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Everything posted by smartstud2010

  1. excellent. keep at it! i hope PReP keeps you well!
  2. soooooooooo hot. i want more! are there any other tales?
  3. what was causing the burning?
  4. i hooked up with a guy from work--went over to his place and we made out, rimmed, blew each other. i got massively drunk because i was nervous. i woke up hungover a few hours later, and hooked up with my first poz guy--neighborhood 8inch hung guy, undetectable. this was one of the most thrilling sex encounters i've ever had--partially because he's poz and partially because we got so fucking piggy. we were spitting on each other, into each other's mouths, fingering, ass-to-mouth kissing, tasting each other's juices, and i worshipped his nipples. he also sucked on my toes--which isn't my thing--but i went along with it. 3rd guy was a few hours later--a hung latino guy i've been talking to for a month on a4a--i go into chelsea to his place, and we suck and kiss and jerk-off. it wasn't great, and our sexual connection was a little screwy--he wanted me to rim him, but i passed--his pictures were a little dated, and i wasn't as into him as i thought i would be. i guess i'll be a pig when i just go for the load because it's there. anyway, just wanted to share gcmwhre14 on BBRT.
  5. just got my test results back--negative for everything! the doctor told me that the sore was an abrasion--from too vigorous masturbation lol, probably. good luck to you guys.
  6. it hurts when i pee and i had a sore on my cock. but i'm also turned on by it lol. let's all have a gangbang.
  7. This is a great thread. i'd love to hear more about which bookstores and video stores to try.
  8. Hi guys, I'm trying to find out the best (hopefully bareback friendly) cam sites. The only one I know of is http://www.treasureislandmedia.com/fuckroulette/ Know of any others? (I'm not sure this post is in the right part of the forum, but I think it is).
  9. fantastic! def agreed that the freaked out/turned on combination is compelling and hot.
  10. lol. i'm talking about being a waiter or a host assistant, or serving in some kind of other assistant capacity at a sex functon/bar/etc.
  11. Hi guys! I thought i'd begin asking here as i begin my research. I'm wondering about how i might go about getting a part-time gig (paid) working at one of the many sex parties in manhattan. Or finding a similarly interesting gig. Besides craigslist, are there job boards that post opportunities in this line of work? I may begin by emailing party organizers and asking, but i thought i'd put in an inquiry here as well. Thanks!
  12. Which party in Manhattan was this? CumUnion?
  13. amazing amazing amazing story. fuck.
  14. was in 30th street station tonight and i was jerking off in the bathroom. a guy entered the stall next to me, and i thought he was just answering nature's call. but he stayed and then while i was continuing to jerk off, he put his hand underneath the dividing wall between us, and put his mouth against the edge of the dividing wall and was whispering things--he made grabbing motions with his hand--very slow, seductive--and i was so tempted. i came pretty quickly, felt nervous and left. looking back behind me as i left the bathroom, i saw him emerging from the stall next to mine, and we made eye contact as i turned the corner.
  15. hey all, i'm going to be staying in the westin bonaventure this week. i'd love to scope out the piggy side of LA. anybody know any place in the area? cheers to drinking cum in the balmy breeze.
  16. WELL SAID. I agree that the tenor of this thread isn't thinking of young people's sexual well-being. I get that you're approaching this question (of getting young guys into barebacking) from a marketing point of view, but...I think the best thing for everyone is to educate young people so they can make an informed decision.
  17. Amen AgentColby!
  18. if you want more, and he's not going to give you what you want--i'd keep looking. sorry, mate. best of luck!
  19. i'm also looking for this kind of information. especially which theaters and video shops (and which times, which days). any know-how shared would be appreciated!
  20. another piece of advice that works well--after you cum, and the rush of horniness is gone, what are you feeling, thinking? are you glad you didn't do what you were fantasizing about? or do you--not just a part of you--all of you--still want to do what you fantasized about doing?
  21. hear hear on the courage in your post. it seems like you're aware enough to know all the angles and risks of your situation, so i'd say do what your gut--not the one you want to fill with cum--says. that's my thought, anyway. although i totally get the rush of raw sex, especially with an undetectable guy. the saying 'fuck without fear' is apt enough, since we've been programmed well enough to think that 'safe sex' --as much as a life-saving setup as it is--is the best way, the only way. i'd say find a guy who you can fuck raw without any consequences--that would be ideal, in my world. and it sounds like it would be in yours as well, since you're not in a mental or financial place to deal with living with HIV. it's hard enough to find a guy who you connect with anyway, so i hate having to say that, since it sounds like you and this other guy you've found have a great connection. just my two cents.
  22. hot!!! i love the dialogue
  23. amazing. i love the details about marky's nips.
  24. went there tonight for the booths but chickened out. i'm going to try again tomorrow night, tho!
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