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No Chem Sex
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Everything posted by ltrhornypig

  1. Any particular time on Mondays?
  2. I love taking it in my mouth, all over me and in my ass. Sadly, it’s kind of hard for me to find playmates. Many people I have met say they are pee shy;(-.
  3. Does anyone have the similar experience like me? I am totally addicted to porn and i always jerked off whiling watching my porn. The wild no holds barred meth slam sex orgy really gets me going. That has become a problem for me because once i have cum after watching the porn, i have no further desire to go out and meet real people for sex. No more worries about rejection and the risk of meeting strangers doing drug and no more recovery time from the comedown. Guess the reason for me watching porn in the first please was that i can hardly found anyone to play with
  4. I am a very good boy!
  5. If I were horny or high enough, I would definitely take ANY cock, otherwise I would not be. I still have my standards no matter how low they are. That said, I have never encountered such situation though.
  6. Is this place all bb or mixed condom play?
  7. I am not into incest but got so hard reading this story
  8. Probably prefer pee. Usually , after I swallow cum , it probably means the end of play for me, as after most of the tops have come, they are not interested in playing anymore. Piss is however another matter. As for taste, it depends, some piss is so mild that it tastes almost like water while sometimes is too strong my preference. Same as cum, sometimes I couldn’t even taste it when the guy shoots straight to the back of my mouth. I used to hate salty cum taste but lately I find it such a turn on.
  9. CLAW? Where and when is this presentation taking place?
  10. Well count me in please :).
  11. Call me square or old-fashioned but I would never film myself “in action” and post it on the net. However, many people especially young people are doing that, gays or straights alike. I get that people in the porn industry, they do it for the money but for these people, they are not getting paid. Lucky for the rest of us who enjoy watching them clouding, slammimg or getting into all kinds of sexual activities but what is the appeal for them? Perhaps exhibitism is more common than I thought. My question is : Would you film yourself having sex or taking drugs and post it online and why?
  12. I assume that the outbreak is in Australia, right? I am not even aware that we have vaccine for it;(-.
  13. Endless foreplay and sucking. Years ago, I used to date this guy who was very sweet and romantic but I found sex with him extremely boring. For more than 2 hours we would still never move past just kissing, touching and sucking each other. Unless I am on chems, then I could suck for hours non-stop, otherwise I would like my one-on-one vanilla sex over and done within a “reasonable” time. If it is gonna be all night non-drug fuelled sex, there gotta be some other kinky games:).
  14. It is pain in the butt literally but this is the price you pay for taking loads up your ass. Consider myself lucky, over and done with, until next time, not somthing permanent like HIV.
  15. I started my prep last September. Since then, I played bb with one guy and attended 3 bareback parties ( multiple partners each time). To me, I considered it as 4 outings only but I already got my first STD (syphillis) last month which was promptly treated. I get tested every 3 months as a prerequisite to getting my prep prescription renewal as required by the Public Health.
  16. Well, let’s put it this way. If those people that encourage you to be a poz, have also promised to take care of you when you are sick and help you finanically when you are struggling to pay your medical bills, then by all means, go for it as you have a strong supporting system to help you dealing with the down side of HIV. Unfortunately, the reality is that you are most likely on your own when you suffer. Being a poz doesn’t mean that you are automatically welcomed to some kind of poz brotherhood where endless hot sex awaits you. We will all get old some day and when we are too find anyone to have sex with, the virus continues to stay in you. Some say that being a poz makes them feel liberated. I guess it is truth in some way because you are already in the worst possible scenario, you cannot get any worse and have nothing to lose. Also, if you ever find yourself in such condition, you will try to normalize your circumstances by learning to deal with the situation and make the best of it. This is our basic survival instinct. That’s why many people get upset about being a poz at first but later do not regret it because they have learnt to adapt. That’s my own opinion. We are defined by more than just sex. Sex is important but it shouldn’t be the only thing that we are after in our lives. Some fantasies should remain as fantasies. Being a poz is a mixed bag, be prepared to accept the bads as well as the “goods” (if there are some)that come with it.
  17. This is so fucking hot. Lucky boy!
  18. I go through phases in terms of going for qualities or quanties. When I was younger, I went for quantites, the more the merrier. When I was in my 40’s, I preferred qualities. I would rather stay at home amd watch TV if I couldn‘t find any guy that I found attractive enough to play with. Now I am in my 50’s, I guess I am feeling that my time is running out, so I want to get as many fucks as I could get, especially I am now on preps, I am more relaxed about by whom or how I get fucked. I am off to the fukdto party later this afternoon and intend to find as many dicks as possible. Wish me luck. Something about being a cumdump/slut makes my cock hard these days.
  19. Just sent you a note from that site
  20. I came out in 1981 and had couple years of carefree condomless sex before the AIDS epidemic started. It was a terrifying and sombering experience witnessing friends suffering and dying of horrible disease. My ex became a poz in the 90’s, his HIV meds put him through hell. It is because of my experience, I have always been playing safe most of my life until I started prep recently. Right now, I am indifferent about condoms. These days, I am an aging Asian bottom in my 50’s and there is not a lot demand of guys like me, even though I think I still look very good for someone my age. I will take any dick, with or without condoms. Beggars can’t be choosers;(-. A lot of people have said that getting fucked bare feel way better. Unfortunately, I honestly can’t feel much difference;(-.
  21. Me too. Hope we will get the chance to play. Would love to have some cum or piss up my ass:).
  22. Well, actually it was not nearly that bad even though it sounds horrible. I never felt very sick at all, just some slight discomfort in my tummy area. I was fully recovered after 6 weeks or so with medication. This is part of the risk that you have ro take when you are sexually active and have multiple partners. Comparing to HIV, this is nothing at all.
  23. I will try to be there then. Went there couple months ago and I was lying on the sling. This guy gave me a really good fuck. Hope to run into him this Sunday.
  24. It wasn’t fun at all and put me out of action for close to 2 months if I remember correctly.
  25. Thanks for the advice. I will check that site out as well. Right now, I am not into scat. I guess I am willing to try as long as the other guy doesn’t make me eat it. Almost 20 years ago, while I was rimming a guy , he suddenly farted and some fluid got into my mouth and I got serious infection from it. Some kind of parasite .... what a bummer as that was my first time deep rimming someone. It took me weeks to recover ;(-. Now while I still get into rimming from time to time, the hole must be very clean.
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