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Posts posted by AirmaxUK

  1. 20 hours ago, Spunkinmyarse said:


    Playerking, Airmax:  I feel I need to stick up for the cumdumps again... At least the cumdumps are putting themselves out there and trying to organise something (and often paying for a hotel room in the process).  It’s not their fault if others can’t be bothered to organise parties: it’s very rare I see a top going out of his way to arrange something.  Don’t take us cumdumps for granted: you’d miss us if we weren’t there ;)


    I think my point was that they were using the group/party/event feature when perhaps the "Quick Connect" feature would be more appropriate if they are looking for hook ups as it's not really a group/party/event. Particularly when many of these ads have zero attendees and they don't respond to invite requests. 

    As for tops organising parties - if I'm in a top mood, then I can only realistically give my load to one guy, but as a bottom I can take as much as I want. So I think that's why more bottoms organise stuff as it is in their interest. I have seen tops organise parties where they are whoring out a bottom guy, but that's a different thing.  

    I appreciate those that are putting themselves out there - just a bit frustrated there are an increasing number that pretend to be.

  2. On 5/6/2019 at 8:48 PM, theplayerking said:

    I see few true parties (i.e, orgies) on BBRT. Most are just cumdumps looking for a gang bang. I haven’t hosted one in a long time, but 30 percent attendance rate from total strangers was a good group. 

    I think you are right... most of the poorly attended parties are just bottoms fishing for more tops. 

    On 5/6/2019 at 2:09 PM, edward21uk said:

    with so much obligation with friends, family and life (like cruising the local Waitrose at 2100 :) ) it is hard to tie yourself down to a future date. Ask me for  a fuck tomorrow night and I'll wash-out and take a load. But knowing what I'm doing in two weeks? difficult

    I get what you mean, but my schedule means that Funtime has to  be planned in advance as it usually involves travel. 

    Waitrose may be better for shopping but my local Asda takes some beating for cruising. It seems to be very popular with Eastern European workmen who are away from home working here for long periods. 😈 That is another story....

    On 5/6/2019 at 9:52 PM, piglooking4pigs said:

    @AirmaxUK  Thanks for starting up the thread on this good topic.  I am in the Washington, DC area and have noticed something similar to what you're experiencing and some of the comments others have made.  I agree with @bbzh that the parties are being listed in other venues or being organized in other more spontaneous ways.  Here in DC, the parties do not tend to be all that good as so many guys don't follow through with attending.  I notice that some parties have people listed as attending who live in far-flung locations.  Mind you, they may be traveling into town, but many are not.  I also notice guys signed up for more than one party taking place at the same time.  I think the parties feature could be better if guys were more honest about their ability to attend.

    It would also be incredibly nice at this point if BBRT were to upgrade some of their features or build in some new ones.  The site has been the same for so long.

    Yes - signing up for more than one party and signing up but not in the area are not good indicators. I'd love to see a feature on BBRT where you can leave comments/endorsements/reviews on guys profiles. Then it might be easier to spot flakes. 

    On 5/6/2019 at 10:56 AM, Spunkinmyarse said:

    Hello AirmaxAndy, I’m looking at the party listings on the Greater London bbrt site, and can currently see 16.  Granted, none of them look particularly well attended, except one, which is showing 17 attendees.

    When you are searching parties and selecting the Greater London area, are you leaving the next field (city) blank, or is it showing ‘London’ by default?  If the latter is true, then it won’t show any parties where a specific area of London has been included, like ‘Lambeth’, or ‘Camden’...

    In the specific area box I usually select "Islington" as that is where I stay/work. I sometimes select London as an area which shows all of the city. That is also where I set up and look for parties to get widest coverage. 


  3. So I've noticed lately when looking at the 'Greater London' zone on BBRT - which is usually the most active London area  - that the parties section seems to be dying off. 

    There still seem to be guys advertising parties but nobody is requesting invites or signing up to attend them. If you look at last Sunday's parties (and it's a holiday weekend) there are six listed, with 0,1,0,1,3,2 attendees. 

    If the hit rate of people actually showing up is 1-2 in 10 then this doesn't seem very successful. 

    I am sure it didn't used to be this quiet. What's happening?

    You occasionally and rarely see a successful party advertised and it has maybe 15+ attendees listed.  But I don't understand why as it looks nothing special compared to the others. What's different?  It makes me wonder if I am missing something!

    I will also say I've noticed that if you request invites to parties in advance, you often don't get accepted until maybe an hour or two before and by then I've made other plans. 

    Is this another level of internet flakiness? Is this unique to London? What gives?

  4. Some years ago I joined the local municipal swimming pool and gym. The gym had a separate sauna/steam/jacuzzi pool for men/women and mixing was not possible. It wasn't popular as it was a bit in need of refurbishment. I had a few good encounters there - usually stray hands in the bubbly water in the jacuzzi - but a few in the sauna and steam too. it was quiet enough you could do stuff but you had to be discrete and careful. 

    Then it got closed for refurbishment - and they joined the mens and womens sides together. It wasn't anywhere like what it was and the jacuzzi only yielded the odd fumble. 

    A couple of years after that it got closed for repairs for a week - and when it reopened they had filled in the jacuzzi with concrete and turned it into a patio area. When I asked why the staff said it was due to persistent anti-social behaviour. 

    I'd have argued we were being social, not anti-social... 

    7 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    A: I’ve never been able to get a firm image of under-stall coitus in my head. One imagines prior experience in yoga is required.

    B: They have sex in Britain? I thought all that was shipped out to the colonies under Victoria. Is there a Ministry for Naughty Bits now?  (Full disclosure: My ancestry is 100% British Isles, so my sluttiness had to come from somewhere...)

    A: Totally agreed. I've often wondered how this is achieved. 

    B: I am sure there is a Ministry of No Fun. They are the ones that make rates and licensing costs absurdly high so gay bars, clubs and saunas have to close. They make legislation preventing places from having darkrooms. They also close the public bathrooms, and cut down all the vegetation at places where men like to go for walks. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Tattmad said:

    I am v v interested in this...all my control taken and just used for others pleasure in a safe “play” environment. Too many fantasists though talk about this, but never commit with venues , dates, times etc.

    I think you've illustrated my earlier point: the problem is that guys state what they want: "...all my control taken and just used..." without saying what they are prepared to bring to such a group to help others achieve their goals, which is what this is about.  With too many takers and not enough prepared to give as well,  the group won't work.

    I think that's why you get closed "groups of friends" that arrange things between themselves. The two I've been involved with have one 'lead' guy who decides who's invited and organises the group. Getting invited is a matter of being recommended by an existing member. If you engage with the group and have a compatible attitude then you get invited to the next one. 

    As an aside think about online profiles - is a profile that says what you have to offer more likely to get responses than one that says what you want? Maybe both?


    • Upvote 3
  6. Hey - this is a good idea... So many guys are just 'into' whatever get them off. As there are so many bottoms/subs out there I think we have to help each other out from time to time as the numbers just don't add up. The cruising apps seem to push people toward being more selfish with their needs. A group that is more about helping each other achieve goals would be interesting to me. 

    • Upvote 2
  7. Pants numbers can be variable - but when it's good it's very good. Seems to be random. If it turns out to be quiet then try Vault 139 which is a couple of stops on the bus away or walkable.  That can be randomly busy/quiet and the crowd a bit fluffy at times. 

  8. On 8/30/2018 at 8:05 PM, Memphian said:


    From everything I’ve read PrEP should be at a safe level in no more than seven days. I waited 10 to be extra sure. 

    Agreed but in the UK the Impact PReP protocol seems to be to get a consult, then abstain from sex for two weeks, then get tested with a high sensitivity test, results took about a week in my clinic then go back for the impact trial prescription. It takes about 4 weeks in total with NHS appointment availability being what it is. 

  9. Was chatting to someone at SOP in London the other day and they said that the darkrooms/playspaces in Boltz were closed when he last visited. He was unclear if it was a one-off or longer term. Any locals with inside knowledge know what is going on? I was planning a trip to Birmingham soon and was hoping to visit as I got some good loads in Boltz last time I was there... 

  10. 3 hours ago, find91 said:

    sometimes Homeless go in saunas because it's way cheaper than renting a motel and give them protection from outside and cops. I'm not suggesting sling lizards and the other fauna you have described as homeless they just sound like jerks, but the guy you found sleeping might be

    Not just the homeless... I remember in my clubbing days, London prices were such that many younger guys used to plan to sleep in the sauna rather than pay for a hotel room when visiting the capital for a weekend of partying. 

    • Like 1
  11. On 3/18/2019 at 11:23 PM, DannyBoyCMH said:

    This can work on all guys.  Cruising by looking at their crotch, then their eyes, then back at their crotch.  Then turn away and look back.  If they are interested, they will let you know just from that.  Works for me at the gym, mall, practically anywhere.

    This doesn't work so well now everyone is staring at their phones - they don't notice you cruising them. Before smartphones it was great picking guys up almost anywhere. Its also kinda sad that even if you're in a cruise bar or club these days, guys are more interested in Grindr than who's actually cruising them IRL. 

    I also found that it was a lot more successful if I was wearing my contact lenses. If I was wearing glasses it almost never worked. 

    • Sad 1
  12. 12 hours ago, BBKee18 said:

    The Wellington, and the fountain Inn. Right in the gay village x

    I just had a look at these as I am also on the lookout for a place to stay where guys can cum and go easily.

    I just wanted to point out a couple of things...

    The wellington gets good press but some of the reviews say the owners are retiring and it has "an uncertain future". That was a while ago... would be interested to know if it is still good and whether it has changed ownership. 

    The fountain inn's web page makes much of the fact that they monitor the place with cameras and if you try and sneak guys in for a party they will magically appear to break it up. They also say if they see you bringing extra guys in to sleep over that aren't booked guests then they'll charge you extra. That kind 1984 monitoring thing would put me off.

    So... for now my search continues. 

  13. On 1/4/2019 at 4:03 PM, ready4filling said:

    Sadly no cinema near Kings Cross nowadays (although always seems to be bare cock any time I've been downstairs at the Central Station pub just round the corner)

    Yes +1 vote for central station's underground club in Kings Cross. 

    I really miss the original PlayPit in Caledonian Road. 

  14. 23 minutes ago, cumdumpslut74 said:

    There’s a gay sauna in the West Midlands with a dungeon. The fuck benches are dark enough and I have taken plenty of cock there, but turn a corner and you’re in the darkest dark room you have ever been in. No light at all. The amount of loads I have taken in that dark room is tremendous

    Greenhouse Darlaston... yes I've had similar experiences there and there's a sling in the dark bit too which is great. 

    I have been there on "bears day" and someone actually use their phone as a flashlight to "vet" the guys in the darkroom, which as you say is absolutely pitch black. 

    • Upvote 1
    • Haha 1
  15. Have to say yes to this one - but darkrooms tend to be a bit variable how dark they actually are. In more fluffy venues guys seem to want to see who they're playing with. Harder venues not so much. I like it dark enough not to see at all and use my imagination. 

    Allied to that a similar experience is blindfolded in a sling but in the saunas I frequent the slings are in not so dark areas so fun seems to be a bit thin on the ground. 

  16. On 2/6/2019 at 1:52 AM, Leather69 said:

    My memory was much the same as Sweetbitch (above).. You had to have a photo of yourself with the date on it, obviously to cut out all the fakes who use other peoples picis. That seems to be the rationale behind the current requirements.

    When I was chatting to the guy who verified my pic, he said the purpose of the WhatsApp/Skype verification was because they had to ensure under German law that under 18yo do not upload pics of older guys in order to use the site. 

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