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About BBneg4poz

  • Birthday 01/09/1992

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  • Gender
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  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    new to bugchasing, want to become poz, so I can start gifting others
  • Looking For
    toxic poz cum, high viral loads, full blown AIDS

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  1. come to the UK lad - I and I'm sure many others would breed u!😈

  2. You're just perfect: young, fucking hot body, sexy big dick and balls full of toxic cum. You could fuck me anytime. How long have you been poz and do you know your viral load? How many guys have you pozzed already?

    1. barexl1999


      Thanks man! Known for 4 years now, but no idea about vl. Numbers are for chat :P 

    2. Collar4chemboys


      So ytou have been poz since you were 17?

  3. I need your toxic poz cum in my neg ass.

  4. thanks for following!

  5. Would love to get your toxic poz cum in my neg hole.

  6. I need your toxic cum in my neg hole, give me your AIDS, please. Do you know your VL?

  7. have some of mine xxxNectar.jpg.868342783d29c2831b494e47fc876a8d.jpg5885d3904e7ae_Kissit.jpg.a47aadde9a8e23923a8fda31261181fc.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RotzBBengel


      GOD YES, exactly like that - tickle that lil pussy till it purrs...


    3. buttboy2


      Keep it up gents. It would be amazing to watch that. 

    4. ronnie4u


      Simply HOT , Beautiful , and Delicious - wanting you Rel Badly !   :)

  8. Thanks for the rep on my status pic :)

  9. Sexy poz guy. Give me your poz cum and knock me up.

  10. Would love to become poz this way. It's so hot. Unfurtunately i don't have a brother.
  11. I need toxic poz cum in my neg hole right now. Somebody out there who will poz me?

  12. You and me in stinky men's restroom stall?

  13. Like to be taking a piss or shit in a stinky men's restroom and you come into the stall before or behind me ?

  14. Would love to have my neg hole pozzed by your toxic seed. Do you know your VL?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BBneg4poz


      What VL was the result of this test? How long have you been poz?

    3. u31b3w6


      27.000 about two years

    4. BBneg4poz


      Cool, think that's high enough to poz me.

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