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Everything posted by MackyJay

  1. I agree with most here. If it is a ''no loads refused'' there can be no criteria otherwise it becomes ''all loads taken if they meet a certain criteria for it'' big difference. I personally used to kind of sort through and take only those I wanted to meet with face to face and maybe even get to know them and now, although, I will gladly get to know someone if they want to become friends, it is not needed, just be alive and have a hard cock to ram in my holes and cum fill me up good.
  2. Hey, if anyone wants to just give them away am sure I would be interested for sure. LOL
  3. Forgot to add that the reason I ranted about this so much. Just had a guy that wanted to sell me a used dildo, that I wanted a lot and was large. Very nice but he wanted $35 for it and it was two year old and sells NEW in a store here for $39.95. Just want people to use their heads for a change and quit being greedy.
  4. I would be interested in buying some older used merchandise if greed doesn't interfere. I see to much of that anymore. You pay, say, $50 for some item and have used it and it is now 2 ,3 or 5 years old it is NOT now worth $50 but at most is worth more like $10 now. Almost anything people buy anymore loses value after the very first use and most things lose from 25% to 50% of value the first use of it, so if it has been used many times and gets older it does not have that much used value. Sell something for actual value and not a greedy value and you will be able to sell things. I have seen many people trying to sell things way more than they should be and then wonder why it sits around so long. I realize that sooner or later you will find a 'sucker' for a ridiculous price but why wait months or years for it. Use your heads and you will get rid of more items quicker.
  5. Would love to find a bud like this to share his poz buds with me.
  6. Idea of this still makes me hard. LOL
  7. Great way to celebrate Christmas? LMBO
  8. this would be hot to have happen for sure
  9. got a couple of buds that like this one for sure.
  10. This story always horns me up big time and would love to cuddle and see if I could resist a poz cock or not.
  11. Very fucking hot story for sure and my fuck bud isn't an ass but is arrogant as hell and would love to find someone to do him. LOL
  12. This story is damn hot and I would love to be in on something like it sometime for sure.
  13. I voted love it but have never had the opportunity for it just want to try it and the sooner the better. Think it would be very hot for sure.
  14. My first time did not hurt at all but then I had played with a vibrator several times before I ever had a real cock in me for real. Vibrator was about the same size around as 'normal' cock so was ready for it.
  15. LOL bearbandit 'cautiously watching for buses' I usually say things and duck in case of lightning strikes LOL same difference I am one of those knuckleheads that used to never ask about status. Now I ask and a lot of guys around here tell me I am being as ass. crazy
  16. Very clever way to stealth for sure. LOL
  17. Wow. I would be so happy to get two or three loads in a week or about 10 per month if lucky. Most times lucky to get one in a week and maybe 2 or 3 in a month. Damn, always in need of cock in me and none to be had around here.
  18. I want that cum wherever my top wants to put it in me or on me anywhere.
  19. Can get as slutty as my tops wants to make it.
  20. I want to be tied up or handcuffed too but not going to happen with total strangers unless I have someone there I can trust to watch out for my interests.
  21. Either more guts or foolish than me. Nobody ties me up unless it is someone I know well or at least a good bud has to be present as a precaution. Otherwise it is extremely dumb to me to do such a thing with strangers.
  22. I have been fucked by a couple of guys that were mighty ugly but had fantastic cocks. He had better have a very nice cock or the hell with it. I don't consider myself all that and never have but ugly or someone with poor hygiene and stinks is just a turn off. Sorry, but if I have to look at someone they had better have a great cock or get away. A really good looking cock can make up for a lot of other physical things for sure. One guy had a truly, sorry but true, face. Very repulsive actually but he had a cock about 10 to 11 inches and damn nice looking too and could not turn down that. Damn nice fuck from him but sorry my eyes were closed most of the time, except on an exceptionally deep thrust when they got opened wide a few times. LOL
  23. Had my ass fisted about a dozen times now but the last time I got it with a hand all in is now over a year ago and I really miss it terribly. Had a guy just about a year ago try, about 5 sessions, and his hand was huge and we never did get it all in and haven't seen him anymore as we are about 5 1/2 hour drive apart now. Didn't get his huge hand in all the way but what was in drove me wild for sure and had me actualy bouncing around and driving my ass onto his hand for more. Was just barely short of getting it all in and think another session or two at most would have got it in all the way. Original guy fisted me and then liked to take a dick break and fuck me too. LOL He was poz undetectable and at first that scared me and wouldn't let him. Then I decided to let chance dictate it and flipped a coin for it with 2 out of three flips deciding with 2 heads he could and 2 tails no way. First two times we did this it was 2 tails and then the third time it was his way and 2 heads and I let him fuck me and cum in me as he wanted. This ended the flipping as I thought, what the hell, already loaded might just as well continue and ended up with probably about 9 or 10 cum loads from him before we were done. LOL He came down with AFib then and we have never been able to get back together again for another round. He also got a new boyfriend but they are now telling me to come and play again so maybe my ass will get filled full of hand again soon.
  24. One of the hottest stories on here for sure.
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