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Everything posted by bottomboib

  1. Yes. It's the only automatic disqualifier.
  2. Daddy 🤤🤤🤤
  3. This is fucking incredible . Please do not stop. Every bit of this is making me cum gallons
  4. I absolutely love this video. What a good Twink. Knows exactly what he is supposed to be.
  5. Cheating. All day. Every day. The sneaking around, forbidden emotions all makes me feel like a dirty person and I thrive on that. To me it's the ultimate hedonistic pleasure. Once you give yourself up to being bad it almost just continues to feed itself and you end up wanting it more and more
  6. Good boy. My kind of slut. You're amazing!
  7. Fucking love cheaters. My gawd I would have practically cum instantly knowing he was cheating. Thanks for the recounting
  8. They are stupid dumb and I have no interest in participating.
  9. You just become more and more perfect everytime you talk about your life. What an idiot he was not to appreciate you and your slutiness.
  10. Not at all. Love it myself
  11. Come to Detroit you little slutbucket and I'll give you the no loads refused time of your life.
  12. Yeah I kinda felt that way in the back of my head. 😢
  13. So hopefully most of you know this ridiculously hot cumdump twink Jack Bailey. He's done stuff for practically every studio at this point. He's also quite active on twitter. He markets himself as a cumdump slut, even posting things on his twitter such as wanting to go take cocks all night at the bathhouse, etc, etc. Essentially, he portrays that he is that utter bb no questions asked slutbucket that many of us really like, however my question to this discerning and normally quite-knowledgeable audience is: "is that true?" From a pornstar perspective, he's phenomenal and I can totally see that he knows his audience (a lot of them being us) and therefore probably is great at marketing himself to the people that are going to follow him most. And hey, its not like i'm NOT going to like him if its mostly just an act (i.e. he's not the total slutty bb bottom we think he is). I do also remember I got lucky once and caught a tweet on his twitter talking about him being addicted to something (i cannot remember but it was certainly A drug), but he quickly took it down. So again, dunno if that was an act or was real and he then realized after the fact that probably shouldn't have posted it. So what do you all think? Great porn actor that knows how to market to his audience or true no questions asked cumdump that is slowly dedicating his life to being an utter slut?
  14. Agree totally but I love cunt and pussy if you are SOLELY asking my preference
  15. im probably slightly off but im in the high 500s at this point. from what i can tell its close to 578
  16. You are the picture of perfection 🍆🐷😥
  17. Wow thanks. I didn't find this one nearly as gripping as my last one but that really makes a difference for me to hear that
  18. Thank you very much
  19. AUTHOR’S NOTE Just to be as fair as I can to everyone reading – I’ve written another story on BZ that I never finished. My intentions with these are far from solid. This was a spur of the moment thing and while I would love to write many more chapters and very well may, I cannot guarantee I will either. I know some people get frustrated when an author doesn’t finish their work to the fullest, so I thought I would at least add the disclaimer that while my intention is to do so, that may or may not be wishful thinking. The story is fiction, but my characters always share a lot of my DNA. Ever since my boyfriend (now ex boyfriend) did the whole open relationship thing and then encouraged me to be a slut, then realizing what a monster I become, I realized how woefully addicted to “wrong” I was. I craved it, I still crave it, and I will allow it to control me and I make no apologies for it. Jace was exited his run down mobile home to the sounds of his father brutally fucking some woman while his mom was at work. Such was commonplace in his life, so much so it was normal. He loved his mom and his dad, but Jace knew he was wired differently, always had been. He wasn’t a big fan of living the normal life. High school dropout, now 18, he didn’t have many plans for his life, and his parents couldn’t have cared and less. He stunk of cigarettes, one held precariously between his fingers he strutted towards his motorcycle. No car, just the bike, and it was old, decrepit, and flooded the air with black smoke as he drove it. He could still hear the bitch screaming as his father boned her, almost just as loudly as when he sat in the hallway caressing his dick and watching his father’s ass move back and forth on the bed with her. Yeah he was fucked up. He thought cheating was hot. He wasn’t specifically jacking off to his father, he was jacking off to the…”wrong”. Wrong was always right to him. Sex was always right. And whether he was involved or just a spectator, why not take pleasure? Jace was 5’9” at with the bone structure of a toothpick, soaking wet hitting just around 100 lbs. His jet black hair was slightly long, down to his mid-neck, and he inherited that rare green eye thing. Being it was a 100 degree day, even with the sun going down, Jace had been totally naked in the hallway, beads of sweat dripping down his skeletal body. Jace was one of those naturally smooth twinks, not a hair anywhere. He embraced it, he embraced everything about himself. Vanity, was beautiful, in the same way that wrong was right. He wasn’t wearing much tonight, just some basketball shorts and long his legs looking smooth and penciled as they entered the chunky shoes. He enjoyed being naked listening to his father cheat. It was so hot to him. He looked up to that lifestyle. Dad hadn’t had a job in ages, being an alcoholic and all. Mom kept the lights mostly on, but not by a lot. The trailer they lived in felt like it was straight out of the 60s with sticky shag carpet in a multitude of colors, none of them appealing, complimented by a plethora of stains. The furniture, at least the furniture that wasn’t broken, held that same color palette of greens, oranges and puke yellows. The windows were so coated in tobacco every beam of light was a mixture of acid green and that same puke yellow on the furniture. To top it off, it was a tiny trailer, one bedroom tiny kitchen, and small living room. Jace slept on the couch, or the floor, or wherever the fuck he wanted most nights. There was always a full ashtray nearby filling the room with its sweet and smokey aroma. For the right men, Jace was a bad boy dream come true. Cocky, hot as hell, and overall had little care for anyones wellbeing besides his own. As he hopped on the bike, he nodded to the middle aged fat balding man wearing the dirty wifebeater standing under one of the few street lights in the mobile home park. He’d let the guy fuck him the other night, the nod was just an acknowledgement of his presence. In some ways, Jace knew that man couldn’t have dreamed to have a better lay than him, and he should be praying to whatever deity he worshipped and thanking it for even allowing his grubby fingers to caress Jace’s beauty. Yet, juxtaposed with that, Jace loved the feeling of throwing standards out the door. There was an incredibly high to sleeping with the men no normal boy like him would think of, and he got off on it. He didn’t specifically find the men attractive, he found the “wrongness”, attractive. Jace let the motor crank and sputter, thick black smoke shot out the exhaust. If the residents around him were at all nodding off at this hour, he certainly woke them up. In the past, anyone who confronted him by yelling to shut the bike off where always met with his middle finger. The bike finally leveled in its sputtering and he roared off through the park, his hair blowing behind him, his skin reflecting the sickening pale street lamps, and his bike moving much faster than the 20MPH speed limit. Jace headed downtown. News on the street was that a new gay club opened up. Jace didn’t give a shit about dancing, Jace gave a shit about sex. Any new gay club would obviously draw out regulars but there may be some new faces, and he was all about that. Despite his appearance, Jace did own some hot clubbing clothes, but tonight he was in a “fuck it” mentality. He was already mostly naked, shorts and shoes, so he was halfway there. As he drove through traffic, he caught the eye of many, and he nodded in return, the cigarette hanging out of his mouth, his green eyes cutting through the person staring at him. He loved the attention and he loved to give in to it. The new gay club was supposed to be highly controversial. For starters, it was called Death Wish, which was an odd name, but Jace remember the shiver his dick felt when he read that name. The subtitle to the ad he had seen posted on a street lamp pole mentioned freaks, pigs, and hedonists, something like that. He remembered thinking that maybe the crowd would be extra special to some of the boring shit he normally dealt with. Jace detoured. Alice Avenue was traditionally a pickup spot for married men that wanted to get something on the side on their way home from the downtown to the suburbs. It was pretty perfectly located on that drive home for most businessman and of course, boys like Jace made them shiver with glee over their dumb wives with their crusty cunts that refused to put out anyway. As Jace rode down the street, he took it slow. A hand reached out an upcoming GMC Yukon, jutting out it held out 2 fingers, like the peace sign but pointing outward from the car. Jace pulled in front of the car. His cigarette had burned to the filter, so he spit it on the ground, walking to the passenger side of the car. He pulled the door open to reveal a 50ish year old man, with partially graying hair. Mark was in good shape overall for his age, good dad body but he still worked out to keep things tight. “Hi Jace!”, Mark excitedly exclaimed. Mark had a history of being with Jace multiple times, amongst the many other twinks that cruised Alice Avenue. Most of the other twinks were more purely subservient, but Jace was the wild card. He was hard to discern and understand, and Mark felt he was kind of…evil…in a way, but he still drew Mark in. Jace flipped his head to nod his hello to Mark, but didn’t utter a word. Climbing into the passenger seat he turned his head to the back of the Yukon. As expected, all the seats were removed. This was a typical thing for these big wigs coming from the city in their large SUVs. They had the windows tinted, not for privacy for their family but privacy for who they were fucking. They would take the seats out and their big office, store them somewhere, and use the back of their SUV for fucking. Since the windows were tinted, it was hardly noticeable on a worknight when they arrived home after dark after their LONG day at work for their wives to notice of even question the seats gone, let alone think of entering the vehicle to smell the sex that took place there. Jace, again without saying anything proceeded to step around the passenger seat and laid on his back in the back of the SUV. His slid his shorts off over his chunky skater shows, showing his pure skinny body ready for this married man. “Jace, you doing ok today?”, Mark always had to nervously get himself going. He knew what he was doing was wrong, and he knew that Jace was about to throw that in his face when the fucking began, so he always found a way to nervously try and make chit chat. “Mark yo, you gonna fuck this hole now or are you gonna play games?”, Jace replied finally, He rolled on his side, revealing his tiny ass, and he pulled his skinny legs up more in the fetal position. He pulled out a cigarette from his discarded shorts and started to light it. “Hey hey Jace you know I don’t want the car to smell like smoke,” Mark started, almost being knocked back by the gaze of hatred that Jace was shooting him as he made the statement. “Old faggot you got like less than 30 seconds to get your goddamn dick inside this hole or I’m moving on. You’re using my hole and I’m using your car as my smoke box, deal with it,” Jace replied. In some ways his response felt like repressed rage and yet there was a level of sultry to it. Mark really couldn’t help his dick from being rock hard. It wasn’t that Jace was dominant per se, just selfish, spoiled, so incredibly hot that he could just get away with anything. The car had no ashtray and Jace didn’t care. He ashed right on the floor of the SUV. He pulled his legs up a little tighter, exposing a fairly loose hole. Mark lunged onto Jace, caressing his perfect boney body, kissing him, his hands sliding with Jace’s sweat. Jace could hear Mark’s dress pants unzipping, and his average sized dick sliding right inside him with no effort. “I love that I’m getting the dick your wife can’t,” Jace muffled, his eyes moving into the back of his head as the raw dick entered him. He reached around touching Mark’s hand and starting to pull his wedding ring off. Mark started fucking harder, becoming more obsessed with holding Jace after each passing second. Within a minute, Jace at pulled Mark’s wedding ring off and it bounced loosely on Jace’s finger. It was a kink for Jace, to take that piece of fidelity and promise and have it transfer to him. It was a signal to the man he was with that he was doing wrong, and specifically that Jace was enjoying it. Mark was already sweating and he could feel his orgasm building inside him. There was no one like Jace, regardless that Alice Avenue had the pick choice of many of them. However Jace was different, the body, the face, the fact that he never wanted money for his ass like so many others did. He was purely about sex, bareback sex that is. Mark knew he was risking things by putting his dick in this slut, he just couldn’t control himself. Jace sucked on his cigarette, the smell of Mark’s saliva all over his face mixing with that sweet tobacco that he spewed from his month, was heaven. He grunted and moaned in a muted manner. Jace liked wild, extreme, out of control sex. This was cramped, muted, and fairly boring. He kissed Mark back when Mark kissed him, but it meant nothing, he felt nothing, he just craved Mark’s load. “Gimme those fucking babies,” Jace grunted, again using that imagery of breeding and baby making as a strong reference to what Mark should have been doing with his wife. It pained Mark for a moment but he felt it sink in, seeing Jace twirling his gold band on his fingers, that reminder of infidelity with every glimpse. Mark continued to grunt until he blew. He grabbed Jace’s hair and pulled his head back in a reaction, stretching Jace’s neck to the limit. That felt good for Jace. A reactionary yet more forceful move, gave him great pleasure. Marked pulled out of Jace’s loose hole and Jace sprung into action. Before Mark had a chance to zip up, Jace slammed his cigarette into the car’s carpet right near one of the seat clips, pulling Mark by the hips and getting that dick that just pulled out of his cummy ass directly into his mouth. Jace turned from a fairly passive slut to a psychotic animal in seconds. His breathing intensified a hundred fold, desperate to taste his own ass on this man’s dick. Jace craved ass to mouth. He had barely ever had a fuck where he didn’t get that wet dick in his mouth as soon as it pulled out of him. It felt so beautiful, so dirty, so fucked, he loved it. Mark’s partially limp dick started to harden. Jace’s hands, tongue, mouth, were working in overtime. It was like Mark’s dick was coated in a drug that Jace couldn’t get enough from. Mark gave in to the wildness that Jace was portraying. “You’re a sick little fuck boy aren’t you?” He asked, in a more commanding tone. Jace nodded, and Mark couldn’t see anything but the whites of his eyes. Jace was in a trance. Mark felt him making him harder than the first time, Jace’s panting increasing harder and harder, sweat beads dripping down his face. Mark’s hands were drawn down Jace’s extremely boney spine, feeling every bump and groove below his skin. Jace was going crazy on his dick, as Mark was being put into ecstasy from touching this fuck toy. Jace pulled himself back, pulling Mark to lay flat, and jumping on his dick and began to ride it in the car. The SUV started shaking back and forth as Jace seemed to have left reality. He was slamming himself up and down, totally soaking wet, eyes still rolled completely into the back of his head, with Mark’s hands attempting to grab any piece of his perfect flesh. Jace was slamming himself down so hard on Mark it actually started to hurt as Jace’s boney ass slammed Mark’s pelvis. Then Jace pulled off again, maniacally attacking Mark’s ass coated dick. Jace was becoming more animalistic every second. He pulled off Mark’s dick, slamming his mouth into Mark’s. Jace whispered as he kissed him hard, “Taste my own ass and cum on my lips and remember how good it tastes when you go home to your family you fuck,”. Guilt and shame flooded Mark for a brief moment until he let go and let Jace just play with him. His ring was still dangling around Jace’s finger. Jace went back and forth, riding Mark for a few seconds, ass to mouthing his dick, and making out. The whole scene felt like the beats of a club techno song. It continued to build in intensity, increasing in its frequency of Jace changing his positions. Mark really didn’t see Jace anymore, he just saw a slut, he saw an addict. He saw a devil. “Wish your wife could see you now”, Jace was mumbling as he sucked Mark’s dick. He knew how to sprinkle in guilt and pleasure so well, it was like he was born for it. And Mark couldn’t stop himself. He started moaning in the indicative way that he was going to cum again and Jace jumped on his dick, straddling himself with his hands to the ceiling of the SUV, slamming himself down on Mark’s dick with absolute insane pushes that seemed otherworldly and possessed. Mark screamed as his orgasm felt as if it was a thousand times greater than the last one, the SUV rocking so incredibly hard from the outside it was almost comical. Jace screamed as the cum shot through him hard. While Mark screamed like someone having an orgasm, a scream of relief and pleasure, Jace screamed like an animal. It was a primal, visceral scream, like a wild demon poured out of his mouth and he kept that same single scream going for several seconds to the shock on Mark’s face. And then it was done. Jace dropped the wedding ring right in front of Mark, pulling himself off him and swinging the door open on the SUV to the outside world. Smokes, lighter, and shorts in hand, Jace’s skeleton body jumped out the car door in just his shoes, onto the street, where there a bit of a crowd of the whore twinks that cruised the street that had gathered to see why the SUV had almost capsized. Jace picked his foot up and kicked the door shut, closing Mark off from view of the twinks, although most of them knew him and had slept with him. Before the door latched, Jaced quietly muttered, “And now back to your family”. Jace stepped into his shorts in front of the crowd and as he pulled them up he slid two fingers along his crack, picking up a nice gob of cum. He walked towards his bike, which meant walking past a fem blonde twink wearing tight white shorts and a black crop top. He swung his hand up and sensually placed the cum all over the twink’s lips, then slammed his own lips in the twink’s, using his tongue to press Mark’s cum and his ass juices into the twink’s mouth. Pulling away just as quickly he let his eyes quickly tantalize the twink, saying “Cheating cum always tastes sweeter baby”. He brushed passed the somewhat stunned twink, started up his loud cycle, lit a cigarette, shoving it in the corner of his mouth, and in a plume of thick heavy black smoke, cruised out of the parking spot down the street. Jace had cruised Alice Avenue for a while and he was getting tired. Tonight solidified that while he still knew how to get himself turned on, he needed so much more. He needed to feel darker, more immoral, more crazy, more uncontrollable, uninhibited, as he continued to delve deeper down this rabbit hole of hell he was addicted to. Hopefully, Sarah Palin’s Harem would be a step in the direction he wanted and needed.
  20. 1. Condoms. Instantly stop watching. 2. Pulling out. My fucking gawd stop this shit. It's the least realistic. No real top wants to pull out. No real bottom wants those raw loads in the small of his back or on his ass cheek. Also, and others have said it here.. Can we get some more unprotected cruising, bathhouse, back alley nasty stuff? Like we need to continue to inspire more and more twinks to the beauty of being a total bareback slut. I mean it. The more porn shows the beauty of letting go and being used, the more have the chance to get into the lifestyle.
  21. I have a high volume of men breeding me weekly already but yes there are sometimes I'm so insatiable it becomes my very reason for living at that moment. Those times I'm just rabid for cock in any way and I greatly increase the number of men in offering my ass to daily. I totally get it.
  22. Took the words right out of my mouth
  23. I really don't say anything in a dark room unless I'm spoken to. Once I start being groped and attention paid to me my ass naturally moves in the proper position and they enter me. I would be disgusted if a condom was ever used since I have a no condom track record but luckily that's never happened that I can tell. I am there as an object. To pleasure them and to take their loads. That is my purpose. They should be able to do what they want with me.
  24. i'll drink piss from anyone, and have had some pretty highly populated sex parties with a good 10-12 pissing in me. While I will drink it, i prefer to be pissed in my ass, thats def my favorite.
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