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Everything posted by kinkatx

  1. At least in Austin, TX it seems BBRT, A4A, and even Grindr are basically dead because everyone is using Sniffies. I have always paid for BBRT and Grindr but now I only pay for Sniffies and it’s very well priced. I wish they would add a filter feature and extend the distance of people you can see to a slightly larger radius.
  2. I love it because they have a tall bench that’s the perfect height to lay down with my ass against the hole. I also really enjoy how it feels, normally getting fucked you have a guy slamming into your body/legs and probably grabbing your body. When you’re at the GH all you feel is their raw cock inside you! My only complaint is it’s rather wide, I straddle it for a while and lay in my stomach. When a top pushes in I brace myself against the frame around it. Eventually my legs get tired so I pull the bench a couple inches away from the wall and flip onto my back with my ass against the hole. This tends to be a little more comfortable but toes get a little numb after a while. The spot I like is open to the maze area so everyone can see me waiting and getting fucked. Some guys look at me and go straight to the stall behind me; others will do a lap and come up from the back side so I can’t be sure who’s fucking me. I wish the glory hole end of the bench tapered to a narrow point so my legs didn’t have to strain, that they added some handles to the wall, and that the bench was attached to the wall. Sometimes tops, especially the thicker cocks and bigger guys will push the bench away from the wall and it gets hard to brace myself. About half way through the night this cute, hung blond twink fucked me. His cock felt great and I could feel his cock pulsing as he unloaded deep in my hole. It’s interesting, after several hours of tops using my hole I can’t push my hole out much. Skeletal muscles get fatigued and the smooth muscles will open up but usually need a few fingers pushed into my firmly. Some guys keep trying to push their cock in and give up when all they need to do is slide 3 fingers in me and then I can push out my hole. Still trying to get someone to sneak a pic or video clip. It’s dark so flash required and they’ll kick you out if caught. I’ve emailed them a few times with suggestions; I don’t think any have been implemented but they do discuss them in their monthly meetings. If you have suggestions, email them! Been to this place at least a dozen times. This was probably my favorite thought close 2nd with last year when someone kept adding shards to my hole. At one point that night my body was incredibly relaxed as this guy was fisting my hole nearly elbow deep for at least an hour. Going back on the 16th!
  3. Hadn’t been to The Z in a few months, went to the Friday Cum Union night and planted my ass against a Gloryhole from about 10pm until 10am. Rough guess, at least 40 loads and some fat cocks! Going back for the Saturday Cum Union next weekend!
  4. To get beyond ~elbow deep, you have to go through the splenic flexure so you can enter the transverse colon. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.devianceanddesire.com/2015/08/anal-fisting-learning-the-basics/ My understanding is there are not a lot of nerve endings at this point so risk of unknown damage is increased. Like you could be bleeding up there and not know for quite some time.
  5. My secret was its small hands to start. I’m a big guy at 6’5”; first fist in my ass was attached to a 5’3” guy and it didn’t take many session before he was elbow deep in me. At that point I wasn’t really all that into it; he was obsessed with getting fisted then double fisted and still enjoys it. I recently got back into it and a guy with bigger hands and forearms than I bottomed out in my descending colon, elbow deep. I’ve been working on endurance for a few months now. I do have a desire to deeper but I think I’ll only do shoulder/bicep deep once with someone I really trust. I’m more interested in 2 fisted elbow deep and being able to withstand it for longer periods of time.
  6. I always had a preference for guys younger than me. I sort of expected the age gaps would should follow me as I’ve gotten older but now than I’m in my 40s I’ve realized everyone I’ve dated has been in their 20s and briefly there was an 18 and 19 year many years ago. I attribute it to a lot of things… grew up in an abusive household, plus hiding my sexuality. I didn’t really have a childhood experience so getting to know people who had a more normal experience has always interested me. I definitely find the maturity gap to be more of an issue… I sort of fell into dating a 24 year old about 5 months ago and it felt like I was parenting. I’m not sure what’s next; I simply enjoy being single and do not intend to be monogamous again but there are certainly times it’s nice to have a partner. I’ve had some excellent, long relationships even though none of them continued to work.
  7. I love drinking from the tap but the definitely need to be well hydrated for me to really enjoy it. Good, steady, continuous stream of warm and clearish piss is so easy to gulp down like a thirsty little pig. When it’s dark, strong, and there isn’t much there it’s just not the same… doesn’t taste good at all, not challenged by the flow rate or feel the warmth run down to your stomach.
  8. I’ve definitely found if everyone can see you; you’re going to get more action. If you want to be an anon cumdump, bring a good blindfold and hop in a sling, get on a fuck bench or any comfortable surface, press your ass against a glory hole and if it’s a booth leave the door open. If you have a room, definitely hang out in there ass up with the door open a bit too. Some of the guys that have been watching you want privacy for a variety of reasons. I hate when tops close the door but have definitely gotten some solid action with this practice. I was at Club Houston for pride; had a video booth room with a queen bed that you could see at the end of a very long hallways of small rooms. At one point my legs were killing me from being against the Gloryhole so I got in my knees in my room with my blindfold on. Eventually two guys came in and took turns fucking me; then one climbed over me and they DP’d me until they both bred me. Wish they would have left the door open for that but definitely enjoyed being used like that! Nothing was actually said to me; they just talked to each other about me.
  9. I think it really has a lot to do with where you live. I’ve had Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis once each and if I had to guess probably had at least 3000 raw tops breed me in the time frame. Access to healthcare and frequent testing suppress spread.
  10. I’ve had a TON of anon sex and never really had anything like you described happen. A sex toy was stolen from my house once. That said; at least carry something like pepper spray so you have something for self defense. I carry a POM pepper spray device, it’s tiny, cheap, available on Amazon.
  11. The bath house in San Antonio has benches at a couple of it’s glory holes. I can either straddle them or lay on my back with my hole pressed against the glory hole. Probably taken over 100 loads that way in the last couple months and 5 guys have fisted me through the glory hole. Did this one night at Club Dallas too. it’s currently my favorite way to get fucked.
  12. I’ve been curious about this as well. I’ve been able to take a fist for over a decade but it wasn’t really my thing but recently I’ve come to enjoy it a lot. I basically always bleed, usually it’s very little but if I get a couple of sessions back to back or various encounters where I’ve gotten fisted when I wasn’t expecting it (crusing, gloryholes,etc) it’s quite a lot. Not enough or wrong lube is probably the most common cause. I’ve always used JLube and I dump a lot of it deeper inside so there is some ahead of the tops’ fist as he goes deeper. I don’t know exactly how normal this is but after hundreds of FF sessions it’s certainly my normal.
  13. I sort of got into fisting more than a decade ago; mostly because a little 5’3” 19 year old twink wanted to get fisted; I enjoyed playing with his tight little hole and his hands were small. Basically just curious, been there done that… done it many times occasionally since but just wasn’t really my thing. For him it remains an obsession/primary kink. Over the past year or so I’ve started to craving a good, deep fisting and keep working on how much I can take and for how long. A couple days ago I prioritized all my hookup profiles for fisting; got ready while I was working and kept searching for someone to come fist my ass. Found a lot of guys on various apps that were interested but absolutely nobody would commit to doing anything or just stopped responding; even guys that fisted me before were not responding. It was starting to get to me… here I was, totally cleaned out, hadn’t eaten all day, talked to more than a dozen FF tops I was down for and it was 11pm with nothing. I was finally like fuck it, I’m done for the night, this city is too fucking vanilla and I’m just gonna jerk off and get ready for bed. Do a couple things around the house; check Sniffies one more time and had a message from a guy nearby that says he’s down to fist me. He was here about 10 minutes later and fucking and fisting my ass. Not the most aggressive or experienced but it felt great anyway. The next morning, woke up at 8am for work… absolutely starving so ran out for some breakfast tacos, joined a short meeting at 9 and checked the apps. Almost immediately get a message from a 21 year old, skinny boy that’s said he’s down to fist my ass. I’m thinking to myself, am I still prepared since I literally just ate for the first time jn 30ish hours? Popped an Imodium, lubed up a long narrow toy and confirmed! He showed up in a Dominos uniform and worked quickly , I think he was on his way to work and punched my ass deep with his fist for about 20 min. Towards the end of my work day another twink (23, 6’0”, 160lbs) hits me up on Grindr. Everything about him just screams soft, gentle, nature loving, vegan, outdoorsy, vanilla, sweet country boy visiting the big city but he’s one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. I really doubted he was into anything kinky. Conversion starts off slow, but about 10 lines later he says “You looking to get fisted?”. He was here 30 minutes later and holy shit could this tall, skinny country boy fist some ass! I was face down, ass up and he was literally sitting on one side of my back basically pinning me down and relentlessly punching deeper and deeper until he was well bottomed out against my splenic flexure and kept thrusting against it while I was literally trying to crawl away from his assault. He’s in town for a couple weeks; hopefully get to be his hand puppet a few more times! Getting frustrated and impatient with people on the apps was dumb. I put myself out there, stated my intentions and really just needed to be patient.
  14. Taking loads tonight in SE Austin. Pump and Dump on Sniffies by ABIA

    1. austin_submale


      Nice!  Let us know how it goes!!!


  15. San Antonio is an hour away; Houston and Dallas are 3 hours from Austin. I’ve had better luck at Garrison lately… Bird seems to slow down more during winter because a lot of leaves drop but Garrison has a lot of evergreens.
  16. Several of me getting bred on mine! This was last weekend.
  17. I’ve been making that argument my entire life and now our rights are directly in the line of fire again I’m opting for a more peaceful existence. I only see two likely outcomes, the conservatives attack our cities and kill millions or we get through the next 10 years and someday the people take up arms against the rich because poverty reaches a breaking point. I’ll probably be too old by then to be of any use, except stand in the way. I do believe I will still be able to vote in Texas from Spain and I will probably continue to contribute to the DSA. I have the means to leave and be much more comfortable! I will keep fighting, but I will do it from Barcelona where there are real leftists that might listen not to mention MUCH more actual freedom and better infrastructure for it’s people than the US will ever have. I hope you bring a peaceful end to the failed “great political experiment” and ratify a constitution that provides actual freedom, equity and equality to ALL. America has never for a moment offered freedom to all its citizens, it’s history is full of oppression and violence despite its best intentions. You have the constitutional (and very leftist) right to replace your government peacefully or with force and I think that would be the best next step in protecting our nation’s values. At the very least: End gerrymandering, the two party system, the oppression of socialism and add ranked voting and a multiparty system or better yet ; split the country into 5ish unions PNW, Rockies, Central, South and NE… (Alaska, Hawaii, and providences can join any of them or become independent) Regionally these states have much in common and could self-govern more affectively than our current union.
  18. Racism is still not taken seriously enough imho. I grew up around republicans that were ready to cause genocide. Most militia in Texas pose a significant threat for domestic terrorism and we’re doing nothing about it. They’re free to be a threat to everything our nation protects. I’m leaving the US for at least 10 years… I don’t see a path towards restoring democracy that doesn’t involve 50 million casualties. Good luck!
  19. Free speech is a myth in the US. The FBI will show up at your door if you threaten to do harm to people. We might as well better define the laws. No constitution amendment is without limits.
  20. Exactly! Racism, homophobia, antisemitism, etc should be aggressively eradicated from society. Counties like Spain have been working on this for decades… The United States has made it a political party. People like Musk are harmful to humanity, that much wealth hoarding is why the US has been declining in economic mobility for 70 years. Neoliberalism is a plague, and capitalism is harmful. Elon’s wealth comes from his father’s involvement in apartheid in South Africa but he never acknowledges he comes from horrific crimes against Africans. He’s just a bigger rich bigot that harms the rest of us. I value safety from these dangerous people more than free speech! Imagine our country if we simply criminalized racism, conservatism wouldn’t exist and we could finally bring back socialism to provide balance against the threat of neoliberalism. This country would be massively safer for women, children, minorities, trans people, gays, etc.
  21. I’m in Austin, TX…. BBRT used to have about 10 pages of guys before getting to the burbs 20 miles away from downtown…. Now it’s one page while Sniffies doesn’t even render that far out because there are hundreds of guys within 5 miles and you have to use the travel mode if you want to see people across the entire metro area. Sniffles is just a better platform. Easily find 20 raw tops anytime in a couple of hours assuming you can host in a central area. Housing has gotten unaffordable for people making less than 6 figures so most people have roommates and can’t host; that’s the only thing I think is common across this corrupt neoliberal country screwing us all!
  22. It seems in my area BBRT is just dead; there are 100s of guys on Sniffies looking to bareback; few are still using BBRT.
  23. I deleted my main but kept my alt, mostly because I have a few thousand followers and don’t know where to start over that’s not soon going to be threatened by the conservative attempted takeover of media. Hate speech against protected groups needs to be criminalize as part of a larger plan to eradicate racism, xenophobia, sexism and LGBT related phobias from our society. I don’t think either current political party has the balls to do anything of the sort; they must appease their corporate doners not benefit society.!
  24. I’ve had a long standing fantasy of having no idea who’s breeding me and taking tons of cock during that session. Ideally I’d like to be tired up, blindfolded, and fucked by a few dozen guys in a night. Face down and ass up, in a sling, secured to a glory hole, etc all would work. I’ve had a few guys try but it’s usually “I’m not having much luck, can you try?”. Open to lots if you have something specific in mind. Anyone actually done this and done it well? I have no trouble finding 20 loads in a night or driving down to SA for CumUnion and keeping my hole pressed against a GH for hours till I’m dripping! Down to spring for a motel and bring my sling as long as you can stick around and make sure nobody goes to far or steals stuff. Message me if you’re really down!
  25. I’m going again this Saturday. Usually get about 25+ loads at CumUnion events…. I stay for several hours… usually 9pm to 4am.
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