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Everything posted by Beastboy42

  1. Posting the "Second Chapter" now... Possession 2: Seth and James. James took a deep breath, and walked into the bar. At the door, a big burly looking man stopped him and asked for his I.D. After inspecting it a bit under the flashlight, the bouncer stared at him for a bit, and then waved him on, practically leering at him. Quickly, James entered into the bar and found a corner. The hard part, getting into the bar, was over. He only hoped that no one he knew saw him come in. He took a couple of minutes to get himself adjusted to the relative darkness of the bar. He dressed casually enough: some baggy shorts and a white t-shirt (a bit on the small side to show off his body) and sneakers. His other adornments included a worn baseball cap and the blue beaded surfer necklace from Abercrombie & Fitch. There were a few young guys in the bar, but most of the patrons were older. James was 19, and a sophomore at New York University. He was completely ecstatic to be able to get into NYU and leave his boring, provincial hometown in Pennsylvania. He'd decided to take some summer courses at school just so he could stay in the city and not have to go home. He'd lucked out in getting a single dorm, and decided that this was the summer he was going to go and finally lose his virginity (to a man). It had taken James months of soul-searching his freshman year to come to grips with his homosexuality, but he'd finally accepted himself, and made plans to live life to the fullest. Still, going to his first gay bar by himself was nerve racking. Tonight, he'd chose the most inconspicuous articles of clothing he could think of to wear. Unconsciously, he tugged the bill of his cap further down. If anyone on the swim team saw him in here, he'd be blackballed and harassed incessantly. As he looked around the room, he made some mental notes of who was cute and who wasn't, but it didn't seem like a whole lot of people were paying attention to him. Which was fine, at least for now. Taking another deep breath, he headed to the bar and ordered a screwdriver. The bartender looked at him and smirked, but didn't say anything. He fixed the drink and slid it over to James. After paying the bartender, James headed back over to his corner. He took a big gulp to calm his nerves and almost choked. The bartender wasn't cheap with the vodka. The liquid burned all the way down his throat. A lot of the men came in groups of two's and three's. They sat at the bar or stood around the T.V. monitors and chatted away. There were also a good number of men who were single and trolling through the bar, looking to find a hook-up. James made a conscious effort not to make eye contact with anyone. Just being in the bar for 20 minutes, he had to ignore three old men who made their way to him. Not only were they old, but ugly and out of shape. After an hour, two more screwdrivers and five more unwanted suitors, James was going to figure the night a bust. It was coming close to midnight, and he was tipsy from all the vodka. As he made to move out of the corner he'd secluded himself in, someone bumped into him, knocking him back into the wall. "Oh, sorry. I didn't see you," this deep voice said. James steadied himself against the wall, and said, "S'okay." A hand grabbed onto his shoulder, and held him still. "Are you okay?" James looked up to the man, and smiled, "Yeah, had a bit too much." The guy who held onto James was taller, about 6 feet to James' 5'6". His blue eyes sparkled as he smiled and replied, "Yeah, I guess you did." The man continued holding onto James, and James felt this incredible heat burning his shoulder. The heat crept up his neck and into his cheeks, as well as down his spine and legs. James looked up at the man and giggled, "I think I had a lot too much." "Why don't you come over and sit with me for a bit. I don't think you're in any condition to go anywhere." The man took James' hand into his, and led him through the bar toward the back. He sat James down in a chair, and said he'd be right back. A few minutes later, he came back and placed a glass down. "Drink that. The water'll flush some of the alcohol outta you." James gulped down the water as the man sat beside him. When he plunked the glass down, he looked over and found the man watching him. "Thanks," he mumbled. "So, first time at a gay bar, huh?" "Yeah, how'd you know?" "Well," the guy replied, "you're cap's pulled all the way down over your pretty face. Second, you drank way too much for own good. And third..." "And third what?" James asked after the man made no attempt to finish his sentence. "And third," he flashed James a beautiful big smile, "I saw you fidget in the corner when you first walked into the bar." James erupted into a loud gale of laughter. Pretty soon, the guy joined in. When they both stopped laughing, the guy reached over and gave his hand to James. "I'm Seth." "James," he answered as he shook Seth's hand. James took a quick glance at Seth for the first time. Seth had nice clear blue eyes and red hair, which he buzzed short on the sides and back. He was handsome (hot, James thought) and muscular. His biceps stretched his white t-shirt and his chest spread the fabric taut. James noticed Seth's tits nearly punching through the white cotton, and his dick gave a twitch. Seth smiled as he watched James check him out. James was definitely a cute little stud, and his body looked nice beneath that tight t-shirt. And if Seth had pegged James right (as he did about this being James' first time at the bar) he was also a virgin. Seth's cock stirred under his jeans at the thought of popping that cherry. "Let me get you another glass," Seth said, and went the bar. When he came back, he made James finish a second glass. "How're you feeling?" "Better," James slurred and giggled. Seth attempted some minor chit chat, and James did his best to pay attention, but he couldn't. Finally, after about half an hour, James thought it'd be best if he left. He got up, and nearly fell over. Seth caught him just in time. "I don't think you're gonna make it by yourself. Why don't I take you home?" James liked that. He also loved the way Seth's hands felt on his back and chest. His dick was getting hard from the way Seth squeezed his pec, almost teasing his tit. His tit responded and stood up hard against Seth's hand. "Where do you live? Should I call someone?" Seth offered. James shook his head. "I live alone at the NYU dorms. It's over on Third and 10th." Seth half supported and half carried James to his dorm. When they reached the main lobby, Seth untangled himself from James. During the trip to the dorm, Seth let his hands roam all over the boy's body, teasing him, stroking and rubbing him, all in the appearance of helping James keep steady. James was hot and horny and raring to go. The look of disappointment that flashed across James' face when Seth moved away was plain as day. They stood there for a second at the entrance way. "Here you are," Seth said. James nodded. "So, um, you wanna come up for a bit?" James asked hopefully. Seth gave him a devastating smile. "Sure. I'd love to." No sooner had the door to James door closed, than Seth was pulling the boy's body tight against his. He bent down and kissed James hard on the mouth, fiercely thrusting his tongue in and out. James groaned and clung to Seth with all his might. Erotically, expertly, Seth kept filling James' mouth with his tongue and spit, making the boy swallow. His hips thrust and swayed as he rubbed his crotch against the boy's crotch. Seth's right hand held the back of James' head while his left roamed down the back and onto the boy's ass. Powerfully, he kneaded those tight ass cheeks through the shorts. All James could do was let Seth command him. Suddenly, James shorts fell to the ground. He kicked them off with his sneakers. His briefs followed. Soon, James' hard 7" cock was rubbing up against Seth's bulging jeans, leaving wet spots everywhere. Seth pulled away. "Undress me." James immediately started pulling off Seth's t-shirt. James marveled at the hard lean body underneath. His hand roamed over the hard tight abs and up onto the big chest and large nipples. He couldn't help himself; James pushed his face onto one of Seth's tits and began sucking. "Oh yeah, fucking hot little slut. Chew those tits," Seth growled. James licked and sucked and bit them. "Harder! Yeah, fuck!" Suddenly, Seth pushed him away. James landed on his ass hard. "Undress me." James got up onto his knees, dazed, but compliant. He decided to start with the sneakers. He untied Seth's sneakers and took them both off. The manly smell of Seth's feet hit him hard, like a jolt of electricity. James dick twitched so hard. When he took off Seth's socks, he brought the wet smelly pair to his face and inhaled deeply, writhing, rubbing them into this face. He looked up to see Seth smiling at him. "Good boy." Pleased beyond belief, James wanted to get on with the show. He inhaled once more and dropped the socks, and got on with unbuttoning the jeans. James saw the outline down Seth's right leg and knew that he was hung. As the zipper relented to James tug, Seth's jeans opened up before the boy's eyes, revealing smooth skin and a weird tattoo situated right at the top of the base of Seth's cock, where there should've been pubic hair. "Hot tattoo," James whispered, "what is it?" "It means bio-hazardous. It means my dick is dangerous," Seth hissed, sneering down at James. "Do you like it?" James felt a strange sensation, and an unknown urge directed him to kiss the tattoo. He looked up at Seth as he did that and saw Seth smile wickedly. The rest of the jeans slipped off and Seth's cock sprang up, slapping James in the face. Above, Seth laughed out loud when this happened, noting the stunned look on the boy's face. Quickly, Seth stepped out of his jeans, and spread his legs apart. James looked at the cock. It was huge. Definitely dangerous, James thought to himself. Seth pushed his crotch out. Instinctively, James knew what he had to do, he opened up wide, and inhaled the big cock. He only got half of it in his mouth when he felt the big cockhead hit the back of his throat. He started to back off when Seth's hand whipped around behind his head and jammed it onto the cock. James gagged and his throat opened up. Taking the opportunity, Seth thrust hard, forcing his dick down. The cock filled up James' throat, cutting off his oxygen supply, and he began to panic. Seth held him tight onto his cock, watching him thrash and turn dark red. Finally, he said, "Breathe through your nose." James snorted loudly, sucking air and mucus into his nose. As his lungs filled, his panic lessened. Now, knowing he could breath again, James set on sucking that cock with gusto. Seth closed his eyes and just enjoyed the sensation of the hot young mouth working over his large cock. He thrust his 10" cock all the way into the boy's head and slowly remove it. Again and again he fucked the face rough and hard, often scraping his dick across the boy's teeth. But that didn't matter; the only thing that mattered was the feeling he got when his cock forced its way through the narrow throat, the feeling he got when the boy gagged and his throat squeezed, the way the boy grunted when his forehead hit his pelvis. "Yeah, that's right. Suck that big cock. Suck that cherry buster real good. Get it nice and wet so it'll slide up your ass and pop you open," he muttered when the boy took him to the root. "It's gonna feel real good up your ass." Finally, after nearly 20 minutes of hard face fucking, Seth pulled his dick out. Proud, red, raw, his cock jutted out from his pelvis like an angry club. James took a couple of deep breaths, reorienting himself. The cock was covered with his spit and slime. Seth held his cock at the base and waved it lewdly at James. "You want this? You want this cock in you?" he asked. James nodded. "Where do you want this big dick, boy?" James licked his lips. His throat was sore. He opened his mouth a couple of times, working his tongue, until finally, he croaked, "In my ass, sir. I want that cock in my ass." "Yeah? You want this cock to split your ass open? You want me to rip your ass open with my big dick?" Again James nodded. Seth reached down and grabbed James by his tits, and yanked his to his feet. James swayed from the sudden rush of blood and held onto Seth as spots danced before him. Seth led James to his bed and pushed the boy down. On his back, James watched Seth maneuver between his legs, spreading them apart with his own. Despite being drunk, he put his hand on Seth's chest and stopped his approach. "Wait," he told Seth. James reached over to the dresser by the bed and rummaged around. He pulled out a condom and offered it to Seth. "I don't fuck with condoms," he told James. "I can't, man. No condom, no fuck," James said quietly. Seth looked at it for a second, and took it from his hand. James watched as the rubber was pulled taut over the big cock. It looked even more dangerous encased in rubber. Without a word, Seth parted James' legs again and squat down so his cock was lined with the boy's ass. When his cockhead was resting right at the hole, Seth looked into James face. James opened his mouth and said, "Alright. Go slow. I've never...." With a savage lunge, Seth forced his cock into the boy's hole. James' face distorted grotesquely as his eyes screwed shut and his mouth opened to let out a harsh scream of pain. A flash of white accompanied the pain of a huge battering ram forcing its way through his body. He felt the dry condom shredding and ripping his asshole. The pain was worse when Seth pulled his cock out. James' ass was on fire with pain. Seth's cock twitched and throbbed when the boy screamed, and screamed and screamed. After a 10 minutes of fucking, the boy stopped screaming for him to take it out. Sweat, ass-juice and blood had substituted as lube. The boy had even begun to groan when Seth's cock pressed and passed over his prostate. After 10 more minutes of fucking, the boy's cock was fully hard again. Seth pulled his cock out of the boy's ass, and turned him over onto his stomach. The boy barely realized he was in a new position when Seth tugged on his t-shirt. The boy raised his arms and torso to help get the t-shirt off, but Seth stopped midway, and started twisting the excess material in his hand. Soon, the t-shirt was tight enough to bind the boy's arm together over his head, and effectively muffled the frightened loud protests he put up. With one hand on the knot of cotton, Seth used his other hand to pull off the rubber. "I don't do condoms," he told James. Tossing the bloodied rubber aside, he jammed his cock back into the boy's ass. The sensation of a slick, raw, bloody, tight boy-ass was sweet hot to Seth. Viciously, furiously, he slammed his cock in and out of the hole. James thrashed and howled in pain. Seth ignored him and just kept at it. Over and over again, the large cock pummeled James' ass. James stopped his screaming when he realized Seth wasn't listening. Even his resistance to the hot sensations weakened. Finally, he gave up the fear and pain and anger to the hot sensation of Seth's cock fucking him. Harder and harder, Seth fucked James ass, and soon, he elicited moans and groans through the t-shirt. Seth let go of the knot of cotton and grabbed the boy's hips and fucked for all he was worth. "Take it you fucking little bitch. Yeah, take that big fucking cock up your ass. Oh yeah, fuck, you want it? Huh? How do you like my cock now? Yeah, feels good in you raw, don't it? Oh yeah, your ass is so hot and wet. Fuck, I'm gonna fucking cum in you. Yeah. You want that? You want my fucking poison? You want my fucking positive cum in your ass?" Seth ranted. James clenched his asshole when he heard Seth's rant. His hole pulsed and danced on the cock raping him, and James moaned and grunted with every thrust. Seth felt his balls bunch up and a sweet hot orgasm coursing through his body. Seth let out a howl and let himself get swept up in the waves of pleasure as his cock pulsed and fired shot after shot of bio-hazardous cum into the boy's ass. utterly lost in the pleasure of knocking the boy up with his diseased cum, feeling it spread and infect ever cell in the boys' body. After resting and catching his breath, Seth got up and pulled himself out of the boy. The boy flipped over and moaned. Seth reached down and yanked the t-shirt hard and rough and off James. James shook his head to clear it and stared at Seth. Seth watched his eyes trail down his body. Seth and James both stared at Seth's huge monster cock. It was semi-erect, and slimy with streaks of blood and cum and shit. Casually, with a few swipes, Seth cleaned off his cock with the white t-shirt. When Seth finished dressing, he turned and looked at James. The boy was still laying on the bed, never having moved while he watched Seth get dressed. His legs were still splayed apart. Under his ass, a big wet spot had appeared: both blood and cum had seeped out. Walking over to where James' short lay in a puddle on the floor, Seth fished out his wallet and pulled out the I.D. card. He stared intensely into James' eyes as he tucked his souvenir away. He went over the James and pulled the boy to his feet. He bent his head back and planted a sloppy wet kiss on him while his fingers dug into the boy's ass. He then held up his scummy fingers in front of the boy and waited. Obediently, James opened his mouth and took the fingers in. When Seth pulled them out, they were clean. *** When Seth got home, he showered and changed. Before heading to bed, he fished the I.D. card out of his pocket and went over to his dresser. Opening up a leather box, he placed the card in with the other I.D.s he has gotten over the last few years. It was quite a collection.
  2. As far as I know, this story ceased to exist online about Six or Seven years ago... I spent years looking for it, if I had not have found a working ZIP drive, it may have been lost forever.. I did intact find the second Intact "Chapter 2" will be posting that later today,
  3. NOTE This is NOT my story, I found this on an old zipdrive of ancient porn. If anyone knows where it came from, let me know. ================================= Possession: Sam & Seth Sammy didn't know this was going to happen. Actually, he didn't know what exactly to expect when he decided to do this. He had heard and read stories from other people about the excitement of tea-rooms, as well as saw some of the graffiti in some of the stalls around school. But this...this was beyond his most horrible nightmare. Sammy Van, quiet and unassuming student at New York University, was just a horny 19 year-old college student looking to get his rocks off during finals time. Cramming for economics wasn't all that much fun, and it was beginning to frustrate him beyond tolerance. At 5'9" and 145 pounds, Sammy was considered to be a cute Asian boy. He went to the gym and ate healthily, resulting a nice tight body. He'd gotten stares from both men and women; mostly, they said, because of his nice lips and big smile. And tonight was no exception. Sammy had gone to the bathroom at the library, to take a piss. Standing in the middle of a row of unoccupied urinals, he started to piss. There was only one other person in the bathroom, and the guy was using a stall tucked away at the end of the room. Every so often, Sammy'd turn around and look at the jeans and white underwear crowded around a pair of Nike sneakers. He could tell that the guy was white, with nice hairy legs. Sammy let his dick hang out after he finished pissing, and turned around again, and caught just a flash of movement. The guy was peeking out from under the partition and raised his head as Sammy turned around. His dick started to get hard. A faggot. He thought about a nice hot mouth on his cock, and how good that would make him feel. Stroking his cock a bit, he turned again and watched as the shadow on the floor got darker and bigger. The guy peered out again, then sat up. Smiling, Sammy moved over to the urinal right in front of the stall. He turned around and looked at the sliver of space between the wall and the stall. Blue eyes were looking back at him. His cock was rock hard then, so he turned a bit and waved his 6.5" and smiled. he crinkling blue eyes told him the guy was also smiling. The stall door slowly. The guy stood about 6' tall, lean and wiry with big nipples and a huge cock. Around the cock, which Sammy thought might have been eight or nine inches, was a steel cock-ring. Jeans around the ankles and a white t-shirt pulled over his head, the guy was pretty naked and hot. His cock was shiny and wet as his fist moved up and down the shaft. Sammy took a step and moved toward the stall when the outer bathroom door squeaked. Both of them rushed back into place. The intruder came in and went to an unoccupied stall. After a bit, the smell of shit wafted through the bathroom. Sammy sighed, and put his dick away. He rinsed off his hands at the sink and made to leave when a stall door opened. The guy came out and smiled at Sammy. Sammy left and the guy followed. "Hi," he said. "I'm Seth." Sammy introduced himself and smiled again. "So," Seth said. "You wanna go somewhere?" "Sure. Where have you in mind?" "How about the MEC building? It's pretty late and should be deserted. We can have some fun." Seth gave him an evil smile. Sammy nodded, and the two of them made their way out from the library building and toward the MEC building. They rode up to the 7th floor and ran into no one. The 7th floor was spotless and white, with all the main office doors closed and dark. "They don't usually lock up the floor until 9. And nobody comes up here. C'mon, let's go to the bathroom." Seth led the way to a bathroom tucked behind the elevator area; it had a wheelchair panel on the front. He opened it up and let Sammy walk in, then shut the door behind him, locked it, and flicked on the light. The bathroom was meant for wheelchair-bound individuals, and as such, roomy. The only sound was the slight humming of the fluorescent lights and the elevator shaft. "It's pretty sound proof," Seth mentioned, "so don't worry." With that, he pulled Sammy close began to feel him up. Seth had big hands, and they roamed over Sam's body and grabbed at his crotch and ass. "Mm," Seth growled, "nice and firm." He stripped Sam of his jacket and threw it into the corner, followed by the t-shirt. "Nice and smooth," he said as he ran his hands over Sam's chest and belly, then back to his nipples. Seth pinched them and pulled on them, making Sammy groan. "Oh yeah, hot fucker aren't you?" Seth hissed as he bent over and licked at the nipples, first the left one, then the right, and then back. Sammy closed his eyes and leaned his head back, feeling the thick tongue tickle his tits, getting them hard and sensitive. Suddenly, Sammy gasped out loud. Seth had bitten hard into his left tit, and was flicking his tongue on the small point of flesh stuck between his teeth. Just as quickly, he let the tit go and slathered it with spit. The charge made Sammy's cock throb against Seth's big hand. Seth attacked the other tit the same way, eliciting another gasp. Seth continued the attack of Sammy's tits for 15 minutes, putting Sammy in a fog of pain and pleasure. Meanwhile, Seth's hand were busy unbuckling the belt and shucking down Sammy's jeans. Seth's hand dwarfed Sammy's 6.5 inches, mauling them as he stroked up and down. Sammy moaned out loud, making Seth chew harder on the tit. This made Sam wince. "Ah...lighten up man. It hurts." Seth pulled off the tit, and smiled. "Don't worry. It's supposed to." With his free hand, he began pinching the sore tit and went to chew the other one. Sammy cried out as he felt Seth's teeth and tried to pull away, causing him more pain as he stretched both the one caught between Seth's teeth and the one between the fingers. "Ah...!" With nowhere to go, Sammy relented and took the pain as his eyes watered-up. Seth stood up straight, both hands on those sore tits and smiled at Sammy. The tits weren't as pained now that Seth's fingers massaged them. Sammy let out a groan. "See," Seth smiled evilly, "I told you." He pulled on Sammy's tits to get him closer, and bent down to kiss him. Sammy turned his head away. Seth looked at him, surprised. "Not a kisser huh? That's okay." Sammy smiled, then twisted his lips and cried out. Seth had cruelly pulled and twisted his tits. "Mmm...that hurts huh?" he said, then twisted some more. Seth put a foot on Sammy's jeans, and took off his own jacket and t-shirt. Seth had a big chest, and big long nipple on each pec. Abruptly, he gripped Sammy's head and pulled him to a tit, and said, "Chew 'em. Hard." Still dazed, Sammy took it in his mouth and tongued it. He felt Seth's hands on his ass and tried to raise off the tit, but Seth locked him there with his bicep. A loud smack rang in the bathroom before Sammy felt the sting on his ass. "I said chew 'em hard!" Seth yelled. Then he delivered another hard slap. Tears welled up in Sammy's eyes again, but he chewed on the tit. Hard. Sammy was furious at the slaps and the rough tit play, and tried to show Seth he gave as good as he got. Seth groaned as he felt Sammy's teeth sink into his nipples. "I'm gonna beat your ass now. And if you stop chewing on my tit, you're gonna be sorry, you stupid chink." A rain of hard slaps fell on Sammy's exposed ass, setting his ass on fire. At first, Sammy kept chewing on the tit, but with each blow sending sharp pains through his body, Sammy started to cry out! "I told you to keep chewing!" Seth hissed as he punctuated each word with a hard slap. Sammy bit hard, and Seth groaned and stopped his beating. Sammy sighed with relief even as he chewed, biting deep into the fleshy nub. Seth pulled him off his tit, and looked at the tear stained face. "Beautiful," he murmured. Seth dropped to his knees and took Sammy's cock in one gulp, and began a hot blowjob. Still reeling, Sammy's mind floated from a haze of pain to a haze of pleasure. Seth was an expert cocksucker, and teased Sam's head with his tongue while he sucked the shaft. One hand gripped Sammy's balls and rolled them around, while the other held onto the fiery ass, slowly caressing each red cheek. Sammy started to pant and piston his hips. Saliva dripped down his balls and Seth's chin, onto his briefs and jeans, but Sammy didn't care. He was riding a wave of pleasure and he felt his cum bubbling up in his balls. He let out loud moans, which made Seth suck harder. He was close to cumming, and pistoned faster. He opened his mouth to groan again, but a scream came out. Seth gripped his balls in a massive fist, making Sammy's knees buckle. Then he felt teeth digging sharply into his cock head. Sammy's hands grabbed a hold of Seth's ears, but that didn't deter the cocksucker. The more Sammy pulled on Seth's ears, the hard the grip became, and the deeper the teeth went. Biting his lip, Sammy let go. And Seth resumed sucking his cock while still crushing his balls. A weird flutter of pain and pleasure ran up his spine and into his stomach from his balls, making him dizzy and his cock harder. Another hard bite made him cry out. Another cry came when Seth's hand left his ass and mauled his tit, trying to rip it off his chest. Then it was gone, and another bite took place. His balls were being pulled toward the floor, and Sammy tried to squat, to relieve the pressure of Seth's pulling. His balls were bunched up at the end of his scrotum, and he could feel the skin go taut. White spots crashed into his vision and he let out a loud scream. Seth's free hand turned into a fist and connected with Sammy's exposed balls - hard. Sammy's knees gave out and he blacked out from the pain. Sammy woke up on the bathroom floor, unsure of where he was. He had passed out for a few seconds. Seth was sitting on the toilet, watching him. As soon as he saw Sammy awake, he pulled him up by his ears, and planted his big lips on Sammy's. His tongue forced its way into Sammy's mouth. Spit was pushed into Sammy's mouth, and down his throat. Some drooled out the side of his mouth, onto his face and neck. Slowly, Seth pulled Sam between his leg, his big cock rubbing against the smooth chest. He encircled his legs around Sammy's torso, pinning his arms at his side. And he squeezed tight. One hand gripped Sammy's throat and held his head tilted up and the other covered Sammy's face, pinching his nose closed. Sammy started to moan and tried to thrash around, but Seth held him tight. Seth forced his breath into Sammy, and then sucked it back into his own lungs. Every now and then, Seth breathed through his nose and got some fresh oxygen. Sammy floated. He didn't know anything else but the rhythm of Seth's breathing. And his mind was fogging over. He was high. He'd stopped thrashing and just moaned as more and more carbon dioxide was forced into him. Slowly, Seth moved his hand from Sammy's throat to his tit. The boy responded instantly, moaning and pushing his chest into Seth's cock. After 15 minutes of control Sammy's breath, Seth stopped. He pulled his face up and watched Sammy's glazed eyes flutter as oxygen hit his system, sending him even higher. With both hands he mutilated the tits on the boy's chest, and lowered his head to chew on the boy's neck and ears. Sammy arched his back in pleasure, riding the buzz and feeling the electric sensations zipping through his body. Seth gnawed on the lobe without mercy, occasionally lashing his tongue wildly in the ear, then back down onto the neck, making Sammy shiver with delight. Sammy moaned and whispered incoherently, grunting every now and again as Seth pinched his tits a bit harder. Seth leaned back and loosened his leg hold. Lewdly, he spread his legs far apart, making his cock stand up proudly. With his hands still manipulating the sore tits, he said, "Suck it." Sammy hesitated until a fingernail dug into his tit, making him quiver. He bent his head and stared at the cock, cut and red, angry. Another yank on his tit made him open his pretty mouth wide. And then his lips enclosed the head, and Sammy's mouth slid down the cock. The taste of the cock assaulted Sammy's taste buds. A strong musky flavor, tangy and sour, mixed with the salt of sweat and cum. Seth had fucked an ass earlier, cum in it and didn't wash. Sammy savored the flavors. He'd never sucked a cock before. Always, he'd been the one receiving the blowjob. He went down until the head touched the back of his throat and came up. And repeated the motion. After a few moments, Seth put his hand on Sammy's head and pushed, slowly, firmly. When the head touched the throat, his hand kept Sammy from backing off. With the other hand, he forcefully twisted the tit. Sammy's attempt to cry out was cut off when Seth jerked his hip and lodged his cock into the Asian boy's throat. Then, with his hand, he pushed Sammy down further until all 9.5" were in the boy's mouth. Sammy thrashed on the floor, gagging, mucus and spittle flying out of his nose. His faced turned a dark red and tears streamed out of his eyes. He was suffocating. Convulsively, he tried to swallow, but the large cock lodged in his throat stopped him. Sammy thought he was going to die. Then, his body took over his fear addled mind, and he started to breathe through his nose. Wet, bubbly snorts filled the bathroom. Seth smiled and watched Sammy's chest heave, from fear, from exertion, from effort. Keeping himself lodged tight in the throat, Seth got off the toilet and grasped two large handfuls of hair. Starting slowly, he pulled his cock all the way out of the gaping mouth. Strands of mucus and spit clung to his cock, connecting a wet web from cockhead to mouth. Then, just as slowly, he pushed it in, all the way in, until a gurgle from the prostrate boy tickled his head. Again and again he repeated this motion, fucking the mouth, picking up speed as he went, until he was thrusting fiercely into the throat. The boy kept his teeth to himself, mostly. Every now and again, the side of Seth's cock scraped along the back teeth, causing Seth to suck in some air at the sharp pleasuring pain. After a bit, Seth pulled out, impressed that the boy was able to take him to the root without difficulty. "I need to cum," he told the boy on the floor. He sat on the toilet again and splayed his legs. "C'mere. Jerk off on my dick. I want you to cum on my cock." Sammy stood up unsteadily. His knees were sore, and so was his jaw. But the opportunity to cum after this long ordeal was too enticing. Seth pulled him closer, making Sammy straddle him. Seth was slowly massaging his big cock. It was red and shiny. "Go on. Beat off." Sammy started jerking his dick, stroking it with his hands. He gasped out loud as Seth started pinching his tit. Sammy tilted his head back. It felt good. Suddenly, he yelped as stars exploded in his head. Seth smiled wickedly. Seth gripped his cock at the base and whipped it again, hard and fast against Sammy's exposed balls. The Asian boy tried to close his legs to protect them, but straddled like that, he couldn't. "Keep jerking off or I'll beat the shit out of you," Seth growled. He watched Sammy's face clench every time his big cock smacked those balls. They dangled and swung back and forth, dark red. The boy's body jolted with every smack, and Seth felt the legs tremble. He stopped pinching the tit and brought his hand back to the boy's crotch. He placed his palm behind the balls, and rested them against it. The he looked up, and hissed, "Listen up. If you stop jerking your dick, I'll rip them off. Got it? If you cum, I'll stop beating your balls. Sound fair?" Sammy groaned, and broke into a cold sweat. Slowly, he nodded. He started stroking his cock again, bracing himself for the attack. He yelled out when the dick connected with his tender nuts. Ruthlessly, Seth whipped his dick against the trapped balls. The boy's face was contorting nicely, making Seth harder. Ten minutes later, Sammy's cock erupted. Sammy nearly flogged his dick to death to cum and stop the barrage on his balls. When he came, his balls pulled up tight, making the assault on them ten times worse. And he shot the biggest load in his life, four spurts sailing over Seth's head onto the wall behind him, twice in Seth's face, and a procession of shots on Seth's torso. Gasping for breath, Sammy hung his head, beads of sweat dripping down his face. His body wracked with shudders as he calmed down. He watched as Seth took swipes of his cum and massaged them onto that big cock. Sammy closed his eyes for a second, and felt Seth's hands on his tender balls. Seth pulled the balls out of the way, and slipped his cock under them, lining up the slick and slippery head with the boy's asshole. Seth watched Sammy's head snap up, his eyes wide with surprise. The boy's face drained of blood when he let out a piercing scream. Seth had held his dick upright, hard against the boy's hole and, with his own legs, knocked the boy's wobbly ones out from under him. Gravity pulled the boy swift and hard, impaling the boy's smooth virgin ass onto the huge cock. Sammy felt like he was torn apart as Seth's cock barreled its way into his ass. A cutting pain lanced up his spine as the nine and a half inches rammed up his hole, tearing into his body. As he tried to get up, Seth pulled his down again, driving his dick deeper into his ass. He screamed again. Seth gripped his shoulder with both meaty hands and began to pump relentlessly, ignoring the screams of pain. Tears streaked down Sammy's face as the invader battered his rectum, stretching his ass out. Seth angled each thrust differently, punching different places within the ass. Seth smiled as the young cute face turned ugly with pain. Then Sammy passed out. Seth stopped when the boy passed out. He leaned forward slowly, and let the boy onto the floor, his hard cock popping out of the abused hole. Flecks of blood, shit and cum flew onto his stomach as his cock slapped against him. He turned the boy over, and propped the boy's knees under him, raising the ass into the air. He watched as the asshole clenched of its own accord, smeared with shit and blood. Spitting onto his cock, he lined it up and slid in. Seth thrust roughly, slamming in and pulling it back out, then slamming it in again. He fucked the unconscious boy for a few minutes, until the boy started to moan. He watched the eyes as the Sammy woke up, eyelids fluttering open. Sammy's moans turned from groggy to erotic within seconds, as Seth's cock punched the prostate button. The smell of sweat and sex and shit hung in the air. Sammy realized that he was being fucked. He raised himself off the floor with uncertain arms. The cock punched this magic place in his ass and sent a jolt of energy through his body. Unable to control himself, the boy let out a groan. Sammy's body was on high sensitivity, every jolt electrifying his nerves. He felt Seth's thick fingers grip hard and painfully onto his hips. He felt the large hairy balls smack against his every time Seth buried his huge cock inside his ass. The hairs on Seth's legs rubbed against his ass and thighs. Drops of sweat dripped from Seth's face onto his back. And Sammy felt every twisted, veiny inch of Seth's cock as it was drilled ruthlessly into him. Seth watch the boy try to pull away from his fucking cock, and smiled. The boy groaned every time he slid in, and his arms nearly buckled. With a firm grip, Seth just tugged the boy back onto his cock. Fascinated, Seth watched the boy's back. There were already black and blue marks where his fingers dug in at the hips. Right at the top of the ass-split, the skin was red and raw from being stretched so taut. Sweat beaded up all over the boy's back. Seth was in ecstasy. He reached out with his left arm and grabbed the boy by his hair, and yanked back. Sammy cried out as he felt like his scalp was being ripped off. Seth bucked his hips and drove his cock deeper, turning the painful cry into a groan of pleasure. With his right hand, Seth snaked it between the boy's legs and felt his hard-on."You like this rough fuckin' don't you?" he hissed, "you like being my bitch." Seth jerked viciously on the cock, concentrating on the sensitive head. "Ahhh..." moaned Sammy, squirming uncontrollably as Seth's hand manipulated his cockhead. The sensation was sharp and pleasurable, almost unbearably so, making him want to cum and piss at the same time. He tried pulling away from the hand, only to back up onto the cock, pressing it into his prostate, making the pissing sensation even more intolerable. "Please, stop...oooh." "C'mon bitch, I know you want to. Do it. Piss all over yourself," Seth said. Even more furiously, he rubbed his palm against the head. "Ahhh...!" Seth felt a hot stream of piss fire into his palm. He laughed as he grabbed the cock and aimed it at the boy, away from the floor. With a sharp push of his left hand, Seth tucked the boy's head under, chin against his chest. He whipped the cock until the hot stream of piss began splashing against the boy's face, flooding his open mouth and nostrils. With every thrust of his cock, the piss-stream surged forth. Seth reveled in the boy's ass muscles undulating as the bladder emptied itself. It was like a little hand gripping his cock. Sammy snorted as piss filled his mouth and nose. The tangy salt taste lingered in his mouth even when he stopped pissing. It dripping off his chest and face. Once again, he started crying. His tears just mingled with the piss, dripping into the big puddle his was above. Seth released the grip he had on his hair, easing the ache on his head. Abruptly, Sammy realized that Seth stopped fucking him. His ass was still filled with cock, but it wasn't moving. Sammy raised his head and turned back to look at Seth. The handsome man looked down at the Asian boy stuck on his cock and sneered saying "I have something to tell you, I'm close to cumming. And if I do, you're going to get an ass-ful of toxic charged cum. Do you know what that means, boy? It means you're gonna get pozzed. I'm gonna fill you up with some lethal HIV pozcum." "What?" Sammy yelled. Frightened, Sammy started to pull off of Seth's cock. But Seth grabbed his hips. "Uh-uh," Seth said, "stop right there. You keep pulling, I'm just gonna pop into you right now." Sammy stopped. "Please, don't cum in me," Sammy whispered, scared and keeping his eyes on Seth's face. "Just let me get off your dick." "I will. Maybe." "Please, I don't want to get infected." "You don't want me to shoot in you?" Sammy shook his head. "Then you'll do what I say?" "Yes." "Good," Seth continued, "so let's play a little game. If you win, you get off my cock and I won't infect you. If you lose, well, what can I say? Deal?" Sammy didn't really have a choice. He was impaled on a large hard cock that was filled with dangerous cum. He didn't doubt that Seth was close to cumming. He was close to cumming with Seth fucking him, and Seth's cock ripped his ass open. Sammy knew enough about HIV to know that if Seth came up his ass, there were more than enough exposed for the virus to get into his body. Slowly, resignedly, Sammy nodded. Seth smiled evilly, broadly. "Okay, here're the rules." He pushed his cock deep into Sammy's ass. "I keep still like this. You have to turn your body around so you're laying on your back in your piss. Trick is you need to keep my cock in you until you're on your back. Then pull off. Once you're off, you're safe. Simple. But, if you pull my cock out before that, I'll just fuck you until I pop my load in your ass. So, you ready?" This was definitely harder than it sounded as Sammy soon found out. But, eager for the deadly cock to be out of his ass, the boy immediately started trying to turn himself and finish this silly dangerous game. He keep his ass against Seth's belly, and tried to lift his right leg over. Sammy got his right leg as high as Seth's shoulder, and got stuck. Soon, he felt himself sliding off the cock, and began pushing himself back on, fearful of what would happen if the cock left his ass. Seth was enjoying watching the boy contort himself on his dick, and was further enjoying the feel of the boy fucking himself back onto his enormous dick. He smiled at the grimace and determination on the boy's face, red with effort and fear. He reveled in the obscenity of the boy's splayed body. Seth pulsed his dick, making it wiggle in the tight ass, and savored the flash of worry on the boy's face, thinking that Seth was cumming up his ass. Sammy carefully moved his right leg back down. A better approach came to him while his leg was stuck on the shoulder. With both knees back on the ground, he rested a bit. Slowly, he crossed one, then the other leg, to Seth's right side. Balancing himself at an odd twist, Sammy shifted his torso until he was facing Seth and resting on both elbows. Propped up by his elbows, Sammy gingerly lifted his right leg, moving it past Seth's right shoulder, over his head, and rested it on the left shoulder. Quickly, Sammy moved his left leg to the right shoulder. Sammy breathed a sigh of relief when he was finally on his back and Seth's cock was still in his ass. Looking at Seth's face, Sammy slowly backed off the huge penis. Relief flooded through the boy when the cockhead finally cleared exited his asshole. Sammy just laid there in his pool of piss shaking with relief. Eventually, he looked up at Seth, still kneeling there, hot and handsome, with his huge cock jutting out away from his body, red and bursting. Seth got down onto Sammy, laying on top of the boy. He rubbed his hard cock against the boy's, who was still hard despite everything that had happened. "That wasn't so bad was it? See, now you're off my pozcock," he chuckled. Seth bent down and kissed the boy, thrusting his tongue in and out. Sammy held still as the man's tongue invaded his mouth. He couldn't believe that he was still hard, his blood was still pumping through his veins at fast and furious. The rush of fear that came with the deadly dick in his ass gave him such a rush. Still, he'd be out of his mind to enjoy that. Sammy heard himself moan as Seth's fingers once again found his tits and played with them. Splayed on the cold bathroom floor, Sammy responded to the manipulations, feeling his cock slip and slide next to Seth's, spreading his own ass-juices around. He felt Seth hump his cock, grinding it into his own dick, making his whole body tingle. Despite himself, Sammy spread his legs a little farther apart. Seth brought one of his hands off Sammy's tit and over his face, covering his nose. Seth inhaled deeply and exhaled into Sammy. Over and over again, until he sent Sammy soaring on a carbon dioxide high. Electricity shot through Sammy as he felt Seth's public hair scrape against his ball. Again and again, Seth pulled and twisted hard on his tits. Seth heard Sammy moan into his mouth. Slowly, with each hump of his cock, he brought it lower, and lower, trailing slime and precum down the kid's cock, over his balls, and finally, coating the already slick asshole with more juice. Again, he heard the Asian kid moan as he continued the breath control. He humped and pushed his cockhead into the waiting hole. Again the kid moaned. Seth raised his head a little, taking his mouth off the boy. "What did you say?" "Fuck me," groaned the prone Asian boy, "please." "Yeah?" Seth breathed in reply, feeling a spark of uncontrollable lust surge through him. "You want me to fuck you?" "Yes." "You want me to put my hard, charged pozcock up your ass? You want me to shoot my poz cum up your ass?" Seth hissed, twisting a tit hard, his cock throbbing with anticipation. "Ugh...yes...please...fuck me...rape my ass...fill me up with your poz cum. I..I don't care just Fuck me! Fuck me to death!" Seth jammed his cock up the boy's waiting hole with one thrust. Both of them cried out: Sammy at the pain of the sudden re-entry of the big dick, and Seth as he felt his cock lunge back into the ravaged asian ass. On the edge of shooting for so long it didn't take much for his balls to contract and squirt shot after shot of diseased cum into the boy. Seth drunk in the moment of infection as his balls spewed out their poison. Wishing the moment of orgasm could go on forever. With every shot of his pozcum, Seth thrust himself farther and farther into the boy's ass, working the fresh seed as deep as possible so it would take root. His blasts of seed so intense it finally backed up causing his cum to ooze out around his cock. Finally, Seth collapsed onto the boy, breathing hard, barely able to keep his head up. After a few seconds of silence, Seth propped himself up, and looked down with pride at the boy he just infected. The boy still had that glazed look of sex. A quick glance told Seth that the boy hadn't cum yet, wasn't able to since his arms were pinned when he was being fucked. The boy was slowly grinding his ass against the big dick still inside him, his mind totally lost to what had just happened. Seth got up, and pulled his dick out slowly. The Asian boy mewed as the cock left him empty. Dribbles of cum escaped the puffy red ass-lips when Seth pulled the big head out. Seth shuffled up the boy's body, and put his cock at the boy's mouth. Automatically, the boy opened up. Seth watched as the cum and ass-juice covered cock slid in. "Look at me," he whispered. Instantly, the boy's eyes raised to look at Seth's face. "You belong to me now. You're mine. You took my poz cum into your body, and I will be inside you forever." Sammy whimpered and nodded his head as he sucked the large dick harder. Seth pulled his cock out with a pop, and stood up. Sammy's eyes followed Seth's every movement. The watched Seth tower over him and aim his dick. "Open wide." The boy's mouth stretched as wide as possible, looking longingly at the cock. Seth's piss slit gaped open a few seconds before a stream of golden yellow piss blasted out, hitting the boy right between the eyes. The boy moaned and began cumming, shooting ropes of thick white cum onto his stomach. Seven thick shots fired out of the red cock, slowly mixing with the cascade of piss, and dripping off onto the floor. Seth guided the stream down into the open mouth, and watched with satisfaction as the boy swallowed big gulps of piss. When the last drops were shaken from his dick, Seth started pulling on his clothing. Some of it was damp from the piss on the floor. As he tucked his shirt in, he looked over at the boy, still laying dazed on the floor. Seth rummage through the boy's jeans, and found the wallet. He took a look at the I.D. before putting it in his pocket. He took one last look at the boy, and tossed the wallet onto the boy's wet chest. He left the bathroom, headed towards the elevators and smiled. "Got another one."
  4. Don't know if this has been posted before, but find a couple of "POZ-itivly fantastic vids on hamster: http://********.com/movies/1313734/poz_daddy_fuck_me_.....html http://********.com/movies/1333466/christian_*******_039_s_poz_party.......html just replace the *** with ********
  5. Favorite part of these are the ones told by Nathan. Reading about fucking from the tops point is by far the most erotic type of breeding stories. Probably because I am a natural top myself, I enjoy reading about fucking from the tops perspective the most.
  6. Yeah there is a LOT of barebacking and internal cum shots in Asian porn I find. It seems its often ignored as were so used to getting off by big burly guys breeding each other,
  7. This one may not be your normal Breeding fil, but it has 20min of RAW asian fucking, and at 18:40 your going to get not one, but Three INCREDIBLE internal shots into the bottoms ass http://www.myvidster.com/video/6078986/Japanese_gay_-_XVIDEOSCOM
  8. with all that poz talk I wonder how long before xtubes removes it...
  9. Fuckng seriously? Usually anythign with "poz" or "stealthing" gets taken down from xtube sooner or later. I notice oyu jiust have normal "bareback" tags on, smart move... strange that it would seme to be hotter if there was a visible sign however, like if oyu had a biohazard tat.
  10. I wish there was another version of this where we got to hear it from the TOPS side.
  11. Always...where are you in phx

  12. For the tops , what are the exact location where htis will be at? I din't know the MEsa areas very well
  13. Raw top here would LOVE the chance to participate in an orgy with you breeding any holes that turn up. Wed works best for me
  14. Hey, most of the links you post seem to have a PIN any chance of shareing it for us to see?
  15. Any chance of e-mail the rejected version to someone privately?
  16. So now I have to ask... What do you mean by "didn't like where I was taking the plot" Did it go too dark? too soft? My curiosity is peaked
  17. Phx Big Bear top here in central phx. msg me if you need someone to seed you.
  18. just so you know I am in phx myself.

    Let me know if you need a top to breed you regularly

  19. The hard part with most porn now is trying to get a shot where you can actually SEE the cock and balls durign orgasm., Most shots aare from the top and when the Top slams in, you miss seeing him actually pumping. Ill agree with others, the hotest pats are when you can actually SEE the cock and balls contracting and injecting seed up into a raw bare ass.
  20. Well for this next one, allI can say is good things cum to those that wait. I've been "seeing" this Thai Nurse for over a month, the guy is hot, in his 20s and works at a local hospital here. He is unfortunately totally paranoid about safe sex, probably because he works in the medical field, and any attempts to breed him have been a non starter. Well The other week I finally found a chink in his armor. Turns out while he is a all about "safe" fucking. He is also a total Pig. Seems he gets off on being smelly and sweaty, he asked me not to clean my cock because he wanted to try cock cheese. And best of all seems he is really turned on by piss play. The last time he was over at my place, I started a bit of piss play and he got really into it. I finally asked him about pissing INSIDE his ass. "Urine is safe and sterile, I know you don't want me fucking you, so how about I just piss inside you?" Stupid guy Went for it! and I no time I was slamming Raw up inside his ass. Of course I pissed up in him, but I made sure to control me flow, I let it out in small controlled bursts. Trying to mimic the feel of orgasm as much as possible. The whole time telling him good it felt and of course, how "safe" it was. Well I'm sure you can guess how hard it is trying to keep pissing and trying to cum at the same time. I was affriad I would run out of urine and he would catch on before I could finish. Luckily just as my floor ran out I felt my cock pulse and knew I was going to make it. I ramed into him and shouted "Her cums a whole bunch of hot Piss!" Dug my hands into his hips and huffed as I blew a 2 day load deep into his guts. It mixed with all the piss instantly, totally masking it as I slowly slid in and out. The whole time he never seem to catch on once I had finished and he cleaned up, he remarked about just how good it felt, and of course how much piss came out of his ass. All I can say is Im goign to try this tactic with any other condum users... That, and breeding an ass full of piss feels fucking AMAZING!!!
  21. Been on a bit of a dry spell lately, but looks like the Spirit Of Christmass has been kind to me. Last two weeks I bred two wonderful holes. The first one was when I answered an add on CraigsList from a Korean Business Man who was staying at a hotel down by the airport. Guy E-mails me, telling me he needs to find "Someone to make him their Wife" and of curse also that "discretion is absolute must" I'll never understand why some Asians, especially ones from Korea, seem to think about tops and bottoms with the words "husband and wife" It must be a cultural thing, associating getting fucked with being "The Wife" Upon getting to this guys motel, the first thing I discover is that this guy must be from some serious business. He greets me in a three piece suite, Armani shoes, and a quick glance around shoes quite a bit of high priced luggage. I suddenly think "Fuck, Im going to be breeding some high price ass tonight" The second thing was that this guy was HOT, fucking hot and muscled. For someone who already was talking about turning him into a girl, and making him my wife, this guy was a hell of a "man" I got to work on him, getting him naked and laying on the bed. I starters off sucking and licking his feet, which always seems to drive asian guys wild. Sucked his toes till his cock was nice and hard, and started stroking that as I worked up to his nipples. The guy started making these hot mewling noises and started moaning what I think was "Yes" in Korean. Lifted his arms up to go after his pits, I'll make no secret I love Asian armpits almost as much as asian ass. Their hair grows long silken and has an extra musky taste to them. Unfortunately this guy had quite a bit of deodorant on him so I went back to chewing his tits. Finally I was done with foreplay and started working my cock up against his ass. The guy asked me for luge and just used a lot of spit. I punched in and he made a half hearted attempt to buck me off but I just pushed in further, "You are my wife, Girly wives don't get to ask for lube" I said, which seemed to flip all the right buttons in his brain. "Yes yes! I am your sluttly Wife! Make me your slut!" he says as I pound away at him. Guy gets even more kinky as I push down on him with my arms. I feel him moving my hands to his neck and mouth and he he pulls them over his face. Seemed the guy was even more kinky then I thought as he had a bit of a smother fetish. I bucked harder and harder as I mock strangled him, whole time the guy is moaning and squealing. I really jam hard into him, I hadn't bred in ass in over a month So I was going to make this one count. Dug my hands into him and felt my balls pull up and holy FUCK did I shoot! I felt my cock kick half a dozen times as I felt like my balls were going to explode. Think I actually did cut the guys air off for a bit as I tightened up while shooting a hell of a load deep inside his ass, but he didn't seem to mind too much as I caught him jacking himself off. Kept my cock planted deep in him for a bit, I had shot a hell of a load and didn't want any dripping out. When I finally did pull out I got dressed pretty quick. Normally I like to fuck a nice hole like this more then once, but I am always hesitant about staying too long at a hotel. The guy got dressed and I watch him fingers his hole for a bit, had to smile. Nice knowing that out there is some high paid Executive who is a cum hungry whore.
  22. Ok this story really seems to get around.. I found yet a THIRD version of it with what seems a lot of pozz talk added: ============================================================= When I was 18 I was invited to a frat Halloween party with a bunch of other mostly gay (some were bi) white freshmen. The party was hosted by a black gay frat. I guess it was hard for them to attract new recruits until it later in most college kids, let alone black guys. I went as a lifeguard complete with red trunks and sandals and in the midwest in late October. Let's just say, I was dedicated to the arts. I was pretty tan and I just about had washboard abs stacked with a nice body. I could sense the eyes of everyone when we walked through the door. There was a wide range of guys there all over the house. There was a Roman gladiator. There was a priest. Prehaps, the best costume was this tall black muscle guy who as a Demon. He was built like a god with huge pecs showing through his torn shirt with tuffs of hair. He had a shaved head and white fangs. I noticed him following me with his eyes. They were dark grey. My cock stirred, but then a drink was thrust into my hand and I was momentarily distracted. I danced with my friends for a longest time. We drank a ton and was starting to get quite horny. In fact, the whole room was getting horny. We all did some tequila shots and we starting to feel it. I was noticing the room was starting to making out. The whole room was going and people started disappearing. I went to find the bathroom as I had to piss and down the hall. I found the first fucking. A boy from my bio class, who was dressed like a school boy and some hot dark haired guy I had seen around school was fucking him. He was dressed up as a mechanic complete with overalls that were open down the front to expose his huge dark dick. I stopped and stared in awe as his dark dick banged away at my friend's white ass. I suddenly realized the guy fucking him was not wearing a condom. I was shocked and a little worried about the bottom, but oddly found myself turned on, my cock started to get hard watching the bare cock slide in and out with nothing to stop it unloading seed. I moved onto the bathroom door. Someone was in the bathroom so I got stuck waiting. The kid from bio was moaning real loud. The guy behind him was fucking him so hard you could hear his hips slapping hard against his ass. My friend reached out and jerked me through my shorts as we looked at each other, completely amazed at what was going on. The mechanic guy fucking the boy started grunting and moaning "I'm going to fucking cum" The boy tried to pull off but the mechanic dude held his shoulders in place and unloaded dark seed deep inside him. The bottom looked panicked, as the mechanic pulled out, smiled, and walked out to piss out the side door. I was just about to follow when the bathroom door opened. "Can I push it out?" my friend asked. I told him sure. I was jealous, but glad all at the same that I wasn't in his position. We went into the bathroom together to discover another kid from our school also getting barebacked hard in the shower. I knew what bareback was, but I never done it before and I started to get more worried, where there any condoms here? The mechanic guy walked by just then, giving me a predatory smile. I noticed a strange biohazard tattoo on his back I hadn't noticed till just now. I was way too hard to piss so I left my buddy alone to try to push out the cum and deal with whatever he had to deal with by himself. I walked through the house as it slowly evolved into a full on orgy. The kid dressed as a priest was getting fucked by black guy dressed as a doctor in the kitchen by the booze. A fairy, a real stretch I know, with a real great ass that I has fucked before was being bareback by the construction worker on the floor by the 'fridge. In the dining room, Peter Pan from my dorm was on his back on the table with the gladiator's huge bare black dick up in his tight white ass. I watched as a quiet guy from my english class, who was dressed up like a ghost was pushed to his knees by a black dude dressed like a cop. Most of the blackguys had tattoos on them I now noticed, for some reason they made me feel uneasy as one after the other they held a struggling white guy down while they unloaded seed up inside his guts. I was starting to feel kind of left out and headed back to the living room. People were, at least, still dancing there, though it was way more sexual than before. The hot demon dude was still there, and he continued to follow me with his eyes. I could tell he was mentally making me his. He walked confidently to me and we exchanged greetings. The dark red skin and black horns looked so so real. I asked if I could touch it. "Sure" he said. His chest was hard. His abs were firm. His arms were huge and muscular. Next I knew he was kissing me. His lips were powerful. His tongue took control of my mouth. His strong hand enclosed mine and pulled me behind him away from the living room. There was no point in resisting. And I really did not want to. In the dining room, the gladiator came with a roar of victory into Peter Pan's ass and my shy ghost buddy was taking the bare dick of the cop like a champ. The scene back in the kitchen revealed a new set of men fucking each other. The bathroom door was half open and my buddy from bio class was bent over taking more bare cock. I heard him ask for a load from the 'sailor' who was ramming his bare dick into him. My heart raced, just an hour ago he would have been terrified to take a cock bareback, and now he was begging for a 'dirty load'. My mind raced and suddenly wondered if the guy was HIV positive? The sailor grunted and seemed to be unloading as my demon-hunk shoved me hard against a wall and grinned. "We've all made kills tonight you know, You are going to be my first prey of the evening" he said, in what I assumed was some sort of role play before he started making out with me again. Soon my dick was in his mouth and I glanced over to see my buddy getting yet another bare dick up his hole. His third that night. While the beautiful demon man ate my dick, I saw him release his dick owm from the torn short pants he was wearing. He unbuttoned them and they fell to the ground. His dick was probably eight inches, uncut and was as dark as the rest of him. Another tattoo was right above the huge cock and something about it made me weak in the knees. I leaned agaist the wall and moaned as it felt so fucking good. Then before long I felt his manly fingers probe my ass. I knew where this was headed. I was going to be his boy. He was going to fuck me. I opened my ass to his fingers. He turned me around and pulled my red shorts the rest of the way off of me. I was completely naked. He ate out my hole while another kid from our school unloaded in my buddy's ass. I didn't feel bad for him anymore. I wanted to be him. I wanted to feel that black demon cum in me. Suddenly the demon behind me picked me up in his thick dark arms. He laid me on the center island in the kitchen. I looked into his grey eyes as he positioned my feet on his shoulders. I made to grab a condom from my pocket and he slapped my hand away "Not tonight, and never again" he said. He spat on the palm of his hand and lubed up his cock. I felt the head pressing in. It hurt like a mother fucker. I had been fucked before, but he was larger than anyone else. I'd never taken anything this big, and never bare. I tried to relax and coax him in. He slowly kept pushing until he bottomed out his dark black cock deep in my white midwest ass. "Fuck yeah" he said. "You like my dark demon dick, don't you boy?" "Y-Yes Sir" I said. between moans "Give it to me." I cried. "Oh I will" he said with a deep laugh. As he started fucking me. His dick felt hot. His muscle flesh strained to get it all in me, deep in me. My buddy took a break from the orgy to come watch me get barebacked for the first time. "Fuck that's hot" I heard him say as the eight inches ramrodded in and out of me. I just threw my head back and let the demon stud take over. His raw dick plowed me and his strong hands held me down, pulling at my flesh. He was owning me. "You're mine" he hissed. "Fuck yeah" I said. "Take me." He picked up the pace and started grunting. I thought that meant he was going to cum and I started squirming as I realized he was still bare. It felt so good, but I was suddenly terrified by what would happen if he came. I wasn't really ready. "Cum in his ass! Shoot your poz load up his ass!" someone said. It was my buddy. I looked at him. He was jerking off and the mechanic from earlier was behind him about to enter him again. And that's when it all clicked, I looked back to the demon and tried to suddenly push him off. "Fuck yeah" the muscular demon said. "Struggle more, because he's right, this isn't just some fantasy you slut. I'm poz, in fact almost all of us here are, and tonight is the night we breed and poz as many holes as possible, and you will be getting the hottest death seed of us all!" he shouted as my mind went numb. My first bareback was going to poz me… and suddenly, I knew I wanted this. "Here it cums." I panicked but was so very turned on and started panting "yes" over and over. The beautiful muscular demon man growled and then let out an animal roar as he fucked into me. "Fuck yeah" he said. "Take my demon seed faggot! Take my toxic demon seed! Unnngg!!!!" he howled as I could feel his cock growing and pulsing as he shot inside me. He shot what felt like cups of what I knew to be burning hot poz seed. I cried with pleasure as I felt it burning me from the inside, knowing it was changing me forever. He slowly pulled out and I saw the tuffs of hair come off of his body and his cock was coated with cum and tinged with crimson. I hadn't cum yet and stood erect leaking precum. "Hot" said the man dressed like a demon. "No turning back now, cumslut. Your one of us now, so go get some more dirty loads." He said almost as a matter of fact to me. And he left, my head in a fog, my brutalized ass leaked as my buddy egged me on saying "You heard him, theres no going back now, not after you take his cum,your going to need more now." Next thing I knew I took the mechanic's third load of the night right there on the kitchen floor, and then my buddy unloaded in me, perhaps his last bit of neg seed. Finally, I found the shy kid in the dining room again. The demon stud was pounding away in him and I could tell he was close. The kid looked back and started freaking out. "No, stop please! Don't cum inside me!" he begged but the demon just pushed in deeper, easily holding him down. "Don't fight it, just relax and take my dirty poz seed, you're going to be mine forever!" he hissed, finishing up inside him as an animal roar bellowed forth. As he pulled out the black demon looked at me and wordlessly pushed me forward to the whimpering teen. "My poz seed is swimming inside your guts boy, its only fitting you help pump it back into our newcomer here." He said, shamelessly fingering my still brutalized ass. I quickly took my place behind the now sobbing boy. He gave me a pleading look as I slid my bare, forever-altered cock up inside his hole. He made only a weak attempt to pull away, but I could tell he was broken inside. Somehow knowing this, I didn't last three strokes before I dumped a white hot load deep into his panicked guts. When it was starting to wind down and my friends were pairing off or calling taxis, the demon stud found me again. "You're mine tonight" he said. I looked into those dark grey eyes. "Youre getting more" he said. I willingly held out my hand and felt his strong hand wrap around mine again. My demon led me back into the house and through a few remaining couples still fucking here and there through out the living room, kitchen and bath. I thought my one buddy had left but there he was again taking the hard black bare cock of that mechanic in the bathroom. I could feel the cum leak from my own ass as we climbed the stairs. My demon stopped to watch and slowly pushed me to my knees to suck his already hard cock. My buddy was becoming a total slut for black cock and who could really blame him. demon was allowing me to suckle his massive tool, but he stopped me short of his cumming in my eager mouth. He spoke with the black kid dressed as the mechanic. "When you are done with him, bring him and another one up the room" he said with extreme confidence. I never heard the answer but I was sure it was in the affirmative. My demon pulled me up from my knees and took me by the hand and let me up the back stairs. I assumed to his room. It had two beds and nice TV in the corner, two desks and a lazy boy chair. He pulled me in closely and whispered in a low sexy voice, "My name is Ray." I volunteered my name before he asked for it, "I'm Joe." He acted as if my name was not important to him and I was sure it was not. My ass needed his cock, again. I never felt that way before. I could feel his cum leak from me and I was wanting to be stuffed full of his huge black cock. He pulled me over to his bathroom and ordered me to strip down and help him shed his costume. I shucked my shorts as fast as I could. I started helping him pull the tufts of hair from his body and pull his tattered demon clothes from his well toned muscled body. When we done pulling his hair and clothes free he turned on the shower and let it get warm. He pushed me gently in and down on my knees. Once again I was face-to-face with the most magnificent cock that I ever sucked and that had ever fucked me. His cock was not hard but it had lost little in length. I grasped it ever so gently and took it in mouth while I did my best to finger my own ass. I heard the door open again and I glanced-up to see my buddy and another kid I knew from English Lit class. I did not see him at the party and I did not even know he was bi or gay. I heard the mechanic speak up, "We had a late comer to the party, but he is willing and able!" We finished our shower and exchanged places with the newcomers. The mechanic, Tim and my friend from bio, Mark got in the shower to wash the sweat from the party off as the new kid, Jason eagerly watched-on. Ray guided me and Jason back into the bedroom, he pushed me down on the bed on my back and told Jason to wait for Tim to come back for him. He had apparently decided not to share me, at least for that night. Any three-some would have to wait. I smiled at that, but my smile soon turned to one of pain and pleasure as he pushed his massive poz cock into my ass. He held my hands over my head with on hand and with the other guided his massive cock into me. I had my legs high and he was deep in me in just a few strokes. I was breathless as he entered me. He held still in me and laid his mouth on mine and kissed me deep with his strong tongue. I heard Mark and Tim come out of the bathroom. I knew they felt refreshed. Tim instructed Jason to felch Mark. Mark leaned over the desk, allowing Jason to enjoy the four or five loads of cum oozing from his hole. Tim spoke to Jason in a very strong demanding manners. "You like eating toxic cum from his white ass?" All I heard was a muffled agreement, and a slight yelp as I knew Tim moved in behind Jason and was about to lay some black pipe on a new white boy that night. These lovely dark specimen were insatiable. They were going to fuck us all night long. I could hear muffled screams and cries of pain and pleasure all over the house that night. I added my own through out the night as Ray had me on my back, on my knees, standing and any damn way he wanted me. I cried for more. I was not sure of the amount of poz cum he had deposited in me, but it was not enough. I could see the dawn's early light as I rode Ray's massive cock cowboy style. Jason and Mark were on all fours, kissing, as Tim alternated in fucking them. Ray's massive cock fit nicely in my ass and I bounced on him begging him to fill me up one more time. My friend speculated a little about the other guys in the house and those who had left in pairs earlier that morning. What were they doing or having done to them, but no one seemed to give much thought to the question. I snapped right back to attention with Ray's black cock seeding my pussy for the last time that morning. I blew my hot creamy load on his chest and I fell to his side with his cock erupting inside me, breeding me and making me his. I wondered briefly if I could ever let another cock fuck me that was not big, black and poz.
  23. Greetings.

    So evidently you are the one who wrote a Demonically delicious story called "Salvation" Fucking hot story and as someone who gets off on the more wild sides of sex, gets me going..

    Wonder if you ever wrote more like that, breeding and seeding hot raw holes. Guys getting sweat slick and covered in manstink, feasting on smegma and giveing thier holes up to Stan Seed.

    Fucking hot stuff.

  24. Well wouldn't say a "lot" maybe about one every couple of months... Know there are a lot more on the west coast around the bay. It is clear we need to have a proper orgy... Get all the Asian sluts together here and spend a day Seeding and breeding them, god imagine the feeling of fucking an ass full of cum, the perfect lube.
  25. About 90% of all asian porn is basically Asian on Asian. A while back I came across some video clips of a husky big Papa Bear fucking and breeding a fem Asian bottom. Like so much of the net these have become lost in time. SO I am wondering how many out there remember such a video, or just Papa bear fucking asian boys in general.
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