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  1. The link is dead now...
  2. I know only a few, mostly condom scenes...
  3. We have this sense of responsability over controlling HIV infections in our community, that type of solidarity does not exists among straight people. I understand and share your desire to watch bareback gay porn, but I don't see how you don't "get the fuss" about it. I mean, sexual transmission is the main way of transmission of the greatest plague that our community have ever suffered. It shouldn't be hard to see how unsafe sex it's a sensitive topic for gay men (and make no mistake: bareback sex is unsafe sex).
  4. TIM is always bragging about their barebacking scenes, they don't have any other scenes where this happens?
  5. One of my faves: http://bbbh-only.tumblr.com/post/133172458950/bbbh-bbc-verbal-blacknwhite-beggingforseed
  6. Well, we do have graphic evidence that he have sex with men
  7. Anyone ever seen a scene where the top makes the bottom eat the cum from the creampie? - I only found that twice (around 17:10): http://www.itsallgay.eu/video/121798/Abe-fucks-the-shit-out-of-Charley-bareback - Another one (15:40): http://es.xhamster.com/movies/1009405/lito_and_seth_bareback.html
  8. They won't get STDs, but they can get cystitis, prostatitis or urethritis from E. coli and the rest of intestinal flora
  9. Tories being tories...
  10. Yeah, very truthful. The writer basically explains how small chances become almost an inevitability once the exposure is repeated several times. The only thing that's wrong here is that he presumes that once a person becomes infected, he/she get responsible and start treatment and condom-use. In the majority of cases, patients think that once they're on medication, they won't need condoms, because they heard that antirretrovirals zero your viral load. In reality, only 44% of patients with HIV get an undetectable viral load.
  11. Ever since I found this vid:http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=299660328 I understood that black means top
  12. What a bizarre marketing strategy. You know, when I want to watch a porn movie for my homophobic verbal degradation fetish, the best studio for that would be TIM. Nobody say "faggot" more than them... So I don't get how they expect people to buy this bullshit dichotomy they are proposing, that somehow TIM is for proud gay men while everything else is made by gayforpayers. If I wanted to see weird pseudo-pro-gay porn of a studio that writes manifestos claiming to be "out and proud", I would check Cockyboys. TIM has always been the studio that makes gay sex equal to dirty, unsafe and humiliating sex. That's what their Studio do better, and it's great. What they are claiming in the manifesto it's absolutely the contrary of their scenes. I mean, look at the description of scene 2 from this exact movie they are promoting: "This was shot when MARK DAVIS first walked into TIM. There’s no hunger for dick as powerful as that felt by a married guy who’s tried staying straight for his wife. MARK’s history is especially rich -- his wife cuckolded him with a mega-hung lover. Then, for her own amusement, she had the lover butt-fuck MARK. That’s how MARK got pozzed and learned that his soul belonged to the realms of mansex. See this proto-faggot submissive cuckold male transformed before your eyes into a wallowing, wailing, wanton slut" So, a guy was straight, but then he got cuckolded and his wife made her lover fuck him. He got HIV, as a result of getting seroconverted (or maybe just as a result of getting fucked, it's ambiguous) he became gay, and now find it difficult to resist being a "slut". This is not a studio for people who like porn that transmits a message of reassurance against homophobia. Much by the contrary. This scene message is: same-sex attraction is closely tied to being humiliated, gay (only bottoms or gays in general) are a failed sub-achievement of normal heterosexual real masculinity, getting subdoed will make you gay. BTW, I just want to make it clear that I don't believe it is wrong to like this type of porn or have fantasies of this type (I do, in fact). But I believe it's important to understand the difference between fantasies and reality. There's nothing wrong with liking porn with homophobic content, but we need to know that on an intelectual level. TIM does not have a pro-gay message.
  13. Ok, cool, but you guys have ever seen any other scene where that happens or not? hahaha
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