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About naughtycute82

  • Birthday 01/02/1982

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  1. Thanx for the friend request! Hmm, only 4 days until Sunday Funday! ;))

  2. Public exposure like that, oh hell yeah! I once wrote a blog here about a sexual encounter where the top used the word 'pussyboy' and how that was a huge turn on for me. But instantly I got this angry message from someone telling me how a man's hole is called 'hole' and never 'pussy' or 'cunt'. (Seriously the nerve of that guy!) I'm very much into verbal humiliation but I don't have a real personal preference. When dating I usually try to find out what 'sex language' the top likes and use the terms he likes to hear. If he uses 'pussy', I'll use 'pussy' but at initial contact I will only use 'hole' just not to offend tops for whom it's a turn off. The way I see it I am fully focused on providing pleasure to the top who fucks me so I'll let him decide what names he wants to call me and play with that during sex.
  3. Have dalabottom's vids been posted here already? This one just sets my brain on fire everytime I watch it: http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=2yDfa-G489-#.VbdHHbPtmko It features dalabottom ass up face down taking some raw anonymous daddy's dick. I love how the top gets verbal and asks him whether he's already been fucked today and (after two thirds of the vid) starts asking questions on how long the bottom has been into taking dick. No close ups but definitely a hot slamming finish at the end. I also like this one from furryjock86 where he's breeding a 'neg slut' in a park bathroom. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=XjEuM-G175-#.VbdLFLPtmko It starts out with the bottom blowing him after which he takes him from behind. Later the action shifts to the floor where he pins the bottom down. The sound is a little crappy though it has some nice verbal to hear if you turn your speakers up, and you get to see the bottom sluts' face the whole time.
  4. Dirty Dicks and Eagle have been reopened since the fire and renovation. Both going strong for a couple of years now! The problem with businesses closing isn't always due to dating apps or other cities. It's simple economics: 'if people don't buy your product, there might be something wrong with your product'. If businesses want to survive, management has to be willing to make investments, if not...then businesses close.
  5. My standard reply for fuck requests today is: leave the condoms, bring your camera instead. Who's up for it?

  6. This Birthday boy will be in chaps at this party tonight: http://www.leatherhistory.eu/?p=7372 #hint #justsaying

  7. Hi, thanks for the add here! Great profile as well! :)

  8. Hi thanks for the friend request! :)

  9. Hey thanks for the friend request! :)

  10. In the UK for the weekend...and I've brought my leather chaps! *very evil grin*

  11. I've recently become an active pro-PrEP voice in the local PrEP discussion, so now some of my poz friends have started joking about me taking their Truvada. When they take their pills while I'm visiting they go:"Look, here is what you want!" Several of my friends have done this now and I know they're joking. But since I also hear their stories about this and that guy who needed to drop or temporarily stop his meds because of side effects I was wondering whether I should seriously ask them for it. (PrEP won't become available in our local community until 2017/18.) Does anyone have experience with this? Did anyone ever ask their poz friends for Truvada? And what did they say?
  12. Amsterdam will start with a PreP research at the beginning of next year. I've been told the research will involve a group of 250 men who they'll follow over the course of 3 years. I sent an e-mail to GG&GD Amsterdam's homocohort in August to ask how I could be included and now I'm on the list of potential 'testers'. If you are interested, I'd suggest you do the same and just send them an e-mail. They will do a screening before the research starts, so no guarantees that you would be selected for the research, but it could be worth it. Also, on October 11th, Poz & Proud is organizing an informative evening about PreP. It's in Amsterdam and free of charge and it could be interesting to visit as also GG&GD Amsterdam will be there to explain more about their plans.
  13. Thanks for the add here sexy!

    1. BareBen


      thanks for accepting! ur cute!!

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