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About 757neg4poz

  • Birthday 12/12/1991

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    Williamsburg, VA
  • Interests
    Neg bug chaser
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Top
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  1. I'm heading up to SF in May and I just wanted to say woooof!

  2. woof!

    1. NJshorebear


      Thanks buddy, as I said on bbet you're fucking hot

  3. You need to find a new doc because it's just flat out malpractice to suggest someone stop Doxypep. That said, superinfection is pretty rare if you are on meds. There are so many med classes on the pipeline that there will be no worries about reaching treatment failure with capsid inhibitors coming out.
  4. i'd agree: what many people overlook is that abortion is also an economic issue as well giving the right of women to work freely
  5. i think what will likely happen is that there will be a resurgence of blue dogs in 2026. fetterman isn't going to be a manchin at all: he's likely going to be part of a potential reset the democrats may take to go further to the right. recent polling does suggest democrats are out of alignment with the general electorate, so i wouldn't be surprised they do step further right. you will see more and more democrats eventually approve or try to outflank trump's economic positions. they will be more muted on gun, abortion, and lgbt policy.
  6. Are you prepared for the frequent medical visits? Daily medication? New health issues that will arise due to HIV and your medication? Low testosterone? Copays for your HIV meds and other related chronic diseases? Uncertainties about the Trump administration continuing programs for low-income HIV patients like ADAP and Ryan White? It's not a quick jack off fantasy; it's a lifelong commitment. You'll be living with a permanent medical condition that you will likely need meds to manage.
  7. we're going back to third way clinton politics re: DOMA and DADT on lgbt rights, much like how labour went back to blairite policies. the democrats just don't have any teeth to go on the offensive. we lgbt folks are on our own, even with feckless lobbyist organizations like HRC purporting to defending our rights. we need to abandon social media channels and organize like the days of old.
  8. capsid inhibitors and other new classes of meds are coming online pretty soon so you will have some treatment options
  9. Radical feminists really are going through the fucking around and finding out phase right now after conservatives can just bury them under "DEI". I really hope it was worth women losing bodily autonomy and representation in corporate spaces, TERFs.
  10. Thanks for following! Love the daddies

  11. I hated Kamala and Biden as much as anyone, but why are you dick riding so hard for a fat slob like Trump right now? His dick is smaller than my toes...
  12. If she wasn't utterly hostile to the gays, she would have been set for life with a gay fandom. Gloria Gaynor for example may have been deeply religious and may have harbored some homophobic thoughts in her private life, but she was smart enough to largely keep them to herself. The gays literally make or break your career.
  13. I want some of that poz cum in my hairy asscamphoto_33463914.thumb.jpeg.b8ee584ff7a96231362bb8506722667a.jpeg

  14. I hope when I test poz, I grow old to be a poz silver daddy like you

  15. Sexy!  I'm totally gaga for men with full beards!!!

    1. 757neg4poz


      my body against yours would be like shag carpenting 😉

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