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Everything posted by barefootbob

  1. dirtysouth you could call it anything you want because it is YOUR's to do with as you wish and call it whatever you want. if a bottom is offeneded by the term shithole then he doesn't want fucked bad enough.
  2. I prefer the fuck and go, cum fuck me, dump a load and leave, I don't need post fuck cuddling. to the topic at hand, I too have always wondered why I have a fetish, a male foot fetish, which I have had since my preteen years. I wonder what switch engaged or disengaged which caused me to have the foot fetish. eh, will never know and don't care cuz I love the male foot.
  3. There is absolutely no call for such language in today's society. This knucklehead is a loser, probably has chip on his shoulder and lashing out at people that won't conform for him sets him off. You sound like a really cool dude and have your act together. peace
  4. OK, we all have our standards, well mostly. Say there was a guy you found completely physically repulsive who wanted to fuck you, so repulsive you feel like you could throw up looking at him. Let us also say he has a really great cock, could fuck like a wild man and produce a ton of cum. Would you let him fuck you? Let's add he only wants to fuck you with you on your back and you MUST keep your eyes open and watch him as he fucks you. Would I, hell yes, in a nanosecond. no, this isn't a real guy just a hypothetical scenerio.
  5. the only way to be 100% sure is to not have sex, protected is not a foolproof way cuz the condom could break, the person you are having sex with may not know they are poz and tell you are are clean. nothing in life is guaranteed, enjoy it because it goes by all too quickly.
  6. no don't. no stop. no don't, no stop. no don't, stop. don't stop.
  7. I have a couple on my legs, an Eye of Horus on the outter right leg just above the ankle and Eternal Knots on the outter left leg. I am 54 and skinny so the arms and chest are out. LOL as to the OP and as others have said, a tat is forever (or near enough) so get something that has meaning to you and that you like. The tattoo artist will not even give his opinion.
  8. I just clicked (0915 central USA) on the chat/cam tab and it gave the "Webpage cannot be found" error
  9. I like most all genre's of music from classic rock (Santana, Black Sabath), Alternative rock (Metallica, Linkin Park), Jazz and Classical. Mostly depends on what I am doing as to what I am listing to. computer 3D graphics (classical, jazz) working out (Alternative rock) lounging (classic rock) fucking (anything with a pounding beat) :-p
  10. wow amazing cock UT brings all new meaning to Long Horns LOL hey, let me keep my fantasy even if UT doesn't stand for University of Texas
  11. great video of the anon fuck and incredible photos and video from the party.
  12. fellow bottoms, what do y'all use to clean out with? what douche or enema?
  13. I always say THANK YOU. I had one top chuckle and said he should thank me but was pleased and we hooked up several more times after that.
  14. GDMFSOB, what I just posted happened not 5 miinutes ago. chatting with a guy on A4A for about 10 minutes, he asked for a picture, then off line he goes. god dammit that pisses me off, I would be fine with "your picture scared my dog and he's hiding under the bed" or even "you are really fugly" something . . . shit don't chat away then see my pic and go off line or stop chatting.
  15. let me get this straight (no pun LOL) they message you, you respond, then say you are too old, fat, skinny, ugly, tall, short, whatever for them to meet you??? your responses back are head and shoulders nicer than I would have done. I can relate and my run-ins isn't from the younger crowd, it is from guys around my age. (54) we meet seem to get along and then nothing, I don't hear back from them, they don't return calls or emails, no explanation. Another one I get is I will trade a pic and don't hear back from them. I would be fine with a thanks but no thanks, I get zip. FUCK that annoys the shit out of me. I know I am no dream date but they even make the effort to get to know me and will never know the deep level of loyalty I give in friendship. on a side note: you are hot as hell and don't see what those dipshits are going on about. I would give anything to date a guy like you.
  16. any age is good for me, butt if I could I would love a 25-35
  17. the only pussy I like is my cat . . . umm and having mine full of cock. lol
  18. in the mid 70's I was 14, a few weeks shy of 15, he was 18 and a senior in hs. we met being on the hs chess team (god that makes me sound so much like a dork). by that time I knew I was gay, we went back to his place after school to play chess . . . yeah right. he talked me into taking my shirt off, I was already barefoot (first thing I did on the final bell). during the game his hand went up my leg and squeezed my crotch. I got all excited, one thing led to another, we ended up on his bed making out and I was got fucked. we kept meeting every week for 6 months until he graduated and moved off to college. never heard from him
  19. I love my state, but fuck, it is so backwards assed, redneck, conservative, rightwing, narrow minded that is just boggles the mind. anyhoo, here is a article from the Austin American Statesman newspaper AUSTIN -- "Homosexual conduct" is still on the books as a crime in Texas, eight years after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional. Although the state's so-called sodomy law cannot be legally enforced, civil rights advocates say it should be removed because it creates a climate favoring bullying and other hate crimes. But the Austin American-Statesman reports that legislation that would bring state law in line with the U.S. Constitution faces a questionable future in the Legislature, which has been reluctant to provide legal protections to citizens based on sexual orientation. In 2003, the nation's highest court ruled that Texas could not stop people of the same sex from engaging in sexual activity. Today, the Texas Penal Code still states that it is a Class C misdemeanor to engage in "deviate sexual intercourse with another individual of the same sex" -- just after a line explaining that the law is unconstitutional. Jim Harrington, director of the Texas Civil Rights Project, says leaving the law on the books creates the potential for abuse. Harrington represents two gay men who were kicked out of an El Paso restaurant in 2009 for kissing in public. The men refused to leave and called the police, believing the restaurant, Chico's Tacos, was out of line with a city law banning discrimination based on sexual orientation. Instead, an officer told the men it was illegal for the two to kiss in public and that they could be cited for "homosexual conduct." A department spokesman described the officers involved as relatively inexperienced, and the men were not cited. However, Harrington said the incident is about harassment. State Rep. Jessica Farrar, D-Houston, is sponsoring legislation to strip the language from the books in Texas. "There is archaic language in our code that is used against our citizens today," said Farrar, whose colleague Rep. Garnet Coleman, also a Houston Democrat, has filed an identical bill. Gay rights legislation has often faced political hurdles in Texas. The James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which strengthened penalties for crimes against people based on race, religion and sexual orientation, endured a nearly 10-year fight before becoming law in 2001. Republicans hold 101 of the 150 seats in the Texas House, a supermajority that allows them to easily control legislation. Chuck Smith, deputy executive director of Equality Texas, said the state's biggest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender lobbying group is not pushing too hard for rewording the penal code, because the makeup of the Criminal Jurisprudence committee makes its passage unlikely. Farrar said she knows her bill is unlikely to pass, but that she filed it to at least start the conversation.
  20. I was 14 the first time I got fucked and it was a bareback fuck, so it would be hard to get too much younger
  21. I have a major male foot fetish and have had since before my teens. I have often wondered why that is, what switch was thrown or neuron changed in my brain which causes me to love the male foot? anyone else think this?
  22. hot damn fuck, that was incredible. thanks for sharing
  23. I would have to say barebacking is a-dick-ing
  24. last night a regular fb stopped by unannounced and walked in stating he wanted a quick fuck. I did not have time to clean out, so to the bedroom we went, cloths flying. he pushed me on the bed, lubed up and started fucking. after he came and pulled out, he started gathering his cloths, I got a wet washcloth and cleaned his cock. there wasn't any residual stuff on it and he appreciated the fuck, giving an apology for the fuck and go. hahaha yeah apologize for a good fast fuck ;-)
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