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Chances of getting HIV from an HIV test?
Poz1956 replied to terminallyCapricious's topic in HIV Risk & Risk Reduction
One school of thought says swallow, rather than spit.The most likely place or oral health issues is around the gums. Cum shots usually happen behind the teeth. If you swallow the cum stays behind the gums, but if you spit, you will spread the splooge all around your mouth. The stomach is a very caustic environment & the virus is very fragile. -
There is a ongoing study of serodivergent couples in Australia, called Opposites Attract. (We sometimes get cute and call those +/- parnterships a Magnetic couple.) Similar to the Partner study, those couples are are also barebacking. The results are expect to be publish 2017. The unique feature of that one is they are looking at seminal fluid viral load in the undetectable Possies.The piece you linked to is in a University of New South Wales newsletter. UNSW is running the Opposites Attract study, so that may have been where the confusion came in. They're working on some other pretty interesting projects about people with HIV as well. The piece you linked to is discussing the interim report on the European based Partner study, that was presented at CROI 2014. (Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections.) As you correctly pointed out, none of the negative partners caught HIV from their spouse in the first two years of the study. There were a total of 894 years of couple follow-up, and an estimated 16,400 gay BB fucks, and 28,000 straight ones. Based on the number and kind of sex acts, if the gay Poz guys were not on meds, the researchers would have expected about 86 of the Neg partners to seroconvert. While the news is very encouraging, it's early to call it "Proof." Before the Partner study, there had been very little investigation into HIV transmission in gay couples, and none with enough data to produce a statistically significant result. Partner currently has more years of follow-up on this than all other studies combined. They don't have enough data for a higher confidence that the results so far are not just random chance. In particular, they only have 93 couple years of follow-up for Poz tops cumming in Neg bottoms. They are recruiting 450 more gay couples, and will publish their final results in 2017. They are aiming for a total of 2082 couple years of follow-up with the gay partnerships. Here's the actual presentation audio, slides, plus Q &A at the end. I think you need to be on a computer for this. I'm not sure it works for a mobile device. If the final report from Partner still shows no transmission, and we get a similar result of Opposites Attract, it will be very powerful evidence to fight against Stigma. It will give us firm evidence that Undetectable Pozzies are not spreading HIV. Just as there are people who are genetically resistant to HIV, some are genetically more susceptible to catching it. Scientists don't know what genes are involved, and how to test for that. I don't think we can ever have total "proof" that an undetectable Pozzie can never transmit. But if it can happen, it's got to be exceedingly rare. Anecdotal reports from the web, and medical facilities aren't reporting any. Over on Queerity, in the comments on their story about the Partner study, one guy claims he caught HIV from his Undetectable Poz partner. A search of medical literature search shows one case. It is very suspect because there is no definitive Neg result on file, just the "Neg" partner's word that he had a test before the relationship.
I fucked a guy last summer. I was a little too excited, and a little too ready to cum sooner than I wanted. I slowed down the thrust, and may even have stopped. He literally milked my dick like he had hold of a teat on an udder. He made me blow so quick. I felt embarrassed that it was such a short fuck. But man, it felt incredible. I'd like to learn how to work my ass like that. jcklvrga: Exercises? I want to learn more. Tell me. (I assume we're talking more than Kagels)
The ridiculous thing here is the absolute ignorance about the realities of HIV. One of the purposes of our HIV agencies is to advocate on behalf of those with HIV, and educate about how HIV is transmitted. There's none of that going on in the Gay community. They just allow the fear and stigma to fester. The best effort they can muster is distribute condoms. They need to stop yelling "Condoms, Condoms, Condoms" and start screaming "Testing, Testing, Testing." Maybe while people are waiting for test results, we can force them to learn something about WHO is spreading HIV, and what activities are the lowest risk. Something like videos on waiting room TV's. I've taken to putting educational material on hook-up websites, in the guise of a "get laid" profile just to teach people about the Window Period, Define Undetectable, and Disscuss the viral loads of the "D & D Free" who aren't quite as D Free as they thought. Guys who have commented on it say, this is brand new information that they didn't know before. WTF? You should have thrown Mr. "I won't touch it" out the door, telling him he'd better not hold any dicks ever again, because he's been too STUPID to learn the first thing about HIV or any other STI. Scared of mutual masturbation - Jesus fucking Christ. What are we supposed to do, force a dimwit like that to read a basic "How HIV is transmitted" webpage while we stand over his shoulder. Why has it now become the responsibility of Pozzies to educate the terminally moronic, while our organizations charged with education, do nothing more than hand out condoms. Most guys think it is more dangerous to suck on a undetectable HIV+ cock, than to lick an asshole. Rimming is virtually zero risk for HIV transmission, but high risk for a host of other infections. But we allow "Ewwww I'm scared of sucking on a Pozzie cock, but any stranger can shove their ass in my face" to go unchallenged. Sucking cock is Extremely low risk for HIV, but fairly high risk for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Syphilis. Hep B is 50 to 100 times more transmissible than HIV, and definitely considered possible to catch via oral sex, but nobody talks about Hep B. Perhaps I've left the wrong impression about where I live. When I moved here, the city was 800,000. Now it's 1.25 million. Small by comparison to the multi-million cities, but not tiny. There is no Gay village, and only three gay bars. The only one with a reasonable number of people, is the twink dance bar. The bathhouse is about the barest minimum you'll find anywhere. I don't have a smart phone, so all the location aware apps that people use to hook up with are not available to me. I'm kind of stuck with online hookups. I go to the twink bar to dance and people watch, but I never expect to get anything there. Surprisingly it does occasionally happen. Let me put it this way, the water level in the pond gets more shallow as you get older. Over 49 its volume drops by half. Over 55, it drops by half again. Of those that might be interested in someone my age, the majority are "Clean U B 2" twits. I'm probably in the bets shape of my life, and am told I have the ass of a guy half my age. Since HIV's early aging has left me stuck bottoming, I really can't compete with the wide variety of much younger and more experienced butt boys out there. I used to be terrified of putting myself out there, fearing THE question. I'm still not very self-confident, but at least I'm trying.
I think the BIGGEST point is EIGHT YEARS and ZERO tests? I would really like to hear your reasons for not getting tested in over eight years! And I mean that. I want to know. Maybe there's something in your explanation that I can use to encourage people to get tested more regularly. Perhaps you're a mostly play safe guy. With that, once or twice a year testing might be appropriate. Bareback frequently, and you should get yourself checked out once ever three months. People continually trash Poz guys, who were responsible enough to get tested, and responsible enough to go on meds. Most "think they might be Neg" guys are 100% certain that it's guys like me that are spreading HIV. But an Undetectable Pozzie may not even be able to transmit the virus. In another thread, I got compared to Typhoid Marry, because I don't always disclose my status when playing safely. To be blunt, HIV is spread by people who don't get tested. People who DO NOT know they are Poz cause almost all new infections. You're damn lucky you didn't end up Like this Kid, who was diagnosed with an opportunistic infection, and HIV at the same time. He had AIDS (HIV + OI = AIDS) because the didn't get tested for five years. He could have avoided AIDS by tested frequently, and getting on ARVs when he found he was Poz. It is pretty much a guarantee he passed the virus to others. The chance of that happening would have been minimized, if he was on antiretrovirals.
I am so happy to hear a doctor said that. It's great advice. Listen to it!That is a MORE IMPORTANT discussion, than their Bla Bla Bla - Play Safely. Trust me when I say it is vital to your mental health. The biggest thing driving my mid-life crisis at the moment, is that it took until May 2013 for me to realize, that I REALLY DID have as much right to a hot sex life as anybody else. The shaming, guilt, and demand that I ALWAYS reveal my most personal private piece of medical information to any casual hook-up, kept me from having more than two or three encounters a year. (Most of them were J/O or B/J) There were even several year or more periods (one lasted three), where I didn't even get a single naked cuddle. Now that I've finally had the revelation that I AM ALLOWED to be as a erotic human, I am deprived of the sex life I want, because of ageism, Stigma, and HIV's early aging making the 'bits' work all that well. If I'm playing safe, and have to adopt "Don't Ask - Don't Tell" to get some fun, So Be It! If I'm NOT putting the other guy at any risk, I DO NOT HAVE TO TELL HIM ANYTHING! I would NEVER disclose my status to somebody I'm just sucking. In either position, transmission by oral sex is EXTREMELY rare. The chance of catching some other STI from a BJ is far higher than HIV. Why can't we dispense with the bull shit fear about HIV and oral sex?I will no longer let Guilt, Shame, or Stigma prevent me from getting the human contact I need.
Let me present you with a situation. Does ALWAYS apply here too?I went to the bathhouse and got a double room the Saturday night before my birthday. I pre-opened a couple of condoms (cuz I can never rip the packages once I have lube on my hands) and put them beside the lube. I got fucked my four guys. No one asked my status, and I did't tell anyone I was Poz. However, with each guy I said "I'll only do it safely," and I personally put the rubber on each of their dicks. By my reckoning I put them at zero risk. (Bottomed, Undetectable, ARV that achieves higher concentrations in the genital tract than in the blood, Condoms and plenty of lube -- That's Belt & Suspenders, condoms time three, level of safety) Do you think I should have disclosed my status? In some jurisdictions, the legal stand-ins for homophobia say I should be in jail. And now your friend is caught in a trap. If he'd told the guy as soon as they'd met (which surveys show about 56% of guys want) there was a very good chance he would have been rejected. (49% of guys agreed with the statement "I would not have sex with a man who is HIV Positive even if I am very attracted to him.") He hoped that once the guy got to know him as a person, he would realize your firend wasn't a psychopathic monster hell bent on infecting as many people as possible. Now, because he's waited too long, the guy will feel betrayed, because he wasn't informed earlier. He will question if he can ever trust your friend, because of concealing his status for this long. The chances of rejection are even higher than the 50/50 at the beginning. The exception would be if the guy truly loves him, and can see past his status. But even then, he will always wonder "what else isn't he telling me?"In a world where we can't even talk about HIV -- Where people hide behind euphemisms like Clean, D&D Free, Healthy, Sanitary, etc. -- Where a Pozzie is routinely treated like trash -- We are terrified to disclose our status. The Stigma is that great, and growing! Or maybe your "ALWAYS" should have applied to your friend the moment he met the guy. Let's order a round of biohazard tattoos on the forehead of all Pozzies the moment they're diagnosed. Better put one by the ass and dick too, so no Neggie gets deceived. (Yes, I know there are guys like Bear who have gone that route as rebellion, ownership, or to shoot the middle finger at the Neggie bigot horde) I think Mark S. King's " " shows the Poz/Neg divide quite well. (Warning: It contains the C word, and isn't exactly BB friendly) We saw the down sides of this all the way along. Now, allong with ageism, pozzaphobia, and the psychological bludgeoning we receive anytime we go online, we have long term effects of HIV and/or the drugs to struggle against. While "healthy" in comparison to how we'd be had the ARVs not arrived, our bodies are feeling much older than our birthdate would suggest.I wish the chasers understood their "freedom" includes chronic pain, early aging, and who knows what other surprises are in store. I feel like I'm looking in a mirror. Are you spying on me? Which hook-up app is Poz friendly? I realize you know better, but implied in that statement is that classic allegation that the guys who know they are Poz are the ones spreading HIV. Blame the Pozzie is STIGMA.Until we make testing NORMAL, and EVERYONE gets tested REGULARLY, and get EVERYONE who is Poz on treatment without it financially hurting them, we haven't a hope in hell of getting this under control. But if we allow the constant blaming of the Poz guys to go unchallenged, continue criminalizing sex while Poz, and don't break the fingers of every shithead who uses stigmatizing language, people won't get tested. The 25+% of Pozzies who DO NOT know they have HIV will continue to grow the epidemic (40% of Poz but don't know it in guys under 25). Over 83% of new transmissions are from guys who think they are "Clean." There are multiple factors driving the epidemic. Go watch the Policy Implications of The Lancet MSM & HIV Series to learn how the biological and network level effects, are far greater than individual behaviours. (I suggest you start 5 minutes in) It really gave me some insights as to why we are not seeing infection rates go down. For example, if we stopped using water based lube (because it actually damages the one cell thick rectal lining, probably increasing the transmission of HIV), and changed to silicon based lube it would help. Or ideally, a silicon rectal microbicide based lube, would make a HUGE difference (like 80% reduction in new infections). Add in PrEP and TasP and the new infections will plummet. But Stigma is one of the biggest factors, because it inhibits both the testing and treating elements of TasP.
You can't seriously think that guys are trying to be politically correct, and inoffensive by using the word Clean?BullShit! They are trying to be as offensive, and demeaning as possible. What person out there using the phrase doesn't know the opposite of Clean is Dirty? And that how they mean it -- Dirty Disgusting Diseased Pozzies. I might be willing to concede that guys who are too lazy to type full words, or sentences find "R U Clean" the shortest way to ask status. But they definitely ARE NOT trying to be polite, and pussy foot around a difficult topic. I've played dumb on the clean question, and replied that I've just showered. The response I've gotten back is "I meant are you DISEASED?" But other times I've talked with people who actually do think the correct meaning of clean when they use it in their profile. Apparently there are a lot of guys out there who show up for play with shitty assholes, stinky feet, cheesy foreskin, and several days worth of sweat in their armpits. I don't mind a little 'less than a day old' musky mansent, but nobody should keel over when a trick gets undressed. Bottoms show up without douching too. So no, it is not always clear what somebody means when they use Clean. DDF is no better. It says I belong seated next to that heroine addict shooting up in the alley. It equates me to the meth head who'll steal you wallet while you pants are down. To them, I'm just a walking bucket of Infection -- Not a person at all. Especially not one with feelings. What's even more infuriating is the guys who support organized crime. They are welcomed and sought after play partners. A whole section of this website is devoted to them. That's what the PnP crowd does, right? They support, enable, and funnel money into organized crime. They want to get so high that they don't know who's dick is in which hole, let alone if it's wrapped. And most of them can't remember the last time they got tested, or how many dicks they've taken since then. Hell, many don't know how many loads they received last night. But "Ewww! Ickkkk! You're a Pozzie! You shouldn't have sex with anybody ever again!" There is a concerted effort to use language that says "Not Me" and drowns us with the stench of Stigma! Though some are just monkey see, monkey do, echoing back the language they see used elsewhere. They haven't given the meaning of the words even one second's worth of thought. You asked where are all the new infections coming from. Literally almost all the new cases are coming from guys who don't know they are Poz. I've seen estimates as high as 54% from the newly infected (had HIV less than six weeks) acute phase guys. Add the chronic infection stage men, and it totals to over 83% of new transmissions. In the US you've got that special case where it's not easy for everyone to get on meds as soon as they are diagnosed (insurance, finances, etc). The diagnosed, but not on ARVs account for about 10% of new transmissions. That leaves 7% for serodiscordant couples, broken condoms, IV drug abusing MSM, chasers, gifters and stealthers. So it's what we already knew -- It's guys who are not getting tested. And the biggest driver is Versatile guys. When they bottom, they are most susceptible to catching HIV, and when they top, they are the most efficient transmitters of it. I was watching the Policy Implications of The Lancet MSM & HIV Series. Their modelling showed that if everyone was exclusively a top or bottom, it would reduce the new infections in the MSM pandemic by 98% in five years. If we left the vers guys alone, but used a rectal microbicide lube that reduced the anal transmission rate to an equivalent of the rate for vaginal sex, it would reduce the pandemic by 80% in five years. The behavioural stuff like multiple partners, and condoms only account for about 2% of the difference between heterosexual and MSM pandemics. (That discussion starts at about eight minutes in) If you thought of their modelling as programming a Sims game, where all the characters are Gay, you'd have a good picture of what they did.
I claim prior art on the first one. In a part bitching, part educational profile I wrote on December 1, 2013, and posted on Squirt I noted As for the second word, when HIV prevention techniques were first being taught, they called it "Safe Sex." Since they couldn't guarantee it was 100% safe, (probably on the advice of some lawyer) they very quickly renamed it to "Safer Sex."
Generally if something has a "Best Before" date it is marked on the box. It could also be marked on the sterile package containing the test swab. So check the box, and the internal package for a Use By date (I was going to write that as BB date - but considering the site, that would just cause confusion) But logically speaking, even if it did have a best before date, the test will have a shelf life of at least a couple of years. Since you bought the test a few months ago, it should still be good. As it is a "send back to the lab" type test, it probably just contains a sterile mouth swab in a tube. There really isn't anything to go bad. It might have a use by date, because the packaging can degrade over time, which could cause leaks, thus causing potential contamination of the test swab. But again, that date is going to be a fair distance in the future. A test kit isn't like milk. It doesn't go bad quickly. I must have a long shelf life, because there is always going to be a significant time lag between production, shipping to the distributor, shipping to the retailer's warehouse, shipping to the store, and the time it sits in the store before being purchased. (Be forewarned readers - I'm going to use the C word) For example, look at condoms. They have a 4 to 5 year shelf life. Last June, I bought the Magnum rubber I'm looking at right now. It has an expiration date of November 2017. I'm guessing it was produced in November 2012. Your kit should still be good. Swab away, and best of luck on the results. I sure hope it comes back negative.
Back in February the CBC's national morning show "The Current" (8:30 to 10:00 AM) did a 20 minute segment on PrEP. [Click the Listen button or download the MP3] The Current is one of the CBC's flagship radio shows. (Canadian Broadcast Corporation - Something like NPR but with much greater market penetration) The page for that episode also includes a (The acronym stands for: "Intervention Préventive de l'Exposition aux Risques avec et pour les hommes Gays" or "Action to Prevent Risk Exposure By and For Gay Men." It's a study in France and Montreal looking at what I'm going to call Disco Dosing of PrEP. (Day Before, Daily during the period you're fucking around, and the Next Two Days After Your Last Boink) Interestingly the study will not accept Neg men in a sero-different couple, unless it is an open relationship.As part of my personal campaign to slow the spread of HIV, I had a chat with my GP during my last appointment. (General Practitioner - Family Medicine - Regular Doctor) Did he know what PrEP was? (He understood the concept but thought PrEP was a brand name) Would he proscribe it if someone asked. (Yes) I also tried to talk to him about asking people if they wanted an HIV test as part of their annual physical. I didn't get very far on that one. His response; it wasn't a standard part of an annual exam. I pointed out that the CDC now recommends it annually for everyone. He said he does for people "at risk" like serial monogamists. I noted that online hook-up sites have at least as many married Bi guys on them as Gay men. They often they outnumber the Gay men, and that they probably were not discussing bisexuality with their doctor. His response was to pull out the blood test form, and point out that there wasn't a check box for an HIV test. It would have to be written in. A lot of his clients are older people. I used the results from British Columbia (the home of TasP) where they are offering HIV tests to everyone who enters hospital, or goes to Emergency / Urgent Care facility. When people are given the option, 95% are saying Yes. They calculated that if they found one Poz person per thousand, it was cost effective. They are finding seven per thousand - people who did not think they were at risk. And yes, a good chunk of them were older and elderly people, who could not remember (or would not admit) any indecent that put them at risk. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on routine testing. But I think the above is a good conversation for everyone to have with their GP. Even if you don't want PrEP for yourself, make sure your doc knows about it. At least they'd educated that it exists, and that it is effective. A conversation like that would make him/her think about it. Maybe they might even recommend it to some of their patients. The testing question is as important, if not more important than PrEP. If we make testing NORMAL, people will quit putting it off, or slipping through the cracks. Regular testing would catch a lot of people who don't know they are Poz. It is the core of TasP. Push your doctor on that one too. There is a local doctor who does a medical segment on one of the morning drive time shows. I think I'm going to talk to him and see if he'll do a segment on annual HIV testing. That seven per thousand BC experience makes it more general interest, not just gay specific. Who knows perhaps I can even get him to do a show on PrEP. Then at least more people would know it exists. I'm sure there are similar talk and TV segments in most major markets.
That one is pretty much of a red hearing.We call a "spike" in viral load a Blip. The most common test in North America measures down to 40 viral copies per ML of blood. Undetectable is anything below that. Some places are using a newer assay where undetectable is below 25. Many Neg guys worry that a cold, or flu, or vaccination will make a Pozzie's viral load go up. Yes, some guys experience a blip - a viral load that strays a little above undetectable with the standard western world tests. The majority of blips range from a few points above undetectable, to around 180. Personally I've never had one. One of the countries involved in the Partner study defined Undetectable as a viral load below 200, so the data analysis used that number for all of the sites. That would encompass all of what we generally see as a blip. The highest blip I've been able to find on the net is well below the 1,500 "no transmissions" threshold used for a Ugandan study. The Partner study has an important take away for guys who wring their hands worrying "Did that Pozzie miss a dose?" or "What if he's coming down with a cold or got a flu vaccination last week & is having a blip.?" The couples in the Partner study barebacked an average of one or more times a week. In the two years of follow-up there must have been colds and flues, vaccinations, and the occasional missed dose of ARVs. There were even STIs in almost half of the couples that played raw outside the relationship. Despite all those cold, flues, blips and STIs, in the first two years of the study, NONE of the HIV Negative partners contracted HIV from their Poz partner. Anyone who wants to use what I wrote in post 198 is welcome to do so. If I were to re-write it, there are a couple of things I would add, and a few words I might change. If you quote it elsewhere, a PM telling me where you are using it would be nice. If it's online, I'd appreciate if you send me a link to it. If you need a nickname for the author, use "PozSince1985."
It's meant for electro-play. Add tingly little pulses to his entire dick. And yes, it really is nothing more than a drain screen with a point to attach the electrode. I'm sure that would rip the shit out of both the dick and the hole leaving both bloody. It would put you both out of commission for a while. Fun for it's real purpose, but not a fucking tool.
As a Neg person it is very easy to say that. And yes that's what some of the laws are writtem. Others are so vague that there are Poz people in jail for spitting, mutual masturbation, or getting fucked with a condom. The law where I live says that there must be a "realistic possibility of infection." BB would constitute that of course.I haven't taken much of a step into barebacking yet. Just a couple of times with other Pozzies so far. So most my comments are in the context of Safe Sex. Morally, I feel that advising a partner of my status is the correct thing to do. In the real, world most Neg guys are so totally lacking in knowledge, that I have to teach HIV 101 almost every time I disclose. That's a buzz kill. Many Neggies totally freak at the mere mention of a guy being Poz. There are only so many times you handle being told "You're trying to Murder me", being called a Psychopath, having immediate moral judgment passed based on nothing more than three letters and a mathematical symbol, or receiving some other "Ewww, Icccck" response. You really begin to question "Is honest the best policy?" I'll spell out the whole story in the "worst reactions" thread, but I've had one case where I disclosed online before sex. The guy agreed to meet, but it was a set-up for a bashing, because I had revealed my status. Some Neggies are INSANE when it come to HIV. So in theory, a Pozzie should disclose ahead of time, because in theory, the Neg guy is educated, discusses it calmly, will make a logical decision, and give informed consent. Or maybe he'll politely decline the encounter. In theory, we should be treated exactly the same as a Neg guy. In theory, we wouldn't be constantly pummelled with Stigma, that sometimes boarders on hate speach. In reality, it means I'm left alone, with my dick in my hands, my self esteem is shattered, and kicked to the curb like yesterday's trash. It's all well and good to say "There's plenty of fish in the sea," if you live in the ocean of a large city, or are in a bathhouse that's full to capacity. But if you're an old trout in a little pond, and opportunities don't come along very often, the "Don't Ask - Don't Tell" internal debate becomes much more difficult. I dare any Neg guy out there to tell the next ten people he tries to hook up with that he isn't "Clean" - that he's Poz. Wait until it's a there is agreement to get naked and nasty, or until you're face to face before you reveal your "secret." It will be easy for you to say it because you know it's not true. I think it would be a good experience for you to see and feel how the real world reacts. Then some of you might know why it's is a difficult conversation to start. I used to say I've never lied when I've been asked. A mid-20's "straight" guy wanted to suck his first dick. He didn't ask, and I didn't tell. He only sucked on it for a few minutes, and I didn't cum in his mouth. Afterwards, on the way back to the car from the little wooded patch we'd been in, he said "I suppose I should have asked this before. Are you clean." I had a little panic attach, got flushed, felt like I was going to pass out, and said "You're fine!" (Undetectable Pozzie, on an ARV that has an even higher concentration in the genital track than in the blood, not much of a pre-cum leaker, oral only - Zero risk to him - he Was fine. Yea, all of it is self-justification BS.) If the other guy advertises that he is a Pozzie, I don't think I need to discuss it with him. BB with a Neg guy, yes I do think there needs to be informed consent. Especially if the Pozzie isn't on meds. It begins to get a bit grey, in the undetectable bottom, anon situations, using a blind folded cum-dump bottom, Dark room, undiscussed at a bathhouse, etc. Haven't most of our education campaigns said "Always assume the other guy is HIV Pozitive." Isn't that what the MuscMtl was doing? The PSA's should have said, "Always assume the other guy has the Opposite HIV status." But can we excuse complete abdication of personal responsibility on the Neg guy's part? If it's THEIR ass that THEY wast to keep Negative, then THEY have EQUAL responsibility to start the conversation. When they don't ask the REAL question, and instead use a childish, hipster euphemism, why must we interpret the word as only one of a dozen possible meanings? Constantly blaming the Pozzie is BS. But of course the laws assume that the Neggie is an uninvolved bystander, and a completely innocent victim of the predatory Pozzie. The legal system treats the Pozzie as guilty until proven innocent. Why can't a Poz guy be caught up in the moment, thinking with the wrong head, judgment clowned by hormones, and for that moment just be a NORMAL sexual being? Instead, he's expected to view himself as a walking petri dish, full of disease, with the weight of the world on his shoulders, having God like self-control, be psychic in reading the other guy's mind, and always be 100% responsible. That makes as much logical sense as expecting everyone to use a condom 100% of the time. I'm tired of being the Neg guy's brain, and doing his thinking for him. You don't think Pozzies realize that? We've had it blasted in our fucking face for 32 years. We get it ground in our noses at every doctors visit. Every news story paints us all as raving lunatics. Maybe the TALK here is rebellion for all the Neggies, who take every opportunity to call us Dirty, Diseased, Unhealthy, Unhygenic, and Disgusting.For some reason the first thought that enters the mind for a large portion of Neggies is "You're mad as hell at the world for getting HIV, and you're trying to get even by infecting as many people as possible." I've always wondered about those guys. Is that what they'd do if they got it? They thought of it first. Remind me again, which one of us is supposed to be the sociopath? To quote Stan Lee / Spiderman "With great power, comes great responsibility." And the power to Poz is definitely a great power. Well it's actually a pretty crappy power that I wish I didn't have. With thinking that, I guess it puts me on the same level as every conflicted superhero in the comic book universe. But as an undetectable Pozzie, do I even possess that power? I know what I am, and the stigma from it has sucked most of the joy and fun out of my sex life for 28 years. After reading on here, the prevalence of Stealther / Gift Giver / Bug Chaser (and hearing what they want to do after they've caught it) , I'm beginning to wonder if the paranoid Neggies just might have a point. It scares the shit out of me. I sure hope it's mostly just fantasy. It is NOT representative of most Pozzies.
I almost don't know where to begin, because there is so much CRAP in this thread! Many of you are acting like silly little school girls, squealing and running away from a wasp. You clicked the "over 18" button to get in here, and you've got a dick & balls, that means you are a MAN. Act like one! #1. If PrEP is an option for you, Get On It! That means all you US guys, with insurance. Gilead has a co-pay assistance program. No insurance or very low income? Gilead has a program for you too. If you've got time to sit your cum filled bum in front of your computer reading this forum, you've got time to do the work and research needed to keep you bum full of cum, and HIV Negative. Guys from other countries, find out if there is a study near you, and try to get into it. Call your local HIV clinic, and ask about PrEP. Talk to your doctor. Go in prepared with all the literature he might want. Ask if he will prescribe Truvada. Lobby your politicians, health departments, and medical establishments to approve PrEP. #2. Last time I checked, there were at least two people involved in any sex act, where a hard dick gets shoved into a hot horny wiggling ass. You BOTH share EQUAL responsibility to ask about HIV status! Don't assume your play partner is the same HIV status as you. You think, "He didn't raise the topic, or whip out a condom, so he must be Neg too." He might be thinking, "This fuck toy didn't ask THE question, or tell me to rubber up, so he must be Poz too." If your little Neggy brain thinks it is too difficult of a topic to discuss, just imagine how much harder it is for a Poz guy to start that conversation. It is YOUR ass that YOU want to keep Negative, so it's YOUR job to bring up the topic. #3. Have an open, honest discussion about HIV Put your Neg status and date tested in your profile. It makes your point but does not treat Poz guys with disrespect. It will also remind you to test again. (eg Tested Negative for HIV and all other STIs: April 2014) Update your profile each time you get tested Ideally Poz guys should list their status too, but because of Stigma, and privacy he may choose to discuss it later. Language like "Clean" "D & D Free" "Healthy" "Neg Only" cause people to NOT get tested. Guys think it's better to NOT know than be labelled "Dirty" "Diseased" or "Unhealthy" #4. You are an adult. Ask the REAL question you want answered. Don't be a little child, and ask a silly, vague question! "Are you Clean" can be interpreted several ways: Yes (I shower daily, and always before play.) Yes (I am not an alcoholic, or if I am one, I haven't taken a drink in a while. I'm sober.) Yes (I am not a drug addict. I'm not high right now. I'm a recovering addict, but I'm not using.) Yes (I douched. My butt is freshly washed. I can sit on your face, and make my little bum boy eat ass while I edge, and build up a bigger load to blast into your fuck hole. In case we're both vers, I cleaned it out so you can fuck me too.) Yes (Like 20%-30% of guys, I've Never been tested, but I think I'm Neg. If I'm under 25, I'm part of the 40% who have never been tested.) Yes (My last test was Negative. That was a year and a half ago, and I've fucked 52 guys since then. But two weeks before I got tested I went to a CumUnion party where I took enough loads that my ass was sore for a week, and I shoved my uncut cock into a dozen sloppy holes that were dripping with the spunk from who knows how many guys. I don't think about the fact that the last checkup could have been during the window period.) Yes (I'm part of the 25% of guys who are Poz, but DON'T KNOW IT. For men under 25, 60% of the guys with HIV, still think they're "Clean U B 2." At least 83% of new infections are from "D & D Free" guys.) Yes (I am part of the group you self-selected to Eliminate the guys with the lowest viral load, who are the least infectious. I am part of the group that contains the guys who don't know they are Poz, who have the highest viral loads, that are the most infectious) Yes (I use the same insulting, hipster language you do. I consider HIV Positive guys Dirty, Diseased, and Disgusting.) Yes (I might actually, really and truly be Neg) Ask " What is your HIV Status? When were you last tested? How often do you get tested? " That is much more clear. It doesn't leave any wiggle room for a Poz guy to say, "He didn't actually ask about HIV." #5. But what if he is a Pozzie, and lies about it? You guys are all trying to Stealth me! For some reason the first thought that enters the mind for a large portion of Neggies is "You're mad as hell at the world for getting HIV, and you're trying to get even by infecting as many people as possible." I always wonder about guys like you. Is that what you'd do if you got it? You thought of it first. Remind me again, which one of us is supposed to be the sociopath? The guy you are talking to is a regular person, just like you. He was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and caught the bug. Most Poz guys dread the question, but will answer truthfully, if asked. Have you ever had a guy lie about the size of his dick, his weight, his age, his wealth, or his prowess as a fucker? So yea, some guys will lie about their HIV status too. It's because of the Stigma most of you spew. But Pozzies who lie about their status are the minority. "He didn't tell me" isn't lying. You weren't concerned enough about HIV to ask, and he didn't tell. How is that a lie? The Chaser / Gift Giver / Stealther crowd on here, and J/O fantasy stories, give a very distorted view that all Poz guys are trying to bug you up. #6. Why didn't he put it in his profile, tell me he was Poz when we started talking, or before we got naked? It's his most personal, private piece of medical information! Why do you think it is appropriate to put that on public display? Can he trust you with it? Will you blab it to everyone? Will you post it in message boards? Will you try and warn everybody that he's a Pozzie? (I've had all of those happen.) What if his co-workers find out. His parents don't know, and they hear it because of you. Want to understand that level of vulnerability? Bi guys, post your wife's cell number in your profile. The rest of you, list you social security number and bank card PIN. If you're like 40% to 50% of guys, you will immediately reject him, and probably block him too. No further discussion. That gets really depressing after a while. Maybe he just can't take another "Ewwwww, Ickkkk!" response. He really needs that naked human contact tonight. Maybe even just a cuddle. He's hoping you won't ask, so he doesn't have to start the an extremely difficult conversation, that often contains immediate moral judgment, after disclosing his status. Some of you make pretty wild, and insulting ascertains as to a Pozzie's moral character, based on nothing more than the fact that he is HIV Positive. He thinks that if you get to know him -- the real guy, as a person -- you will see that he is a good man to know, not the evil stereotype you have in your head He takes his meds, has an undetectable viral load (<40), and is putting you at minimal risk. Compare that number to someone who is Poz and doesn't know it. Mr. "Clean U B 2″ who got it a few weeks ago and can't even test Poz yet, will have a viral load of over one million. Sometimes more than ten million. A few weeks later, after the immune system kicks in, and the body starts to fight HIV (ie after he is producing the anti-bodies and can then test Poz), Mr. “D & D Free” -- who isn’t quite as D Free as he thought -- his viral load will generally settle out between 30,000 and 120,000. But you would play with both of them, because their last tests were Neg. Doctors have been saying for a couple of years that an undetectable viral load provides as good protection from HIV transmission as a condom, if not better. In the preliminary report from the Partner study, NONE of the Negative people caught HIV from their Pozzie spouse in the first two years of the study. After 16,400 gay bareback fucks (and 28,000 straight ones), ZERO Neg partners caught HIV from their Poz other half. In a cumulative total of 894 Years of couple following up, there was NOT even one single transmission from the Poz mate. Based on the number and type of sex acts, had the Poz men NOT been on ARVs, researches would have expected about 86 gay Neg partners to seroconvert. Google "Partner Study" to learn more. He wants to get his nuts off, and blast your guts full of sperm, not teach you HIV 101 tonight. #7. How should I respond if a guy tells me he is Poz? The first words out of your mouth or keyboard should be "Thank you for telling me. I know that was a very difficult conversation for you to start." Then think carefully about what you'll say next. Be polite with your response Remember that he just shared his most personal private piece of medical information. Don't gossip about it. There are only two reasons a guy will tell you he is POZ. He is showing his respect for you, and hoping to earn your respect in return. Don't prove you were worthy of neither. Ask questions if you need to. How long have you been on meds? What's your viral load? When was you last viral load test? (Questions that are appropriate, and very parallel to the ones you'd ask a "Think he's Neg" guy.) Remember how you react may affect what he does the next time he's asked. Based on how you're about to treat him would you want to be that next guy? You don't have to sleep with him. That's your choice and your personal comfort level. But you DO have to treat him with dignity. If your reaction "I wouldn't want to take the risk," think about this. You take the same risk every time you play. Remember those not quite Clean and not exactly D Free guys? The only person whose status you can be 100% certain of is the guy who tells you he is POZ! #8. Pull your head out of your cum filled ass, and recognize that it is no longer 1984. Educate yourself on modern concepts like Treatment as Prevention (TasP) Recognize that the people who were responsible enough to get tested, and responsibly enough to go on treatment are not spreading HIV. When they are forthright enough to tell you they are Poz, they are NOT the guys you should fear. Look at the latest research, like the Partner Study Look for other opinions about Undetectable Pozzies from Neg guys. RawTop, discusses it many times on this site. Marc-André LeBlanc co-founder of International Rectal Microbicide Advocates (IRMA) authored a recent article titled "Fuck Poz Guys." Or Jake Sobo's article "Learning To Fuck With Poz Guys" at Frontiersla. Search the net and you'll find many more. Learn who is actually spreading HIV (It's guys who haven't been tested often enough, and DON'T know they are Poz) Get yourself tested every three months. Drag your friends along to get tested too. Find a clinic that does 4th or 5th generation Rapid Testing, so you'll have your HIV results in minutes, instead of waiting and worrying for two weeks Make testing a NORMAL part of your routine Visit The Stigma Project online or in Facebook - Like and share their info-graphics with your friends Watch a video called on YouTube. It's funny, but sadly typical of the cyclic logic many "Neg" guys use. Are you the Red Robot? Next time you're reading profiles, look at the words they use as if you were a Poz guy. You might be one someday. Think about how you would feel reading that dehumanizing language. "Clean" out the degrading words in your profiles. Ask yourself, if you were Poz, and you almost always got rejected for disclosing your status, would tell every partner? Stigma is the main cause of HIV's continued spread. I prevents some people from getting tested. It delays most from getting tested as often as they should. It makes guys who think they are Neg, sero-sort and reject the guys least likely to infect them.
It may be a situation like here where Gilead hasn't even applied to Health Canada for the approval of Truvada's use as PrEP.Once it's approved in the UK, is it likely to be quickly adopted in other European Union countries? I know the EU breaks down some "borders" between it's members. Does that also apply for medical interventions?
I want to Bareback but Scared
Poz1956 replied to Johnny84's topic in Making The Decision To Bareback
I don't know why I didn't think of this before. Since you can't get into the current version of the PROUD study, find a guy who is already enrolled in the PROUD study. He'll be Neg and assuming he's taking his meds as directed, he'll stay Neg. You could feel comfortable taking his load. You might have to travel to either of larger centres near you that have clinics participating in the PROUD study. How would you find him? About the only thing I can think of is to include something like "The thought of a PROUD guy filling my hole, gets me hot!" Just use PROUD some way in the message, in all caps, and it's sort of a secret coded message. You might want to develop a few questions, that sound like you don't know much, but are genuinely interested in learning more. It reality, they'd be a way to check if the guy is fibbing. "How often do you take it? What's the pill look like? Where did you have to go to get it? How often do you have to go back there?" And of course as you browse profiles, take special note of anyone who mentions PrEP or PROUD. -
Like Neo, we're taking the Red Pill, and going further down the rabbit hole, to even deeper geekdom. ++1 The CCR5 gene, that encodes the CCR5 protein, is located on the short (p) arm of chromosome 3, at position 21. People with the Delta 32 mutation are Missing part of that gene. The "Delta" in this case means deleted. Now we get voyeuristic, and observe the mating rituals of HIV. (Keep your hands inside the ride at all times. If needed, you will find air sickness bags tucked into the seat pocket ahead of you.) GP120 is a protein on the surface of HIV. When GP120 binds with the CD4 receptor, it causes that protein to change shape. (Think "uncoil" - my words, but an effective image) That shape change allows GP120 to bind with CCR5. If the virus has the ability to connect with CXCR4 that connection point is revealed by the change. The morphing also exposes the previously hidden GP41. GP41 is another protein on HIV. After GP120 binds with both CD4 and CCR5, GP41 causes the shell to fuse with the T4, allowing the viral contents to enter the cell. Drugs that bind with that protein are called Fusion Inhibitors. Enfuvirtide (Fuzeon) is currently approved and in use. There several a points where we could inhibit HIV's entry. On the viral shell, there is more than one positions to attack on GP120, as well as GP41. On the T4 both CD4, & CCR5 are good targets. There are a number of agents being studied that can interact with those proteins and inhibit HIV's use of the T4. Studies into a compound that inhibits the interaction between the virus and CXCR5 were halted, as they showed very little antiretroviral activity. (That makes sense since half of those with HIV have a variant that ONLY binds with CCR5.) Owe. My head hurts. You guys are making me read more and learn stuff. I need a cocktail. Or I just need some cock. Maybe what I really need is some tail. Lets make it a real fun night and have all three. ----- ++1: It's a reference to a key scene in "The Matrix." If Neo takes the Blue Pill, he stays in the manufactured reality of the Matrix. But since Neo takes the Red Pill, he is located, unplugged from the Matrix, and shown the real world.
I guess we're both party right.The CCR5-delta32 mutation results in a smaller protein that isn't on the outside of the cell anymore. There's also another fusion inhibitor in the works that instead of binding to CC5, it mates with HIV itself. Same sort of puzzle piece/mirror image/lock and key analogy. It blocks up HIV's ability to mate with CD4 cells.
Doctors, nurses, and dentist have all commented on my small mouth and narrow throat opening. It always makes me almost choke on the tongue depressor thinking "Oh - that's why I have trouble sucking on a big one!" The videos on Gag a Fag totally repulse me. I suppose it's the straight guys literally abusing gay guys that gets me. Yet I can't look away, and had to download all the samples.
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I want to Bareback but Scared
Poz1956 replied to Johnny84's topic in Making The Decision To Bareback
With PEP, the wisdom is "the sooner the better." The head of Poz Magazine has actually suggested + guys carry a three day supply in their trick kit (assuming a one pill regime or a dual drug combo) If a rubber breaks, give it to the Neg guy immediately. It gives a buffer to work through whatever bureaucracy there is to getting a full 30 day PEP. They actually issued four day starter kits in Brazil, as noted in the MMWR linked to below. I like the idea - shows a top cares for his bottoms. By the same token, kind of dangerous because of a possible allergic reaction. (About 10% of people can have a serious reaction to the Abacavir in my NRTI combo pill.) But of course we're on a bareback site - so I guess that whole idea is kind of moot. I think the effectiveness of PEP really depends on the exposure. An IV drug abuser sharing 'works' with a high viral load Pozzie is quite different than a top fucking a undetectable. Some places use a more aggressive approach to PEP with three or four ARV drugs too. One study showed it to the be about 99% effective for receptive anal sex. The CDC's MMWR dates back to 2005, but includes data from several studies. I'd really have to do some research about grinding pills. I know there are a couple of drugs in time release formulations, so they would be a no-go. Based on experience, I'd bet many of them are pretty foul tasting. Some of the Take With Food pills use the meal to slow down the absorption, so they probably wouldn't be good candidates either. Back in the 90's I was taking DDI. Think an inch and a half diameter, by quarter inch thick & two at a time. It had to be on an empty stomach, and you were supposed to chew them, and swallow with a minimum amount of water. The best description I can come up with is go to a blackboard, grab a piece of chalk, and chew on it, then try to rise all that out of your mouth with a gulp or two of water. Project Inform suggested pulverizing in a coffee grinder, then mixing with an ounce of water - chug it, and follow it with an ounce or two chaser. So the concept isn't foreign to me. My goodness but Google is our Friend! Just found a PDF that says Truvada can be chewed, or crushed and mixed with juice. Apparenly Tenofovir is very bitter, hence the juice. Crushing Antiretrovirals PDF -
I want to Bareback but Scared
Poz1956 replied to Johnny84's topic in Making The Decision To Bareback
UK guidelines on PEP take into account the viral load of the Pozzie. If it's just some random dude of unknown status, the recommenddation is starting PEP. And yes it has to be started within 72 hours of when you got that cum in your bum. It requires that you take pills. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis involves swallowing a pill containing two antiretroviral drugs every day as a preventative to catching HIV. Truvada is generally well tolerated. All I have to say on both is "Google is your Friend" boy. Use it and you'll find more information then you'll ever be able to read. It looks like the first round of the UK PROUD study got the full 550 people they needed, and is closed to new participants. They have applied for funding to create a larger study, and hope to recruit new volunteers in early 2015. Some of the clinics are taking names of people interested in PrEP as a waiting list for that expanded study. You're a little closer to Birmingham, than Manchester, right? The travel times are close enough that I guess it would be your choice which larger centre is better for you. Oh, and you would have to lie and say you have had unprotected sex in the last three months. Here a link to the PROUD Study website and the Contact Info for the clinics participating in the study PrEP currently is only available in one drug combination, that comes in pill form. So your problem with swallowing means it probably won't be an option for you. There is a once every three month injectable form under study, but it is years away from human use. It's in monkey trials right now. (They actually squirt Simian Immunodeficiency Virus up the butt of the monkeys every few days. SIV is a close relative of HIV. Does that make them monkey cum dumps?) I guess another option for you is to find a group of mates, and make a pact that they'll only fuck within your little group. Of course everyone is pre-tested Neg, and all test regularly. The problem with that idea is somebody often breaks the pact, catches HIV, and the whole group ends up Poz. Maybe a nice monogamous relationship? Yea, I know, if those were easy to find, you'd already be in one. As a Poz guy, I'm not quite comfortable seeding a Neg bottom yet. Certainly the results from the Partner study are encouraging, but Poz top Neg bottom with ejaculation is the combination where they don't have enough data. The 95% confidence interval creates a 4% theoretical risk. That's in the same neighbourhood as consistent condom use. I hope I'm still sexually active at 61 when the final report comes out in 2017. An undetectable Pozzie is a known quantity, verses all the guys who "think they're Neg," whose status really is unknown. This is a decision you have to make on your own. You have to assess the level of risk you're willing to take, and understand the consequences if things go wrong. If you're relying on a bunch of random guys on the net to make the decision, you have the wrong idea. Oh, and remember the consequences are that you MUST learn to swallow pills, and do it ever day for the rest of your life. -
Just a minor couple of corrections Bear. Gosh but we're getting into Deep Geek here. Who'd have thought a forum on "natural sex" would contain so much science.These days, we tend to call the cell that HIV reproduces inside, a CD4 cell. I remember "way back when" they used to be called T4 cells, or Helper T cells. (Long version: CD4+ T Lymphocyte) Technically CD4 is a protein on the surface of that cell and the primary attachment point for HIV. (Other cells have the CD4 protein as well. HIV tends to hitch a ride on, or hide inside those other cells, but doesn't reproduce in them.) CCR5 is another protein on the surface of the T4. We all have CCR5. It is a co-receptor of HIV. GP120 on HIV undergoes a structural change, after it attaches to CD4, which allows it to also connect with either CCR5 or CXCR4. Viruses using CCR5 are the predominant species found during the early stages of viral infection, suggesting they may have a selective advantage during transmission and/or the during the acute phase of infection. That fact probably makes it an excellent target for PrEP. The CCR5 Delta 32 genetic mutation, changes the shape of CCR5 enough that HIV can't attache to it. Most long term non-progressors have one copy of that gene, meaning that some of their CCR5 receptors on T4 are misshapen. Those immune to HIV received the Delta 32 mutation from both parents, and all of their CCR5 co-receptors cannot match up with GP120 on HIV. Maraviroc (Selzentry, Celsentri) is the mirror image of normal CCR5. (If you thought like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, you'd get the right idea) That is, Maraviroc while free floating in the blood, binds to the CCR5 protein on the T4 cells. HIV could still attach to CD4, but because CCR5 is already occupied, it can't mate up with the co-receptor. Therefore HIV cannot fuse with the T4, and "inject" its contents, as the first step in reproduction. HIV could still mate with both CD4 and CXCR4, allowing it entry into the T4, but it tends to be during the late stages of infection that HIV variants capable of attaching to CXCR4 are produced. At least half of all Pozzies harbour only CCR5-using viruses throughout the entire course of infection. (God the stuff I learn while fact checking what I write.) Apparently chronic exposure to THC increases the expression of CXCR4 on both CD4 and CD8 cells. I wonder if that means heavy use of pot in late stage HIV would be a bad idea? I suppose at that point, the analgesic effects outweigh the potential for disease progression. Before HIV, doctors didn't know very much about how the immune system functioned. It took the great death in the 80's, and the loud voices of Act-Up (and others) to spark the research. They still don't know it all. There is some concern about blocking CCR5 over the long term, because scientists don't fully understand how it's normally used in our bodies. We know that those with the Delta 32 mutation have a higher susceptibility to the West Nile Virus. I wonder if that explains why Delta 32 is so rare in Africa? Now having re-read all of this, I have a craving for Alphabet Soup!!
Encountering any problem? Post them here...
Poz1956 replied to rawTOP's topic in Tips, Tricks, Rules & Help
I've had this problem crop up a couple of times and it's a little frustrating. In fact it is happening right now in another tab of this browser I've written a long email to another user. I've spent a couple of hours or more word-crafting it, or just pouring heart, soul, and emotion into it. If you've read my posts, you know I'm a wordy SOB. As I type, I occasionally see "Auto-Save" pop up. When I click "Submit Message" I receive the error message When I hit the back button, as expected, I got back to the editing page. For a few seconds I can see my text with HTML tags, in the edit window. Then it changes from white on black, to black on white, then back to black & my text is gone. I can move forward and back between those two pages and see my text each time I return to the edit page.I know at other points on the site, I have seen "Restore From Auto-saved" but it's not on that page. It would sure be nice if it was! I assume we're dealing with a cookie that has expired, or something similar on the server side. I have a feeling that the Auto-Saved material is locally on my machine in a temp file. Do you have any ideas on how I can retrieve my couple hours of typing. (I know, I should have copied it into a text editor before sending. I try to do that, but forget on a few occasions. And of course it usually happens to the pieces I've put the most thought into.) Any help would be appreciated. And if you could implement the "Restore from Auto-Saved" feature for these "token expired" situations, it would be a great help. -
HIV 2 is resistant to the entire NNRTI class, but responds well to both NRTI's and Protease Inhibitors. Some of the Integrase Inhibitors work with it too. It's defiantly not as well studied.Considerations for Antiretroviral Use in Special Patient Populations -- HIV-2 Infection
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