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About sexxxpigg

  • Birthday 04/11/1974

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  1. Last weekend I took 4 loads. Three of them from one agressive poz breeder. Very verbal. I had my phone recording it (only sound) and he pumped 3 into me within 10 minutes. About two minutes apart. I then got one more from a grindr hook up after him. Not a bad Saturday. Hoping for more of the same this weekend. Love listening to him cum in me each time when I listen to the video back. Begging for his "dirty load"
  2. There are a few. Somerville, MA has Main Street Video. Rhode Island has two baths - Megaplex and Club Body Center - gloryholes there and many sex shops in area have some. Lowell, MA has Tower News that has booths but no gloryholes. If you can get to NH, the best place is Leather and Lace in Seabrook. Strip of gloryholes in the back.
  3. Fuck that. Get a new Dr or go to a HIV Clinic. If she doesnt know about PREP, you dont want her watching and monitoring your health.
  4. I have been on it for about 4 months now. No side effects and no issues. BB'ing more for sure and enjoying it. Had my 3 month check up and STI check up and all good. If you can get on it, I say do it. Side effects seem mild if at all.
  5. Been on it for three months now. I am going today for my 3 month check up to test for STDs and also kidney and liver. I will let you know what happens. I had a "date" the other night and told the guy I was on PREP and I got looked at like I had three heads. Basically shamed me and told me its just a way for gays guys to be able to Bareback. When i told him I always barebacked and have been lucky so far, he didnt like the answer he got. Last time I see that arrogant little fuck. Dont let anyone make you feel bad about taking this. Everyone lives there life differently. If anyone trys to shame me into feeling bad, I will put them in their place. I feel good about taking this and yes, I feel somewhat safe. The feeling of not having to worry about HIV is something I never though I would be able to do. Is it still a possibilty for me? Yes. But, far from what it was. I will take my chances. Good luck with it. And no. It isnt a "party" drug. Meth is a party drug. PREP is not.
  6. I have been on it for 2.5 months now. The only side effect I have had is I am tired all the time. I cant seem to get enough sleep. Tha feeling lines up to the time frame of when i started taking it. Hoping as I stay on it that subsides, but some days I could fall asleep at my desk. 8:00 PM is a late night for me lately. Trying to get as much sleep as I can.
  7. Just an update on this. I have been on PREP for 2.5 months now. After the first month I started tis thread to let others know that I have not had any of the side effects that some get. Since that time I can say that the only side effect I can feel is constantly feeling tired. Its like I cant get enough sleep. I work 45 hours a week, hit the gym 4 times a week and eat well, but 8:00 PM is about the time I hit the sack every night these days. I try to get sleep whenever I can. I have my 3 month check up in a few weeks to test liver and kidney. All seems ok, except the tired part. Hopefully that gets better. Sticking on it regardless.
  8. I am glad I am on this "Big Pharma Poision."
  9. Just-Mike , I have a great relationship with my Primary Care Dr. I have always been very forth coming with him about what I do sexually. I dont think going to a DR and lying is good. So, I told him I wanted to go on it. He hadnt even heard of it. I had to tell him what it was about. He looked into it and told me he has no problem with me going on it. Insurance covers it. He wrote me a prescription and I got it that day. $35 co-pay per month. Not bad.
  10. So, after about 6 months of going back and forth and a lot of research I finally decided to go on PREP. I have been on it for 32 days now and have taken it daily. I was terrified to start on this, but after mulling it over I decided with my behavior it wasnt a matter of "if" I became HIV poz, but "when." So, I went on it and have had no side effects at all. I got a major headache in the back of my head for a few days the 2nd/3rd week in, but they have subsided. Not even sure if it was due to the medication or not. But, I was very concerned about side effects and I can say I am pleasantly surprised I have none. Obviously time will tell how the body handles this on a regular basis over an extended time, but for now all things seem to be ok. If you are thinking about going on it, it is a personal decision each has to make on their own. I decided to do it and I am glad I did. I am keeping track of my behavior to see if it gets worse or riskier, but honestly it really cant. I started taking loads bb and once I did that I knew I loved it and needed and wanted more. So, hopefully this big blue pill helps. Id like to hear others that have gone on it recently to hear their stories. This page and many others helped. Do your research guys.
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