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Everything posted by BC_Bottom

  1. I was wondering what had happened to this topic. I hope some people are getting branded.
  2. You should work up a: "Who is rawTOP?" shirt. Kind of along the lines of Who shot JR, Also a not very subtle way to indicationg what the person wearing the shirt might be looking for. Just a thought. I would wear one.
  3. I am so tempted to run out and make 32 more posts so I can get a free BreedingZone t-shirt. But I think I will fight off the urge. I know I would be willing to part with a few $ to get .... Size: x-large T-Shirt Color: Blue Front Graphic: Breeding Zone Front Graphic Color: ???? Rear Graphic: 1 x biohazard, 1 x no back graphic Rear Graphic Color: ???
  4. Nothing is ever truly anonymous. I am highly suspicious of just how anonymous bitcoins really are. The records exist to connect your bank account to your bitcoin account, and transaction records must exist as well. If the data exists, someone WILL figure out how to access it. Read up on how silkroad got shutdown. Now imagine that instead of a shutdown, they took it over, and logged all the transactions for a few months, then started busting people. Tell me it couldn't happen.
  5. It is possible. I suggest grabbing a bite after, or grabbing a drink before sex. Keep that up for a while and it might switch from just sex to something more. Also try to increase communication from when and where, to something more personnal. Good luck.
  6. straycowboy, did you ever get that brand happening?
  7. Good to see you have thought it through. I useable mobile site really is a must these days. I am not sure how you are going to build the social aspect, but I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
  8. I think the important question is what will your hookup site offer that others don't? Mistakes those that came before made. barbackjack.com. Decided to become a pay site, faded out of existance. bareback.com. Too much focus on making money, and a terrable website. No longer relevant. barebackrt.com. They do many things right. You can effectively use their site without a payed membership. They support the community, (Cumunion parties). Memberships are rather affordable. They sell some cool t-shirts. For these reasons there are lots of guys on their site. You need to figure out how you can be better than they are, or it will never work.
  9. Standing, in a semi public place. With guys watching, and hopefully waiting around to be next.
  10. Good for you getting out. Always remember. Looks fade, asshole is forever.
  11. Can't wait to see it. I hope you can video it being used.
  12. Did the brand ever get made?
  13. I agree. I love wearing my Cumslut T-shirt out. It has got me more than a few loads.
  14. Not sure if this was posted before, but these guys have some cool shirts. http://pozpridetees.spreadshirt.com/ I love the Cumdump ones, and the "My Boyfriend Fucked me and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"
  15. Can't wait to see it. When you find a volunteer to brand, make sure to video it and post it up somewhere.
  16. 9 for me. Years ago, at a bathhouse that has since closed down. (Richards St Service club, in case anyone else remembers it fondly.) I lived quite a ways out of town and was dependent on transit, so if I hit the tubs, I was there for the night. I got there around 11, and it was pretty busy but I did manage to get a room. Got undressed, lubed my hole, and headed off to the dark room. There were about a half dozen guys in there which was a bit unusual. Ususally not that busy until after 2AM, when the bars close. I started walking slowly to the front of the room, removing my towl and shaking my ass, and just as I get to the far wall, I feel a hand on my ass. The hand starts rubbing my ass, and soon a finger begins exploring my hole. I reach back and find a nice hard 7incher, so I started stroking it, making apreciative noises when he moves the finged deeper into my hole. I bent over from the waist and grabbed a piece of wall for support, making it rather clear I wanted to be fucked. It did not take him long to take the hint, and I guided him in. I had not used quite enough lube, so it hurt a bit for the first minute or so, then it felt fucking great. He didn't last very long, and dumped a nice big load in my ass, turned and walked away. I thought I would take a breather, and relax, but the other guys in the dark room had other ideas. In less than 30 seconds there was another hard cock in my cummy ass. Things got a little hazy after that, but I knew I wanted to keep count. The 8th guy was HUGE, I mean really fucking HUGE, It was all I could do to take it long enough to let him finish off. I was completely worn out, soaked with sweat, with cum just about pouring from my ruined hole. There was one guy left in the dark room, but he didn't seem interested in fucking me. I headed for the shower. Them back to my room for a quick power nap. Power nap unfortunately turned into a couple of hours, I was pretty wiped. There wasn't anything really going on. Got sucked by an asian guy for a while in the sauna. Gave up and went back to my room. Grabbed some sleep. The next morning I wake up, hit the shower, and go off in search of cock... Nothing, the place is empty. I went to my room, to grab some shampoo. (I had hair down to my waist back then.) and as I am leaving my room the bath house attendant stops me at the door and grabs my ass. I don't remember either of us saying a word, but he pushed me back to the bed, stripped off my towl, dropped his shorts, and fucked me hard and fast hanging off the edge of the bed, with my feet on his shoulders. He dumped his load into me, and left without a word. Best time I ever had.
  17. I know most of us here love the biohazard tattoos. Has anyone considdered the possibility (Or pozability for that matter.) of creating a biohazard brand. You know branding with a hot iron. Like they used to do with cattle. I tried a quick google search, but I couldn't find any examples. Thoughts?
  18. The first guy who ever fuicked me did it bare. Then the second, and third, ETC. After being a bare bottom for a few years HIV started to get scairy. Peope I knew were getting it. It wasn't something that just happened in big cities with big gay populations anymore. So I decided to be a "good boy" until a cure was found. After about 8 years of very little, very unenjoyable, safe sex I found the original barebackjack.com and my eyes were opened. It was about this time I found some BB porn, and started seeking out more. It wasn't long before I found a top locally who claimed to be neg, and we hooked up. The moment when he came in me I knew I was going to be a bareback bottom for life. At first I looked for NEG tops, but that really cut down my options. So I started with unknown status as well. About this time I noticed websites listing a new status "Undectable" A little research, and they were on my "Will fuck" list. It wasn't long before I realized that anyone could put "Undectable" as their status and I had no way to know. I thought about this for a while. Shrugged and went to the next Cumunion party in Vancouver. Now I just don't ask. To answer the original question, BB porn helped, but I would have got there in the end.
  19. I like to leave it where it is. After all, that is where it belongs, and where it can do the most "good" I almost forgot, it makes great lube for the next guy.
  20. I love this one. I doubt I would get it. Thinking about right butt cheek, or lower back.
  21. I think it is a great name.
  22. I really want one that says Bareback, across the back. That way you put on a jacket when you don't want people to notice, then take it off when you get to the correct environment. Awesome would be "Bareback Bottom" across the back. Maybe with a biohazard below. Maybe biohazard in blacklight ink.
  23. Damn, I wish there was more to this one.
  24. So, is Steamworks the official BB bathhouse in Vancouver now?
  25. I guess I am the only one... My mother always said I was unique.
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