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Everything posted by jackdaw

  1. I just ran across this posting. Spermpig has other hot stories on here, so check them out! 🔥🔥🔥
  2. Disclosure: I haven't had this done to me yet. That said, my understanding is that the rectal walls contain very few nerve endings, so you wouldn't feel the bristles as they abraded the soft sensitive tissue. I'm going to guess that any pain, irritation or discomfort would only occur if the bristles were dragged across the very sensitive anus or if the brush was forcibly pushed through the 2 related sphincters at the anal opening. This all could be avoided by getting the sphincters accustomed to accommodating smaller, smoother objects (such as lubricated fingers), thereby relaxing the sphincter muscles enough to permit the penetration of larger objects. When my own time comes, I'm intending to provide my partner with a Cruel Condom. This is a stainless steel mesh sheath which would cover the phallus. Once he entered my rectum, the rough metallic surface would abrade my rectal walls, thereby greatly facilitating the transmission of his HIV.
  3. Phillip! Please contact me.

  4. I love GermFactory's image of the recipient "presenting" to attract the attentions of the male. I can relate to that. In the past, I've put my energies into letting the nearby male know that I am in heat! Once he mounts me, I surrender all of me to his instincts to breed. I want nothing to distract him from driving to his climax and filling me with his seed. I just let Nature take her course.
  5. Everything that you say above speaks directly to my innermost thoughts & desires. My sero-conversion will be a brief blinding event, but your DNA would be with me for a lifetime. After much deliberation, I have come to see that by inviting you to exercise your power to vastly influence my life, by accepting your viral offspring, I would be claiming control over my fate. I don't want you to do this TO me, but rather WITH me. It kind of difficult to express, but I would be demonstrating my control by giving it up & instead trusting your power to re-shape my existence. I also feel that CARING is involved here. Your act of inseminating me would show caring or even a type of love. How else could I describe it if you responded to my overwhelming need by literally putting yourself in me & upon withdrawal, leaving behind your own seed to take root & grow strong. In turn, I would lovingly care for the viral "child" that you entrusted to me. I so look forward to continuing this discourse with you.
  6. I can see how many guys would love to have a video as a reminder, but I also think that it wouldn't do the event proper justice. It would only show how things looked in two-dimensions combined with a sound track. Imagine living through the experience of giving birth as compared to watching a movie about childbirth. For me, the truest record of such an amazing experience would be safely stored in my memory. Faulty at times? Maybe...but always true-to-life. There is NO WAY that video could capture the wonder of two beings briefly coupling for the purpose of passing on viral life. I yearn for that moment. When it comes, my body will treasure the organism entrusted to me & my memory will treasure that truly magical moment when this newly-spawned life enters not only my body, but my existence. What is his, also becomes mine. No video could ever capture that.
  7. My old stories seem to keep resurfacing, lol!
  8. I'll be travelling from NYC to Philly & back in a few weeks. If you know any Gifted poz tops, I'd love to get knocked up on film.
  9. I hadn't seen this one in a while. It was one of my first fiction attempts here.
  10. Yeah, the story Guest is asking about sounds like some of mine (see comment above this). I don't recall a "Frank's son" character. Several of my stories take place at Hospices or Hospitals. If you want the virus, go spend time at Bug Central!
  11. Hi, Marty! It's hard for me to get worked up over a story that hasn't been written yet. How about you write a Part One for us? It doesn't have to be all that long. Just put in some of the key elements that make this idea hot for YOU! You'll find your fans then, I bet! I've always liked the idea of "unwilling" bottoms. Rape is one way to portray that & stealthing is another way. Check out my Activity on my Profile. I've done a bunch of stories. My bottoms either get seduced against their better judgement or their resistance is gently ignored. At the end, they find themselves pozzed.
  12. Wow! I just ran across this story on page 61. It must have been the first one that I posted. A blast from the past! 💦💦💦🦠🦠🦠☣☣☣
  13. Put it in me! Let it grow! Make me a poz pig! Ho Ho Ho! 🐷🐷🐷💦💦💦🦠🦠🦠🧬🧬🧬☣☣☣☠☠☠😈😈😈
  14. https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2019_12/werewolf.jpg.5f6acb84315666fb001d7c716ff34e05.jpg Here's something to help you all pass the time!
  15. He pumped his nasty seed into me! https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2019_11/prison4.png.1cdfb3878baaf8b09e5d66f82d279da0.png
  16. This is definitely a LABOR OF LOVE, MackyJay!
  17. I, too, loved this tale. For those who get off on Hospice stories, I've written several which are in this forum. Let me know if you like them.
  18. "Don't worry! I'm gonna take good care of you!"
  19. When you are up to it, I will willingly fly there. I don't know where it comes from, but I have this urgent need, not only to get knocked up with unholy seed, but for YOU to be the one that does it.

    I suspect that your writings have convinced me that some emissary of hell will enter me through you,  corrupt my body and soul & change me forever. Both you and that Other will thrive within me, devouring me from the inside out.


    dark angel.jpg

  20. Now that you're back, my darkest desires are bubbling to the surface. Would you honor me by letting me be a loving host to your AIDS babies. I truly believe that your noxious cum would forever mark me as S6AT6A6N's own.
  21. Hi! Been chasing the bug for over 3 years but Boston is a puritanical Dead Zone. All poz talk & nervous nellies. I'm resigned to travelling. I'm a sub bottom, 66, 6', 250 & worried about rejection over age & looks. I'm told that lots of guys in Europe are much less inhibited about pozzing negs. Any thoughts? Thanks!

  22. I would travel to the ends of the earth to seek the infection that I truly deserve and crave. Thank you for inspiring me, DaddysHand!
  23. I've got a bunch of other fiction in Bug Chasing to entertain you.
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