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Posts posted by AirmaxUK

    • (Btm) Raw fucks - Rough/Raunchy/Sketchy/Risky rather than soft clean cut guys. Guys with PAs a huge +++ Prefer the aroma of a hard working man - no aftershave etc.  
    • (Btm) Anonymous - Blindfolded - Relinquishing control to someone.
    • (vers) Sneakers, Boots, Football Cleats/Studs, Socks - getting trampled by them, sniffing, licking, swapping
    • (vers) Sweaty socks, pits, etc. Love guys when they're really sweating after a run or gym. 
    • (vers/btm) Breathcontrol - Breathswapping, Rebreathing, forced poppers. 
    • (vers) Piss - on clothes/body, drinking, pissfuck
    • (top only) Fisting. 
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  1. 18 hours ago, 1slut said:

    The btm guy is really annoying in this, to the level where is it a real turn off for me.  I felt sorry for his friend with the camera.  The top, however,  is far more classy.  

    It does however make me think I should go explore the heath during daylight hours - I've only ever been up there after dark, 

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  2. 14 hours ago, find91 said:

    If you're going to get into serious fisting jlube is a good lube to use it is very viscous and very economical, because it comes in powder form and all you have to use is water to mix it. There are two main problems with jlube 1- it's a bit difficult for clean up because since it gets activated with water the more water you add the slicker it gets. All you have to do is stay under the shower a bit longer because the water will eventually wash it away. 2- It takes a bit of trial and error to get it to the right consistency. The basic mix ( I think it's like a teaspoon of powder and like 1L of water) will give you workable lube but it's a bit on the thin side. just google jlube recipes and their are 100's of different recipes that will tell you how to get the consistency you want.

    The nice thing about jlube is that you can customize it the way you want you can add Crisco to it ( u just need a blender, I suggest a hand held one ) or even add elbow grease to it.

    Elbow grease is a good fisting lube. The only problem is that it is not very viscous , it has more of a cream consistency and when you get into punch fisting you will want a more viscous lube. The nice thing is that it contains xylocaine which is a local anesthetic (numbing medication). The percentage is god that it does not completely numb the area so you don't feel anything, it just always you to feel less irritated, which sometimes happens in fisting.

    Crisco is a good alternative because it's cheap and since it's oil based it does not get absorbed into the rectal wall and when it melts it gets nice and slippery. The main issues are that it's a bit messy you need dish soap to get it off and because it's solid at room temp you can't just shove a big piece up you need to break it up. If you mix it with some mineral oil it becomes much smoother like an oily version of elbow grease.

    Personally I use j lube but when I'm deep fisting a bottom like going to the forearm and elbow deep I use a mixture of elbow grease and Jlube or Crisco and jlube. Btw Jllube is toy friendly since it's waterbase.

    I hope that helps some

    I like J-Lube because you can use a lot and not worry too much about the expense. I find J-Lube to be a bit runny and thin so tend to make mine thicker. The downside of using a lot is the cleanup... 

    A word of warning J-Lube in the bathroom can make things dangerously slippy - especially in the shower when cleaning off. 

    If you need to get rid of J-Lube in a clean up situation, salt works well. Its like kryptonite for J-Lube, and makes it break down. 

    If you're into rubber then one thing I like to do is dusting the inside of my rubber gear with J-Lube powder instead of talc which makes the inside go very slick when you sweat. 

    That all said, recently I've discovered Crisco and have also been experimenting with E45 cream which is available in places like Poundland and Savers very cheap. If I'm going out my final part of preparation is usually a bit of vaseline as it lasts a long time and isn't kind to rubber... ?

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  3. 1 hour ago, Neverenoughcum said:

    This is one fag that will never be a no show.  If I get the chance to service a Top there is no way I would ever just not show.  Even though there are flakes out there, Top's as well as bottom's there are still  some of us that are who we say we are.  Me I'm just a cum addicted fag whore.

    Likewise - Tops are hard to find these days so if I get the opportunity to meet then I take it.  Never waste an opportunity! Moreover the problem seems to be tops to 'get a better offer' and no-show. 

  4. Depends on the situation:

    In a one-2-one meet and the connection with the top is more two way horniness than domination (eg with the BF), then I prefer to cum from the top fucking me and hitting the right spots without touching my dick. I try an control it so that we both cum at the same time - that takes some willpower and practice! 

    If the connection is more of a domination or hard/being used kinda scene, and he's hitting the right spots I might not hold back and try to cum first - because the feeling of being used is much heightened if he carries on after I've cum, regardless. And sometimes it leads to a second cumming....

    In a group or club/sauna situation I will try and hold off until the end unless there is a too good to be missed opportunity.  Chasing and cruising becomes a bit of a chore afterwards... but having said that after cumming other fetishy interests have space to be explored, so if it is that sort of crowd, that can make me horny all over again.  

  5. 10 hours ago, PozTemptation said:

    I would not say its so much depression for me, is that, it has more to do with realizing that my life is two-thirds over, most of the biggest events are behind me, i.e.  graduations, marriage, career. etc.  As it stands now, Barebacking is the most exciting and intense thing going. I don't feel down or anything, its just that BB sex / chasing fells  that anticlimactic void of being past my ARC point in life. Another thing too, is having this mind-set, allows me to accept the consequences much easier.

    I  concur with this thought - it resonates with me - but would add that personally being on the more functioning end of the autistic spectrum makes me rather focus on things quite intensely... mix in a little anxiety and I am not sure the constant competitive nature of being one amongst oh so many bottoms does a lot for self esteem. 

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  6. Showed up in person to get tickets for New Year Eve party but was disappointed to find they were sold out a couple of days before. They said I might get in on the night but it wasn't guaranteed, as they're being careful about numbers. The authorities are looking closely at venues like this: it started with the dark room at Scheune, and now I hear that Quaelgeist has been closed a few months after opening at their new venue. Also heard that Bose Buben had been under pressure too. It would be a great shame to lose unique play places like this, so I understand why they are being very careful at the moment.  

  7. On 9/16/2018 at 7:34 AM, kitpig said:

    Wheres good to stay local to vault at a reasonable price?

    Two places I'd recommend are just a short bus ride up the road in Kings Cross. Travelodge Kings Cross Royal Scot is basic and has a lot of special offers if you sign up to their mailing list and plan a bit ahead. Hub by Premier Inn is also in KX and can be cheap if you book ahead.  

  8. Yup i've experimented making stuff. I have a decent 3-d printer and a CNC laser cutter. The problem with 3-d prints is the rough-ish finish and structural strength. I have been thinking of using a 3d-print as a pattern to make a mould which can then be used to make silicon rubber toys which I think would be better.

    I'm looking for info in the silicon rubber they use in toy-making  - does anyone have any sources or info?

  9. 9 hours ago, insatiablebot said:

    Ummmm... Don't places like 'The Bull', Lab, etc have a coat check facility? Or some sort of a locker service where you could leave your belongings/clothes safely? 

    Lab has a bag check facility but you can't access your stuff until you leave. They write a number on your arm and you have a drinks tab so you don't need money inside. It's a good system. I've never had a problem in there.

    Bull has a coat/bag check and I think some customers who are in the know leave items behind the bar. I'd never take a wallet or phone in there - my friend was a bit daft in that regard. A couple of weeks ago I lost quite a decent bottle of poppers - it got passed around and 'vanished' in the darkroom. 

    My mugging experience was on the street so nothing much I could do about that - although my phone and wallet were in the hotel safe. If he had succeeded he would have only gotten an unmarked hotel keycard and about 30 Euros.  

  10. I have a bit of a thing for bottom guys who also give loads. I love it when I see a guy taking loads of cocks in a club, backroom or sauna and then when he's done get his load knowing what a slut he's been. Maybe it is living vicariously through someone else's loads, but for me it's a horny fantasy to think of him shooting a mix of all the loads he's taken. I think this stems from being taught in late 1980s sex-ed that 'if you have sex with someone you're effectively having sex with all their previous partners'. Since this is fairly specific it's a rare occurrence in reality, but when it happens it's awesome. Last time was a guy at The Boots in Antwerp. 

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  11. On 10/24/2018 at 2:58 PM, barecubtop said:

    I live about 40 miles away from a bigger city (Indianapolis) here in the US. I guess my question to you with your app usage is what you do at home?  Do you just have enough regulars in your town to keep you satisfied sexually? Do you go into London on a regular enough basis that you just have your fun there?  I ask as there are really no other options to meet men in my town other than the apps.  We do not have any gay bars or clubs.  And despite the fact that I'm a graduate student at a major university, we don't have any kind of graduate student gay organizations or anything (it's a very conservative campus in general, unlike most universities).

    Sorry for not responding sooner, barecubtop. To answer your question:

    Where I live is very conservative too. There's a gay-friendly night once a month in a local bar (which begs the question are the unfriendly the rest of the time?) Guys here tend to be older couples moved here for retirement, or younger guys stuck at home with parents or living in shared accommodation as property and rents are so expensive here. Neighbours will say "Oh yes I listen to Graham Norton on Radio 2 sometimes" thinking this makes them gay-friendly, its all very friendly-folksy-churchy-community, but it has a dark and sinister side: I've come home to find "SCUM" painted on my door before now.   

    The gay population is small enough at home that frankly its not worth bothering with for apps like grindr. Its aways the same guys, and in the 15 years i've lived here it doesn't change much. I know very few are into actually meeting for fun. I'm probably known locally for being into the fetish and BB scenes and that puts the fluffies off.  Besides my partner, I have three close friends that live locally. That's more of a friends and very occasional play kind of deal. Regular FB locally would make my partner uncomfortable, so thats not something I have pursued. I do keep an eye on more specialist apps like NKP and BBRT to see if anyone might be travelling into the area but thats quite rare. 

    I'm in London once a week on average - 50% of the time with my partner - SOP, Vault, Feet on Friday, HardOn, Hampstead Heath, Locker Room sauna, etc. It's £15 return and a 30 minute train journey away. You can waste a lot more than 30 minutes online finding someone, and these clubs offer guys who are genuinely up for it and physically present.   A good day/night out can be one of these parties and a couple of app-based hook ups. I do miss CumUnion in London...


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  12. 6 hours ago, Ranger Rick said:

    If it's to the point of "come on over," I'll give it out. But if the third email/chat exchange is "what's your number so we can text," that's too soon. Also, I gave my number out once to a guy who then spammed me with porn and constant texts, which makes me less eager to share it. 

    I used to be more worried about that until I discovered you can 'block' nuisance phone numbers on the iPhone - and you can also do so in WhatsApp. 

  13. 18 hours ago, Ranger Rick said:

    I don't give out my phone number unless there is a actual meeting IRL. Some guys get really pussy about that but I don't see giving out that info to someone I haven't really met and probably won't actually meet. 

    Actually that's one of my authenticity tests when cruising online. If it looks hopeful, I'll give out my number and say give me a call to arrange the meet. If they do, then the meet is more likely to happen. If it's arranged purely online, it likely won't happen. 

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