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Everything posted by BC_Bottom

  1. During that time I spent nearly every weekend at the bathhouse. bent over in the sauna and taking loads. Occasionally guys would want to use condoms. I was always very disappointed when that happened. Still Neg, damned if I know how that happened.
  2. Every time I think this topic has died it comes back. I hope someone does it, and posts the video online.
  3. #4 I hate that guy. I have met him, or his twin brother too many times.
  4. I have seen this before. It stopped after a while. I think it was someone trying to be the internet police.
  5. I love taking it doggy style.
  6. Standing, bent over, in the dark room, or the steam room at the baths.
  7. I feel compelled to quote the great Robin Williams. "The heat seeking moisture missile."
  8. Relationships happen. You can't plan them, or go looking. Just get out of the house, do things, and be open to possibilities. (or POZibilities) In my experience relationships happen when you least expect it.
  9. I use google because it is best. Example: New laptop, I wanted to install Microsoft Security essentials. I had not yet installed a good browser, so I started IE and did a search for security essentials in Bing. The first page of results were not what I was looking for. I jumped over to google, and it was the second or third link. This is a piece of MS software, and their search could not take me to it. This may have changed since I last tried it. For the record MS Security essentials is one of the lowest impact antivirus programs out there.
  10. I am also interested to know the best places to go in SF. Planning to visit in July, or Aug.
  11. As a bottom, I can cum from getting fucked. I hate when the top sees me cum, and stops. I figure it is the one time I am entitled to insist the top continue. I love getting fucked through my orgasm.
  12. I have never been able to make it happen, but I live in hope.
  13. Cut him loose. You do not need to be abused like this.
  14. I found a friend who had given me shit for barebacking many times... On barebackrt.com I sent him a message, and he stopped bothering me about it.
  15. I took 13 inches once. Hurt like a bastard at first. After a few minutes I got used to it, and started to enjoy being truly full.
  16. Many things are possible. I have a friend who claims he got pozzed from sucking cock. He had a broken tooth.
  17. I don't care what the top calls it as long as my ass is full of bare cock, and cum.
  18. I seem to remember reading somewhere (here maybe) that red tattoos are the most likely to cause an alergic reaction. I am not sure having an itchy ass is going to be a big turn on. If you get it, be sure to post up pics.
  19. One day after hookup, sounds like wishful thinking to me. If I recall correctly incubation time for HIV is around 10 days.
  20. I like the idea of Bareback Bunkhouse. Also as a side note, I wouls totally order and wear a Bareback Bunkhouse T-shirt. If you were to make one.
  21. I had one hell of a good night in the back room of a bar in Berlin 6 loads up my ass before I went home with the last guy for a couple more. Too bad I was only passing through, and had to be back on the train the following day, but it was an epic night.
  22. Congrats. Just a thought that occurred to me. Lots of sites have a chat feature, but almost no one uses the chat feature. Perhaps you could come up with a way that if someone is on the site, they are automatically in the chat room. That might work to drive the social aspect you seem to be striving for. Once again, congrats.
  23. You should make up some shirts withe the logo on them. Maybe on the front for tops, and on the back for bottoms. Just my 2c worth.
  24. I created this topic more than 3 years ago. I really love that every time I think it is gone someone brings it back. Plus now we have a great list of all the best bathhouses.
  25. Nine random guys in the dark room at the bathhouse. Then one more from the bathhouse attendant the next morning. It was a great stay.
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