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  • Gender
  • Location
    So Cal
  • Interests
    Video games, dicks, dads, cum, piss
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background

    I want to explore my boundaries. Wish I could find a daddy who can teach me how to be a pig or a pup or both. I want to be trained to be a piss pig and just want to explore my sexuality as much as possible. Want to learn to be more versatile too. We'll see what happens.

    I love piss, I love cum, I love wearing sissy clothing for guys, I love being touched and molested, even in public. I just want to explore whatever I can :)

    Thanks for reading!
  • Looking For
    Someone who is nice and willing to use me

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  1. Do this to me please 😍
  2. [think before following links] https://www.drainyournut.com/ Warehouse party Saturday Feb 17th in Duarte… I’ll be there in the evening slot. Happens every few months!
  3. I love it when my top tells me they want to get me pregnant as he’s fucking me. It makes me so horny. I always tell them that I want to have their babies.
  4. I’ve tried apps and even doublelist for years with little luck. I think the main thing stopping me from having a regular is that I can’t host hook ups and I’m only available at specific times. I’m also not a fan of driving more than 30 min just for a nut but it seems like my area is so dry or no one else can host that I might have to. Feels easiest to just go to the ABS to get my cum cravings satiated…
  5. Thanks for the follow!

  6. The only one I really frequent is Stan’s. It’s hit and miss and I’m usually only there for an hour or so. Hopefully sometime I can spend a lot longer there and take more loads from anyone willing
  7. Anyone in the SGV? It always kind of feels like a group wasteland here.
  8. There’s still one pretty active bookstore in my area that I like to visit when I’m feeling especially horny. Unfortunately I’ve only gotten fucked there once or twice due to my inhibitions (which I really need to learn to let go when I’m there, especially after going on prep), but I have gotten a few loads in my mouth! It is a hit and miss a lot though, I generally stay in the group theater room but some guys in there are just sitting and watching and not doing anything. A lot of the time I feel like they’re just not interested in me in particular, as I’ve tried to engage and got nos more often than not which is frustrating.
  9. I also don’t really think I can pass as female at all and I absolutely identify as male and don’t even have much interest in cross dressing by itself, but I LOVE when straight guys want to turn me into a sissy faggot. I have stockings/lingerie at the ready but haven’t been able to find a guy recently to dress up for. I’d love it if a guy were to force me to full on cross dress for them with make up and a wig and everything and let me be their cocksucking cum guzzling slut dump and even pass me around with their friends.
  10. On one of those rare occasions I was free to try to hook up with someone from the apps a few years ago, this guy was giving me the roundabout on where to meet him. I had already drove to a few places around the neighborhood and was getting frustrated. Then somehow I ended up at the Food4Less which only had a small bathroom with one urinal and a single stall. I went into the stall and didn’t lock it and started edging waiting for the guy. Then some guy walks in and sees me and just comes over and shoved his cock in my mouth and I obliged and he blew his load in my mouth. Very hot! Turns out it wasn’t even the guy I was trying to meet with lol!
  11. Also a big fantasy of mine. But he’d also be loving and snuggly after. 😊
  12. Being whored out is one of my biggest fantasies. I hope I can find someone to do it eventually. I want to become an uninhibited complete cumdump for them. They can dress me up however they want to appeal to their clientele too
  13. I love this and I wish I had similar experiences growing up . I’d love to have a daddy just take me and pass me around to all his friends and colleagues as a cumdump and calling me a sissy and other demeaning things. I’m super into the idea of incest but I’m not actually attracted to too many members of my family. Still wouldn’t say no if they wanted to though!
  14. Been thinking about this topic again... Been getting out of work around lunch time and see guys sitting in their cars for lunch by themselves. Always wondering if they'd be interested in a bj or something. Wish there was a way to ask without fear of getting punched or something!
  15. These are very good tips! I'll definitely keep them in mind... Thank you!
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