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Everything posted by steve06070

  1. Extremely well written...I love the detailed descriptions and story line. Can't wait for both Santa's to tag team him.
  2. I love where this is going. Very well written.
  3. would you message me chapter 4 "My Boyfriend, ....."?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. BoYGaSM


      Loooove this story, will you be posting it anywhere else?  I would love it if i can get a copy to read the whole story?  Its amazing!

    3. sexylilwhtboi


      I also would greatly appreciate Ch. 4 sir. Great writing!


    4. 85matt


      This is a super hot story. Any chance you can message me chapter 4?

  4. Very likely the best story I've read here in years. Please keep going.
  5. Scorpion...I just LOVE your stories...I don't have access to email you to request the information on you private site, but would be very grateful if you would message me with the information needed to access the stories on your site. Thank you in advance. S
  6. This is such a hot series. Please keep up the great work.
  7. I finally got caught up after reading this story over the last couple days. It's definitely my favorite on this site. Incredibly well written. I can't wait for more!
  8. I've never been much of a fan of D&D, but this was such a turn-on...this is the kind of D&D that could make me a regular player.
  9. more please!!
  10. I love where this is going..
  11. I met, partied with, and fucked, Tim Styler at The Club - Orlando a few years ago. He was really very nice; friendly, personable.
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