. Classic! at least someone is on their toes!
  15. My 2p worth is yeah, do it. If it's in your head you're going to sooner or later anyway so why waste good breeding time & twist yourself all up into the bargain? If you think he'd understand then yes tell him & take him with you, but if not, do it anyway
  16. The Skinhead's got to nail him - hasn't he? *drool*
  17. There is mate, believe me
  18. The tension's dialled up to 11, one really horny story, can't wait to hear what happens next!
  19. This is one seriously hot story, can't wait to hear more of Claire's adventures
  20. I'm not sure the professional is such a great idea. They can be very hit or miss, there are the caring ones but plenty who just want to get you to spunk as quickly as possible so they can get you out .. Make a mate on here or one of the other sites making it clear what you want (but don't set it in stone, it'll change believe me!) & go for it Seriously though if you're thinking about it, do it. It ain't going to go away
  21. Never met a 'total top' either, frankly I always think 100 hundred percent bottoms are just lazy, or boring. Of course got nothing against preferences, but why limit yourself to one rigid role? I figure as men we've got both sets, so use 'em :-)
  22. Jeez! Now THAT is hot! Will we ever get to hear more?
  23. Thats one hell of a hot story, I'd sure as fuck like some sessions with an alex, Hell I want to BE Alex..
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