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About guy4funwaco

  • Birthday 07/17/1978

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    love to chat with others available on:
    wickr txbbbottom
    you can talk to me on kik TXNates
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. me too! In fact was actualy playing it one day maybe a week after i turned 15, when my dads best friend who was as it turned out later frustrated he wasnt getting what he needed at home. anyway thats when he walked into my room took what he needed and calmly walked out fastening his belt buckle like nothing happened
  2. when the man you took my innocence told me that I was put here to take care of his needs and the needs of real men like him. Also when he said its beneith them to have to consider a bottoms feelings and if it feels good when they are trying to pleasure themselves
  3. You learn a lot living it. I'm also in healthcare so see the devastating effects this is having on everyone involved. Truly know, the people who claim to care the most are doing nothing but making life miserable for those who are trying to help. Again, I'm not sure how but we need to follow the money and find out what is really going on.
  4. This is the real issue. Not that no one wants them just they need to do it right like everyone else.
  5. First of all WTF. We can virtue signal all day long use some wacky logic to blame whomever we want but that doesn't answer the question or come close to helping in any way. As someone who lives on the border state there are things you should know. Texas pays for alot of it, this is why here recently you have heard about busing them north. And before we start that shit show, no they are not cities that are randomly picked for political reasons they are cities who independently identified themselves as sanctuary cities. One of the biggest issues is healthcare. Hospitals cannot refuse to treat life threatening illnesses. In Texas we are fortunate to have many Catholic hospitals remaining. These institutions typically go above the life threatening requirements and treat as many people as the resources allow. But let's get to the crux of the issue, politicians. The largest risk at the border is not asylum seekers as you have been told. No they are a tool used to cause confusion and overtax the border guard so black market items can be brought in easier. I mean common where did you think the fyntenol was coming from? Once this is understood actions like loosening gun restrictions make more sense, not that I agree with DeSantis on much. The point is until the border is secure it's pointless to presue any form of gun control. Now my question is since we know this and the politicians know this why are we being gaslit over the immigrants? The sad and simple answer is they are making money off of the illegal black market. I would use the age old tactic of observing and seeing who is the loudest. I'm not going to say anything, but you should question why AOC a senitor from New York has such a driving interest in what happens in Texas, almost more interest than our own representative.
  6. It's just a term for no STIs. I don't think any of us view HIV positive people as dirty or inferior. Heck with the introduction of prep I worry more about other diseases. I think your last point is what we need to focus on and that's education and acceptance.
  7. Thinking about moving my sex store purchases online. What's the best site to buy supplies and toys?
  8. It fucking felt like he was ripping me open. I screamed and fought. I couldn't understand how he could have fun seeing me hurt. But, the fourth time it hurt less and he gave me advice on taking it.
  9. I get the most out of it if the guy using me like a cum rag is a regular. I agree I love when me fuck me like I'm not a person, and your right blk guys do this best. What I hate is being used stretched and degraded more than usual and so I want more ant typically those guys are the use em once type. Leaves me hungry. I have heard that Muslim Arabs fuck in a similar way
  10. gy4funwaco open to any hot chat
  11. Technically I was raped, as in held down as he penetrated me and not let up till he was done, and yes i do find rape hot. Although it was years later because he wasn't mean, didn't hit me or hurt me (other than the actual insertion)
  12. Not saying you are obliged to let the man in you but there are several tools a bottom can use to take cock if hes not into the guy. First get in ass up face down position pt your face in the pillow so you dont have to address him. Second get a high quality hood. Arrange to be fucked in an annon. scene. Personally I wear the hood sometimes when I like the guy because the sensory deprivation makes the anticipation while you wait hot, then your other senses are more in tune so even a zipper makes me excited
  13. would love to chat about rape play

  14. is so interesting how we all became who we are today. If you would like to chat and share details about 1st time with me im on [Moderator's Note: The admin has chosen to make certain chat programs/site banned words. If you abbreviate or insert spaces to evade these bans, you will receive a large infraction and vacation from this site because you are demonstrating that you KNOW the rule but have chosen to try to evade it.]
  15. other bottoms that put pics of their erect dick in poses that suggest they top.
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