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Everything posted by jackdaw

  1. You’re the young dark-haired man...the one from my dreams that defiles me with your eyes! I cannot resist your lewd commands. I fall back and lie helpless...hopeless...as you remove my clothing. I cry as you roughly enter me...your slow rutting gains speed and power...my nostrils are filled with your goatish stench. I want to cry aloud as your pronged organ starts to spasm deep inside me...filling me with spurt after spurt of AIDS-tainted Demon Seed. Even now, I can feel that noxious sperm beginning to multiply within me...taking me over...claiming my soul for the Dark Lord! You bite into my neck and then I feel your lips brush against my ear. “I claim you for my Master. Acknowledge Him!” I no longer seek to resist. A strange calm has enveloped me. It’s as if the meaning of life had suddenly been made clear to me. Your teeth find one of my nipples. New and wonderful words issue from my mouth, “Hail Sarah Palin! I am YOURS!” As you continue to gnaw on my flesh, I can feel your tail as my legs wrap around your waist. I pull your head up by the horns and my lips fasten greedily on yours. “Again,” I breathe. “Take me again! Pollute me with your unholy seed! Sarah Palin...I am YOURS!”
  2. I got on CL for something anonymous and hooked up with this guy! He described himself as a blond jock and said he wanted to fuck me “raw!” He had two conditions: One: since it was anonymous, he insisted that I agree not to look at him while he was there! Two: he wanted to record our encounter “just for his personal pleasure!” I was super horny and readily agreed! The sex was GREAT! He sure could throw a mean fuck! It wasn’t until a few days later I saw that he had posted this pic of him BALLS DEEP inside me on several gay sites...even tumblr! FUCK! He was no “blond jock!” I KNEW this guy! He lives in the apartment next door and one thing I know for sure about my neighbor is that he has FULL-BLOWN AIDS! Should I file a complaint...or should I ask him to come over tonight for another session?
  3. Hi! Please clarify for me: if I write a storyline that mentions something like "knock-out drops," a plot device where bottom "wakes up" and finds they are tied up, or finds they have been fucked by 37 guys, in other words, finds they have lost control of the situation...does that qualify as "CHEMSEX?" If that's ok, then GREAT! I like to imagine scenes where inhibitions are overcome not always willingly. If that qualifies as "CHEMSEX," I presume my only alternative would be to have the bottom (poor soul) get a slight bump on the head, thereby rendering them unconscious. Please let me know. I don't wish to run afoul of the posting rules. THANKS!
  4. The PARTY mentioned in 2015 must have disappeared long ago. I see several guys recently have expressed interest. What's needed is a location! Does anyone have a suitable place for one or more parties!
  5. I was in the doctor’s office for my annual exam. I had being seeing Dr. Phillips for a few years and I was pretty comfortable talking about all my health care issues with him. He knew that I was gay. Hell…he even knew that I was a bottom during sex. It was around 4:30 pm on a Friday afternoon and I was looking forward to the three-day weekend. I guess mine was the next-to-last appointment of the day. There was only one guy left in the waiting room. He was a slender guy, a little older than me, with average looks and short sandy hair. I didn’t pay much attention to him. After checking my physical responses, the doctor asked me the usual health and lifestyle questions. This year, however, my answer about whether I practiced safe sex was different. I told him that I had gotten fucked without a condom on several occasions. Surprisingly, I didn’t get the lecture that I expected. Instead, he asked me to explain my reasons for bottoming without protection. Hesitantly, I told him that I was becoming attracted to the idea of “bug chasing.” I said that I was attracted to the idea of taking poz cum. He said, “Are you aware of the risk that you might convert to being HIV-positive?” I relied, “I guess so. I haven’t thought about it that much yet, but the notion of routinely taking loads of some guy’s infected sperm is becoming increasingly appealing to me. It’s like breaking some wild kind of taboo!” The doctor said, “I’ve read up on this kind of behavior and it seems that most men professing a desire to be "pozzed" are really only engaging in an extreme sort of fantasy. Do you think that’s true in your case?” “No, Doc, I’m sure that that’s what I want. The whole idea turns me on for so MANY reasons!” When he heard this, his manner changed…more alert, more interested. He looked at me intently for a few moments, as if making up his mind about something. He said, “I’ve got an idea. It just so happens that the young man out in the waiting room has recently tested HIV-positive. We haven’t started him on any medications yet, so his Viral Level is extremely high. Why don’t I ask him to join us?” “You mean NOW?” I squeaked. I was still lying on the exam table, clad only in a thin Johnny that had been pulled up above my waist. I felt exposed and vulnerable. “Yes, right now! There’s no time like the present.” He then stood up, crossed the room and opened the door to the waiting room. I heard him tell his nurse that she could go home now. “Have a great weekend, Nancy!” he said. Next, he called out, “Mark! Why don’t you come into my office?” I could hear footsteps as the quiet young guy that I’d seen earlier came on in. He looked with a gleam of interest at my half-naked body lying on the examination table. The doctor said, “Mark, this is Alex, one of my patients. He currently is HIV-negative but he tells me that he’s been having unsafe sex recently in hopes of contracting the virus. Isn’t that right, Alex?” I could only blush in response. Mark stared at me with a wolfish grin on his face. Doctor Phillips continued, “It occurred to me that you two could help each other. Mark was telling me that he’s been getting very frustrated since his diagnosis because he stopped having sex. Mark, you don’t mind discussing this with Alex present, do you?” “No, doc! That’s ok. It’s just that I’m so HORNY all the time now. Do you think I’ll ever be able to fuck normally again?” The doctor then said to me, “You’re ok with this, too, Alex? We have your permission to help? I mean, you don’t object, do you?” I was confused. Help me? Help me with WHAT? I tried to say something…anything, but only a choked sound came out. “Well,” the doctor said, “the solution seems pretty simple. Mark, why don’t you go ahead and insert your penis into Alex here so you can commence intercourse. That will grant you the sexual release you’ve been seeking and Alex here can begin receiving the virus that he’s been trying to get. Go ahead, Mark, give him what he’s been asking for.” My head was spinning but I could only moan incoherently at the thought of what was about to happen. Was I just going to let this total stranger deposit his infected fluid deep within my bowels? Dr. Phillips voice brought me back. “Here’s some KY Jelly, Mark. Doctors always have plenty of that on hand.” At that, I felt a large stiff cock push inside me. Mark muttered, “Shit, doc! You don’t know how great this tight hole feels. You sure this guy Alex doesn’t care that I’m gonna flood his guts with my AIDS babies? Is that what you want, Alex? You want me to knock you up?” The doctor replied, “Don’t give it a second thought, Mark! It’s exactly what he wants. He told me so himself!” After Mark shot his first toxic load into me, Dr. Phillips insisted that he repeat the intercourse twice more “for good measure.” On my way out the door on wobbly legs the doctor slipped a small white appointment card into my hand. “I want the two of you to return for office visits until your HIV test comes back positive. Have a great weekend and see you next week!”
  6. Being forced would make it hot but I don't need to be. I'd tear the condom off myself if I knew the top was poz!
  7. I found this gem at spermpig.tumblr.com. It sure got my dick leaking. How about yours? Happy World AIDS Day, Faggot! I had a “play date” a couple weekends ago on Sunday– as it so happens it was world AIDS day. And it was a very naughty play session indeed. The fuckbuddy that hit me up has a particular kink. He really gets off on dirty talk. Not just run of the mill dirty talk either– he gets off on poz talk. You know, talk about knocking up a bottom with his toxic jizz. That sort of thing. And let’s just say that I don’t mind this talk– mainly because he has a beercan fat 7 inch dick on him. I can “get into” a lot of things if it’s attached to a cock like that! He hit me up on a non-hookup oriented social media site and was looking to get his dick wet. I was horny as hell so I said, “Sure, cum on over!” He was very particular about what he wanted during our session. I was to be pre-lubed and waiting on all fours, blindfolded. And wearing a jock or something suitable to display my ass. He would walk in and have his way with me and leave. And he was gonna “talk” during our session. I got ready and put on a pair of assless shorts for him. I also had my blindfold at the ready (as well as the poppers and lube). He called from downstairs and I buzzed him up, donned the blindfold and assumed the position. I heard him enter and lock the door. “So, faggot. Your ass ready to take my deathbabies?” he asked. “I really want to feel that big raw cock in me, but please pull out before you cum? I don’t wanna get sick,” I tell him, just like he wants to hear. “Dude, you know the drill. I fuck and I don’t like to pull out. If you want this dick, you’re gonna take it til I’m done with your hole.” “Please pull out? You can shoot in my mouth instead… if you want,” I suggest. “I’ll think about it. Now suck my cock and get me ready!” So, I opened my mouth and let him feed me his dick. His thickness stretches my jaw and I know it’s going to do the same to my ass when the time comes. He had one hand on the back of my head while he’s thrusting into me. I can taste his precum already as he’s obviously been thinking about our impending fuck. “Turn around, faggot. I’m gonna use that ass now.” I do as I’m told, and I hear him lubing up his thick fuckstick. I fish around for the poppers on the bed and take a good hit. “Oh yeah, baby show me that hole! You ready for my poison penis? You want it?” All I can do is nod in my popper induced haze. He pops his thick mushroom head inside me, and pushes in to the hilt in one swift motion. There is a stab of pain as he bottoms out inside me. But also pleasure. He doesn’t wait to let me get used to his dick- he just immediately starts fucking me with it at a medium pace. I’m on all fours and he’s drilling into me from behind, hands roughly gripping my hips. “Fuck yeah, bitch! Take my toxic cock. You like taking poz dick, don’t you? You get off on having AIDS just one squirt away!” “No!” I tell him. “I just like feeling your fat cock in me without a condom. Please pull out before you cum! Don’t make me HIV+!” “What’s the point of pulling out, you stupid cunt? I’m already leaking my sickness inside you! Can’t you feel all my dirty precum slicking up your insides? Every thrust I’m massaging my tainted DNA deeper and deeper into your guts. And you’re taking it, you bug chanson’ bitch!” He reaches around to stroke my rock hard cock while continuing to thrust his dick inside me. “See? You get off on this, you sick fucker! Your cock is rock hard! And I bet you’ll blow your last neg load as soon as I start knocking you up!” He speeds up his thrusting and really started ramming my hole. He was doing a full pull out and ram back in and I had to do poppers like mad just to be able to take it. The whole time he keeps up his litany of poz talk– talking about his dirty DNA and getting me to “join the club”. He wants to be my gifter and be the one to convert me. His dirty talk just pours out of him like his precum. Eventually he is ready to do the deed. “Oh fuck, faggot! I’m getting close! It isn’t gonna be long now and your neg days will be over!” “Just pull out! Please pull out! Cum in my mouth– I’ll swallow! I promise!” I beg. “You fucking filthy cum pig bottom! I’m gonna give you EXACTLY what you want… and deserve!” He thrusts hard a few more times, then parks his cock deep while holding onto my hips with an iron grip. Then I feel it. His cock spasming deep inside me– spitting out jet after jet of his semen. His big mushroom head throbs and swells with each spurt. My own orgasm is seconds behind, and I’m shooting my load in thick streams all over my sheets; my asshole involuntarily milking every drop from his dick. After his orgasm subsides, he slow pumps me a few times, then RAMS his dick home to the bottom causing me to cry out in pain. While slowly pulling out of me, he leaned in close to my ear and whispered “Happy AIDS Day, faggot.”
  8. Anytime you're in the Boston area I'll take load after load. Just say the word, hotstuff!
  9. Next part?? LOL! That was the END. I thought that what made this tale hot was the silent seduction. Progressing from thinking, "uh-oh!" to the point where he realizes he's going to, OMG!, bottom for them willingly. We all know what comes next...all that fucking and sucking and pozzing that is much, much hotter if left to the imagination! Glad you liked it!
  10. With a big nod to Scottyrim’s story “Steamroom.” ____________________________________________________ When I entered the steam room, the hot moist air billowed around me and then settled down again as I eased the door shut behind me. I looked around me and saw two young guys were sitting on the right side platform and they were jerking each other. On the left side, two guys were sitting towards the back. The two young guys were rather well built,but the the two on the left looked a bit gaunt and wasted. I knew what that meant, although I had to admit that they still looked kind of handsome. I sat near the two guys on the right and attempted to join in their play but they made it plain that my participation was unwelcome, so I sat quietly for a while, enjoying the stress-relieving heat. As I looked around the room, my eyes kept returning to the two guys in the opposite corner. Each time I looked, their eyes were gazing at me steadily. Neither hostile, nor friendly, they just seemed kind of curious as they looked back at me. I smiled nervously and this got their smiles in return. One of them, he was the shorter of the two at about 5’10”, got up and came over to where I was sitting on the wooden platform. He had a very nice cock, somewhat swollen from all the heat. It waggled temptingly back and forth as he crossed the room, making it impossible not to stare at it. “See anything you like?” he asked. I was too tongue-tied to respond. “I do,” he continued, and with that he reached out, put his hands on my bare shoulders and pushed me flat onto my back. My legs were still hanging over the edge, bent at the knees, so that my toes were just brushing the floor. Then he leaned over and started gently manipulating my cock. I was getting charged up and it felt amazingly good. I didn’t know what to think. My mind was racing. This guy was pushing all the right buttons but he was clearly in the grip of the virus. I knew that what we were doing was safe but it somehow seemed to be going awfully fast. I knew we should stop at some point but I could not clearly figure out what that point was going to be. All I knew was that I was getting hotter and hotter and it wasn’t the steam. He kept stroking, squeezing and tugging my dick, rolling it in his hand and gently pinching the head. My eyes closed, and my head began rolling around with my mouth agape. The massage stopped and I felt a hand gently grip my chin. I opened eyes and looked up as he turned my head towards him. I saw that he had moved up along my body, walked around the end of the platform and was now right next to my head. “You like that, don’t you?” With that he leaned over me and his cock swung forward and hovered over my still open mouth. He gazed at me calmly and said, “There’s something you can do for me!” I shook slightly as a thrill or shiver ran through my body. “Relax! Everything’s gonna be okay.” With that, he smiled and lowered his cock into my open mouth. I moaned in surprise and fear as well as sheer lust. He repeated, “It’s gonna be okay.” Now, I’m a born cocksucker so my mouth knew what to do. I suckled on the head, then moved up and down his growing shaft. I felt his hand return to fondling my dick, but when I twisted my neck to look down there I was shocked to see that his friend had taken over that task. I hadn’t even heard him get up and join us. He nudged his way between my knees. When he suddenly widened his stance my legs were spread apart. His cock was fully erect, not too thick, but about eight inches in length. At this moment I knew I was in great danger. Here I was with two men clearly infected by the bug. One was see-sawing his cock in and out of my mouth, and the other was standing between my legs, his hard cock already starting to drip toxic pre-cum. The two young guys opposite had ceased their play and were silently staring at the unfolding scene with a mixture of wonder and horror. They could see that I was in trouble. With the stranger’s dick in my mouth I couldn’t do much more than utter moans which could have meant anything. I gazed at them with mute appeal. Could they possibly save me from this situation? With relief I saw that one of them jumped up and hurriedly left the steam room. Help would be here soon, I thought, until he suddenly returned alone. He had gone to retrieve his phone so that he could capture the events on video. Despite my fears, I was also consumed by sexual need. These two men had seduced me, with hardly a word being spoken, and now I was teetering on the verge of the unthinkable. I looked up. The first guy smiled reassuringly. I could tell from his unwavering expression that there was no chance of stopping them. Some part of me had already surrendered to their will. It was simply understood that I was going to bottom for them. Here and now, with the other two as witnesses. The taller of the two gaunt men began to nudge into me with his cock. “Uh-uh!” said the shorter man. “Today, I go first!” With that, he changed places with his friend. As he entered me, my toes began to flex and curl as the flash from the phone camera lit up the room.
  11. Metrowest Mass. bottom here. I would go for that in a heartbeat. I'm actively chasing so this would help my quest to morph into a poz cum dump, lol!
  12. I'm neg & actively bug chasing. In the Boston area I can't find anyone who is serious about Gifting.; Lots of talk but no action. What's a poor bottom to do?
  13. My best friend Jason, who’s usually very responsible, shocked me when he told me that last night he had had unprotected sex with a guy, a complete stranger who was not only hiv-positive but had high viral levels as well. I asked him what on earth happened and, by way of a reply, he sent me a series of e-mails that he had exchanged with the guy. They’re pretty hot but I’m not sure if they are for real or not. That’s why I’ll post them in the “Fiction” section. See what you think! Jason had posted on CL, looking for his usual Saturday night fuck, when this guy responded. Here’s their exchange: You looking to get knocked up? Mmmmm! That wasn't my plan for the day but I'm open to suggestions. OK was wondering? What do you have in mind? Are you thinking nasty thoughts? Yes I am!! Only one man is going to be able to claim that he took my neg cherry...that he was the one that planted his dirty seed. Do you think that man might be you? I just might be You know, I usually just keep this a fantasy but I also know that someday some smooth-talking guy is gonna get me all hot and bothered. Then he's just gotta ease me over the edge. Whatever it is you're doing, you're already halfway there. I think, if you want it to, I'm willingly yours. That's hot!!! Fuck! It IS fucking hot! I'm laying back on the bed next to the pc, playing with my nips and moaning! It's like I've got brain fever! Tell me about yourself and what you would want to do! Maybe you can push me past the point of no return! 49 5'11 190 6cut love making out kissing sucking an fucking. Lick your ass get it nice an wet then slide my cock in you fuck you hard them cum balls deep in you You got me so hot the bed caught on fire! You owe me for that, lol! Seriously, you sold me on that "cum balls deep in you" line. Are you poz or neg? undetectable, hvl or...? Poz not on meds OMG you sexy fucking bastard! I just fell off the edge! Now I'm so worked up that I fucking NEED you inside me. You want to be pozzed??? The guy sent a photo of a nice stiff cock, uncut & curving slightly to the left Oh, fuck! It's not that I want to be pozzed so much as it's I WANT TO BE POZZED BY YOU! Fuck! Now you've got me beggin you: Please poz me! (The guy must have been slow to reply so Jason sent another message) The suspense is killing me! That picture of your stiff cock is making my hole twitch! I want you to give me your seed so bad! I want it planted down DEEP where that little bit of you can start to grow inside me! You pushed all the right buttons to get me to the point where I'm fucking helpless! Oh, fuck! fuck! fuck! I need to get pozzed so bad!!! You ready for this?? I’m 10 minutes away And that was it. That was all that it took for Jason to give it up for some guy he had never met before.
  14. My name is Zip. I know, I know. It’s a funny name to have. Anyway, I volunteer once a month in the AIDS ward at St. Theresa’s Hospital. I help out, doing what I can. As we got to know each other the men and I became more comfortable around each other. They seemed to like having me around. The patient with whom I got along best was named Mickey. He had a sly sense of humor and could always make me laugh. It turned out we were both baseball fanatics as well. Mickey had been a pretty handsome fellow back in the day. It was kind of sad to see the effects of the virus as it increased its hold on him. He’d started losing weight, his cheeks were sort of hollow and his butt cheeks were getting flabby. He managed to take it all with his typical good spirits. One day I was helping Mickey out of the shower as I often did. “Here, let me help you,” I said as I dried his back. As I walked around to the front I was kind of surprised to see that he had an erection…a real stiff one by the looks of it. I dried his chest and his legs. I was on my knees at this point and I finished off by rubbing the towel all around his bobbing hard-on. That seemed to really excite him even more. I don’t know why exactly but I hesitantly reached out and wrapped my hand around his hard cock. He emitted a short grunt, which told me that he liked what my fingers were doing. I figured, if the poor guy enjoyed it, why not give him a hand job? So I got to my feet, sat on the bench facing him and began to stroke gently up and down his shaft. God only knows how long he had been confined to the ward, but I reasoned it had probably been quite a while since he had had sex of any sort, so would be the harm to giving him a simple hand job, after all? Soon, Mickey started making this growling noise so he must have been pleased with my efforts. I certainly wasn’t expecting it when, all of a sudden, he leaned towards me, placed his hands on my shoulders and firmly pushed me down so that I was lying on my back on the bench. His hands moved down a bit and started to unbutton my shirt. I tried to sit up and said, “Mickey, what are you doing?” He looked at me calmly and pushed me back down again. “Ssshhh!” he said in a low voice as he finished undoing my shirt. The shirt fell open, baring my chest. The look in Mickey’s eyes got a little harder and he reached out and gently started to work both of my nipples. I think at that point my sex drive must have come to life because I was instantly aware of how good it felt as his fingers continued to pinch and twist my nips. I was surprised to hear myself let out a long sigh of satisfaction. What was going on? This should NOT be happening. Mickey splayed his left hand his left hand on my chest, effectively holding me down on the bench. His right hand lazily drifted down to my belt and casually began to undo the buckle. “Mickey!” I said. He cut me off, saying, “Keep it down! No one’s going to know we’re here unless you make a fuss.” He gazed at me. “You’re not going to make a fuss now, are you?” When I remained silent he said, “That’s better, let’s just relax and take our time, shall we?” His hand returned to my pants, unbuckling the belt, popping the button on my jeans and smoothly sliding the zipper down. Against my better judgment I was getting turned on by all this. Mickey noticed the swelling in my pants and slid his hand down the front of my jeans and cupped the bulge that had appeared in my tighty-whities. “That’s nice,” he cooed. “Real nice! This is too good to pass up. I want you to hold it right there and don’t move a muscle! I’ll be right back!” With that, he wrapped his towel around his waist and quickly left the shower room. Less than a minute later he came back in, closing the door most of the way but leaving it slightly ajar. He grinned at me as his towel dropped to the floor. Returning to my side, he loomed over me, with his cock kind of wagging back and forth as he moved. I thought I could see a small drop of pre-cum at the tip of his glans. His eyes gleamed as he held up his hands. In the right he had a condom packet and his left hand held a small object…unmistakably a bottle of poppers. When I spied the condom wrapper, the thoughts that were spinning in my head slowed down a bit. It was a relief to see that safety protocols were being observed. “I had these in a drawer…souvenirs of days gone by I guess,” he said sheepishly. With that he tossed the rubber onto my stomach. Next, he uncapped the bottle. “Here,” he said, “see if it’s still ok.” He bent down and held it under my nose. I inhaled deeply a couple of times and instantly felt that familiar feeling wash through my body. “Wow! It’s still pretty strong,” I said as I floated off into la-la land. When I returned to earth, I found that my pants and briefs had been removed. Mickey had my feet propped up on his chest and he was pulling off my white socks. “Welcome back!” he chortled. He surprised me by first kissing both of my feet and then sensuously licking each one. He put my legs back down on the bench and picked up the condom packet. I asked myself, 'Am I really ready to let this guy fuck me, even with a condom? Mickey’s a real nice guy and all but…I mean…he’s got AIDS!' Oblivious to my internal turmoil, Mickey tore open the wrapper and then said, “Here!” as he shoved the bottle back under my nostrils. I began to fade out again. The last thing I remember hearing was a voice saying, “Damn! This condom is way out of date. I guess we’ll have to bareback.” When my attention returned, Mickey was already inside me, smoothly sliding in and out. “Did I hear you say something about barebacking?” I asked in a tight voice. “Yeah,” he said, “the rubber was no good but it was kind of late to put the brakes on. This is much hotter anyway, don’t you think?” I was utterly speechless which I guess he interpreted as consent on my part. He smiled and bent his face down to mine and began to passionately kiss me, nibbling and nipping my lips. So confused was I that even as I tried to squawk a protest through our locked lips I found my body responding to what Mickey was doing. Our tongues started dancing together and my whole being began to synch up with the steady rhythm of his fucking. “Mmmmmm! Mmmmmm!” was the only sound I was capable of making at this point. I knew that this was ridiculously unsafe. Here I was, in a hospital ward, having unprotected anal intercourse with an AIDS patient. But as the sexual heat began to cloud my judgment it all started to seem not so important after all. Soon, physical pleasure was all that mattered. After a long, long period of steady thrusting, Mickey began to pick up his pace. His breathing was becoming ragged. My toes flexed and curled as his body transmitted its increasing excitement. I was at the point of wishing that this would never end when Mickey groaned loudly and his frame started to shudder. All of a sudden he bucked against my ass. Once!…twice!... three, four five times he pushed into me, shuddering again at the end! That, in turn, set me off. My whole body spasmed repeatedly as volley after volley of my seed shot across my stomach and chest. I clenched my sphincter ecstatically, wanting to freeze time and savor the moment. We both lay there panting, exhausted from our frantic climax. I heard a voice mutter, “That was so fuckin’ HOT!” With a start, I realized that Mickey was not the one speaking! With Mickey still collapsed on top of me I couldn’t get up but I twisted my head around to see who had spoken. I can’t say who it was for sure because, not one, but all five of the other patients on the ward were clustered in the open doorway. At this point Mickey finally got up off me and there were audible gasps. “Holy Shit! You guys fucked bareback? Zip! What were you thinking, letting Mickey breed you with his infected cum?” That’s when reality came crashing back into my head. Yes, I had let Mickey fuck his AIDS into me, filling me with gobs and gobs of his toxic sperm. To make it worse, while he was planting his dirty seed deep within me, my legs had been wrapped around his waist while I feverishly licked and moaned into his ear. Guiltily, I knew that by the time he blew his poisoned load deep within me, I had desperately wanted…no, needed him to defile my negative ass. Of course that’s about the time that the other guys figured the same thing out: that I had ultimately been more than willing to receive Mickey’s gift! Now I was eager for not just one man, but many men to blast their virus-laden cum into my willing holes. It may not have happened yet, but it was assured that I would soon be told that I, too, was HIV positive. Maybe one day I might even take up residence in this very AIDS ward. But, for now, all that was in the future. Now, I had other things to worry about. From the look in their eyes I could tell that one important fact had finally dawned on them: if one of their number was free to breed me bareback, then it was only fair that all of them had the right to bend me over a gurney and fuck me full of their tainted sperm any time they felt the primal urge. And when the day came that I became infected with their disease, they would send me out into the world to pass the virus on to others. Until then, I will remain Zip and be used regularly every month as their own private AIDS dump! I may even start coming twice a month! It’s the least that I can do to put some Zip into their lives!
  15. Smooth words! Insistent cock! The next thing you know is you said "don't stop" and suddenly you're getting pozzed! Sweet story! Thanks!
  16. Article above dates from 2010.
  17. I loved this story...tattoos, gullible bottoms, stealthing! It's got everything!
  18. mmmm! Wish I was at this theater right now! Thanks!
  19. I am a Bottom For Men...and I highly recommend them!
  20. No complaints, I'll wait til the bugs get shaken out. I noticed when I checked my own postings that there were all kinds of "replies" from other members & guests that don't belong there, don't have anything to do with my post.
  21. Where's the best place for a biohazard/scorpion/toxic tattoo? From this bottom's perspective, I'd say about 3 inches above a guy's cock & a little off to one side is even better than if centered! That way, my guy's artwork is right at my eye level while I'm sucking his cock! Yum!
  22. I've gotten turned on to the idea of getting fucked by BB bottoms. Especially those treasures known as "cumdumps." Think about it, these guys are a repository of LOTS and LOTS of loads. When they fuck us, we are getting collectively EVERY load they ever got, right? That gets my juices flowing for sure! So...any BOSTON area BOTTOMS out there? I'd LOVE to take loads from you so hit me up please!
  23. I've gotten turned on to the idea of getting fucked by BB bottoms. Especially those treasures known as "cumdumps." Think about it, these guys are a repository of LOTS and LOTS of loads. When they fuck us, we are getting collectively EVERY load they ever got, right? That gets my juices flowing for sure!
  24. Hi! Looking to meeting interesting guys and take lotsa loads too! I can host in Natick or travel. Open to most.
  25. Near Boston. I tried to find BBRTS profile but qtravnlr not active

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