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Everything posted by h2d2

  1. Works for me!
  2. I enjoy immensely being that faggot-slut. But I also gain satisfaction from taking home several loads in my arse. Ultimately it's my tops' decision on how to deliver their cum. Whatever pleases them pleases me. No therapy required!
  3. And "internet years" for the age group question, I'll wager.
  4. Well played so far. You are on the right path, being true to yourself. Top, bottom, verse - you will find your place...
  5. You're almost there. Cum dripping out of your arse onto the tiled floor will complete the picture.
  6. Often the best kind of encounter. Only problem is they leave you wanting more with little prospect of getting it.
  7. Hand sanitiser - no problem; condom - no way.
  8. After going on PrEP: Sex drive - no appreciable change Sex life - improved. Less fear, greater spontaneity, able to indulge my darkroom cumdump tendencies.
  9. You invited him home so he knows your address - then he's found your phone number without you giving it to him, he's invited other people to your home without your knowledge, he's pimping you out without your permission... if you are fine with it then no problem. But if it were me I'd feel things were out of control.
  10. I enjoyed reading this but there is an undercurrent of menace, like you have gone too deep already.
  11. I think PEP involves an additional drug and stronger doses than PrEP so possibly not.
  12. Best practice safe sex as recommended by health authorities involves condoms (which can break or be compromised) and PrEP (which only protects against HIV). Reality, of course, is that many will gladly risk "other" STIs for the thrill of bareback, using PrEP to stay neg.
  13. To me, that isn't stealthing, but hot nonetheless.
  14. Sydney City Steam 357 Sussex St. Check their web site for times, costs, parties. Towel free afternoon/night is good fun especially in the dark room.
  15. Oral? Don't cum inside? I think you got exactly what you wanted all along. Stuff the missus
  16. All of the above, but especially - being taken doggie, reaching between my legs and fondling his balls, feeling them pushing right up against my arse cheeks; if I've already got a load in, feeling it ooze out between strokes and running down my nuts; when he cums and pulls out, maybe catching a drop or two dripping off his cock; and then fingering my hole to find that warm silky semen around my hole, finger lickin good!
  17. I go through those same emotions every week...
  18. After 15 months on PrEP my eGFR was fluctuating between 58 - 63 and I went off it for 3 months. eGFR recovered to ~73. I went back on PrEP and it dropped again, hovering around the 60 mark, however I stayed on PrEP but had some scans to check for possible pre-existing renal conditions or damage. All good. Eventually I had a proper GFR test. My estimated GFR on that day was 63; actual was 84. All other health indications are good (excellent blood pressure) so I've been given the ok to stay on PrEP (with 3-monthly kidney bloods). During this process one of the PrEP specialists remarked that the protocol required a minimum eGFR of 60 prior to going on PrEP; they knew most people's eGFR would take a hit of 5-15 points when starting PrEP. My eGFR is also all over the place - I've had a low of 57 and high of 70 when on PrEP, but too few readings before I started to know if that's "normal" for me. Definitely not being properly hydrated is a factor in some of my low readings, but after all is IS just an estimate and the specialist I saw said it can vary by the hour.
  19. Agreed, been there done that. I was only wondering if the "slip off" might have been deliberate but obviously not in this case. Thanks for the great post by the way
  20. Just curious - where did the condom that "slipped off" go?
  21. I often go there weekday afternoons. Usually get a load or two.
  22. I've been on PrEP for two and a half years, with a three month break after just over a year because my eGFR dropped below the threshold 60. It picked up once I stopped PrEP and I went back on. I'm being closely monitored and estimated GFR is still hovering around 57-65. Have just completed a measured GFR test to give a better indication of actual kidney function and will have a consultation with the specialists in a few weeks. End result result may be that I go off PrEP or at least change from daily to on demand. I have no desire to be poz but also no desire to wreck my kidneys. And a strong desire for loads in my arse. Hopefully there will be a more kidney-friendly, affordable alternative to Truvada approved before too long.
  23. On-demand PrEP fail reported: https://www.smh.com.au/healthcare/in-complete-shock-sydney-man-contracts-hiv-despite-taking-prep-drug-20190321-p5165z.html
  24. That's the trouble with the younger generation - no stamina ?
  25. I'm 60 and on PrEP with monitoring of my kidney function. For me the difference is I can stop taking PrEP any time I want to, or have to due to side effects, whereas once you are poz you basically have no choice - even if the meds are less toxic, you have to keep taking them.
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