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About socalboi88

  • Birthday 05/21/1988

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  1. Thanks guys :) All your feedback is so freaking nice. I'm totally blushing, thinking there are guys literally all over the world reading my little story 6 years later and still jacking off to it :) I put everything I had into this story, so that really means a lot. Sometimes I think about other story ideas, but I don't know, everything just came together when I was writing this story. I don't think I could come close again. Real-life "Simon" was my muse. Aaah, there was no one like him. He made it all possible :)
  2. It won't let me edit my original post....I meant to say, I have no way to search for those stories again, unless I search while logged out. And searching while logged out is a hassle, because it makes you wait 15 seconds between searches...even just to change pages in the list of results. Thanks.
  3. I don't know where to post technical issues. A month or two ago I noticed search wasn't working right. It was right after a big update, I think. Before the update, there were many words that wouldn't return any results (yes, no, on, off, boy, you, etc.). Now some of those words return results. But now there are a lot of stories that I can't find by searching, if I'm logged in. I have to log out if I want to search for something, and then I get way more search results, for the exact same phrases. Here are some examples, and the search phrases I used, to try to find them. If you look in the posts, they definitely do have those words in them, and should be coming up in search...but they only come up for me if I'm logged out: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/5688-places-in-chicago/ best places chicago touche [think before following links] [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/12906-pimped-out-as-a-whore-for-poz/ jordan pimped whore poz [think before following links] [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/42696-my-twisted-neighbor-lets-me-crash-at-his-place/ simon complicated "my twisted neighbor" On top of that, all my "followed content" disappeared after the update. And of course I have no way to search for those stories again. Thank you.
  4. Thanks! That sounds really hot. No, it was just a one-time thing!
  5. Thank you! :) I've cum so many times to your story. Glad I could return the favor.
  6. Thank you so much! So glad you liked it.
  7. Thank you! It's so hot you read my story twice:) My favorite thing about Simon is that he sort of has "powers" over people, and can get them to do things they normally wouldn't...but that they really want to do, deep down, like you said. I've known guys like that, and been under their spells, and it feels so bad, but so good, too.... Anyway, thanks so much for reading:)
  8. Thank you so much! I do love a happy ending:) So glad you liked it.
  9. Oh wow thank you, that is so nice of you!! I spent a lot of time on it and wanted it to seem like it could really happen. You're definitely welcome:)
  10. Thank you! I love hearing that:)
  11. That is so nice of you! Thank you:)
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