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  1. [banned word] is on the theard title . . . twice (!!!)
  2. [banned word]?? For me is a way of life.
  3. I recently found someone. Late 50s or early 60s maybe, over 6 feet tall with an enormous and gorgeous jawbreaking BBC. He doesn't ask, he rams in, fucks and stops whenever he feels like it. however he feels like. Then snaps his fingers and I am back, on my knees and not allowed to know which hole he is going to use. And yet he is gentle and gets off at seeing how much I enjoy him, fucking me, my expectation. I may be talking to someone or doing something important, he say I want it and I stop anything. He doesn't mind fucking me in public, and I love it. he hasn't shared me to any friend yet. I kind of want it. I am on call for whenever he needs to fuck, I hope he doesn't discard me too soon. But I know that's in the future.
  4. I'd move to Philly for that . . . oh, yes I would.
  5. My confession is fairly typical, I suppose. I had this couple of friends. They had been together for a few years and were fucking inseparable. A model couple. Then of course trouble begin. One of them made me his confidant, the other made me his lover. I obliged in both cases as I am allergic to drama, and was very attracted to the one I started to fuck with. The first night he went to my apartment, the other one called desperate wondering were his boyfriend was. He had checked with friends, family. even hospitals. - Do you have any idea were he might be? he asked me sounding desperate, while his boyfriend was blowing me. I looked down and said. Nope, I don't. Not proud but . . . it is what it is.
  6. So, what happened. Did you come?? Did you get your loads?
  7. Was I responding to a joke?
  8. The saddest thing about that joke is that Trump is so stupid and ignorant that he wouldn't begin to understand it.
  9. So much hatred, so much fanaticism. Trump is America's brain cancer.
  10. Well, I did suck cock last night (underwear night) in plain view there, but it is not what it used to when you could fuck in plain sight The busboy said it was fine as long as we didn't block his way. You can try the Eagle but they charge a cover on weekends and the action is restricted to a dark area after 11. It's less casual that Ramrod.
  11. Sorry but if you seriously think that the election of vice president Harris would "emasculate" you humanity, you didn't have much to emasculate in the first place.
  12. Fear mongering memes is all trumpets have left, because the imbecile they nominated can't pot a sentence together. Let lone understand policy in the simplest terms.
  13. whatever, Trumo is still a piece of shit . . . and a filthy racist.
  14. He also showed that he doesn't give a shit about the border when he ordered his minions in Congress to tank the bipartisan border safety bill, which contained all the republican priorities, just to prevent any perception that dems could take any credit for it before the election. He only uses the border to stoke fear, hate and division among the morons that support him. He is not growing his base he his infuriating it for when he claims fraud after he loses the election.
  15. I came into this discussion for the title "Not voting because Harris is a woman?" which doesn't even imply that is for black men only. So, as a mixed race men, here are my two cents. I will vote for vice president Harris because of this menu of two candidates offered by America's major parties, she is by far and away the most qualified to lead this nation. That, and also because Donald Trump is a criminal, a traitor, a moron and corrupt to the core. So from my perspective I am being offered a chocolate chip cookie named Harris and a piece of shit named Trump. I am not going to be asking about the amount of sugar in the cookie to see if I chose it, believe me, especially not after the helping of shit we had between 1/20/2017 and 1/20/2021. No, sir!
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