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Everything posted by stef85hki

  1. I would love to go to Lab. I fly to Berlin this Saturday for business, but hope to have some time and pay a visit there.
  2. I will be there also. I have a new harness ready to try on
  3. Hi, I will visit Zurich in May/June for some nights. Anybody has recommendations where to go to breed and be bred?
  4. I just visited Berlin yesterday. I am in my early 30s (latin top here) and had been chatting with this local bear for some weeks already. Better to plan to give my seed than jerking off alone at the hotel. I was gonna stay only for one night so, I wanted everything planned. I checked into the hotel and texted him that I was ready for him to pay a visit after a quick shower. He arrived and we met in front of the building since I needed to show my card in the lift to go up (I know...). He is around 180 cm, 120 kg, thick beard and lovely smile and eyes. Just my type. After some small talk in my room, we make out a little bit standing up and he drops on his knees and start sucking cock. He sucks it good for about 5-10 min, then I am ready to fuck. We have been taking poppers now and then so I am horny as f and ready to breed. He put his knees on the border of the bed, and I started rimming. He had a great hairy, meaty ass. I would have been willing to take all my meals on it. I was hard as a rock from all the rimming, so I started trying to get my dick in him. It goes in smoothly and when I reached to touch his dick there was a ton of precum. After fucking for around 10 min I felt the climax building up. I actually wanted a quicky since I had to wake up around 5 am the next day. I came in him, but kept pounding in case I had another load for him. That was not the case that night. As a bottom line, it was a good load and would be happy to make out with his ass longer next time. Ideally I wanted to visit Woof bar afterwards, but that would be for my next visit when I do not have to wake up so early.
  5. Thanks. I will try to go to Lab, never been there but excited to go. Hopefully I can breed some asses there
  6. I will be visiting Vienna/Graz in Autumn. I could give you some loads.
  7. Hi everyone, I will be in Berlin by the end of March. I am staying near Woof Berlin and plan to visit during the weekdays for some cruising. Any other bars near you recommend for breeding or being bred?
  8. Hi, I am also going to Vilnius in mid June. I would be up for a nice fuck. Let's DM.
  9. Hi, I will be in Dresden in May for around a week. Any recommendations on where to go? Saunas, bars, cruising areas where to breed and get bred?
  10. Hi, I will be in Dresden in May for around a week. Any recommendations on where to go? Saunas, bars, cruising areas where to breed and get bred?
  11. I know! It is ridiculous that all other official national languages are “forbidden” and American English rules the whole international forum.
  12. Great. So there is some BB fun in Merida.
  13. Hi, i will be in Manhattan in a couple of weeks. DM?
  14. Where do I get more info about the bear party?
  15. Thanks. Good to know. I will skip it then.
  16. The videos from delta Tango Foxtrot were so hot on xtube until the site became a pay site. I think he started his own website, like only fans were he posts his videos. He is fucking hot and a pig. I would love to get one of his loads. Does anybody have old bids of him breeding?
  17. Have you been to cum Union? I would like to attend the one in Manhattan, but it is actually in Goshen and quite far from Manhattan (1 h by car)
  18. Hi, I will be in Merida Yucatan for new years. I can host in my hotel. Anyone around there?
  19. So, as an update for January 2023 the options are: -East side club -The Faire theatre -Bear party nyc -Scum parties Did I miss anyone?
  20. Hi! I was thinking to attend the party in mid January 2023 in Goshen. I saw the add on BBRt stating is in Manhattan (?), but when googling the address is soooo far from Manhattan that I even wonder if it is worth it or if I just visit a bathhouse in NY.
  21. I went a couple of years ago to Copenhagen strand. They didn't use cards to get in or go up with the lift.
  22. Any good cruising site near the airport?
  23. Any idea what happened to DeltaTangoFoxtrot? He used to have a profile on XTube when it was free.


    1. NLbear


      I have no idea. Unfortunately!

  24. Thanks! I see they are not charging per hour or have flexible check in/out times. In case you have an additional recommendation, let me know!
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