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NYBBGUY58 last won the day on May 25 2016

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  • Birthday 08/26/1958

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York, NY
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Caucasian, from the Midwest, middle-aged, look younger. Retired!
  • Looking For
    Friends, hook-ups, like to take, to give. Love having my ass eaten, eating ass, mutual sucking, fucking top or bottom. Know how to dominate a boy; know how to service a man. Get off on facesitting, both as the seat and the sitter.

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  1. Bareback...it was LONG before HIV was even a thing. But I'm old! 😁
  2. The load, definitely. I've said my favorite game to play with a top man is "How many loads can my ass squeeze out of him..." It's a win-win proposition.
  3. I think it's about taboos and breaking them. That's how I believe this website operates - breaking the [banned word] of "every single time with a condom." The specific you're pointing towards is harder to wrap my head around given that then and now the extreme political right is all about shoring up traditional gender roles. There was a group of gay Nazis who were used by Hitler and others, who were then "purged" after they ceased being useful. Again, that's part of the [banned word], breaking it is the excitement of embracing something forbidden with the possible danger an added "space." Note the above is an opinion not a statement of fact!
  4. It's certainly a little confusing. There are men who have sex with men who don't identify as gay, bi or pansexual. Even as I type that I'm not sure quite what that means - I have a hard time wrapping my head around it. Sexual expression is far more varied than our current rather puritanical culture allows, I suppose. All that said, people identify how they identify. If you can get together and have fun, who really cares how he identifies. So long as you're both consenting and no one is getting hurt I don't see that there's a problem. I personally wouldn't plan on having a lasting, committed relationship with someone like that, but I really don't do "couple"; I prefer friends with benefits.
  5. It can become an issue. My solutions: 1. Make sure to do a lot of foreplay, sniffing, sucking, licking, dick balls and ass; during the fucking, I'll squeeze his dick with the sphincter and play with his balls....BLAST OFF! 2. Say "Uh, my hips are getting tired and my legs are falling asleep, can we switch positions?" 3. I've also been known to say: "THERE ARE NERVE ENDINGS THERE, BRO. WATCH IT!"
  6. I certainly have!
  7. I agree with all prior comments. While there are risks involved in bareback sex, as long as you're on medication and your viral load and T-cells are at decent level it will be okay. Shop for a new doctor, one who doesn't seem to have an agenda that "BAREBACK SEX IS BAD!" I stopped going to a particular urgent care center after getting a lecture when I needed treatment for gonorrhea. That is a risk of sex without condoms, one that I'm okay with paying. I personally can't tolerate Doxy prep, and have been sidelined by treatment for prostate cancer just now anyway (NOT RELATED TO HIV). If it's any comfort at all, similar objections were voiced when birth control pills became available. While those have some clear medical risks as it turned out, a chunk of it was just moralistic bombast about the world going to hell in a hand basket because contraception was now simpler. We live in a sex-averse society that bombards us with messages about being sexy and attractive, but heaven forbid you enjoy yourself. I'm sorry you have to deal with a medical cretin.
  8. Sorta. I dated a guy who had a bike, was into leather/S&M, and was also a devout Catholic. I found him incredibly attractive, as in weak knees when I saw him. The only problem was after the first night he made me into his good, Catholic wife - NO SEX! Sigh. This is part of why I stick with friends with benefits.
  9. I heard Moms Mabley tell that one! Thanks...
  10. Does it matter? She served as a figurehead for anti-gay hatred, and was rendered irrelevant. Her music career was destroyed and her entertainment venues went bankrupt. Plus, her views are now apparently mainstream GOP. It's at best a pyrrhic victory in which I take little satisfaction. A joke circulated during the early years of her ascendency: I saw Anita Bryant on TV and she looked AWFUL. You know why? She can't find anyone to do her hair!
  11. About 25 years ago, I was prescribed testosterone shots after I had multiple negative reactions to some of the early HIV meds, so it was only indirectly caused by HIV. Apparently it's clear if it's a definite causal relationship: [think before following links] https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7990869/ There are other articles that clearly state it's a known complication if you run a Google search. If you're one particular medications, check out what the known side effects are. In other words, I dunno. Sorry not to be of more assistance.
  13. I'm not at all surprised by your research. I've taken the meds for years, and they definitely have significant side effects. It's a matter of risk/benefit in choosing to take any medication or supplement, for that matter. I can understand your reluctance to continue.
  14. The idea of size mattering has been drummed into us, but I concentrate on pleasing a person not calculating just how big the dick is. I've been topped by guys of all shapes and sizes, and I enjoy pleasuring others. To me, that's what a bottom should concentrate on. My most enjoyable sex partner currently isn't huge, isn't small - he's around 7.5 inches I guess. I don't bother to measure. He "gets" me though - not only understands what I like, but enjoys me enjoying him enjoying me...etc. So if you wanna top, let me know...just be prepared to have your ass licked and worshipped like it's never been before...
  15. I have a major fetish for smelling guy's asses, especially, along with balls, dick and armpits. I might give you a run for your money...
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