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Posts posted by AirmaxUK

  1. Hey Guys

    I'm in Antwerp again... and looking for mischief. Will be at The Boots (of course) Fri & Sat for the Sports & Sneaks parties and on Sunday for the Horse Fair. Always looking for new mates - horny encounters most welcomed! Age and shape not important but attitude is. 



    10 hours ago, wood said:

    With that said, I take a very private stance with all things work related.  I don't talk with ANYONE about my personal life, I keep work friends at a certain distance, and I friend any of them on social media.  Most people don't go as far as I do, but I just find it easier to keep work and personal separate. 

    +1 for this. I keep a clear line between work and home life and don't let colleagues into my social media. I don't share my personal email or mobile phone number with colleagues. When colleagues have popped up on Grindr, I've blocked them as soon as I notice. Although we have a proactive HR and a diversity group, I am still cautious. 

    This is a bit passive-aggressive but why not just block him on the apps so he can't see your profile(s) and therefore has no leverage?

    It doesn't solve the fundamental problem but it mitigates it somewhat. 

  3. So, I had to cancel my trip to Berlin for Folsom, which I'm a bit gutted about, but it does mean that I'm around for 10 days with not a lot planned. My intention is to make up for not going and I'm looking to see who is around 6-16th Sept and up for a meet. I'm thinking of doing some of my favourite bars clubs and saunas as well as meeting guys 1-2-1 or groups.  Send a message if you're up for a meet. 

  4. When they used to run the Communion party in London, I really enjoyed it. But I think these events are really dependent on the atmosphere at the venue and the attitude of the clientele. I keep toying with visiting one of the other Cumunion parties - probably one of the northern ones - it's often nice to get out of the southeast/London area for a weekend.

    I'd be interested in hearing which of the UK Cumunion parties guys have been to and what they think of them.  

    (I prefer a crowd with a mix of ages, shapes and sizes where there's plenty of relaxed versatile play and no attitude. )


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  5. @NewBottom90 is right... There is a lot of nonsense going on right now.  I think that social media has had the effect of polarising opinions - people surround themselves with people with the same beliefs - which only ever affirms them - then there is no grey area in the middle or sensible debate - you're either for something or against it.  "With us or against us".  I used to take more of an interest in what's happening - but the past couple of years it feels more and more futile as you can't have a sensible debate about anything. We need something to change and for the time being at least I've unplugged and disengaged from politics and current affairs, especially online and am focusing on enjoying the bits of life I can enjoy. 

    That said, the one thing that worries me for the future is how the venues we enjoy are closing at an alarming rate and are not being replaced. Another five years and I reckon the only place that will have darkrooms and clubs where play occurs will be Berlin - and even that is under pressure (look at Quaelgeist for instance).  I'm making the best of these places while they are still around and encourage others to do so. 

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  6. My local clinic seems to get this fairly frequently. I've had several tests that were indeterminate. My understanding is they look for all four markers to get a positive result. If you have no markers then it's negative. If you have some markers then they need to retest. Once I had three retests in a row before they sent the sample out to an external reference lab for confirmation. The nurse admitted it had been happening quite a lot that month and it seems to go through phases. On talking to the consultant at the clinic, she thought that since I had been unwell with something unrelated,  this may have triggered one of the markers. I'm no expert, so it's always best to get advice from your doctor, but if you're on Prep and adhering to the regime, hang in there as the odds are in your favour. 

  7. 6 hours ago, RawCunt said:

    Australian ISP's  recently banned a few sites such as 4chan 8chan and some others after the Zealand mosque shooting, under the guise of "hate speech" etc.   One would assume the UK would be enforcing ISP's to the same thing with porn sites.    Simply changing your IPv6 and IPv4 settings gets around the blocks.  A quick google search will show you how if you aren't computer savvy.

    Whether or not it is related, I don't know... but I read that Virgin are migrating their cable modem/routers to a Cloud based management system rather than have built in settings UI that you are in control of. The cynic in me says this is to prevent people working around blocks by changing settings - or even knowing that's what they've done.  

    Their current Hub 3.0 router software prevents changing the DNS servers in the DHCP configuration, which forces you to use modem mode and an external router. I wonder how long that option will survive?

  8. On 6/16/2019 at 3:55 PM, AirmaxAndy said:

    Might be a good time to look at VPNs before there is a rush... 

    So, I've had a couple of people ask me if I can recommend a free VPN. 

    The answer is that I can't: they have to cover their costs somehow and as far as I can see the only way to do that is to charge money for the service, so to provide a free service they'd have to do something like log your activity and sell that data to cover the costs - thus negating much of the point of using a VPN for privacy. 

    Personally I am not currently using a commercial VPN - I have my own VPN server at home which I use when travelling so I can use UK only services like  BBC iPlayer etc while abroad. If and when the block this, I would consider a commercial VPN and the place I'd look for information is the Wikipedia VPN comparison page:


    Which one to choose really depends on what's important - speed, level of anonymity, etc. As I've said, I really would avoid free services as you have to ask how they are going to cover their costs, and the only leverage they have is your traffic and trust... 


    • Thanks 2
  9. 13 hours ago, Guygonebad said:

    I pre-lube with a glob of Vaseline up in my hole. I’m good for several hours. My body heat melts it down and I’m ready to take a good sized cock any time, even several hours after I put it up my hole. I can just drop my jeans and take a cock and never need lube. After the first load it’s all just nature’s lube. 

    +1 for that. I do the same and it does last a decent amount of time. Also crisco works. Sometimes use E45 cream but that doesn't last as long. 

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  10. On 5/20/2019 at 4:45 PM, tallslenderguy said:

    i have found that not all Tops/Doms want a guy who automatically submits because part of His exercise of power is discovering how to get His sub/bottom to submit. One cannot 'conquer' someone who is already waving a white flag. For me, this all ties into the notion of gratitude and i submit that expression of gratitude depends on the individual. 

    +1 for this... 

    When I occasionally top, I prefer guys who're not waving their ass at me pleading- needy bottoms don't turn me on. The only exception might be if I'm in the mood for a well loaded ass. When I am more bottom and sub I dislike asking a top/dom for what I want - it is much more horny when he takes what he wants. That being said, if there's specific things that turn you on (fetishes) then sometimes a bit of communication is necessary. 

    As the OP, @tallslenderguy says "you can't conquer someone who's waving a white flag". I love that quote! 

  11. 1 hour ago, doctordoctor said:

    If you think the gono shot hurts, avoid syphilis like the plague.  2.2 ml of penicillin hurts like hell.

    Last time they threatened me with a shot of antibiotics in the butt, I asked for an alternative - the first time was awful. If you're allergic to penicillin then there are other options which are tablets rather than injection,  but it takes a bit longer to work so you have to abstain for longer and have a re-test. The NHS being what it is are pretty reluctant but I get on well with the doctor who runs the clinic and pleaded until she gave in.  

  12. This likely dates me quite a bit but when I was a kid there was a big thing for breakdancing. Someone would bring a boom box, someone would bring some linoleum and at break or lunchtime we'd practice our moves. This was before sneaker culture really took a foothold in the UK so nobody had nice kicks. Anyway one of my friends went to the USA for a holiday and came back with a pair of Nike Hi tops which just blew me away - and he had some really slick new moves. So I asked one break time if I could swap and wear his hi tops - so we did - and I remember putting them on still warm from him using them. At that stage it wasn't sexual - we were both quite young. But it kinda flipped the switch and I have always loved hi tops and sneakers and swapping. I was always asking to swap with others. Now,  I  absolutely love wearing the sneakers of a guy I like or fancy.  From there it expanded a bit to encompass boots and socks and I've discovered other fetishes I like too over the years - the list is long! But hi-tops and hot-swapping are definitely the first. 

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  13. Not sure if 4 and a bit years counts as a LTR , but here's what is currently working for us: we have an open relationship, and we're both of the mindset that fetish play, "play" or sex for sport is something that's fun but has no emotional attachment. The only emotional attachment is between us and not open. Separating sex and love is a key thing to seeing play with others as non threatening. That said, we have a few rules we both follow, like no overnight tricks - always come home - and sharing guys if we think it would work. we play separately (mostly) and together (sometimes). When we're out in London or berlin we look out for each other and help each other out getting what and who we want - "wingmen".   

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  14. Also... Have never been into the whole wrestling thing, but boxing yeah definitely. Used to have a guy who enjoyed sparring and fighting and it was great working up a sweat in gear throwing and taking punches. It was supposed to be a fight for top - winner fucks loser, but we quickly realised it was easier to take turns as neither of us wanted to win! Another guy I played with sometimes was in the army and we'd gear up with gloves, head protectors etc., and tussle and fuck, but it was interspersed with throwing random punches (in gloves) and blocks. I had to ask him to dial it down because he was really powerful.  

    I recall there was a hook up site called 'meet fighters' or something for arranging this sort of thing - that was a while ago - I bet it is long gone now!

  15. Yup, me too... One of my things is I'm really into getting trampled - and I like it quite hard. Football cleats/Soccer studs especially. Bonus if they're muddy from playing. Really gets the adrenaline and endorphins going - if I could find more guys who'd trample me I'd get addicted to it, I am sure. Always do this with sober guys as I did get injured when a guy who'd had a lot to drink went a bit far in Stahlrohr and cracked some ribs. But I love looking in the mirror and seeing the bruises from the cleats. 

  16. Sundays I often head into London and go to SOP at Central Station, but today Chiltern Rail have a maintenance day, so there's no trains. It was a catalyst for a change and doing something different, so after a session at the gym and a light lunch, I prepped myself and headed over to Luton Greenhouse Sauna. I quite enjoy the trip there as the cross country route has some excellent biking roads through some great countryside and on a sunny afternoon the journey is really nice. 

    Anyway, I guess I got there about 2pm and was given key #5. Uh-oh. Low key numbers usually mean it is quiet. And it was. But quiet doesn't necessarily mean there's no action. Sometimes I find it tends to focus guys. And I think this was one of those occasions. 

    First tour, I spot a guy I recognise from BBRT kneeling on the fuck bench. A few guys hovering around but everyone is too timid to start anything. So after a few minutes of sussing everyone out, I went over and fucked him on the bench. It felt well moist and I asked him how many loads he had in there. He said three, which really turned me on.  The show seemed to get the other loitering guys a bit more riled up and a latino looking guy came and stood real close. I wasn't quite ready yet to pass the guy on and was hoping I wasn't going to get usurped. Next thing I know, latino guy's hand feels up my lubed hole and he slides in behind me.... So we had quite a nice three way chain going on... me fucking the guy on the bench and latino guy fucking me, and a bit of an audience. Latino guy didn't last long and then left the scene so I decided it was time to explore more and left the scene after a moment. 

    I often think when you go to these places it's good to get some public activity in early so guys can see you're seriously up for it. And that did the trick nicely!

    So cruised around a bit and then decided to position myself on the fuck bench and see what came along.  After a couple of minutes I became aware someone was close and again a hand explored my ass. I wanted this to be anonymous so took a hit of poppers and buried my face in the towel as he lined himself up. He wasn't as big as latino guy but he was a lot more forceful. It was really horny taking it not knowing who it was. He paused and asked if I wanted to go to a private room. I'm up for that if it means more fun and as I looked up to reply, I saw who it was - a really nice bear cub guy I hadn't seen before. I picked one of the private rooms that has the two way mirror window so guys can watch without you knowing, and we spent a good long time trying every position out to see how deep inside he could get. He really liked pinning me down with his weight and being a bit rough trying to get as deep inside as he could - eventually he shot the second load into my ass, which was great. Talking afterwards he was visiting with a mate and asked if they could both tag team me - so I said I was well up for that. (Sadly they both vanished shortly after)

    A short bubble in the jacuzzi and a can of Budweiser later the first guy who I fucked on the bench came and found me - he said he was leaving soon and wanted to give me his load - so we went upstairs and I really enjoyed a good session with him as top. It was so horny knowing I was getting his load after he'd got loads from other guys. (When we did sex-ed at school, I remember being told if you have sex with someone it's like you're having sex with all their previous partners - I think that was to discourage teenagers sleeping around - little did they know it turned me on hugely!) So that was my third load...

    And then the place was *really* quiet. I sat in the jacuzzi alone for a while watching to see if anyone was passing by to the darkroom behind. Nobody. One last tour and there were only two or three guys around.  So time to get changed, have a cup of tea, and enjoy the ride home - the vibrations of the bike on my ass reminding me of what's marinading inside...  


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  17. 8 hours ago, bbzh said:

    I wonder if this experiment could work. Someone organises a party in a city. Max attendance is 15 (5 tops, 5 versatile, 5 bottoms). Donation of $10 required. Venue: someone's home or a hotel that rents rooms by the hour. If you can't make it, you have the option of finding a replacement or receiving a one month ban. Host should try to include a few new guys each time. The money collected covers the room, lube, paper towels, some drinks and light snacks. Leftover funds go to the host. Party starts at 8 pm and ends at 11 pm. Entry only possible from 8 to 9 pm.  Bottoms have 10 potential partners. So do tops. Versatiles have 14 potential partners. If you don't like it, you're only out $10 - but you could end up giving or taking a few loads.

    I like this idea, but I think the stakes have to be a bit higher for a no-show or not finding a replacement for it to be effective. Limiting the time window is also a good idea. (I like that Laboratory in Berlin have limited entry between 10pm-Midnight as it kinda focuses guys) 

  18. 15 hours ago, bbzh said:

    I have another theory about the drop off in party attendance. Could it be PrEP?

    Before barebackers were sort of closeted/shamed and needed the parties to find other barebackers. Now you can look on almost any app and people are pretty open about using PrEP, which is clearly saying "I bareback". Therefore the only incentive to attend a party now may be for group sex. Personally I am divided on the idea of group sex - more potential partners, but also a bigger risk of catching something. I'd probably skip parties altogether if I had enough regulars. 


    5 hours ago, Leather69 said:

    London also has some great venues such as SBN, Vault etc.. with their nude parties U get to see what is available.. saves the hassle of trying to organise and having no-shows. 

    There could be something in this. Is it becoming mainstream? Probably.

    I like the variety offered by a group and because it is a small group guys tend to play together rather than endlessly search for the perfect guy which is what happens at some of the bigger events and venues. When you go to the Vault, you often see guys glued to their phones looking for the next guy when they are in a room of horny men! 

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