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About formerlypopular

  • Birthday 11/20/1982

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Minneapolis, MN
  • Interests
    Mission: All men have the right to put their load into another man at any time, no questions, no judgement, no condoms. Doin my part. Join me.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    Just a condom hating gay man who lived in a world where fucking was really scary.... making up for lost time one load at a time.
  • Porn Experience
    I was once fucking a trick and realized we had been watching a gangbang that I was about to enter.... it looked familiar, but all those hotel rooms blend together. The trick didn't notice.
  • Looking For
    New York City, 1974

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    http://Phone number in all bathroom stalls within 10 miles

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  1. Yup! Can we get these going again? (Sorry for delay in response)
  2. My hot roommate [read: bf with no title] is outa town, so I was looking forward to a few days of non-group fucking (and general alone-time). Not sure how he pulled this off, but he's been finding, screening, arranging and sending guys my way all night. Each guy has a number, they arrive in order (pretty close), some are in couples/groups, and all are exactly who I'd pick in a bar. Some tops, some bottoms, mix of guys we've messed with before and fresh meat. He refuses to respond to my calls/texts, he's stubborn like that. Number 12 just came in my mouth and left. No clue how many are left.... So proud.
  3. I heard they're on hiatus for awhile.... give it a few weeks. Everybody still lives here.
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