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  1. I've been having trouble loading breeding zone in any form on both my laptop and phone for a while now. At first I thought it was possibly a cookies or cache related thing, but I've been purging both on all my devices and it still happens. I've sort of stopped visiting bz as a result (I'm currently using Tor to post this). I don't know if this is a BZ problem, a CDN problem, an ISP problem, or a local network problem. Though the fact that it doesn't work on the phone regardless of whether I'm using a wireless or cellular connection seems to suggest that it's not the latter. If anyone could look into this I'd be very grateful.
  2. don't suppose you could invite me to it?
  3. You're H O T

    1. aelnix69


      Hehe, I'm just trying to be the cumdump I was meant to be. ^.^

  4. Hoping to get a couple of loads in me tonight...

  5. Yeah it's the gilead card. I'll call them tomorrow during business hours. As for why I want to be on prep, why I don't want aids, yada yada yada... eh, it's hot don't get me wrong. That's a step I think I may very well take eventually. But when I choose to try getting pozzed I want to pursue it with confidence, not be riddled with fears and doubts. I have to conquer those parts of myself first before I truly embrace it. But it's definitely what I jerk off to every night I'm not taking seed.
  6. I've been on PreP for the past few months and I've really been loving being able to bareback as much as I want. But the copay card I've been using was rejected yesterday with the pharmacy saying it could only be used twice in a year, but they gave me a number to call. Still haven't called it yet, I'm nervous... It's not something I can afford on my own and I'm scared I'll have to stop taking it... I've really been loving the raw sex I've been having, especially with poz guys. If I have to stop taking prep I don't know what to do... I don't feel emotionally ready to take potential poz loads completely unprotected but I don't ever want to use a condom again... I've never started a topic here before so I'm nervous about that too... Argh... Anyway, thoughts? advice? pound cake recipes?
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