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About Eagerindayton

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  1. Tops appreciate your attitude. Thanks for your service.
  2. Tops know that. That's why we do it 😄 thanks for your service
  3. Ditto! 😀
  4. Thanks for the input. I've got control but it's never really long enough for me!
  5. I just asked cocksuckers about using hands. Now I'm asking tops/feeders out there the same question - if a cocksucker is using his hands do you ever tell them to stop and just focus on using their mouths? I find cocksuckers using hands tend to get me off quicker and I definitely want to last as long as possible! I appreciate the talent/skill and effort of every blowjob I have ever received. I'm talking well over 7000 over 35 years. Not from over 7000 different guys - though I'm sure it has been done.😃
  6. When you are sucking cock are you offended if the top/feeder asks/tells/orders you to stop using your hands? I appreciate ever blowjob I have ever received - however, I think hands free is the way to go. What's your feedback please?
  7. I don't know if I'm violating any guidelines for posting this particular question. When guys go to a masseur what type of services do you usually expect? I consider myself to be vers so when I go I am usually looking to be fucked and bred. When looking for a masseur I am usually able to figure out through their posting or ads what they do or do not offer. So when I go for a massage, I am usually looking to get naked with the guy, to be massaged and to be fucked and bred. When the masseur starts to give me a handjob I will stop him. I always tell him that I want him to cum first and to breed me. I had a hot masseur (in Chicago - I love chicago) one time tell me" that won't be a problem - I always cum first then it's your turn". For me, at this point in my life, it is easier for me to go this route in order to get fucked and bred real good. Anyone want to share their insights or experiences? Thanks.
  8. Guys that work at ABS, baths, or anyplace that sexual activity is going on probably hear this request throughout each shift. Just ask - the worst thing that can happen is hearing a no. The best thing is a yes that leads to servicing a regular cock.
  9. Yep. I appreciate the cravings of every cocksucker out there. Have a great week of feeding and breeding the sluts we use!
  10. Hey guys. I've already posted two questions today. I guess I'm kind of horny. Anyway, I was wondering how many people out there have another fag buddy they play with to service top men. I am usually the guy that tops and feeds, however, I think it might be kind of hot if I had a friend to team up with when playing with a top or feeder. I can see it becoming very sleazy and slutty making it even hotter to do something like this. Thanks for responding. I love hearing responses to these types of questions.
  11. I have a question for fags that play with other fags. When one or both of you end up getting fucked, how often does the other one end up taking the top's cock directly from the other fag's ass? Also, how often do you end up taking a load from the freshly breeded hole of your fag buddy? Thanks for your response and details. Personally, I think it would be hot to have a regular friend to play this way.
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