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About RealPig

  • Birthday 12/31/1984

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    San Francisco, CA
  • Interests
    Leather, BDSM, M/s, Dominance & Submission, Fisting, Bondage, Piss, Piggy Primal Sex,

    Someday, bottoming for a gang bang, or giving myself over to being a no-load refused cum-dump.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    Attractive, horny and a real pig.
  • Looking For
    Looking to chat with other guys into piggy bareback sex and bug-chasing fetish. I enjoy reading bareback and bug-chasing stories, role play with poz talk, and sexting.

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  1. The sluttiest thing I ever did? Was it when I went to an blowjob-focused circuit party and in the dark-room sucked cock after cock after cock, swallowing the occasional load until I lost count somewhere past twenty five of how many cocks I took (while a slender twink tried to shove his cock up my ass)? Was it when I was playing the "Stallion" at a Horse Market party at SF Dore Alley, where at the end of the night I got down behind each remaining twelve or so "Mares" and proceeded to felch and drink the uncountable number of cumloads that they had been filled up with all night. Copious amounts of anonymous loads sucked and swallowed from anonymous asses, before rising up to fuck them hard and deep? Or will it it be when I play the "Mare" at the upcoming SF Folsom Street Fair Horse Market party, and beg to take my own uncountable number of cumloads blindfolded in a red hood like a good little cum pig? Maybe if you are coming to Folsom Horse Market as a stallion you can help make this this sluttiest thing I've ever done yet!
  2. This is one of the hottest, filthiest stories. I love it.
  3. Hi, I've been on this forum reading stories and experiences for some time. I am looking to chat with other guys into bareback sex and bug-chasing fetish. I enjoy reading bareback and bug-chasing stories, role play with poz talk, and sexting. As you can imagine from my profile name, I'm also into Leather, BDSM, D/s M/s. Pigsex, and Rough Sex.
  4. Say it boy... You're a dirty chaser ☣️🔥😘

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      That's what you deserve, my virus flowing through your veins.

    3. FetishFreak


      I can give bloodslams as i am not on meds. I got tina too. Gotta slam it with tina. Its great.  I love my viral blood flowing in me. 

    4. FetishFreak


      I love the amount of hiv chasers. Its awesome they want the virus. Its hot status to be poz tho. I love stigma and [banned word]. Hiv is sexy to me and im infected all naturally no meds ever. I want virions to build to be able to infect others. I like knowing its an option! So i got a HVL at 250,000

  5. Hey! There's a dirty bug chaser here who's following me! 😘😘😘☣️ if you want to dirty talk you know you can find me here around!

    1. RealPig


      Dirty talk? Fuck yea. 😘😘😘☣️

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      my instinct (and virus) suggest me we can have lots and lots of fun here. You and me.

    3. FetishFreak
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