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Everything posted by nymidtowneast

  1. Thanks for all the comments guys! I'm about halfway through the next chapter and hope to have it posted next week. Sorry for the delay, life got busy.
  2. Holy shit, great start. Can't wait for the next chapter.
  3. Agreed, great chapter. Can't wait for more.
  4. Damn, I think I need to order a pizza.
  5. Fucking hot story! We need another chapter please.
  6. Hot damn! Thanks for continuing the story.
  7. Great story. Can't wait to read about the party.
  8. Chapter 4 I pulled my phone out as I made my way out of the park. I had a message from my brother. 'Hey little bro. Where are you? Your car's here but you're not.' 'I'm at the park. You should come join me.' I texted back. 'Are you okay?' 'Umm yeah, I just really need to talk to you.' 'Okay, I'm on my way.' 'I'm sitting on the bench right inside the park.' Ten minutes later I saw Matt crossing the street coming towards me. He was wearing a pair of shorts that were so tight they left nothing too the imagination. Damn I was staring at brother's crotch and starting to get hard. He sat down next to me and had a funny look on his face. Damn I think he caught me checking him out. "Okay little brother, how did the interview go?" "Umm first, why do you keep calling me little brother, I'm 40 years old and second I think it went well. I feel pretty good about it; now comes the waiting game." "First, that's great! And second, doesn't matter how old you are you'll always be my little brother." He took his hand and playfully messed my hair up. "Now, what the fuck is going on?" "What do you mean, everything's fine." He gave me a look that said I was full of shit. "Okay, okay. I have something I need to tell you but I'm not sure how to exactly tell you." "You're scaring me, just say it." He placed his hand on my leg and squeezed. Sending a jolt directly to my dick. "Sorry, this is hard. I, um when I, um came back from my interview I went to talk to Mathew and saw him having sex with some other guy in your bed." I looked at Matt and could tell he was trying really hard to keep a straight face. "What's going on, you don't seem surprised or upset." He broke out in a huge smile from ear to ear. "Ah that would have been our neighbor Benny. He comes over a couple times a week to take our charged seed. "Umm, so you know your husband is fucking someone else and you're okay with it?" "Of course, I fuck him too. Benny loves it when we double penetrate him." "When you, I'm sorry, when you what?" I muttered. I think I was going into shock. "Damn little bro you are way too uptight about sex. We so need to get you laid." I was just staring at him with my mouth wide open. "Careful there, some guys around here who will take that open mouth of yours as an invitation to fill it." He winked at me and squeezed my leg again. If he looked at my crotch there would be no hiding my hard cock. He shifted on the bench and opened his legs a bit. I couldn't help but look down. Oh fuck he was getting hard too and looked like he was about to burst out of those tight shorts. "Thomas and I have an open relationship." "Ummm okay so you're cool with him having sex in your bed with someone else?" "Yep totally! It's just sex and men, especially gay men, need a lot of it." "I feel like such an idiot." He was now slowly rubbing my leg as he said, "don't worry about. You didn't have your big brother around to guide you through all this and I'm guessing mom and dad were no help." I started laughing. "Mom and dad who slept in different beds. Yeah I think not." He started laughing too. "Fuck dad was probably a closeted homo." "Oh my God, could you imagine." "So what about you?" "I'm sorry what," I stuttered. "Are you a closeted homo little brother?" "Everytime you call me little brother I feel like a kid again." "You're avoiding the question, little brother and believe me I don't see a kid in front of me. I see my hot younger brother." Oh my God I was feeling so uncomfortable, not to mention hard as a fucking rock. I started a nervous laugh. "I'm anything but hot. I'm a short chubby middle-aged man." "Have you looked in the mirror lately? You may be short but all that working out you've been doing is changing you're body. And you're still avoiding my question." "I umm, I'm not gay I'm just not very sexual." I noticed his hand was traveling up my thigh and was getting dangerously close to my hard cock. "Oh honey, I think you're very sexual. You just need the right push to release your inner slut." A dog barked off in the distance and I suddenly came to my senses. I quickly stood up and said, "we, ahh, we should get back to the house. I'm sure Thomas is probably wondering what's going on." He leaned back on the bench resting both his hands behind his head and spread his legs even further. His shorts were so short there was no missing the head of cock trying to escape his shorts. "Matt, your cock. We're in public." A jogger must have heard me because he quickly slowed down, swiveled his head around to glance at Matt and licked his lips. "I don't think he minds," Matt smirked while waving at the guy. I was so embarrassed. I'm sure my face was bright red. He got up and put his arm around my shoulders. "Honestly, I'm not sure he was looking at my hard dick or yours." I looked down and saw that not only was I still hard but I must have been leaking something crazy because there was now a very pronounced wet spot on the front of my shorts. "Oh my God! I am so embarrassed." I moved my hand to try to cover the wet spot. Matt playfully slapped my hand away. "First lesson of being a homo, no shame Zac. Fucking own it, never apologize for who you are." He winked at me and started for the house. I ran to catch up with him. "We're going to have fun tonight. And I don't care what Thomas tells you, even though I lost the bet my toxic load is the one that's going to pop your cherry." "Umm what bet and what the hell are you talking about?" "Thomas told me your were gay the first time he met you. I wasn't so sure." "But I keep telling you I'm not gay." "Trust me Zac, after tonight you'll not only finally admit you like guys but we'll have you fucking screamimg to the world what you truly are." "And just what is that?" This was getting way out of hand. "A bottom cum dump who will take any load he can get no questions asked. You just need that first hot load shot deep inside your tight ass and I have a feeling that will ignite the desire you've denied yourself for so long." "Yeah Matt, I uhh," he stopped right outside the house and looked deep into my soul. "Do you trust me?" "Matt this isn't funny." "Oh trust me I'm positively serious. You need this. Do you trust me?" "Yes, of course." "Then I promise you, you're life's going to change for the positive tonight. No more waiting or hiding from yourself. You just have to let go." "Okay I trust you." He got an evil grin on his face and opened the front door. Why did I think I'd just fucked myself.
  9. Hi guys, thanks for all the comments and likes. Here's a short chapter to tide you over. I promise Zac will be getting some poz cum real soon. Chapter 3 I was a wreck waiting for my brother to get home. I had to tell him; I knew I needed to but I just didn't know how to do it. I was going stir crazy and didn't want to take any chance that Thomas would come downstairs to talk to me, so I left the house to go for a walk. They had a great park only a few blocks away from their house. I quickly changed into some shorts and a t-shirt and headed out. The park was a nice big one. There was lots of green areas for the kids to play and several walking/jogging trails for the adults. Matt and Thomas had told me they loved hitting some of the trails that were more in the wooded area since they were never crowded, so that's were I headed. I started down a path and wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings as I was still trying to process seeing Thomas fucking some guy, and did I mention he had a really big dick. I didn't realize how long I'd been walking when I noticed I was in a rather secluded section of the park. I'd passed a few guys coming the opposite direction but really hadn't paid much attention to them, so I totally missed them checking me out. I reached the part of the main trail where it wrapped around but I wasn't quite ready to head back yet. There seemed to be an offshoot path that had been made heading back further into the woods. What the hell, I thought let's go explore. I'd been walking for about five minutes when I saw a younger guy headed towards me. "Hi Daddy, too bad I'm in a hurry or I'd bend over for your babies right here." He reached out and grabbed my crotch and gave it a squeeze. He let go and continued on pass me. I turned too watch him go and noticed he had a rather large wet spot on the back of his shorts. He caught me looking, winked and said, "next time daddy." I was mortified, bright red from embarrassment and extremely hard. Seriously what was happening to me. I rarely got sexually excited and now I was starting to get hard at the drop of a hat. Okay that wasn't accurate, I was only getting hard when I was around guys. Oh fuck was I gay? I'd never done anything with a guy before, hell I'd only been with one woman before so who knew and it wasn't like we'd had sex all that often. Like, try never in the past ten years and rarely before that. I just figured I was one of those asexual guys and sex just didn't interest me. I was so lost in my head that I didn't notice the park had opened up to small clearing and over to the side were two guys. A guy about my age was leaning against a tree while a second younger guy was on his knees sucking the first guys cock. I stopped abruptly and I'm sure my jaw had to be on the ground. The guy getting sucked noticed me and didn't even bat an eye. "This kids got a great mouth on him. I'm about to, ahhhh," he moaned. "Your turn man." He said as he pulled his cock from the guys mouth and started to pull his shorts up. I was on autopilot. The next thing I knew I was standing in front of the guy on his knees who wasted no time in unzipping my shorts and pulling out my very hard dick. Holy shit! I'd never felt anything like that before. It didn't take long before I was shooting my load down his throat. "Damn, someone really needed to shoot their load bad, "the guy said as he was licking the last drops of my cum from his lips. "Mmm, delicious." I suddenly came to my senses and quickly shoved my dick back in my shorts and headed back to the trail that would take me out of the park. Oh my God! I can't believe I just let someone suck me off. And fuck, I can't believe how amazing it felt. I wondered what it would be like to be the one doing the sucking. Oh man I was in trouble.
  10. Chapter 2 It was evening by the time I arrived at my brothers. I pulled up outside his house, turned my car off and just stared into space. Seriously, what the fuck was I doing here. My brother was basically a stranger. It had been at least 30 years since I'd seen him in person. I was seconds away from starting the car and leaving when there was a knock on my window. It scared the shit out of me and I let out a small scream. My brother was standing outside my car with a huge stupid grin on his face. I rolled down the window. "Damnit Matt, you scared the shit out of me." He started laughing. "Well little brother you've been sitting out here for over a half an hour. The neighbors were starting to think you were casing the area." I looked at my phone and saw I had indeed been parked in front of his house for way too long. "Holly shit, I guess I lost track of time." Matt opened my car door. "Come on. Enough stalling, time to come inside." I got out of the car and he quickly engulfed me in his arms. He whispered in my ear, "damn, I'm glad you're here!" As we approached the house a nice looking guy came out to meet us. "Zac, this is my husband Thomas." Next thing I knew I was engulfed in a bear hug. Okay they were huggers, just great. This was more human contact than I'd received in years. At first I stiffened then I slowly found myself melting into his strong arms. Okay that was different. He finally released me and we all walked into the house. My brother looked me up and down and said, "you look...I mean wow it's so good to see you." That definitely broke my shell and I started laughing. He looked mortified. "It's okay, I know I look like shit compared to you two." I should stop here and describe my brother and his husband. They were both easily over 6 feet tall; compared to my 5'4". They looked like they spent a lot of time in the gym; I can't remember the last time I saw the inside of one but definitely needed too. I'd kind of let myself go the last few years. They had several tattoos that I could see; while my skin was a blank canvas. So basically we were polar opposites. I seemed to take after my mom while my brother looked just like my dad. "No way little brother, you look a little tired but other than that you look good. Damn it's so good to see you again." He grabbed me in another bear hug. God that felt good. "Come on let me give you the 5 cent tour." He proceeded to show me the first floor which contained the kitchen, living room, master bedroom and a guest room they were using as an office. I was starting to get a little worried about where they were going to put me, thinking I really shouldn't have come when he said, "we saved the best for last," and lead me to a flight of stairs I had missed. We all walked downstairs into a small studio alcove like space. There was a small kitchen area, more like a bar space with a cozy living room setup and the bed was tucked away in a small space behind french doors hiding it away. "Wow this is great," I said as I took it all in. "You even have your own entrance that opens out to the patio. The bathroom's over there and on the other side of the stairs is our gym. Please make yourself comfortable, if you need anything let us know and help yourself to anything in the fridge. Please just make yourself at home. Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat.” "Thanks, I’m good for now. If you don’t mind I think I’m just going to crash for the evening. I think all this is catching up to me.” So I guess this was my new life. My brother and his husband were perfect hosts. We interacted a bit and I’d have dinner with them about once a week but for the most part I kept to myself. I had found a pretty good rhythm. I’d spend 2 hours looking for a new job, then I’d spend 2 hours in their gym working on me, and then I’d do it all over again till was time for dinner. I’d been there about a month when I had my first real breakthrough on the job front. I had a second interview tomorrow for a position I was actually excited about. It was our weekly dinner together so I made my way upstairs. Matt and Thomas were just putting the finishing touches on dinner. I’d noticed over the last couple of weeks they had both started wearing just shorts to dinner. I mean not that I minded. Hell if I looked as good as them I wouldn’t wear a shirt either. I mean it wasn’t like I stared at their muscular hairy chests all night. Well maybe just half the night. Ok that's just weird. "So what time is your interview tomorrow?" Thomas asked. "Nine. They told me to expect to be there for about half the day so I'm hoping that's a good sign." "Well I'm working from home tomorrow so come tell me how it goes when you get home." My brother shook his head. "It not fair you get to find out before me. I'm his brother." "Guys it's just an interview. I promise if I get the job I'll tell you both at the same time." My brother smiled at me at and said, "now we just need to find you a date." If I'd been drinking i would have shot water everywhere. "Yeah thanks but I'm good." "He doesn't need a date he just need to get laid." "Thomas no I'm good really. You both don't need to worry about my sex life. In fact, please don't worry about my sex life." "Oh come on, when was the last time you get laid?" "Matt," I stammered, "that's really none of your business." "Oh my God. Now we have to know. Come on seriously how long ago?" Thomas asked grinning like a damn cat. "I don't know it's been a while." "How long's awhile? Three, six, nine months?" "I can't believe we're having this conversation." They both looked at me and I could tell they weren't going to let this go. I thought about it for a few seconds and then said, "holy shit, I think the last time I had sex was before I moved down into our basement." "And when was that?" Matt asked. "Ummm about ten years ago." "What the fuck!" They both said at the same time. "Are you fucking kidding me? Please at least tell us you're jacking off each night." "Well not really. I mean I do, maybe every couple of months, but I'm not really that sexual." Thomas recovered first and said, "are you sure you two are related because your brother can't go very long before he has to stick his dick in something." "Hey, I'm not that bad." He stopped for a second then got a huge grin on his face. "No you're right. My dick loves to bred a tight hole or not so tight. He's not picky." Oh my God I was turning bright red. I had to get out of there. "Ummm as interesting as this conversation has become I think I'm going to turn in so I'm well rested for tomorrow." I got up and left the table and quickly headed for the stairs but not before I heard Thomas say, "hon we really need to get him laid." I was so embarrassed and what the fuck, my dick was hard. I made it though the interview and was feeling pretty good. Based on what the last guy I met with said, I had really good feeling about the job. Now it’s just the waiting game. I was feeling so good I really wanted to tell someone so instead of going into the house through the basement like I normally did, I went in through the back door to go find Thomas. I walk down towards the office but could hear some moaning coming from the bedroom. I slowly looked in through the partially closed door. There was Thomas naked on top of somebody who was not my brother with his rather large cock going in and out of a guy's ass who, did I mention was not my brother. Holy shit he wasn't wearing a condom. I didn't know much about gay sex but I was pretty sure he should've been using a condom. Thomas was cheating on my brother. Oh my God seriously how big is his dick? The other guy was moaning like crazy and saying, "that's it daddy give me that toxic cum, knock me up." I had to get out of there before they saw me. I snuck back down the hallway and went downstairs before I got caught. I suddenly had two thoughts. First, what the fuck was I going to tell my brother and second, why the fuck was my dick so hard?
  11. That was amazing. Nothing like a young slut begging for poz cum.
  12. Hi guys here's a new story for you. It starts out slow but don't worry the good stuffs cuming. Chapter 1 I woke up as usual and began my day not realizing how much my life was about to change. Let me bring you up to speed before I get to the good stuff. My name's Zac, I married my high school sweetheart and we've been married for about 20 years now. We married young but I think we were in love, once. We were now more like roommates that only see each other in passing. I honestly can't remember the last time we had sex but I know it's been years. She snores like crazy so I started sleeping in the basement about 10 years ago. That's become my domain and she's taken over the first floor. I made my way to the kitchen to grab some coffee and noticed a large envelope with my name on it laying on the counter. I opened it and took out a stack of documents with a note attached. 'Zac, I'm sure you won't find this a surprise but I've met someone who makes me happy. So, as my birthday gift to you I'm setting you free so you can become who you were meant to be. This should be relatively easy as we don't have kids. All I want is the house. You can take our joint bank account and any of our belongings from the house. I know this is short notice but I'm hoping you can be out by the end of the week, when I get back from my business trip. Ellen' Wow, okay I didn't see that coming, guess I shouldn't have been all that surprised but what the hell did she mean by so I can become who I was meant to be? Seriously what the fuck! I set the note aside and saw the attached document was divorce papers. Looks like she'd been busy. I set the papers down, grabbed my coffee and headed out to work. I really wasn't sure what I was feeling; relief maybe? Traffic was a bitch so by the time I made it to the office I was already late. As I walked into my department I noticed that no one was around; however, as I rounded the corner to my office I saw everyone was in the conference room. Okay this didn't bode well. I tried to sneak in without causing any unwanted attention to myself. "Zac, nice of you to join us," my bosses boss said. Damn I really hated that asshole. "As I was saying before Zac so rudely interrupted us, our company has been bought. This has been in the works for awhile so they already have a plan in place for this department. As you can imagine both companies have this same department so it safe to say most of you won't be here tomorrow." See what I mean, asshole. "We were going to do this one on one but I have meetings with the new owners all day so I'm doing this in one shot. Mike and Sandy you two are staying so please come with me. The rest of you are fired, I mean laid off. Your boss here will give you your separation packages." With that he grabbed Mike and Sandy, who both looked as shell shocked as the rest of us and left the room. It was at this point I noticed our HR rep standing next to my boss and damn she looked pissed. "Yeah, I'm sorry guys," she said, "that was not how that was supposed to go down. That fucker, sorry, seeing as I'm laid off too once the transition is through I feel no reason to censor myself. Unfortunately, what he said is correct. I know you have questions and we'll try to answer them the best we can." For the next several hours they meet with each of us and answered all of our questions. Well, this was turning out to be a birthday for the record books. Oh yeah if you hadn't picked up on it yet today was my 40th birthday. After I was done with my boss and HR I grabbed my few personal items from my office and headed back home. I was feeling numb inside. When I got home I grabbed the divorce papers and went down to my room. I read them three times just to make sure I didn't miss anything. Everything seemed pretty straight forward. I walked around the empty house and realized there wasn't anything here I really wanted to take with me. Don't get me wrong, my first reaction was to clear the house out and leave her nothing but let's get real I didn't have the energy nor did I really care at this point. I went back downstairs packed up all my clothes and the few items that were mine. In the end my life packed up into two suitcases and two small moving boxes. Damn when had my life become so pathetic. I loaded up my car, left the signed divorce papers on the kitchen table and locked up the house for the final time. I was still in a daze as I drove over to the closest hotel a few miles away. I suppose I could've stayed at the house until the end of the week but something inside told me why wait, time to move on. I actually slept pretty good all things considered which honestly, had me a little freaked out. I mean why wasn't I in full panic mode. I was homeless and unemployed I should be a wreck. As I lay in bed I grabbed my phone. Damn 3 missed calls and 8 texts. I scrolled through the text messages, mostly a group text chain from coworkers checking on each other. The last text was from my brother. 'Hey Zac, it's your brother Matt. I left you a few voicemails, please call me back.' Okay that was odd, I had no idea how he got my number. My brother is 10 years older than me. I think the last time I saw him I was still a kid. Our folks ran him off when they found him kissing some guy. They didn't approve of his "life style" and didn't want him around me while I was growing up so I really didn't have a relationship with him. I'd received the occasional cards from him over the years but since I was so young when he left I didn't really even know him. I listened to the first message. "Hi Zac, it's your brother Matt. Long time no talk. Yeah that's pretty lame sorry. I know you're probably shocked to hear from me and wondering how I even got your number. Jenny, from your work is an old friend of mine. She called me to let me know what happened so I just wanted to reach out and see how you were doing. She said you were kind of in a daze so she was worried about you. I know we don't really know each other but I just wanted to let you know I'm here if you need anything. Hope to talk to you soon." The next message was left seconds after the first. "Oh fuck, I almost forgot. Happy birthday little brother." And then about 5 minutes after that one, "yeah okay I promise this is the last one. I know it's been forever but I'd really love to get to know you again. Please call me when you have a second." Okay wow. I hadn't even thought about Matt in years. I wasn't ready to talk on the phone with him but the least I could do was acknowledge that he'd reached out. 'Hi Matt. Nice to hear from you. I'm doing fine, just processing everything and trying to figure out my next move. We'll talk soon.' A few minutes later I received a response. 'Damn, thanks for texting back. You should come visit for a few days. Take your mind off everything.' I wasn't sure what to say next so I got up and jumped in the shower. When I got out there was another text waiting for me. 'Sorry that was probably too much. Didn't mean to scare you off. But you're definitely welcome we'd love to see you.' 'No you didn't scare me off.' Seconds later my phone rang and it was him. Damnit! I really didn't want to get into this with anyone. Especially my long lost brother. "Hey, Matt. I'm fine really, I'm just not ready to talk about things." "Zac please don't hang up. I know this is weird and out of the blue, but I've been thinking a lot about you over the past couple of months. I suddenly burst out laughing. "Umm Zac?" I could hear my brother trying to get through my laughter. "You okay there buddy?" I tried to calm the laughter. "Oh god I'm sorry it's just that the absurdity of the last 24 hours just hit me. I'm unemployed, homeless, and talking to my brother whom I haven't spoken to in God knows how long." I heard him start to snicker. "Wait, what do you mean homeless?" "My wife's birthday present to me was divorce papers." "What the fuck!" Now I really lost it and started laughing even harder. "It's okay really," I managed to get out once I got control of myself. "That settles it. You have nothing keeping you there so come stay with us for as long as you need." "Us?" I asked. "Me and my husband." "Oh wow that's great. I didn't know." The call got really awkward then. Not that I had a problem with my brother being gay. I didn't, it was more like I didn't really know him at all. "Okay this is ridiculous," he said. "Where are staying right now." "I'm, uh, in a hotel." "So this is what you're going to do. Go check out and get your ass to my place. We're only about 3 hours away. I'll send you the address as soon were done here." I started to argue but he cut me off. "Nope not hearing it. We're family, and it's time I started acting like your big brother. I'll see you this afternoon." I took a deep breath. "Thanks. I'll text you when I'm close." I had no idea the positive direction my life was about to take...
  13. I hope Noah knows how lucky he is to have such a caring uncle.
  14. Excellent story! Thanks for continuing, can't wait to read more.
  15. Chapter 5 I must have dozed off. Next thing I knew I woke up and was alone in bed. I got up and wandered around the apartment looking for Brad but it looked like I was all alone. I got dressed and noticed a note taped to the front door. Hi son, you looked so peaceful sleeping in my bed I didn't have the heart to wake you. I had to run out but I'll be back later to take you out. DON'T shower and DO NOT remove the butt plug. Just wear shorts and a t-shirt. No underwear! I'll meet you at your place at 9pm. Holy shit he wanted to see me again! I had several hours before tonight so I went back to my apartment. I tried to straighten up my place but I was having trouble focusing. I could stop thinking about his hard cock in my tight ass. The butt plug wasn't helping either. Anytime I'd move it would make me even hornier...I was moving a lot. I finally gave up and grabbed my computer. I started googling tattoos to see if I could find any I thought would look hot on me. I came across a site about the hidden meaning of tattoos for gay men and my heart stopped. There starring at me from the computer screen was a bio hazard tattoo. I slowly started reading the article as panic started to build. Holy shit, holy fucking shit. Chad was HIV positive! And he had cum inside me twice!! Oh shit and I still had his cum deep inside me safely behind his butt plug. My little dick was rock hard and I hadn't even noticed I had a hand down my shorts fondling my balls. Seriously, what the fuck was wrong with me. This wasn't supposed to turn me on. This was supposed to scare the shit out of me. I started googling poz men and soon found myself on this site called breedingzone.com. I started reading some of the stories and soon found myself in the bugchasing section. Holy fucking shit, there were some seriously twisted fuckers out there. I was leaning back on my couch. I had slipped off my shorts and my hand had moved to the butt plug which was now being moved in and out of my ass. My little cock was leaking like crazy. I couldn't believe neg guys would purposely let toxic men shoot their deadly cum deep inside their unprotected hole. Not only let them but fucking beg for it. I kept reading and found a story about a young guy who went on vacation and ended up with over 100 loads of toxic cum and fell in love with one of the poz Daddies. Fuck I wanted that to be me. Next thing I knew I shoved the plug deep inside my hole and my cock started to erupt shooting cum all over my t-shirt. I hadn't even touched my dick and I came. Something was seriously wrong with me. As I sat there wondering what to do next, there was a knock on my door. I looked at the clock and realized it was 9 o'clock already. Fuck me! I'd been looking at this shit for hours. I didn't even think and quickly went to the door to let Chad in. He took one look at me and an evil grin broke out on his face. "What you been up to son? And damn, is that fresh cum on your shirt?" "Sorry Dad I lost track of time." I was so embarrassed my cheeks were bright red. "Don't apologize son, especially if you were doing what I think you were. Show me your computer boy." I handed him my laptop and watched as his smile got even bigger. "So, have you figured out what that tattoo you like so much means?" I couldn't look him in the eyes. My head was down and I whispered, "it means your HIV positive." "Look at me son." He held my chin in his hand and forced my head up. "Does that excite you?" "No sir, it scares me." "Then why is your little cock rock hard?" Holy shit, he was right I was hard again and leaking. I don't remember ever being this horny before. "You have a choice son. Bend over the couch and take another load from my poz cock, or I can leave and you'll never see my dick again." I hesitated for about 10 second till it seemed like he was headed for the door. I beat him to the door, locked it, then bent over the couch like a good slut and spread my cheeks to give him better access. He caressed my ass for a few seconds then grabbed the butt plug and yanked it out. I let out a whelp. "That's for hesitating son. Don't ever make me wait again." "No sir, I'm sorry sir. Please fuck me. I'm so horny." "What do want son?" He said as he slowly sank his hard cock inside me. "Your dick daddy, please give me your dick." "No son. Tell me what you really want." "Please don't make me say it." He pulled out of me. "Guess you don't really want me to fuck you." I started to cry, afraid he was going to leave." "Please sir I need your cum inside me." "You can do better than that. Last chance boy." "Poz cum sir. I need your poz cum deep inside me sir. Please," I begged. He slammed his dick all the way in one go. I screamed out but felt so complete. "Thank you! Fuck me, please fuck me. Poz my neg hole." "You fucking bottom whore. I knew the second I saw you I was going to bring you to the dark side. You like my big poz daddy dick ruining your neg ass?" "Yes, yes," I screamed out as he continued to plow my hole. "Fucking knock me up. Make me your poz bottom whore." He collapsed on my back as I felt him unload another huge load deep inside me. He kissed the back of my kneck. "I'm so proud of you son. Can't wait to get you your own bio haz tat."
  16. What a great dad! Let's hope he'll introduce his boy to the joys of poz cum.
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