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Status Updates posted by aidsfukka

  1. depends on what's goin on, of course

  2. No m8, Italy here near venice.

  3. MWAH. Long time no see ya man.

  4. just... WHOA! (_(_)//////D~~(_o_)

  5. so fukin' hot to have u here, too, FUCKER!!!!!!!!!


    I fukkin want you.

  7. Instead mine is: Have a fukkin FACEpic on your fukkin profile, if u think u're so proud & brave.

  8. just SLURP!


  9. GRRRRRRRR! wish I could mix my strains with yours, fucker! (_(_)//////D~~(_o_)

  10. just love your profile, man

  11. WelCUM aboard, hot fucker!


  12. "IF" I'm "ever" in Europe?!?!? Well, I agree poor Italy looks more like 3rd world - but hey - it's officially "Europe" - and I guess we have a nice bunch of past centuries of history to prove it... ROFLMAO

    Check me out, you badass, I'm here:


    Treviso, Venice area, Italy - EUROPE


  13. so nice to see u here too, hottest aids-BBro!


  14. WelCUM aboard man.. just /emoticons/default_tongue.png" alt=":P" srcset="/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

  15. Wanna definitely & POZitively spoil ya, man.

  16. So, u like it toXXXic & dirty, uh? Fine... me too!


    Pls help yourself:

    My scat blog: http://pozshitfuck.tumblr.com/

    Just me on my scat blog: http://pozshitfuck.tumblr.com/tagged/aidsfukka

    On Picasa:

    That Dirty DozeN: http://pozshitfuck.tumblr.com/That%20Dirty%20Dozen

    A shitty weekend: http://pozshitfuck.tumblr.com/A%20Shitty%20Weekend

    Video: http://pozshitfuck.tumblr.com/Video%20A%20Shitty%20Weekend

    Other websiites:

    scatboi: http://www.scatboi.com/members/storm

    MBH: http://my.brownhanky.com/index.php?do=/public/user/name_storm/

    ...and last but not least, here "Lookks good in Brown": http://www.breedingzone.com/group.php?groupid=15

    Lick u all over & inside!

  17. the one we'll have together will be a very special one, hottest AIDS-BBro!

  18. Heyyy :) it's fuckin OK :D - I just fund it so hilarious... No reason 2 be sorry at all - I'm not!

  19. I'd really love to meAt you & swap gifts, stud!

  20. hot guy - and hot vid also!

  21. The hottest dog around! (_(_)//////D~~(_o_)

  22. No reason to spam me on my private mail if then u block my replies. Loser.

  23. Nice tos ee u again, shit-BBro. Hope u're doing well.

  24. Thank you, BBro. just wish we were closer.... (_(_)//////D~~(_o_)

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